Time to Take Down the Rainbow Flag

600,000 men have died because of the rainbow flag
The KKK marches under the rainbow flag
The rainbow flag flies over state capitals

Oops....wrong flag
This is just a tangent (geopolitical).
Iran calls us "the great satan". Publicly embracing homosexuals lends credence to the claim.
Whatever the faith world may have to do short term to co-exist with us, they will always be against any nation that publicly agrees with what we have done.
This is just a tangent (geopolitical).
Iran calls us "the great satan". Publicly embracing homosexuals lends credence to the claim.
Whatever the faith world may have to do short term to co-exist with us, they will always be against any nation that publicly agrees with what we have done.
How can Satan be ghey, he's an angel?
This is just a tangent (geopolitical).
Iran calls us "the great satan". Publicly embracing homosexuals lends credence to the claim.
Whatever the faith world may have to do short term to co-exist with us, they will always be against any nation that publicly agrees with what we have done.
How can Satan be ghey, he's an angel?

There is no way anyone on this board can deal with this tangent.
I suppose being silly is a good way to cope.
This is just a tangent (geopolitical).
Iran calls us "the great satan". Publicly embracing homosexuals lends credence to the claim.
Whatever the faith world may have to do short term to co-exist with us, they will always be against any nation that publicly agrees with what we have done.
How can Satan be ghey, he's an angel?

There is no way anyone on this board can deal with this tangent.
I suppose being silly is a good way to cope.
You gotta see it from all angles...or angels...
Yep. they want to associate the confederate flag to haters. Well the rainbow flag is that too. they go out and SUE someone over a frikken CAKE. wail about some law in a state they don't even live. Business are threatening states over it, etc etc. I want that flag banned and anyone caught with should be fined starting at: $100, 000

Once established, no government office ever seems to shut down. Even if the government office somehow accomplishes its goals, someone just comes up with new reasons to keep the office doors open. But I think it’s time to set an example and start shutting down some government offices here in the great State of North Carolina. I’m talking about the various LGBT victimhood centers that have popped up on our government university campuses in recent years. Naturally, I have good reasons for shutting them down. I’ve listed them below in no particular order of importance.

1. The LGBT community has achieved equality legally, if not morally, speaking. All along, my gay friends (both of them) have been insisting that as soon as they get so-called marriage equality they will be fulfilled. Gay activists have said pretty much the same thing – insisting they will not push for polygamy or try to shut down churches that oppose these pretend marriages. OK, mission accomplished. We can shut down those offices, right?

Now that they have legal equality, I’d like to see these activists try to achieve moral equality by being a little more kind in the wake of their recent legal victory. Sending me messages saying I need a good raping and threatening to kill my children because I oppose fake marriage is a little harsh, don’t you think? Or maybe rape really is love in the brave new world of sexual diversity. It must be because they keep telling me “love wins.”

2. Government really needs to stop bringing sex into the workplace. A few months ago, my university forced our LGBTQIA Office director to resign – and predictably lied about it later. (So you know it had to be something serious. Lesbians rarely get called on the carpet, for obvious reasons). When a petition later emerged supporting the director some interesting comments emerged. Numerous students/petitioners indicated that they would miss the director because she helped convince them to “come out” when they were struggling with their sexuality.

Does this strike anyone as being just a little queer? Do we really need a government agent sitting in an office and drawing a salary by telling students they should fulfill themselves by having sex with people of the same sex? How did it get to be the job of the government to tell people whom they should sleep with? Generally speaking, shouldn’t we be trying to keep sex out of the workplace and not trying to interject it into the work environment?

all of it here:
Time to Take Down the Rainbow Flag - Mike Adams - Page 1

Hate being right all the time. ;)
People are turning against the freedom-hating homosexual activist fanatics.

Check out the article: AP Poll Sharp divisions after high court backs gay marriage - Yahoo News

Quote: According to the poll, 42 percent support same-sex marriage and 40 percent oppose it. The percentage saying they favor legal same-sex marriage in their state was down slightly from the 48 percent who said so in an April poll. In January, 44 percent were in favor.

lol If the move was 6 % in the other direction the corporate media would talk about a stunning change and the wave of the future..

Quote: Asked specifically about the Supreme Court ruling, 39 percent said they approve and 41 percent said they disapprove

Quote: Overall, if there's a conflict, a majority of those questioned think religious liberties should win out over gay rights, according to the poll. While 39 percent said it's more important for the government to protect gay rights, 56 percent said protection of religious liberties should take precedence.

That's a big difference. Looks like the majority favor freedom and tolerance. Great!

No matter how much the corporate media pushes the activist agenda, people seem to prefer freedom instead.
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The intolerance is ongoing.

Intolerance and Stanford s Free-Expression Tax National Review Online

You are indifferent to the loss of basic rights?

What basic rights are we losing again?
What basic rights are we losing again?
Punished for Faith The Violation of Julea Ward s Religious Freedom

Protecting Religious Liberty in the State Marriage Debate

Forced indoctrination in the schools: Harvey Milk Day - SaveCalifornia.com

Should children be forced to celebrate the life of a child molester?!

LIBERTARIAN PASTURES Fearing Another Lawsuit Christian Business Owners Stopped Hosting All Weddings. Now Their Business Is Dead.

PODCAST Robert Oscar Lopez Child of Gay Parents Tells the Truth About Gay Parenting is Labeled EXPORTER of HATE - Young Conservatives

I'm sure you support freedom of speech, freedom of religion, artistic freedom. I'm sure you don't want to take away someone's livelihood because they refuse to submit to homosexual activist dogma.
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Here's Camille Paglia discussing gay activists: “To express yourself in a magazine in an interview — this is the level of punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist, OK, that my liberal colleagues in the Democratic Party and on college campuses have supported and promoted over the last several decades,”

“This is the whole legacy of free speech 1960’s that have been lost by my own party.”

“I think that this intolerance by gay activists toward the full spectrum of human beliefs is a sign of immaturity, juvenility,”

Here's Andrew Sullivan: “The guy who had the gall to express his First Amendment rights and favor Prop 8 in California by donating $1,000 has just been scalped by some gay activists,”

“Will he now be forced to walk through the streets in shame?” “Why not the stocks? The whole episode disgusts me — as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society.”

“If this is the gay rights movement today — hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else — then count me out,”

“If we are about intimidating the free speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies who came before us.”
This is just a tangent (geopolitical).
Iran calls us "the great satan". Publicly embracing homosexuals lends credence to the claim.
Whatever the faith world may have to do short term to co-exist with us, they will always be against any nation that publicly agrees with what we have done.
Who gives a shit about what Iran thinks of our culture? Seriously, do you?
What basic rights are we losing again?
Punished for Faith The Violation of Julea Ward s Religious Freedom

Protecting Religious Liberty in the State Marriage Debate

Forced indoctrination in the schools: Harvey Milk Day - SaveCalifornia.com

Should children be forced to celebrate the life of a child molester?!

LIBERTARIAN PASTURES Fearing Another Lawsuit Christian Business Owners Stopped Hosting All Weddings. Now Their Business Is Dead.

PODCAST Robert Oscar Lopez Child of Gay Parents Tells the Truth About Gay Parenting is Labeled EXPORTER of HATE - Young Conservatives

I'm sure you support freedom of speech, freedom of religion, artistic freedom. I'm sure you don't want to take away someone's livelihood because they refuse to submit to homosexual activist dogma.
Nothing you posted represents a 'violation' of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or artistic freedom.

Citizens may not use religious beliefs as an ‘excuse’ to ignore or violate a just and proper law. (Employment Division v. Smith)

Because state and local public accommodations laws are just, proper, and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause, no business owner’s religious liberty is being ‘violated,’ where such laws comport with the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.

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