Time's UP For Assad

Who knows who's behind this latest chemical gas attack? It could be most anybody from those who don't want the President to extricate us from that slaughterhouse to those who do, thinking we'll run like Barry the Fairy did in Iraq. One thing is certain, Syria is lost; the Russians got it and when they decide the Iranians are no longer useful, they'll throw them out too. So what should Trump do? Kill that son of a bitch Assad and boogie. We can locate him, isolate him, and drop a package on his ass that will leave pieces too small to bother burying. That leaves total chaos for Syria's neighbors to deal with....not our problem anymore thanks to Barry's dithering when he had the chance to stop it. Trump warned the world what would happen if another gas attack on women and children went down and now it should.


Leave Assad alone and stop listening to AP warmongers.

Take your own advice and stop listening to this "false flag" horseshit.
the tazer never met a muslim in his LIFE. The tazer never met people who
live in the vast lands invaded by the minions of muhummad in the past 1400
A survivor describes a "yellow cannister" crashing through the roof of the building and spaying gas. So who's got artillery and/or air power in the area? The Syrians, the Russians, the Iranians, and us....what's the latest conspiracy theory...that we gassed those children? And BTW, if those pics of little babies laying on blankets in the dirt don't INFURIATE you, you're way past gone.
the tazer never met a muslim in his LIFE. The tazer never met people who
live in the vast lands invaded by the minions of muhummad in the past 1400

So Nuke Mecca and call it a day? :coffee:

do you have a basket filled with idiotic comments close at hand?
HOWEVER your comment can be considered for its puny merit.
It is true that way back some 1400 years ago the little city of
Mecca was a MICROCOSM of the Great Play of Planet
earth. It was a very cosmopolitan place. ---The greatest cultures
of that time CONVERGED in Mecca. There were Zoroastrians,
Hindus, Buddhists (probably ?) Christians, Jews, and for bandit
smarts----Bedouins. It was this conglomeration that was invaded
by ISLAM and out of which arose the most barbaric cult the
world has ever seen. AND COUNTING
The civilians of Douma are free at last from the terrorists who have held the city for five years. Despite the false flag chem attack, the bottom line is that the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrr rebels have retreated and the civilians are finally free.
The civilians of Douma are free at last from the terrorists who have held the city for five years. Despite the false flag chem attack, the bottom line is that the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrr rebels have retreated and the civilians are finally free.

no doubt HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS (actually millions) of Syrians will be skipping and jumping BACK TO SYRIA. Sheeeeeesh what will become of my local
pita and baklava stores?? I will miss the big church with the Giant cross----with
the extra little lines when all those HAPPY people scamper back to Syria
The civilians of Douma are free at last from the terrorists who have held the city for five years. Despite the false flag chem attack, the bottom line is that the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrr rebels have retreated and the civilians are finally free.

Yeah, I bet they're dancing in the streets...So in your "false flag" scenario, isn't it ironic that the Syrian army surrounds the area, takes a prisoner exchange, and lets the "rebels" flee to join their ranks in the north? That's not how "false flag" diversions work, TD.
the tazer never met a muslim in his LIFE. The tazer never met people who
live in the vast lands invaded by the minions of muhummad in the past 1400

So Nuke Mecca and call it a day? :coffee:

do you have a basket filled with idiotic comments close at hand?
HOWEVER your comment can be considered for its puny merit.
It is true that way back some 1400 years ago the little city of
Mecca was a MICROCOSM of the Great Play of Planet
earth. It was a very cosmopolitan place. ---The greatest cultures
of that time CONVERGED in Mecca. There were Zoroastrians,
Hindus, Buddhists (probably ?) Christians, Jews, and for bandit
smarts----Bedouins. It was this conglomeration that was invaded
by ISLAM and out of which arose the most barbaric cult the
world has ever seen. AND COUNTING

But of course! You're Welcome. :04:
The civilians of Douma are free at last from the terrorists who have held the city for five years. Despite the false flag chem attack, the bottom line is that the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrr rebels have retreated and the civilians are finally free.

Yeah, I bet they're dancing in the streets...So in your "false flag" scenario, isn't it ironic that the Syrian army surrounds the area, takes a prisoner exchange, and lets the "rebels" flee to join their ranks in the north? That's not how "false flag" diversions work, TD.

Actually they are. Jaysh al Islam is a terror group. I do hope you realize that this terror group that held Douma are responsible for hundreds of deaths because they were shelling Damascus constantly. They are a sub group of Jabhat al nusra.
The civilians of Douma are free at last from the terrorists who have held the city for five years. Despite the false flag chem attack, the bottom line is that the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrr rebels have retreated and the civilians are finally free.

Yeah, I bet they're dancing in the streets...So in your "false flag" scenario, isn't it ironic that the Syrian army surrounds the area, takes a prisoner exchange, and lets the "rebels" flee to join their ranks in the north? That's not how "false flag" diversions work, TD.

Actually they are. Jaysh al Islam is a terror group. I do hope you realize that this terror group that held Douma are responsible for hundreds of deaths because they were shelling Damascus constantly. They are a sub group of Jabhat al nusra.

yeah? so ?----Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned for terrorism too. "hundreds
of deaths"? as opposed to the hundreds of thousands on the heads of the
The civilians of Douma are free at last from the terrorists who have held the city for five years. Despite the false flag chem attack, the bottom line is that the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrr rebels have retreated and the civilians are finally free.

no doubt HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS (actually millions) of Syrians will be skipping and jumping BACK TO SYRIA. Sheeeeeesh what will become of my local
pita and baklava stores?? I will miss the big church with the Giant cross----with
the extra little lines when all those HAPPY people scamper back to Syria

They already are. Over 600,000 in 2017 alone according to the UN.
The civilians of Douma are free at last from the terrorists who have held the city for five years. Despite the false flag chem attack, the bottom line is that the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrr rebels have retreated and the civilians are finally free.

no doubt HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS (actually millions) of Syrians will be skipping and jumping BACK TO SYRIA. Sheeeeeesh what will become of my local
pita and baklava stores?? I will miss the big church with the Giant cross----with
the extra little lines when all those HAPPY people scamper back to Syria

They already are. Over 600,000 in 2017 alone according to the UN.

good news!!!! you got a citation? how many baklava shops have
we lost?
Just an FYI. The terror group who held Douma is financed by Saudi Arabia.

Makes sense since the Iranians arrived that the Saudis would get involved. The problem with these scenarios is they don't add up......the rebels shell themselves to surrender their stronghold and flee? My gut tells me one of Assad's commanders got a wild hair up his ass and lobbed some chemical rounds in to solve his dilemma. Assad is responsible for his commander's actions, ie, he's gassed women and children again....so he has to die the same kind of death he's visited on tens of thousands Syrians.
Just an FYI. The terror group who held Douma is financed by Saudi Arabia.

so? who financed the assads? who finances the world wide terror

World wide terror group Hezbollah? Give me a break. They are a terror group just as Hamas is but world wide?

On the other hand we in the west along with the Gulf States created ISIS and al Nusra (AQ) to overthrow Assad. Now we're talking world wide. Special.
Just an FYI. The terror group who held Douma is financed by Saudi Arabia.

Makes sense since the Iranians arrived that the Saudis would get involved. The problem with these scenarios is they don't add up......the rebels shell themselves to surrender their stronghold and flee? My gut tells me one of Assad's commanders got a wild hair up his ass and lobbed some chemical rounds in to solve his dilemma. Assad is responsible for his commander's actions, ie, he's gassed women and children again....so he has to die the same kind of death he's visited on tens of thousands Syrians.

Saudis were involved right from the get go. Along with Qatar, Turkey and the good old CIA. The Iranians were late to the dance.
Just an FYI. The terror group who held Douma is financed by Saudi Arabia.

Makes sense since the Iranians arrived that the Saudis would get involved. The problem with these scenarios is they don't add up......the rebels shell themselves to surrender their stronghold and flee? My gut tells me one of Assad's commanders got a wild hair up his ass and lobbed some chemical rounds in to solve his dilemma. Assad is responsible for his commander's actions, ie, he's gassed women and children again....so he has to die the same kind of death he's visited on tens of thousands Syrians.

even Saudi Arabia is guilty of not kissing Baathist ass and
sanctifying the HOLY IRANIAN, SYRIAN, RUSSIAN ALLIANCE for the full control of the caviar producing sturgeon
Just an FYI. The terror group who held Douma is financed by Saudi Arabia.

so? who financed the assads? who finances the world wide terror

World wide terror group Hezbollah? Give me a break. They are a terror group just as Hamas is but world wide?

On the other hand we in the west along with the Gulf States created ISIS and al Nusra (AQ) to overthrow Assad. Now we're talking world wide. Special.

NEWS FLASH ~~~~. our boy BINNY---lived and died for
the western kaffir purpose of knocking off baby assad -----the bashar butt

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