Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.

So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.
Exactly. Keep muslims in muslim lands. The Islamic agenda is world dominion and helping them move to non-muslim lands is playing right into their hands. The left is stupid.

Have you guys given up on just all you hacks moving to Idaho and livng your days out there? Wasn't that a thing at one time or did I just want it to be?
Have you stopped playing with yourself or does your mommy do that for you?

Eww, you see in my family where we appreciate diversity, especially in the gene pool we don't do things like that. Maybe you should move out of the basement and into your own place.
So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.
Exactly. Keep muslims in muslim lands. The Islamic agenda is world dominion and helping them move to non-muslim lands is playing right into their hands. The left is stupid.

Have you guys given up on just all you hacks moving to Idaho and livng your days out there? Wasn't that a thing at one time or did I just want it to be?
Have you stopped playing with yourself or does your mommy do that for you?

Eww, you see in my family where we appreciate diversity, especially in the gene pool we don't do things like that. Maybe you should move out of the basement and into your own place.
Oh yeah, you appreciate "diversity". What is it about Islam that you admire?
What IS a Right-Wing Extremist exactly? Leftists and The International Globalists who Leftists shill for on The Internet consider Right-Wing Extremism:

Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

So WTF IS a Right-Wing Extremist when we have such RIDICULOUS examples given and being INSISTED by The International Globalists and their Leftist little dog shills on The Internet?

I think when you commit terrorist attacks or promote them for right wing causes makes you a right wing terrorist. I know you want me to tell you that all Christians are terrorists or whatever but I'm not wanting to walk down that crazy f'd up road with you.

What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.

So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.

Neat. I disagree.

Did you know that a right wing nut job gunned down 49 Muslims today?

The nutjobs are those idiots that allowed Muslim immigration to NZ. How stupid can you be to think it is a good thing to import asshole Muslims?

Just like the nutjobs here in the US are the Moon Bat idiots that want to allow tens of millions of welfare queens from Central America to flood into our country and sign up for welfare, load our school system with their shithead children, bring in drugs and commit crimes.

Then you have the Queen of the Idiots. Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to bring in a million Muslim refugees. How stupid was that? Thank god she lost.
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I think when you commit terrorist attacks or promote them for right wing causes makes you a right wing terrorist. I know you want me to tell you that all Christians are terrorists or whatever but I'm not wanting to walk down that crazy f'd up road with you.

What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.

So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.

Neat. I disagree.

Did you know that a right wing nut job gunned down 49 Muslims today?
So? There is a war going on. People get killed. Millions of civilians died in WWII.

That's why you guys need to go to Idaho and blow each other up. Terrorism is illegal here.
What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.

So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.

Neat. I disagree.

Did you know that a right wing nut job gunned down 49 Muslims today?
So? There is a war going on. People get killed. Millions of civilians died in WWII.

That's why you guys need to go to Idaho and blow each other up. Terrorism is illegal here.
Where do you live?
No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.
Exactly. Keep muslims in muslim lands. The Islamic agenda is world dominion and helping them move to non-muslim lands is playing right into their hands. The left is stupid.

Have you guys given up on just all you hacks moving to Idaho and livng your days out there? Wasn't that a thing at one time or did I just want it to be?
Have you stopped playing with yourself or does your mommy do that for you?

Eww, you see in my family where we appreciate diversity, especially in the gene pool we don't do things like that. Maybe you should move out of the basement and into your own place.
Oh yeah, you appreciate "diversity". What is it about Islam that you admire?

I'm an atheist, I don't get much out of any religion, I kind of think they are all quacks but to each their own.

I did specifically mention diversity in the gene pool, you're aware of this right? You understand that importance, right?
Exactly. Keep muslims in muslim lands. The Islamic agenda is world dominion and helping them move to non-muslim lands is playing right into their hands. The left is stupid.

Have you guys given up on just all you hacks moving to Idaho and livng your days out there? Wasn't that a thing at one time or did I just want it to be?
Have you stopped playing with yourself or does your mommy do that for you?

Eww, you see in my family where we appreciate diversity, especially in the gene pool we don't do things like that. Maybe you should move out of the basement and into your own place.
Oh yeah, you appreciate "diversity". What is it about Islam that you admire?

I'm an atheist, I don't get much out of any religion, I kind of think they are all quacks but to each their own.

I did specifically mention diversity in the gene pool, you're aware of this right? You understand that importance, right?
So why is it important to import muslim backwards misogynistic culture into western civilization for "diversity"?
I think when you commit terrorist attacks or promote them for right wing causes makes you a right wing terrorist. I know you want me to tell you that all Christians are terrorists or whatever but I'm not wanting to walk down that crazy f'd up road with you.

What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.

So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.

Neat. I disagree.

Did you know that a right wing nut job gunned down 49 Muslims today?

The nutjobs are those idiots that allowed Muslim immigration to NZ. How stupid can you be to think it is a good think to import asshole Muslims?

Those Muslims who didn't hurt anyone? Maybe New Zealand needs to keep a better eye on the Australians they let in after today.

Just like the nutjobs here in the US are the Moon Bat idiots that want to allow tens of millions of welfare queens from Central America to flood into our country and sign up for welfare, load our school system with their shithead children, bring in drugs and commit crimes.

Then you have the Queen of the Idiots. Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to bring in a million Muslim refugees. How stupid was that? Thank god she lost.

Maybe we should just throw all men in jail, I mean if you want to play to generalities.
So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.

Neat. I disagree.

Did you know that a right wing nut job gunned down 49 Muslims today?
So? There is a war going on. People get killed. Millions of civilians died in WWII.

That's why you guys need to go to Idaho and blow each other up. Terrorism is illegal here.
Where do you live?

Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

LOL it's not like those nice Muslims are actually sawing peoples heads off or anything.

Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

LOL it's not like those nice Muslims are actually sawing peoples heads off or anything.


It's pretty safe to say there were not sawing peoples heads off.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

LOL it's not like those nice Muslims are actually sawing peoples heads off or anything.


It's pretty safe to say there were not sawing peoples heads off.

It's also true that Muslims who follow the Quran saw peoples heads off to please Allah and get their virgins in heaven...…….………..

Agree or ESFOAD
No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.

Neat. I disagree.

Did you know that a right wing nut job gunned down 49 Muslims today?
So? There is a war going on. People get killed. Millions of civilians died in WWII.

That's why you guys need to go to Idaho and blow each other up. Terrorism is illegal here.
Where do you live?

Coward. You can't be honest because you've had muslim terrorist attacks in your neighborhood. Moron, punk ass.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

LOL it's not like those nice Muslims are actually sawing peoples heads off or anything.


It's pretty safe to say there were not sawing peoples heads off.
Diversity. Idiot.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

LOL it's not like those nice Muslims are actually sawing peoples heads off or anything.


It's pretty safe to say there were not sawing peoples heads off.

It's also true that Muslims who follow the Quran saw peoples heads off to please Allah and get their virgins in heaven...…….………..

Agree or ESFOAD

I don't agree to ESFOAD, have fun with that though.

I also don't really care whats in the Quran or the bible as they both are kind of fucked up.

Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?
Have you guys given up on just all you hacks moving to Idaho and livng your days out there? Wasn't that a thing at one time or did I just want it to be?
Why would AMERICANS abandon their country to our enemies and move to Idaho? Push too hard, and watch us push back. Don t poke a bear.

As you guys age and die off you're already abandoning it so I just figure maybe you can spend the rest of your days together.
Treasonous sob. You aren't in power anymore. Remember that!
What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.

So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.

Neat. I disagree.

Did you know that a right wing nut job gunned down 49 Muslims today?

The nutjobs are those idiots that allowed Muslim immigration to NZ. How stupid can you be to think it is a good think to import asshole Muslims?

Those Muslims who didn't hurt anyone? Maybe New Zealand needs to keep a better eye on the Australians they let in after today.

Just like the nutjobs here in the US are the Moon Bat idiots that want to allow tens of millions of welfare queens from Central America to flood into our country and sign up for welfare, load our school system with their shithead children, bring in drugs and commit crimes.

Then you have the Queen of the Idiots. Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to bring in a million Muslim refugees. How stupid was that? Thank god she lost.

Maybe we should just throw all men in jail, I mean if you want to play to generalities.

Just the assholes. Muslims are the assholes of the world nowadays.

Your inability to understand that speaks volumes of your Moon Bat stupidity.

Did you vote for Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to allow a million Muslim refugees to come to the US?

If you did you are a moron just like the morons that elected Obama who allowed eight years of uncontrolled Brown welfare immigration.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

LOL it's not like those nice Muslims are actually sawing peoples heads off or anything.


It's pretty safe to say there were not sawing peoples heads off.
Diversity. Idiot.

I think there are laws against sawing peoples heads off, maybe in Idaho you guys don't care about that sort of thing.
Have you guys given up on just all you hacks moving to Idaho and livng your days out there? Wasn't that a thing at one time or did I just want it to be?
Why would AMERICANS abandon their country to our enemies and move to Idaho? Push too hard, and watch us push back. Don t poke a bear.

As you guys age and die off you're already abandoning it so I just figure maybe you can spend the rest of your days together.
Treasonous sob. You aren't in power anymore. Remember that!

See? In Idaho people would give a fuck what you think.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

LOL it's not like those nice Muslims are actually sawing peoples heads off or anything.


It's pretty safe to say there were not sawing peoples heads off.

It's also true that Muslims who follow the Quran saw peoples heads off to please Allah and get their virgins in heaven...…….………..

Agree or ESFOAD

I don't agree to ESFOAD, have fun with that though.

I also don't really care whats in the Quran or the bible as they both are kind of fucked up.

Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?

You do not agree that people who saw peoples heads off, mutilate women and girls and those who help these acts of hate continue should ESFOAD

I will back this anywhere anytime

This is what the veil hides
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