Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


This event today happened in New Zealand by an Australian national, has nothing to do with American politics at all.

Although, you do have a point. But the Muslims need to participate in this as well. Calypso Louis and other leading muslims need to apologize for their invasion of Spain, their siege of Vienna, their sack of Constantinople and their murder of the Greek patriarch. They aren't blameless either. That would be the decent thing to do. Get out there are start apologizing, quit calling our people heretics, bring in LGBTQ+ individuals to serve as Mullahs and Ayatollahs, etc
Leftists in general DO blame ALL Conservatives and ALL Christians with the Guilt By Association thing we have had this MANY times at this forum in MANY threads.

On this forum you have a lot of right wing extemists who take pleasure in Muslims being murdered, we've seen it today and not enough of the wingnuts are calling them out.

I have not seen any Christian group be murdered int he news and then Liberals here laughing, promoting or otherwise wishing more were killed. You're simply full of shit.

Nobody is taking PLEASURE in ANYONE being murdered, but the situation is who cares? WHY are these Muslims so special, WHY are we being told in the OP that we ALL now have to STOP being Anti-Muslim and Anti-Islam?

Yeah, there have been quite a few posters who took joy in the news. I care about victims of terrorism whether they are Christian, Atheist or Muslim. You apparently want to quantify how much attention they get by their religion.

Anyway, 49 people were murdered today in an act of terrorism. Terrorism, something we want to get rid of regardless of who it is perpetuated on or by who. That's why we care.

So how many Leftists were crying and posting threads when for eg. 21 Coptic Christians were slaughtered by beheading by the ISIS Devils? I have been at this forum a long time and NOT only did I NOT see ONE thread where Leftists were crying about the above act of barbaric terrorism in the name of Islam, in the name of Allah but I have NEVER seen ONE thread where Leftists have been crying about the murder of Christians BUT some Muslims get shot up and the Leftists are crying like they are going for an Olympic Gold Medal in Crying.

2015 kidnapping and beheading of Copts in Libya - Wikipedia

I have no idea how many threads. Usually if there isn't a disagreement between the right and left there isn't a lot of traffic here. So, for example since the liberal members here are against all terrorism they wouldn't be promoting the deaths of anyone including Christians. Where as the right....it's complicated.

See how that backfired on you?

No it did not backfire on me. There were ZERO threads.
Do you get my point or not?

Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

Leftists in general DO blame ALL Conservatives and ALL Christians with the Guilt By Association thing we have had this MANY times at this forum in MANY threads.

On this forum you have a lot of right wing extemists who take pleasure in Muslims being murdered, we've seen it today and not enough of the wingnuts are calling them out.

I have not seen any Christian group be murdered int he news and then Liberals here laughing, promoting or otherwise wishing more were killed. You're simply full of shit.

What IS a Right-Wing Extremist exactly? Leftists and The International Globalists who Leftists shill for on The Internet consider Right-Wing Extremism:

Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

So WTF IS a Right-Wing Extremist when we have such RIDICULOUS examples given and being INSISTED by The International Globalists and their Leftist little dog shills on The Internet?

Right-Wing Extremist is the way Progs try to "other" and dehumanize normal people who live by traditional, bourgeois values. It is a way of demonizing and intimidating decent people so that don't challenge the destruction of our society.
Do you get my point or not?

Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

Leftists in general DO blame ALL Conservatives and ALL Christians with the Guilt By Association thing we have had this MANY times at this forum in MANY threads.

On this forum you have a lot of right wing extemists who take pleasure in Muslims being murdered, we've seen it today and not enough of the wingnuts are calling them out.

I have not seen any Christian group be murdered int he news and then Liberals here laughing, promoting or otherwise wishing more were killed. You're simply full of shit.

What IS a Right-Wing Extremist exactly? Leftists and The International Globalists who Leftists shill for on The Internet consider Right-Wing Extremism:

Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

So WTF IS a Right-Wing Extremist when we have such RIDICULOUS examples given and being INSISTED by The International Globalists and their Leftist little dog shills on The Internet?

I think when you commit terrorist attacks or promote them for right wing causes makes you a right wing terrorist. I know you want me to tell you that all Christians are terrorists or whatever but I'm not wanting to walk down that crazy f'd up road with you.
Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

Leftists in general DO blame ALL Conservatives and ALL Christians with the Guilt By Association thing we have had this MANY times at this forum in MANY threads.

On this forum you have a lot of right wing extemists who take pleasure in Muslims being murdered, we've seen it today and not enough of the wingnuts are calling them out.

I have not seen any Christian group be murdered int he news and then Liberals here laughing, promoting or otherwise wishing more were killed. You're simply full of shit.

What IS a Right-Wing Extremist exactly? Leftists and The International Globalists who Leftists shill for on The Internet consider Right-Wing Extremism:

Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

So WTF IS a Right-Wing Extremist when we have such RIDICULOUS examples given and being INSISTED by The International Globalists and their Leftist little dog shills on The Internet?

Right-Wing Extremist is the way Progs try to "other" and dehumanize normal people who live by traditional, bourgeois values. It is a way of demonizing and intimidating decent people so that don't challenge the destruction of our society.

Give me an example.
'Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk'

Democrats introduced a bill to officially go on record to rebuke one of their own members for their anti-Semitic comments, having publicly done so twice already. Defenders of their anti-Semitic fellow party members hijacked that simple bill condemning anti-Semitism and turned it into a bill designed to protect them instead. The anti-Semite who was initially being rebuked even got to author the changes to the bill. What came out as a result was the same message the OP attempts to make:

'Time to stop the *Anti-Muslim talk' (code, in the bill's case, for 'Time To Stop Condemnation of Anti-Semitic Speech').

It turned into a much larger bill condemning all bigotry including antisemitism. Maybe next time all the Republicans will join in like the Democrats. How long did it take the GOP to condemn Steve King?

Years and years...
Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

Leftists in general DO blame ALL Conservatives and ALL Christians with the Guilt By Association thing we have had this MANY times at this forum in MANY threads.

On this forum you have a lot of right wing extemists who take pleasure in Muslims being murdered, we've seen it today and not enough of the wingnuts are calling them out.

I have not seen any Christian group be murdered int he news and then Liberals here laughing, promoting or otherwise wishing more were killed. You're simply full of shit.

What IS a Right-Wing Extremist exactly? Leftists and The International Globalists who Leftists shill for on The Internet consider Right-Wing Extremism:

Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

So WTF IS a Right-Wing Extremist when we have such RIDICULOUS examples given and being INSISTED by The International Globalists and their Leftist little dog shills on The Internet?

I think when you commit terrorist attacks or promote them for right wing causes makes you a right wing terrorist. I know you want me to tell you that all Christians are terrorists or whatever but I'm not wanting to walk down that crazy f'd up road with you.

What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.
Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.
You're right.

It's all the other side's fault. It's all on them.
You're right.

It's all the other side's fault. It's all on them.
Again, liar.
I didn't claim that at all.
It is not " both sides" in any way.
There is no fear mongering on the left that could ever be compared to that on the right.

Your false equivalency is dumb.
Yeah, right winger Churchill was jeered and laughed at for saying Hitler was a threat...….until he was proven right.
Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

Leftists in general DO blame ALL Conservatives and ALL Christians with the Guilt By Association thing we have had this MANY times at this forum in MANY threads.

On this forum you have a lot of right wing extemists who take pleasure in Muslims being murdered, we've seen it today and not enough of the wingnuts are calling them out.

I have not seen any Christian group be murdered int he news and then Liberals here laughing, promoting or otherwise wishing more were killed. You're simply full of shit.

What IS a Right-Wing Extremist exactly? Leftists and The International Globalists who Leftists shill for on The Internet consider Right-Wing Extremism:

Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

So WTF IS a Right-Wing Extremist when we have such RIDICULOUS examples given and being INSISTED by The International Globalists and their Leftist little dog shills on The Internet?

I think when you commit terrorist attacks or promote them for right wing causes makes you a right wing terrorist. I know you want me to tell you that all Christians are terrorists or whatever but I'm not wanting to walk down that crazy f'd up road with you.

What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.

So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?
Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

Leftists in general DO blame ALL Conservatives and ALL Christians with the Guilt By Association thing we have had this MANY times at this forum in MANY threads.

On this forum you have a lot of right wing extemists who take pleasure in Muslims being murdered, we've seen it today and not enough of the wingnuts are calling them out.

I have not seen any Christian group be murdered int he news and then Liberals here laughing, promoting or otherwise wishing more were killed. You're simply full of shit.
Muslims are slaughtering Christians every day around the world. Go to hell.

Extremists are, sure. These Muslims weren't. They were innocent and I'm tired of dealing with terrorist sympathizers.
It's Islam that's the problem. Sooner or later these muslims in New Zealand will become "extremist".
Do you get my point or not?

Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

Leftists in general DO blame ALL Conservatives and ALL Christians with the Guilt By Association thing we have had this MANY times at this forum in MANY threads.

On this forum you have a lot of right wing extemists who take pleasure in Muslims being murdered, we've seen it today and not enough of the wingnuts are calling them out.

I have not seen any Christian group be murdered int he news and then Liberals here laughing, promoting or otherwise wishing more were killed. You're simply full of shit.

What IS a Right-Wing Extremist exactly? Leftists and The International Globalists who Leftists shill for on The Internet consider Right-Wing Extremism:

Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

So WTF IS a Right-Wing Extremist when we have such RIDICULOUS examples given and being INSISTED by The International Globalists and their Leftist little dog shills on The Internet?
A right wing extremist would be someone like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, etc.
Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

Leftists in general DO blame ALL Conservatives and ALL Christians with the Guilt By Association thing we have had this MANY times at this forum in MANY threads.

On this forum you have a lot of right wing extemists who take pleasure in Muslims being murdered, we've seen it today and not enough of the wingnuts are calling them out.

I have not seen any Christian group be murdered int he news and then Liberals here laughing, promoting or otherwise wishing more were killed. You're simply full of shit.

What IS a Right-Wing Extremist exactly? Leftists and The International Globalists who Leftists shill for on The Internet consider Right-Wing Extremism:

Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

So WTF IS a Right-Wing Extremist when we have such RIDICULOUS examples given and being INSISTED by The International Globalists and their Leftist little dog shills on The Internet?

Right-Wing Extremist is the way Progs try to "other" and dehumanize normal people who live by traditional, bourgeois values. It is a way of demonizing and intimidating decent people so that don't challenge the destruction of our society.

Leftist SJWs think they can impose this poisonous Social Engineering on Western society and there is going to be NO violence, they THINK that ALL Whites should just sit down, STFU and go gently into the night and then WHEN someone goes off the edge they BLAME Whitey.
Leftists in general DO blame ALL Conservatives and ALL Christians with the Guilt By Association thing we have had this MANY times at this forum in MANY threads.

On this forum you have a lot of right wing extemists who take pleasure in Muslims being murdered, we've seen it today and not enough of the wingnuts are calling them out.

I have not seen any Christian group be murdered int he news and then Liberals here laughing, promoting or otherwise wishing more were killed. You're simply full of shit.

What IS a Right-Wing Extremist exactly? Leftists and The International Globalists who Leftists shill for on The Internet consider Right-Wing Extremism:

Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

So WTF IS a Right-Wing Extremist when we have such RIDICULOUS examples given and being INSISTED by The International Globalists and their Leftist little dog shills on The Internet?

I think when you commit terrorist attacks or promote them for right wing causes makes you a right wing terrorist. I know you want me to tell you that all Christians are terrorists or whatever but I'm not wanting to walk down that crazy f'd up road with you.

What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.

So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.
On this forum you have a lot of right wing extemists who take pleasure in Muslims being murdered, we've seen it today and not enough of the wingnuts are calling them out.

I have not seen any Christian group be murdered int he news and then Liberals here laughing, promoting or otherwise wishing more were killed. You're simply full of shit.

What IS a Right-Wing Extremist exactly? Leftists and The International Globalists who Leftists shill for on The Internet consider Right-Wing Extremism:

Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

So WTF IS a Right-Wing Extremist when we have such RIDICULOUS examples given and being INSISTED by The International Globalists and their Leftist little dog shills on The Internet?

I think when you commit terrorist attacks or promote them for right wing causes makes you a right wing terrorist. I know you want me to tell you that all Christians are terrorists or whatever but I'm not wanting to walk down that crazy f'd up road with you.

What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.

So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.
Exactly. Keep muslims in muslim lands. The Islamic agenda is world dominion and helping them move to non-muslim lands is playing right into their hands. The left is stupid.
On this forum you have a lot of right wing extemists who take pleasure in Muslims being murdered, we've seen it today and not enough of the wingnuts are calling them out.

I have not seen any Christian group be murdered int he news and then Liberals here laughing, promoting or otherwise wishing more were killed. You're simply full of shit.

What IS a Right-Wing Extremist exactly? Leftists and The International Globalists who Leftists shill for on The Internet consider Right-Wing Extremism:

Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

So WTF IS a Right-Wing Extremist when we have such RIDICULOUS examples given and being INSISTED by The International Globalists and their Leftist little dog shills on The Internet?

I think when you commit terrorist attacks or promote them for right wing causes makes you a right wing terrorist. I know you want me to tell you that all Christians are terrorists or whatever but I'm not wanting to walk down that crazy f'd up road with you.

What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.

So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.

Neat. I disagree.

Did you know that a right wing nut job gunned down 49 Muslims today?
What IS a Right-Wing Extremist exactly? Leftists and The International Globalists who Leftists shill for on The Internet consider Right-Wing Extremism:

Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

So WTF IS a Right-Wing Extremist when we have such RIDICULOUS examples given and being INSISTED by The International Globalists and their Leftist little dog shills on The Internet?

I think when you commit terrorist attacks or promote them for right wing causes makes you a right wing terrorist. I know you want me to tell you that all Christians are terrorists or whatever but I'm not wanting to walk down that crazy f'd up road with you.

What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.

So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.
Exactly. Keep muslims in muslim lands. The Islamic agenda is world dominion and helping them move to non-muslim lands is playing right into their hands. The left is stupid.

Have you guys given up on just all you hacks moving to Idaho and livng your days out there? Wasn't that a thing at one time or did I just want it to be?
Have you guys given up on just all you hacks moving to Idaho and livng your days out there? Wasn't that a thing at one time or did I just want it to be?
Why would AMERICANS abandon their country to our enemies and move to Idaho? Push too hard, and watch us push back. Don t poke a bear.
Have you guys given up on just all you hacks moving to Idaho and livng your days out there? Wasn't that a thing at one time or did I just want it to be?
Why would AMERICANS abandon their country to our enemies and move to Idaho? Push too hard, and watch us push back. Don t poke a bear.

As you guys age and die off you're already abandoning it so I just figure maybe you can spend the rest of your days together.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


GMAB. Muslims are bombing Christian churches all over the middle east yet the media is silent. I guess the media doesn't know which side is in the wrong the jihadist Muslims or the brown Christians being slaughtered. So spare us all the whining about white nationalist and islamophobia.
You really are retarded kid. Nobody "applauds" any of this.

Sure looks like they are...and NONE of you are condemning this horror.

Start a thread about condemning this heinous massacre, the thread that you started here is about speech.

Your thread title: Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

Your OP:

Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


You see? Your thread is not about condemning the Christchurch Massacre, it's about curbing speech.

Here's a clue: If someone takes the words of someone else and uses them as an excuse or motivation for committing horrific acts, that person has much deeper issues than you or I could imagine. The truth of the matter is, they would have latched onto anything to propel them towards the crime... even a neighbor's talking dog...
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What IS a Right-Wing Extremist exactly? Leftists and The International Globalists who Leftists shill for on The Internet consider Right-Wing Extremism:

Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

So WTF IS a Right-Wing Extremist when we have such RIDICULOUS examples given and being INSISTED by The International Globalists and their Leftist little dog shills on The Internet?

I think when you commit terrorist attacks or promote them for right wing causes makes you a right wing terrorist. I know you want me to tell you that all Christians are terrorists or whatever but I'm not wanting to walk down that crazy f'd up road with you.

What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.

So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.

Neat. I disagree.

Did you know that a right wing nut job gunned down 49 Muslims today?
So? There is a war going on. People get killed. Millions of civilians died in WWII.
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