Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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So coincidentally in the same two week stretch, we go from a muslim member in congress denouncing Israel, and democrats receiving backlash. To a large massacre of muslims in a foreign country, and overwhelming support for Islam. With the shooter citing Trump and Candace Owens in his manifesto. Not an American but an Australian citing not only Americans but an African American women. Now the rhetoric shifts back to white nationals and Trump perpetuating this. Im not a big conspiracy guy, but these events just seem so coincidental now a days.
Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!

This post and this thread are examples of how these murders occur.

My God people. Who ARE you?

No they are not examples of how these murders occur.

Your thread title is that EVERYONE has to stop the Anti-Muslim comments, so you expect now that EVERYONE to become Pro-Muslim and Pro-Islam and NOT to be critical of Muslims or Islam? WTF?! The answer is NO and NO.
I can't speak to how things are where you live, but in the US, there is no reason for such blind hatred of Islam. There are terrorists who kill in the name of Allah, and they can all go to hell as far as I'm concerned and I hope they do. They are the people we can be charged up about. Not the millions of Muslims who live in the US peacefully, respecting our secular laws.
So, here hate speech against Muslims which is blind and incendiary and stereotypes all Muslims as being evil and violent is just plain not accurate and it IS dangerous to feed that hate with more hate speech. Look what it caused, Lucy, people praying getting shot dead by a guy who no doubt spent LOTS of time on social media, glorying in the rhetoric, feeling pretty big and powerful with all that pumped up language of power.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

"Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too?"

We also have the Leftist Mantra that when Muslims slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets most who are White that this is to be expected and is punishment for Western nations fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan etc. There is a general Muslim Fetish and Black Fetish within Leftism, they do NOT give a CRAP about their fellow Whites who they HATE and see as a symbol of Repression. There is a Leftist member here the latest eg they posted a thread about the plane crash in Africa that killed 180 Africans, that same Leftist NEVER would have posted the SAME thread IF it was NOT involving Africans, IF it was 180 WHITES killed in a plane crash in America or England or New Zealand or Hungary for example there would NOT have been a thread posted.

So with Leftists Black Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, ANY Non-Christian Lives Matter etc and White Lives Just Die Off Faster Already You White Devils.
So coincidentally in the same two week stretch, we go from a muslim member in congress denouncing Israel, and democrats receiving backlash. To a large massacre of muslims in a foreign country, and overwhelming support for Islam. With the shooter citing Trump and Candace Owens in his manifesto. Not an American but an Australian citing not only Americans but an African American women. Now the rhetoric shifts back to white nationals and Trump perpetuating this. Im not a big conspiracy guy, but these events just seem so coincidental now a days.
I read in an early report on this that the terrorist said he spent seven years travelling the world. I wonder how much of it he spent here. I hope none, but probably, considering all the US references, he did and he found people happy to radicalize him.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

"Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too?"

We also have the Leftist Mantra that when Muslims slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets most who are White that this is to be expected and is punishment for Western nations fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan etc. There is a general Muslim Fetish and Black Fetish within Leftism, they do NOT give a CRAP about their fellow Whites who they HATE and see as a symbol of Repression. There is a Leftist member here the latest eg they posted a thread about the plane crash in African that killed 180 Africans a thread about that was posted by a Leftist, that same Leftist NEVER would have posted the SAME thread IF it was NOT involving Africans.

So with Leftists Black Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, ANY Non-Christian Lives Matter etc and White Lives Just Die Off Faster Already You White Devils.
Do you get my point or not?
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


This is a culture war, brought on by progressive idiots like yourself. Don’t get mad when “the other side” fights back.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Nope, I want no part of your communist hell.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

"Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too?"

We also have the Leftist Mantra that when Muslims slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets most who are White that this is to be expected and is punishment for Western nations fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan etc. There is a general Muslim Fetish and Black Fetish within Leftism, they do NOT give a CRAP about their fellow Whites who they HATE and see as a symbol of Repression. There is a Leftist member here the latest eg they posted a thread about the plane crash in African that killed 180 Africans a thread about that was posted by a Leftist, that same Leftist NEVER would have posted the SAME thread IF it was NOT involving Africans.

So with Leftists Black Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, ANY Non-Christian Lives Matter etc and White Lives Just Die Off Faster Already You White Devils.
Do you get my point or not?

Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

"Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too?"

We also have the Leftist Mantra that when Muslims slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets most who are White that this is to be expected and is punishment for Western nations fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan etc. There is a general Muslim Fetish and Black Fetish within Leftism, they do NOT give a CRAP about their fellow Whites who they HATE and see as a symbol of Repression. There is a Leftist member here the latest eg they posted a thread about the plane crash in African that killed 180 Africans a thread about that was posted by a Leftist, that same Leftist NEVER would have posted the SAME thread IF it was NOT involving Africans.

So with Leftists Black Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, ANY Non-Christian Lives Matter etc and White Lives Just Die Off Faster Already You White Devils.
Do you get my point or not?

Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic
Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

"Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too?"

We also have the Leftist Mantra that when Muslims slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets most who are White that this is to be expected and is punishment for Western nations fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan etc. There is a general Muslim Fetish and Black Fetish within Leftism, they do NOT give a CRAP about their fellow Whites who they HATE and see as a symbol of Repression. There is a Leftist member here the latest eg they posted a thread about the plane crash in African that killed 180 Africans a thread about that was posted by a Leftist, that same Leftist NEVER would have posted the SAME thread IF it was NOT involving Africans.

So with Leftists Black Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, ANY Non-Christian Lives Matter etc and White Lives Just Die Off Faster Already You White Devils.
Do you get my point or not?

Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

The Atlantic? BAHAHA NOBODY and I mean NOBODY should ever take that propaganda mill serious.
Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

"Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too?"

We also have the Leftist Mantra that when Muslims slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets most who are White that this is to be expected and is punishment for Western nations fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan etc. There is a general Muslim Fetish and Black Fetish within Leftism, they do NOT give a CRAP about their fellow Whites who they HATE and see as a symbol of Repression. There is a Leftist member here the latest eg they posted a thread about the plane crash in African that killed 180 Africans a thread about that was posted by a Leftist, that same Leftist NEVER would have posted the SAME thread IF it was NOT involving Africans.

So with Leftists Black Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, ANY Non-Christian Lives Matter etc and White Lives Just Die Off Faster Already You White Devils.
Do you get my point or not?

Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic
Adam Sewer is an idiot. His last name pretty much says it all.
Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

"Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too?"

We also have the Leftist Mantra that when Muslims slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets most who are White that this is to be expected and is punishment for Western nations fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan etc. There is a general Muslim Fetish and Black Fetish within Leftism, they do NOT give a CRAP about their fellow Whites who they HATE and see as a symbol of Repression. There is a Leftist member here the latest eg they posted a thread about the plane crash in African that killed 180 Africans a thread about that was posted by a Leftist, that same Leftist NEVER would have posted the SAME thread IF it was NOT involving Africans.

So with Leftists Black Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, ANY Non-Christian Lives Matter etc and White Lives Just Die Off Faster Already You White Devils.
Do you get my point or not?

Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

Leftists in general DO blame ALL Conservatives and ALL Christians with the Guilt By Association thing we have had this MANY times at this forum in MANY threads.
Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

"Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too?"

We also have the Leftist Mantra that when Muslims slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets most who are White that this is to be expected and is punishment for Western nations fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan etc. There is a general Muslim Fetish and Black Fetish within Leftism, they do NOT give a CRAP about their fellow Whites who they HATE and see as a symbol of Repression. There is a Leftist member here the latest eg they posted a thread about the plane crash in African that killed 180 Africans a thread about that was posted by a Leftist, that same Leftist NEVER would have posted the SAME thread IF it was NOT involving Africans.

So with Leftists Black Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, ANY Non-Christian Lives Matter etc and White Lives Just Die Off Faster Already You White Devils.
Do you get my point or not?

Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

What a BS piece, the fools labeled any shooter that was white a right wing extremist.

Horseshit article
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

"Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too?"

We also have the Leftist Mantra that when Muslims slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets most who are White that this is to be expected and is punishment for Western nations fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan etc. There is a general Muslim Fetish and Black Fetish within Leftism, they do NOT give a CRAP about their fellow Whites who they HATE and see as a symbol of Repression. There is a Leftist member here the latest eg they posted a thread about the plane crash in African that killed 180 Africans a thread about that was posted by a Leftist, that same Leftist NEVER would have posted the SAME thread IF it was NOT involving Africans.

So with Leftists Black Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, ANY Non-Christian Lives Matter etc and White Lives Just Die Off Faster Already You White Devils.
Do you get my point or not?

Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

The Atlantic? BAHAHA NOBODY and I mean NOBODY should ever take that propaganda mill serious.

The Atlantic is ONE of the propaganda publications of The International Globalists.
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

"Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too?"

We also have the Leftist Mantra that when Muslims slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets most who are White that this is to be expected and is punishment for Western nations fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan etc. There is a general Muslim Fetish and Black Fetish within Leftism, they do NOT give a CRAP about their fellow Whites who they HATE and see as a symbol of Repression. There is a Leftist member here the latest eg they posted a thread about the plane crash in African that killed 180 Africans a thread about that was posted by a Leftist, that same Leftist NEVER would have posted the SAME thread IF it was NOT involving Africans.

So with Leftists Black Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, ANY Non-Christian Lives Matter etc and White Lives Just Die Off Faster Already You White Devils.
Do you get my point or not?

Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

Leftists in general DO blame ALL Conservatives and ALL Christians with the Guilt By Association thing we have had this MANY times at this forum in MANY threads.

On this forum you have a lot of right wing extemists who take pleasure in Muslims being murdered, we've seen it today and not enough of the wingnuts are calling them out.

I have not seen any Christian group be murdered int he news and then Liberals here laughing, promoting or otherwise wishing more were killed. You're simply full of shit.
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

"Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too?"

We also have the Leftist Mantra that when Muslims slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets most who are White that this is to be expected and is punishment for Western nations fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan etc. There is a general Muslim Fetish and Black Fetish within Leftism, they do NOT give a CRAP about their fellow Whites who they HATE and see as a symbol of Repression. There is a Leftist member here the latest eg they posted a thread about the plane crash in African that killed 180 Africans a thread about that was posted by a Leftist, that same Leftist NEVER would have posted the SAME thread IF it was NOT involving Africans.

So with Leftists Black Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, ANY Non-Christian Lives Matter etc and White Lives Just Die Off Faster Already You White Devils.
Do you get my point or not?

Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

What a BS piece, the fools labeled any shooter that was white a right wing extremist.

Horseshit article

Quote what part of the article you're referring to.
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

"Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too?"

We also have the Leftist Mantra that when Muslims slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets most who are White that this is to be expected and is punishment for Western nations fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan etc. There is a general Muslim Fetish and Black Fetish within Leftism, they do NOT give a CRAP about their fellow Whites who they HATE and see as a symbol of Repression. There is a Leftist member here the latest eg they posted a thread about the plane crash in African that killed 180 Africans a thread about that was posted by a Leftist, that same Leftist NEVER would have posted the SAME thread IF it was NOT involving Africans.

So with Leftists Black Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, ANY Non-Christian Lives Matter etc and White Lives Just Die Off Faster Already You White Devils.
Do you get my point or not?

Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

What a BS piece, the fools labeled any shooter that was white a right wing extremist.

Horseshit article

To that crowd though ALL Whites who are NOT Leftists ARE extremists and ALL Christians ARE extremists and THIS from a crowd who HATE Jesus Christ and are Athiest so who cares what they vomit? Not me. Fuck them back to Hell where they were spawned.
"Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too?"

We also have the Leftist Mantra that when Muslims slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets most who are White that this is to be expected and is punishment for Western nations fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan etc. There is a general Muslim Fetish and Black Fetish within Leftism, they do NOT give a CRAP about their fellow Whites who they HATE and see as a symbol of Repression. There is a Leftist member here the latest eg they posted a thread about the plane crash in African that killed 180 Africans a thread about that was posted by a Leftist, that same Leftist NEVER would have posted the SAME thread IF it was NOT involving Africans.

So with Leftists Black Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, ANY Non-Christian Lives Matter etc and White Lives Just Die Off Faster Already You White Devils.
Do you get my point or not?

Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

The Atlantic? BAHAHA NOBODY and I mean NOBODY should ever take that propaganda mill serious.

The Atlantic is ONE of the propaganda publications of The International Globalists.

^nutty conspiracy theorist
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