Time's UP For Assad

The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

This rebel group is a subsidiary of AQ Syria and was headed by a Saudi and financed by the Saudis and they constantly were mortar shelling Damascus.
I don't understand what that has to do with the price of eggs.

Ok you have terrorists in Douma who are part of AQ loaded with foreign jihadists backed financially by the Saudis and others.

They are not rebels.
When we rebelled against Britain, we were backed financially and militarily by the French. Doesn't make us French, does it?

WTF? The terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr jihadists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels are from 80 different freaking countries.

In other words they aren't Syrian rebels. They are invaders.

Yes, Mercenaries paid to take Assad out. ISIS was just one of the many Jihadi Terror Orgs in Syria. And they all received their support from mainly the US, UK, and Saudi Arabia. It was all about 'Regime Change.'
The implication was that the US has no qualms about dropping chemicals on people. Or killing innocents, Pinkville.

"innocents"? FUCK Pinkville...they took several lives and limbs around there before they got answered. Anybody who loads, feeds, fucks or stitches up an enemy combatant is fair game. Everybody knew what had to be done....Americal just got there first is all. You leftists never mention the NLF atrocities against their own people....I wonder why that is?
You're attempting to justify the rape and murder of innocent women and children by Americans. Nice.

I hear ISIS is still recruiting, you sick piece of shit.
You're attempting to justify the rape and murder of innocent women and children by Americans. Nice.

I hear ISIS is still recruiting, you sick piece of shit.

It was nice....dozens of dead communists who'd never shoot or throw a grenade at another GI....too bad they didn't let us finish the job. As to who's a sick piece of shit, that would be you ya stinkin traitor.
You're attempting to justify the rape and murder of innocent women and children by Americans. Nice.

I hear ISIS is still recruiting, you sick piece of shit.

It was nice....dozens of dead communists who'd never shoot or throw a grenade at another GI....too bad they didn't let us finish the job. As to who's a sick piece of shit, that would be you ya stinkin traitor.
Never have I felt the need to subordinate my personal principles of human decency to the group.

From a group of sick fucks that excuse the rape and murder of woman and children I gladly accept the designation of traitor.
Never have I felt the need to subordinate my personal principles of human decency to the group.

From a group of sick fucks that excuse the rape and murder of woman and children I gladly accept the designation of traitor.

"principles"? You don't have any principles...you're a nobody who's never tested himself in any way. You adore PUTIN...it's probably sexual...do you have a poster of him over your mattress on the floor? Let me tell you this boy....you can shut your mouth about what happened in Vietnam....you have no idea what your idolized VC did to their own people and why we eventually answered barbarism in kind. Me Lai was a communist sewer...the hatred on their faces is what eventually got them massacred...pretty much the same that might happen to the leftists in this country one day in the near future.

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