Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!

This post and this thread are examples of how these murders occur.

My God people. Who ARE you?
The last hope for Western Civilization...
'Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk'

Democrats introduced a bill to officially go on record to rebuke one of their own members for their anti-Semitic comments, having publicly done so twice already. Defenders of their anti-Semitic fellow party members hijacked that simple bill condemning anti-Semitism and turned it into a bill designed to protect them instead. The anti-Semite who was initially being rebuked even got to author the changes to the bill. What came out as a result was the same message the OP attempts to make:

'Time to stop the *Anti-Muslim talk' (code, in the bill's case, for 'Time To Stop Condemnation of Anti-Semitic Speech').
I'm asking you a question. This thread is about stopping anti-Muslim talk in light of the recent terror attack and your reply went into screeching about hate speech from both sides. So, trying to get to the bottom of this and is very much on topic.

Are you ready to try to tackle this again?

EVENT: Terrorist attack on innocent Muslims
Side One: They deserved it, should be more, pretty much positive reviews of the attack
Side Two: We should stop hate speech

Again, where are both sides the same? Are there no similarities? When has Side Two ever advocated for any terrorist attack? How does your theory hold up in the face of this?

You're deflecting and my bet is you will do so again. Because your first post in this thread doesn't hold up and you've abandoned it.
He is deranged he’s not on here to learn or accept different opinions or views.. he’s a cry baby

As of yet neither you or Happy have shown that there is anything you can teach anyone.
Maybe you just know to much lol

Son you'd be shocked at how little you know.
Well why don’t you run for office save us all lol

Is that an attempt to be witty? You failed.
'Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk'

Democrats introduced a bill to officially go on record to rebuke one of their own members for their anti-Semitic comments, having publicly done so twice already. Defenders of their anti-Semitic fellow party members hijacked that simple bill condemning anti-Semitism and turned it into a bill designed to protect them instead. The anti-Semite who was initially being rebuked even got to author the changes to the bill. What came out as a result was the same message the OP attempts to make:

'Time to stop the *Anti-Muslim talk' (code, in the bill's case, for 'Time To Stop Condemnation of Anti-Semitic Speech').

It turned into a much larger bill condemning all bigotry including antisemitism. Maybe next time all the Republicans will join in like the Democrats. How long did it take the GOP to condemn Steve King?
I'm asking you a question. This thread is about stopping anti-Muslim talk in light of the recent terror attack and your reply went into screeching about hate speech from both sides. So, trying to get to the bottom of this and is very much on topic.

Are you ready to try to tackle this again?

EVENT: Terrorist attack on innocent Muslims
Side One: They deserved it, should be more, pretty much positive reviews of the attack
Side Two: We should stop hate speech

Again, where are both sides the same? Are there no similarities? When has Side Two ever advocated for any terrorist attack? How does your theory hold up in the face of this?

You're deflecting and my bet is you will do so again. Because your first post in this thread doesn't hold up and you've abandoned it.
He is deranged he’s not on here to learn or accept different opinions or views.. he’s a cry baby
I guess so. This is bizarre.

Mac, nobody is asking for you to pick a side. Be moderate, nothing inherently wrong with that. What you do though is just enter almost every thread with "both sides are the same, you're bo
I'm asking you a question. This thread is about stopping anti-Muslim talk in light of the recent terror attack and your reply went into screeching about hate speech from both sides. So, trying to get to the bottom of this and is very much on topic.

Are you ready to try to tackle this again?

EVENT: Terrorist attack on innocent Muslims
Side One: They deserved it, should be more, pretty much positive reviews of the attack
Side Two: We should stop hate speech

Again, where are both sides the same? Are there no similarities? When has Side Two ever advocated for any terrorist attack? How does your theory hold up in the face of this?

You're deflecting and my bet is you will do so again. Because your first post in this thread doesn't hold up and you've abandoned it.
He is deranged he’s not on here to learn or accept different opinions or views.. he’s a cry baby

As of yet neither you or Happy have shown that there is anything you can teach anyone.

Right back at ya', chief.

The difference honey is that unlike most of your side I don't take myself that seriously. It's an internet forum, nothing more.

I'm sorry, I should probably put more thought into this reply but I don't take you seriously and you agree.

Ironical ;). You made my point for me honey.
The difference between us is that you NEED the adulation of others. You yearn to be taken seriously. Me? This is but a game, nothing more.
The shooter's manifesto praised trump as a "symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose."

Let this sink in.

A US President is the inspiration of white terrorists around the world.

Let that sink in.

-Frank Schaeffer
He is deranged he’s not on here to learn or accept different opinions or views.. he’s a cry baby
I guess so. This is bizarre.

Mac, nobody is asking for you to pick a side. Be moderate, nothing inherently wrong with that. What you do though is just enter almost every thread with "both sides are the same, you're bo
He is deranged he’s not on here to learn or accept different opinions or views.. he’s a cry baby

As of yet neither you or Happy have shown that there is anything you can teach anyone.

Right back at ya', chief.

The difference honey is that unlike most of your side I don't take myself that seriously. It's an internet forum, nothing more.

I'm sorry, I should probably put more thought into this reply but I don't take you seriously and you agree.

Ironical ;). You made my point for me honey.
The difference between us is that you NEED the adulation of others. You yearn to be taken seriously. Me? This is but a game, nothing more.

Right I get it, I don't take you seriously and you've told me I shouldn't. Glad we cleared that up.
The shooter's manifesto praised trump as a "symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose."

Let this sink in.

A US President is the inspiration of white terrorists around the world.

Let that sink in.

-Frank Schaeffer

So, he was a liberal then.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Islam is a DEATH CULT. The followers of this cult need to be reprogrammed.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Islam is a DEATH CULT. The followers of this cult need to be reprogrammed.

Reprogrammed of course means death. So, the poster who calls himself 'Death Angel" wants to save the "Death Cult' with "Death". Did I get that right?
The shooter's manifesto praised trump as a "symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose."

Let this sink in.

A US President is the inspiration of white terrorists around the world.

Let that sink in.

-Frank Schaeffer

Why is White Identity bad but Black Identity is okay? We know it's because of the general Anti-White Fetish that Leftists have the Leftists who are White are Self-Hating White crippled with the Guilt Complex of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism to such an extreme they hate their OWN and think that by supporting the importation of X amount of Non-Whites into their nations they can hurry up White Demise, it is insanity the result of mental illness it is NOT NORMAL to be AGAINST your OWN and to whore for and lick the buttocks of ANYONE OPPOSITE your OWN.

Leftists WORSHIP and SUPPORT the Black Power thing which IS RACIST but the White Power thing makes the SAME Leftists shit their panties and SCREAM RACIST, you really ARE frightened of Awakened Whites aren't you? Of course you are. The situation is that Whites are NOT going to go gently into the night, so you have a problem, you will NEVER get what you want and that is the END of Whites and your Black Pets and Muslim Pets taking over. It is NOT going to happen. Period. So you Leftists should just give up all your Anti-White Fanaticism and begin to be Realists instead.
Reprogrammed of course means death. So, the poster who calls himself 'Death Angel" wants to save the "Death Cult' with "Death". Did I get that right?
You really shouldn't try this thinking thing on your own.

You of all people should understand the concept of reeducation centers.

I include sending tards in for reprogramming.
How long did it take the GOP to condemn Steve King?
I don't. Those who have are tard bootlickers.

Steve King commented that it was Whites who developed what we know as Western Civilisation and have preserved and protected Western Civilisation and that Blacks and Muslims have contributed either zero or minimal to the development of Western Civilisation and this is accurate and The Usual Suspects DEMANDED that he apologise and then be treated as a Social Pariah.

Rule I. NEVER APOLOGISE for ANYTHING EVER. Rule II. NEVER throw your OWN off the boat EVER.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.
Let's see here - Islamists want criticism of Islam to be forbidden. Lesh and other leftists want criticism of Islam to be forbidden.

Islamists want the right to attack any and all ideologies not their own Lesh and other leftists want the right to attack any and all ideologies not their own

Islamists accept the help of leftists until no longer needed, while Lesh and other leftists are happy to offer it even though they will be the first to go once they are no longer needed.

Am I missing anything here?
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Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

"Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too?"

The Leftists being hypocrites and devoid of EVERYTHING NORMAL, they have a different thing when it's a White or better a White Christian Male, you see then it is ALL Whites to blame the guilt being a White and it is ALL White Christian Males to blame the guilt by being a White Christian Male see eg of Timothy McVeigh and Dylan Roof.
Steve King commented that it was Whites who developed what we know as Western Civilisation and have preserved and protected Western Civilisation and that Blacks and Muslims have contributed either zero or minimal to the development of Western Civilisation and this is accurate and The Usual Suspects DEMANDED that he apologise and then be treated as a Social Pariah
Facts are facts. Tards are offended by reality.
Let's see here - Islamists want criticism of Islam to be forbidden. Lesh and other leftists want criticism of Islam to be forbidden.

Islamists want the right to attack any and all ideologies not their own Lesh and other leftists want the right to attack any and all ideologies not their own

Islamists accept the help of leftists until no longer needed, while Lest and other leftists are happy to offer it even though they will be the first to go once they are no longer needed.

Am I missing anything here?
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