Time's UP For Assad

I managed one in the 90's. Demon TC and Demon WP were my favorites.

We use either Termidor or Imax for termites....I prefer the Sentricon stations but at $6 a LF it's not in everybody's budget. Cykick does in most crawlers....we soap down aggressive bees.
Who the fuck are you kidding? Agent orange was a dioxin-based defoliant not a gas. I walked through plenty of it around Dak To and never even sneezed.
The implication was that the US has no qualms about dropping chemicals on people. Or killing innocents, Pinkville.
It was WEED KILLER. A little different than poisonous GAS.
Well dropping atom bombs on people is even more different. Don't you think?
You one of the jihadists, Tehon? If you don't like us, there are plenty of armies you can join that want to destroy the U.S.

C'mon, take the Red Pill, it will change your life.
Read it.

Pgs. 287-293 (291) JW v DOD and State 14-812 - Judicial Watch
Doc, I just can't do it. I wouldn't even know what I was reading and I don't like to download stuff. I trust that my government did not INTENTIONALLY arm or support ISIS or AQ. I will continue to hold that completely uninformed but trusting opinion now and always. I trust my government more than that. You do what you like, Doc.
Who the fuck are you kidding? Agent orange was a dioxin-based defoliant not a gas. I walked through plenty of it around Dak To and never even sneezed.
The implication was that the US has no qualms about dropping chemicals on people. Or killing innocents, Pinkville.
It was WEED KILLER. A little different than poisonous GAS.
Well dropping atom bombs on people is even more different. Don't you think?
You one of the jihadists, Tehon? If you don't like us, there are plenty of armies you can join that want to destroy the U.S.
I'm not the one advocating the violent overthrow of a sovereign government, the legal definition of terrorism. That would be you.
That is me? Didn't I say we ought to get out while the getting is good? Or is getting out the problem in your eyes?
The implication was that the US has no qualms about dropping chemicals on people. Or killing innocents, Pinkville.
It was WEED KILLER. A little different than poisonous GAS.
Well dropping atom bombs on people is even more different. Don't you think?
You one of the jihadists, Tehon? If you don't like us, there are plenty of armies you can join that want to destroy the U.S.

C'mon, take the Red Pill, it will change your life.
Read it.

Pgs. 287-293 (291) JW v DOD and State 14-812 - Judicial Watch
Doc, I just can't do it. I wouldn't even know what I was reading and I don't like to download stuff. I trust that my government did not INTENTIONALLY arm or support ISIS or AQ. I will continue to hold that completely uninformed but trusting opinion now and always. I trust my government more than that. You do what you like, Doc.

That DIA memo tells you that we were supporting the Rebels that contained Al Qaeda ad ISIS. The world we live in is not the World we were taught about. I regret that I didn't find out until after I "did my duty".
I don't understand what that has to do with the price of eggs.

Ok you have terrorists in Douma who are part of AQ loaded with foreign jihadists backed financially by the Saudis and others.

They are not rebels.
When we rebelled against Britain, we were backed financially and militarily by the French. Doesn't make us French, does it?

WTF? The terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr jihadists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels are from 80 different freaking countries.
You still on that? Isn't that from years ago? Don't you know that most of them have gone home?
I think the Middle East as a whole is totally messed up and they can sort it out themselves. Why must we be involved?

I'm with you on not getting involved but considering the CIA has been aiding the Saudis and Qatar in their efforts to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Muslim Brotherhood since 2011 we've been involved from the get go.

We've been part, a big part of the problem.
Quite awhile ago I read up on this Saudi funding the Muslim Brotherhood business. Their government does by law give a certain percentage to that organization which is NOT a terrorist organization btw. I don't know why you think the Saudi's have any interest in Syria--they sure have not had anything to do with fighting the war or helping refugees or anything else. About as hands off as a country could be, it looks like.
Why are you so convinced of this?
It was WEED KILLER. A little different than poisonous GAS.
Well dropping atom bombs on people is even more different. Don't you think?
You one of the jihadists, Tehon? If you don't like us, there are plenty of armies you can join that want to destroy the U.S.

C'mon, take the Red Pill, it will change your life.
Read it.

Pgs. 287-293 (291) JW v DOD and State 14-812 - Judicial Watch
Doc, I just can't do it. I wouldn't even know what I was reading and I don't like to download stuff. I trust that my government did not INTENTIONALLY arm or support ISIS or AQ. I will continue to hold that completely uninformed but trusting opinion now and always. I trust my government more than that. You do what you like, Doc.

That DIA memo tells you that we were supporting the Rebels that contained Al Qaeda ad ISIS. The world we live in is not the World we were taught about. I regret that I didn't find out until after I "did my duty".
When and why?
Ok you have terrorists in Douma who are part of AQ loaded with foreign jihadists backed financially by the Saudis and others.

They are not rebels.
When we rebelled against Britain, we were backed financially and militarily by the French. Doesn't make us French, does it?

WTF? The terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr jihadists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels are from 80 different freaking countries.
You still on that? Isn't that from years ago? Don't you know that most of them have gone home?
I think the Middle East as a whole is totally messed up and they can sort it out themselves. Why must we be involved?

I'm with you on not getting involved but considering the CIA has been aiding the Saudis and Qatar in their efforts to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Muslim Brotherhood since 2011 we've been involved from the get go.

We've been part, a big part of the problem.
Quite awhile ago I read up on this Saudi funding the Muslim Brotherhood business. Their government does by law give a certain percentage to that organization which is NOT a terrorist organization btw. I don't know why you think the Saudi's have any interest in Syria--they sure have not had anything to do with fighting the war or helping refugees or anything else. About as hands off as a country could be, it looks like.
Why are you so convinced of this?

Oh a NYTimes article a long time ago explained our involvement with the SA/Qatar/Turkey's attempt to overthrow Assad. Here you go. Oh and please note that they all trusted the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood to hand over the weapons and cash to "good rebels"

I mean what could possibly go wrong> :)

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

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WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria’s neighbors would do so.

More at link:

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels

ETA: The US haven't labeled the MB a terrorist organization but several ME countries have. Think of the damage they did in Egypt once they got control.
Well dropping atom bombs on people is even more different. Don't you think?
You one of the jihadists, Tehon? If you don't like us, there are plenty of armies you can join that want to destroy the U.S.

C'mon, take the Red Pill, it will change your life.
Read it.

Pgs. 287-293 (291) JW v DOD and State 14-812 - Judicial Watch
Doc, I just can't do it. I wouldn't even know what I was reading and I don't like to download stuff. I trust that my government did not INTENTIONALLY arm or support ISIS or AQ. I will continue to hold that completely uninformed but trusting opinion now and always. I trust my government more than that. You do what you like, Doc.

That DIA memo tells you that we were supporting the Rebels that contained Al Qaeda ad ISIS. The world we live in is not the World we were taught about. I regret that I didn't find out until after I "did my duty".
When and why?

"Killing" for your Country isn't quite as illustrious when you find out it's all about the money. Nobody pays cash for War's. The money has to be borrowed, typically from a Nation's Central Bank (Our Federal Reserve). The Central Banks are all owned by the same families...so what you have is the same Bankers financing both sides of the same War. Take a Historical stroll from 1913 to now. It's all out there, it's all in the open. The Kennedy's, the Bush's...the Dulles family. History is ugly and it's truth is sobering.
The implication was that the US has no qualms about dropping chemicals on people. Or killing innocents, Pinkville.
It was WEED KILLER. A little different than poisonous GAS.
Well dropping atom bombs on people is even more different. Don't you think?
You one of the jihadists, Tehon? If you don't like us, there are plenty of armies you can join that want to destroy the U.S.

C'mon, take the Red Pill, it will change your life.
Read it.

Pgs. 287-293 (291) JW v DOD and State 14-812 - Judicial Watch
Doc, I just can't do it. I wouldn't even know what I was reading and I don't like to download stuff. I trust that my government did not INTENTIONALLY arm or support ISIS or AQ. I will continue to hold that completely uninformed but trusting opinion now and always. I trust my government more than that. You do what you like, Doc.

The truth is that I don't blame you for not wanting to know.
That is me?
Someone might construe it as such.
I have nothing against someone tiptoeing in there and smoking the guy
You ought to know me well enough to know I don't advocate that; would I cry if it happened? Nope.
So what is your stance, Tehon, besides saying America sucks and everyone who doesn't defend child gassing Assad is an enemy:?
Well, I learned from you recently that you are a hawk, so there's that as well.

My position is that we shouldn't be in Syria. That we helped create the situation there and our presence has prevented it from coming to a swift conclusion.

And there is no evidence to suggest that Assad was responsible for this or any other alleged gas attack.

Confirmed by the US Defense Secretary.

US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says
It was WEED KILLER. A little different than poisonous GAS.
Well dropping atom bombs on people is even more different. Don't you think?
You one of the jihadists, Tehon? If you don't like us, there are plenty of armies you can join that want to destroy the U.S.

C'mon, take the Red Pill, it will change your life.
Read it.

Pgs. 287-293 (291) JW v DOD and State 14-812 - Judicial Watch
Doc, I just can't do it. I wouldn't even know what I was reading and I don't like to download stuff. I trust that my government did not INTENTIONALLY arm or support ISIS or AQ. I will continue to hold that completely uninformed but trusting opinion now and always. I trust my government more than that. You do what you like, Doc.

The truth is that I don't blame you for not wanting to know.
Knowing is our civic responsibility.
When we rebelled against Britain, we were backed financially and militarily by the French. Doesn't make us French, does it?

WTF? The terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr jihadists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels are from 80 different freaking countries.
You still on that? Isn't that from years ago? Don't you know that most of them have gone home?
I think the Middle East as a whole is totally messed up and they can sort it out themselves. Why must we be involved?

I'm with you on not getting involved but considering the CIA has been aiding the Saudis and Qatar in their efforts to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Muslim Brotherhood since 2011 we've been involved from the get go.

We've been part, a big part of the problem.
Quite awhile ago I read up on this Saudi funding the Muslim Brotherhood business. Their government does by law give a certain percentage to that organization which is NOT a terrorist organization btw. I don't know why you think the Saudi's have any interest in Syria--they sure have not had anything to do with fighting the war or helping refugees or anything else. About as hands off as a country could be, it looks like.
Why are you so convinced of this?

Oh a NYTimes article a long time ago explained our involvement with the SA/Qatar/Turkey's attempt to overthrow Assad. Here you go. Oh and please note that they all trusted the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood to hand over the weapons and cash to "good rebels"

I mean what could possibly go wrong> :)

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

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WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria’s neighbors would do so.

More at link:

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels

ETA: The US haven't labeled the MB a terrorist organization but several ME countries have. Think of the damage they did in Egypt once they got control.
Thank you for the article from six years ago. It says "to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with AQ or other terrorist groups." "The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria's neighbors would do so."

Do you think we were supplying the Kurds? They are on the southern border of Turkey, yes? Strong allies.

I don't know much about MB; I know they're old school and not into democracy, if I've got that straight.

Maybe the most important International Law that could be passed is that it is ILLEGAL for any country to become involved in ANY other country's civil war. For all the other countries involved in Syria's war, there's hardly room for Syria itself. Iran Russia US now you say Saudi Arabia. Anyone else you want to throw in there? WHY is it so friggin desirable?
You one of the jihadists, Tehon? If you don't like us, there are plenty of armies you can join that want to destroy the U.S.

C'mon, take the Red Pill, it will change your life.
Read it.

Pgs. 287-293 (291) JW v DOD and State 14-812 - Judicial Watch
Doc, I just can't do it. I wouldn't even know what I was reading and I don't like to download stuff. I trust that my government did not INTENTIONALLY arm or support ISIS or AQ. I will continue to hold that completely uninformed but trusting opinion now and always. I trust my government more than that. You do what you like, Doc.

That DIA memo tells you that we were supporting the Rebels that contained Al Qaeda ad ISIS. The world we live in is not the World we were taught about. I regret that I didn't find out until after I "did my duty".
When and why?

"Killing" for your Country isn't quite as illustrious when you find out it's all about the money. Nobody pays cash for War's. The money has to be borrowed, typically from a Nation's Central Bank (Our Federal Reserve). The Central Banks are all owned by the same families...so what you have is the same Bankers financing both sides of the same War. Take a Historical stroll from 1913 to now. It's all out there, it's all in the open. The Kennedy's, the Bush's...the Dulles family. History is ugly and it's truth is sobering.
I'm sorry, Doc, you were disillusioned. I do feel all the soldiers have done some good though, even if we do live in a country that can't afford to be at peace. We've known that since at least Iron Mountain. It doesn't mean you didn't do good; at least you tried.
That is me?
Someone might construe it as such.
I have nothing against someone tiptoeing in there and smoking the guy
You ought to know me well enough to know I don't advocate that; would I cry if it happened? Nope.
So what is your stance, Tehon, besides saying America sucks and everyone who doesn't defend child gassing Assad is an enemy:?
Well, I learned from you recently that you are a hawk, so there's that as well.

My position is that we shouldn't be in Syria. That we helped create the situation there and our presence has prevented it from coming to a swift conclusion.

And there is no evidence to suggest that Assad was responsible for this or any other alleged gas attack.

Confirmed by the US Defense Secretary.

US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says
Who's talking about Sarin? The most recent attack was chlorine, as was the one last year. That's bad enough, in my book.
That is me?
Someone might construe it as such.
I have nothing against someone tiptoeing in there and smoking the guy
You ought to know me well enough to know I don't advocate that; would I cry if it happened? Nope.
So what is your stance, Tehon, besides saying America sucks and everyone who doesn't defend child gassing Assad is an enemy:?
Well, I learned from you recently that you are a hawk, so there's that as well.

My position is that we shouldn't be in Syria. That we helped create the situation there and our presence has prevented it from coming to a swift conclusion.

And there is no evidence to suggest that Assad was responsible for this or any other alleged gas attack.

Confirmed by the US Defense Secretary.

US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says
I agree with you about Syria 100%. We certainly have plenty of evidence to suggest that Assad is gassing his people with chlorine gas and has in the past, including women and children who aren't "fighting" him.
Red Lines and Chlorine Weapon Use in Syria
That is me?
Someone might construe it as such.
I have nothing against someone tiptoeing in there and smoking the guy
You ought to know me well enough to know I don't advocate that; would I cry if it happened? Nope.
So what is your stance, Tehon, besides saying America sucks and everyone who doesn't defend child gassing Assad is an enemy:?
Well, I learned from you recently that you are a hawk, so there's that as well.

My position is that we shouldn't be in Syria. That we helped create the situation there and our presence has prevented it from coming to a swift conclusion.

And there is no evidence to suggest that Assad was responsible for this or any other alleged gas attack.

Confirmed by the US Defense Secretary.

US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says
Who's talking about Sarin? The most recent attack was chlorine, as was the one last year. That's bad enough, in my book.
Who can't get chlorine? If what you say is true, it could have been anyone.
That is me?
Someone might construe it as such.
I have nothing against someone tiptoeing in there and smoking the guy
You ought to know me well enough to know I don't advocate that; would I cry if it happened? Nope.
So what is your stance, Tehon, besides saying America sucks and everyone who doesn't defend child gassing Assad is an enemy:?
Well, I learned from you recently that you are a hawk, so there's that as well.

My position is that we shouldn't be in Syria. That we helped create the situation there and our presence has prevented it from coming to a swift conclusion.

And there is no evidence to suggest that Assad was responsible for this or any other alleged gas attack.

Confirmed by the US Defense Secretary.

US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says
Who's talking about Sarin? The most recent attack was chlorine, as was the one last year. That's bad enough, in my book.
Who can't get chlorine? If what you say is true, it could have been anyone.
Well, the last time they were dropped from Russian planes used by the Syrian air force. Let's see what we find out.
Someone might construe it as such.
You ought to know me well enough to know I don't advocate that; would I cry if it happened? Nope.
So what is your stance, Tehon, besides saying America sucks and everyone who doesn't defend child gassing Assad is an enemy:?
Well, I learned from you recently that you are a hawk, so there's that as well.

My position is that we shouldn't be in Syria. That we helped create the situation there and our presence has prevented it from coming to a swift conclusion.

And there is no evidence to suggest that Assad was responsible for this or any other alleged gas attack.

Confirmed by the US Defense Secretary.

US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says
Who's talking about Sarin? The most recent attack was chlorine, as was the one last year. That's bad enough, in my book.
Who can't get chlorine? If what you say is true, it could have been anyone.
Well, the last time they were dropped from Russian planes used by the Syrian air force. Let's see what we find out.
You don't know that.

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