Time to Take Down the Rainbow Flag

Citizens may not use religious beliefs as an ‘excuse’ to ignore or violate a just and proper law. (Employment Division v. Smith)

Because state and local public accommodations laws are just, proper, and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause, no business owner’s religious liberty is being ‘violated,’ where such laws comport with the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.
Even if unelected judges support intolerance it is still intolerance.

Articles Moral Bullies and the Laws That Enable Them

“People are turning against the freedom-hating homosexual activist fanatics.”

No, people are turning against you and others who exhibit an unwarranted fear of gay Americans, they’re turning against your hate and bigotry.
Citizens may not use religious beliefs as an ‘excuse’ to ignore or violate a just and proper law. (Employment Division v. Smith)

Because state and local public accommodations laws are just, proper, and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause, no business owner’s religious liberty is being ‘violated,’ where such laws comport with the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.
Even if unelected judges support intolerance it is still intolerance.

Articles Moral Bullies and the Laws That Enable Them
I would rather have an unelected judge than an elected one

They are beholden to no one
If one must go so should the other. The bullying I have experienced due to my traditional marriage views, has been relentless. Sadly our country's real history isn't taught by many of our educational institutions.
Citizens may not use religious beliefs as an ‘excuse’ to ignore or violate a just and proper law. (Employment Division v. Smith)

Because state and local public accommodations laws are just, proper, and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause, no business owner’s religious liberty is being ‘violated,’ where such laws comport with the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.
Even if unelected judges support intolerance it is still intolerance.

Articles Moral Bullies and the Laws That Enable Them

State and local public accommodations laws do not constitute ‘intolerance.’

And that you incorrectly perceive such measures as ‘intolerance’ only reflects your ignorance of the law.

“People are turning against the freedom-hating homosexual activist fanatics.”

No, people are turning against you and others who exhibit an unwarranted fear of gay Americans, they’re turning against your hate and bigotry.
Hate and bigotry: Bible-Thumping B ch Bakers Who Refused to Make Gay Couple s Wedding Cake Shut Down Their Shop Following Threats Anger TheBlaze.com
You’re wrong as to the facts of law, with regard to the constitutionality of public accommodations laws, and what manifests as violations of the First Amendment.

And that you cite ‘the Blaze’ is further evidence of how ridiculous your position is.
Mmmmm kay. What State Capitol or monument is it flying over again?

If Gay Marriage is mandated through every State, it is embedded in all State Governments.
That's more of a "legal establishment" of belief than just flying a flag as symbolic.

That's like implementing prayer or references to God Jesus and Christianity INTO State procedures instead of merely "displaying" an image of a Cross or Bible. It's actually implementing the CONTENT of the beliefs into state laws --
Requiring Citizens and State employees to comply with these BELIEFS or else face penalties, legal or disciplinary actions.

There is no such thing as ‘gay marriage,’ there is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states that can accommodate two consenting adult partners not related to each other in a relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex.

To deny same-sex couples access to state marriage law they’re eligible to participate in based solely on who they are violates the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. (Obergefell v. Hodges)

The states are subject to the Federal Constitution and rulings by the Supreme Court, in accordance with Article VI of the Constitution, which manifest as a fact of law, having nothing to do with ‘belief.’
There is no such thing as ‘gay marriage,’ there is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states that can accommodate two consenting adult partners not related to each other in a relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex.
How dare you discriminate against incestuous couples and polygamous couples! Bigot!

To deny same-sex couples access to state marriage law they’re eligible to participate in based solely on who they are violates the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. (Obergefell v. Hodges)
Ridiculous. No such right existed from 1868 to 2015. Then some unelected judges made it up.

And please remember - playing with another guy's genitals is a behavior, not an ethnic group.
Mmmmm kay. What State Capitol or monument is it flying over again?

If Gay Marriage is mandated through every State, it is embedded in all State Governments.
That's more of a "legal establishment" of belief than just flying a flag as symbolic.

That's like implementing prayer or references to God Jesus and Christianity INTO State procedures instead of merely "displaying" an image of a Cross or Bible. It's actually implementing the CONTENT of the beliefs into state laws --
Requiring Citizens and State employees to comply with these BELIEFS or else face penalties, legal or disciplinary actions.

I completely disagree. There is no references in State procedures or mandatory subservience to a Rainbow Flag. Merely that States must allow same sex couples marriage licenses and all the benefits that goes with marriage. State employees who cannot do their jobs or refuse to do their jobs should look for employment elsewhere because they should not be allowed deny their fellow citizens the right to marry.
What I love about the Supreme Court's decision is that the same part of the Constitution used to justify gay marriage can and will be used allow any citizen to legally carry a handgun without a permit.

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