Time, Trump Jr. And Double Standards


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Typical left-wing media...

Time demonizes the president's son -- but guess who it hails as the “Hero and Icon of the Century”?
July 19, 2017

Humberto Fontova

“Russia is a fierce rival of the U.S. and has been for generations. What politician jumps in bed with Russia? For advisers to a would-be President to take at face value an offer of clandestine assistance from Moscow is foolish at best, reckless for sure and potentially treasonous in the worst-case scenario.” (“Tailgunner” Joe McCarthy, Barry Goldwater and J. Edgar Hoover were all limp-wristed pinkos compared to this week’s Time magazine.)

Yet this very same Time magazine hails the Soviet Russians’ most faithful devotee/agent in the Americas as “Hero and Icon of the Century.”

“The solution to the world’s problems lies behind the Iron Curtain.” (Che Guevara.)


Fascinatingly enough, the only copy of Ernesto Guevara’s Medical degree (supposedly earned in Argentina) was issued by—prepare for a shock!—the Castro regime! Naturally such a source qualifies as hunky-dory for Time magazine.

In fact, for all the “heroism” Time attributes to him, the one genuine accomplishment in Che Guevara's life was the mass-murder of defenseless men and boys. Under his own gun dozens died. Under his orders thousands crumpled. At everything else Che Guevara failed abysmally, even comically.

As luck would have it, Che Guevara’s abysmal and comic failures—along with the rest of his sickening record--will be featured at the YAF’s rollicking Road to Freedom seminar next week amigos! Be there or be SQUARE!

Time, Trump Jr. and Double Standards

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