Time's UP For Assad

The terror group in Douma was not only financed by Saudi Arabia but their leader was Saudi. How would you like it if Canadians took over Flint and started bombing Detroit.

You'd expect as a Flint civilian that your government would fight the Canadians and free them would you not? No doubt Detroit would appreciate not getting shelled constantly.

Well, Detroit shelled Flint awhile back with lead water so I reckon Flint would be justified shelling Detroit but since Detroit is 70 miles from The D, that's pretty much impossible....but I get your gist.
False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.
Yup! - That's the same reason Bush's high school friend Tommy Franks issued the stand down orders when our forces had Osama Bin-Laden trapped in Tora Bora. Bush had to keep Bin-Laden alive to keep the war going! The Repubtards get upset if the USA is not pushing other countries around

So Bush / Cheney had to lie US into Iraq war to eliminate Sadam who kept Iran in check. That way the whole middle-east would erupt so we can be pulled into perpetual war! (PNAC)

Obama was smart to get the heck out & stay out. Trump is trying hard to get a war going somewhere. Trump looking for any reason he can to fight Iran, Iraq, Syria, North Korea, China, Afghanistan,or Russia.

I agree with much of what you said. But you're incorrect on Trump. He was talking about withdrawal from Syria last week. But then we got this False Flag operation. So withdrawal is now off the table. As usual, the MIC Warmongers got what they wanted. Trump got played. We all did.
Doesn't have to be proven. The wheels are already in motion. We're not only staying in Syria, we're gonna escalate the war. Trump got played by the MIC gang. It's very sad.

Bah. Although Trump hasn't any military experience, he knows New York City and saw the rackets wars over the years. He's not about to get suckered into staying in Syria whether McCain and Miss Lindsey like it or not. Just go after Assad and any relative who could replace him. You can't openly murder a foreign leader but you can get him "by mistake" which is what Trump should do...today.
False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.
the video of the attack has been verified...

and what happened to Trump's self proclaimed policy of not letting the enemy know what you are doing, while he decides to broadcast via tweet to the world we are leaving...?

Prove Assad did it.

Doesn't have to be proven. The wheels are already in motion. We're not only staying in Syria, we're gonna escalate the war. Trump got played by the MIC gang. It's very sad.
You are convinced it's a "false flag" because of the timing? So you think it was just a bunch of actors or you think another foreign country dropped the gas and blamed the Syrians?
Doesn't have to be proven. The wheels are already in motion. We're not only staying in Syria, we're gonna escalate the war. Trump got played by the MIC gang. It's very sad.

Bah. Although Trump hasn't any military experience, he knows New York City and saw the rackets wars over the years. He's not about to get suckered into staying in Syria whether McCain and Miss Lindsey like it or not. Just go after Assad and any relative who could replace him. You can't openly murder a foreign leader but you can get him "by mistake" which is what Trump should do...today.
If it's any of our business who runs Syria, everyone who knows anything about the Middle East has said there will never be peace in Syria with Assad in power because he's not liked by enough of his own people. I don't pretend to know anything about it, but he's apparently not Sunni or the other one, he's something else, and he is highly unpopular. Maybe that's why he has to gas them into submission.
Doesn't have to be proven. The wheels are already in motion. We're not only staying in Syria, we're gonna escalate the war. Trump got played by the MIC gang. It's very sad.

Bah. Although Trump hasn't any military experience, he knows New York City and saw the rackets wars over the years. He's not about to get suckered into staying in Syria whether McCain and Miss Lindsey like it or not. Just go after Assad and any relative who could replace him. You can't openly murder a foreign leader but you can get him "by mistake" which is what Trump should do...today.

That's insanity. Yeah, let's just give the whole country to ISIS. You never heard of Kuwait or Iraq? :cuckoo:
If it's any of our business who runs Syria, everyone who knows anything about the Middle East has said there will never be peace in Syria with Assad in power because he's not liked by enough of his own people. I don't pretend to know anything about it, but he's apparently not Sunni or the other one, he's something else, and he is highly unpopular. Maybe that's why he has to gas them into submission.

And he has a caucasian British wife who's as blood-thirsty as he is. Too bad napalm has been banned because that's what they deserve.....blow the palace apart with snake-eyes and then lay a couple cannisters of nape on top.
Doesn't have to be proven. The wheels are already in motion. We're not only staying in Syria, we're gonna escalate the war. Trump got played by the MIC gang. It's very sad.

Bah. Although Trump hasn't any military experience, he knows New York City and saw the rackets wars over the years. He's not about to get suckered into staying in Syria whether McCain and Miss Lindsey like it or not. Just go after Assad and any relative who could replace him. You can't openly murder a foreign leader but you can get him "by mistake" which is what Trump should do...today.
If it's any of our business who runs Syria, everyone who knows anything about the Middle East has said there will never be peace in Syria with Assad in power because he's not liked by enough of his own people. I don't pretend to know anything about it, but he's apparently not Sunni or the other one, he's something else, and he is highly unpopular. Maybe that's why he has to gas them into submission.

Pure Bullshit

Interview with Flemish priest in Syria: "Putin and Assad saved my life"


Who wants Assad removed

1- The CIA - the US promised in 1996 to destroy Iraq and Syria and expand Israhell's territory

2- Saudi Arabia wants to remove Assad, a Shiite, and install a Sunni puppet.

Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
That's insanity. Yeah, let's just give the whole country to ISIS. You never heard of Kuwait or Iraq? :cuckoo:

That's twice so now you get the whole load....ISIS is gone you simple fucker...have I heard of Kuwait and Iraq? yeah, my oldest boy served in Iraq....I served in Vietnam, how about you? Don't talk about shit you have no experience in next time.
That's insanity. Yeah, let's just give the whole country to ISIS. You never heard of Kuwait or Iraq? :cuckoo:

That's twice so now you get the whole load....ISIS is gone you simple fucker...have I heard of Kuwait and Iraq? yeah, my oldest boy served in Iraq....I served in Vietnam, how about you? Don't talk about shit you have no experience in next time.

Don't you worry about what kind of experience I have, fucknut. So, how is Libya doing present-day? How is Iraq doing? How many times has "Regime-Change" worked successfully?

How many people died in Libya after Ghadaffi was assassinated by Hillary for her globalist masters?

Last I knew it was upward of 20K. The country is in chaos.
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Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
He doesn't HAVE to. Dropping a few canisters of gas on his people is that much worse than what the Myramar military did to the Rohingya? I don't see us wading in there all holy and shit. If it is a violation of international law, let the UN handle it. I have nothing against someone tiptoeing in there and smoking the guy; he's an evil dude. But this perpetual fight will never be over and we might as well get the hell out while the getting is good.
Doesn't have to be proven. The wheels are already in motion. We're not only staying in Syria, we're gonna escalate the war. Trump got played by the MIC gang. It's very sad.

Bah. Although Trump hasn't any military experience, he knows New York City and saw the rackets wars over the years. He's not about to get suckered into staying in Syria whether McCain and Miss Lindsey like it or not. Just go after Assad and any relative who could replace him. You can't openly murder a foreign leader but you can get him "by mistake" which is what Trump should do...today.

Nah, he's boxed in. The MIC cabal has set him up. He can't withdraw from Syria. He can only stay and escalate the war now. Every time there's serious talk about leaving these countries, some kind of False Flag happens that guarantees us staying. When are folks gonna wake up and stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda? They need to stop being played. When are they gonna tire of endless war?
Doesn't have to be proven. The wheels are already in motion. We're not only staying in Syria, we're gonna escalate the war. Trump got played by the MIC gang. It's very sad.

Bah. Although Trump hasn't any military experience, he knows New York City and saw the rackets wars over the years. He's not about to get suckered into staying in Syria whether McCain and Miss Lindsey like it or not. Just go after Assad and any relative who could replace him. You can't openly murder a foreign leader but you can get him "by mistake" which is what Trump should do...today.
If it's any of our business who runs Syria, everyone who knows anything about the Middle East has said there will never be peace in Syria with Assad in power because he's not liked by enough of his own people. I don't pretend to know anything about it, but he's apparently not Sunni or the other one, he's something else, and he is highly unpopular. Maybe that's why he has to gas them into submission.

We never had any right to declare 'Regime Change.' It's an unwise and unjust action. We never belonged in Syria.
Remember all the years republicans yelled that Assad was great and the rebels were terrorists? Oh well more middle east fun.

Actually, Democrats were just as supportive and friendly with Assad over the years.
Maybe. But they didn't spend the last 7 years working as propagandists for the Syrian Army like the GOP and its sheep did.

Both Democrats and Neocon Republicans were the chief advocates of the 'Regime Change' policy in Syria. They wanted war in Syria, and they got it.
Yes, neither party supported Assad. Imagine if that patent given to Lockeed martin actually works and oil is not needed as much. We could not give a fuck about the middle east and their oil. They could sit over there and figure out thier own problems then. I am tired of fucking with them. I am not sure they have ever had peace over there since the beginning of time!
Don't you worry about what kind of experience I have, fucknut. So, how is Libya doing present-day? How is Iraq doing? How many times has "Regime-Change" worked successfully?

How many people died in Libya after Ghadaffi was assassinated by Hillary for her globalist masters?

Last I knew it was upward of 20K. The country is in chaos.

You don't have any experience...you're a poster on a message board...that's it.....the rest of it is nonsense. If you want to keep a baby-murdering piece of shit like Assad in power sign up a democrat next time....that's what your opinion is worth.
Don't you worry about what kind of experience I have, fucknut. So, how is Libya doing present-day? How is Iraq doing? How many times has "Regime-Change" worked successfully?

How many people died in Libya after Ghadaffi was assassinated by Hillary for her globalist masters?

Last I knew it was upward of 20K. The country is in chaos.

You don't have any experience...you're a poster on a message board...that's it.....the rest of it is nonsense. If you want to keep a baby-murdering piece of shit like Assad in power sign up a democrat next time....that's what your opinion is worth.

If more people have attitudes like yours, that's exactly what will happen. Fortunately, I'm of the opinion most people can see what's going on here. I don't wanna be giving away the big, open secret about American people away like that.
Nah, he's boxed in. The MIC cabal has set him up. He can't withdraw from Syria. He can only stay and escalate the war now. Every time there's serious talk about leaving these countries, some kind of False Flag happens that guarantees us staying. When are folks gonna wake up and stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda? They need to stop being played. When are they gonna tire of endless war?

Think you've spammed my thread with the same crap enough yet? There is no "false flag", there is no intention to stay, much less get deeper into Syria, and Assad is going to get his nose bloodied in the next 48 hours.....Trump would get impeached for outright killing him but there are ways around that too....so unless you have something new to add, feel free to move on.
Nah, he's boxed in. The MIC cabal has set him up. He can't withdraw from Syria. He can only stay and escalate the war now. Every time there's serious talk about leaving these countries, some kind of False Flag happens that guarantees us staying. When are folks gonna wake up and stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda? They need to stop being played. When are they gonna tire of endless war?

Think you've spammed my thread with the same crap enough yet? There is no "false flag", there is no intention to stay, much less get deeper into Syria, and Assad is going to get his nose bloodied in the next 48 hours.....Trump would get impeached for outright killing him but there are ways around that too....so unless you have something new to add, feel free to move on.

So, who's running against Trump in 2020?

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