Time to stuff the Turkey

Oct 26, 2017

Clinton State Department emails CONFIRM UNEQUIVOCALLY that she was involved in DIRECT lobbying efforts through a third party.


An email sent to Hillary Clinton during her tenure as secretary of state shows that government officials tried to pressure the Washington Post into suppressing details about a WikiLeaks cable that revealed information about the US cooperating with Turkey to share intelligence about Kurdish militants.

The message, released by the State Department on Wednesday in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by VICE News, was forwarded to Clinton on September 9, 2011. Cheryl Mills, Clinton's chief of staff at the State Department, passed along an email that had originally been sent to 14 State Department officials, including Mills.

"Despite our efforts, WaPo will proceed with its story on US-Turkey intel cooperation against PKK," the message said, referring to the Kurdistan Workers' Party. "They will not make redactions we requested so expect the Wikileaks cables to be published in full."

The message said other Clinton advisers had been briefed on the situation, and that the State Department was "working with EUR and NEA press, we're deploying guidance below, including our standing Wikileaks guidance." It ended by thanking others in the State Department for their work, and the line, "wish I had better news to share."

Email to Hillary Clinton Shows Effort to Quash Story About WikiLeaks and Turkey | VICE News

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