Time's UP For Assad

That is me?
Someone might construe it as such.
I have nothing against someone tiptoeing in there and smoking the guy
You ought to know me well enough to know I don't advocate that; would I cry if it happened? Nope.
So what is your stance, Tehon, besides saying America sucks and everyone who doesn't defend child gassing Assad is an enemy:?
Well, I learned from you recently that you are a hawk, so there's that as well.

My position is that we shouldn't be in Syria. That we helped create the situation there and our presence has prevented it from coming to a swift conclusion.

And there is no evidence to suggest that Assad was responsible for this or any other alleged gas attack.

Confirmed by the US Defense Secretary.

US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says
Who's talking about Sarin? The most recent attack was chlorine, as was the one last year. That's bad enough, in my book.
Who can't get chlorine? If what you say is true, it could have been anyone.
Yup. Including Assad, who is the one fighting those rebels at the moment.
WTF? The terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr jihadists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels are from 80 different freaking countries.
You still on that? Isn't that from years ago? Don't you know that most of them have gone home?
I think the Middle East as a whole is totally messed up and they can sort it out themselves. Why must we be involved?

I'm with you on not getting involved but considering the CIA has been aiding the Saudis and Qatar in their efforts to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Muslim Brotherhood since 2011 we've been involved from the get go.

We've been part, a big part of the problem.
Quite awhile ago I read up on this Saudi funding the Muslim Brotherhood business. Their government does by law give a certain percentage to that organization which is NOT a terrorist organization btw. I don't know why you think the Saudi's have any interest in Syria--they sure have not had anything to do with fighting the war or helping refugees or anything else. About as hands off as a country could be, it looks like.
Why are you so convinced of this?

Oh a NYTimes article a long time ago explained our involvement with the SA/Qatar/Turkey's attempt to overthrow Assad. Here you go. Oh and please note that they all trusted the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood to hand over the weapons and cash to "good rebels"

I mean what could possibly go wrong> :)

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

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WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria’s neighbors would do so.

More at link:

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels

ETA: The US haven't labeled the MB a terrorist organization but several ME countries have. Think of the damage they did in Egypt once they got control.
Thank you for the article from six years ago. It says "to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with AQ or other terrorist groups." "The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria's neighbors would do so."

Do you think we were supplying the Kurds? They are on the southern border of Turkey, yes? Strong allies.

I don't know much about MB; I know they're old school and not into democracy, if I've got that straight.

Maybe the most important International Law that could be passed is that it is ILLEGAL for any country to become involved in ANY other country's civil war. For all the other countries involved in Syria's war, there's hardly room for Syria itself. Iran Russia US now you say Saudi Arabia. Anyone else you want to throw in there? WHY is it so friggin desirable?

Great post. It should be illegal for any nation to become involved in any other country's civil war. For example Quebec has been wishing to secede from Canada for as long as I can remember. BUT because there has been no outside interference, Quebec remains and their issues have been solved politically without violence.

These proxy wars only cause immense suffering by civilians as we have witnessed in Syria. What I don't understand at all is why we in the west would want to overthrow Assad who for the most part has kept his government and legal system secular. Womens rights in Syria are ahead of most ME countries.

Seriously why would we want to allow the MB to take over and impose sharia on the nation? By August 2017 over half a million Syrians have returned home. They weren't running from Assad but from ISIS and AQ.

Douma the city we have been discussing has been under the thumb of Jaysh al Islam and when the people rose up protesting for peace, these terrorists opened fire on them last year.

Now Assad isn't perfect. But in the very crazy universe known as the ME he's been able to keep his people free from a theocracy which in this day and age has been no small feat.

So if its Assad vs the MB most Syrians prefer Assad. Including Sunnis, Shias and Christians. Kurds as well.
You ought to know me well enough to know I don't advocate that; would I cry if it happened? Nope.
So what is your stance, Tehon, besides saying America sucks and everyone who doesn't defend child gassing Assad is an enemy:?
Well, I learned from you recently that you are a hawk, so there's that as well.

My position is that we shouldn't be in Syria. That we helped create the situation there and our presence has prevented it from coming to a swift conclusion.

And there is no evidence to suggest that Assad was responsible for this or any other alleged gas attack.

Confirmed by the US Defense Secretary.

US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says
Who's talking about Sarin? The most recent attack was chlorine, as was the one last year. That's bad enough, in my book.
Who can't get chlorine? If what you say is true, it could have been anyone.
Well, the last time they were dropped from Russian planes used by the Syrian air force. Let's see what we find out.
You don't know that.
You seem to wish to be willfully blind on this topic. So, fine.
I need to get running.
You still on that? Isn't that from years ago? Don't you know that most of them have gone home?
I think the Middle East as a whole is totally messed up and they can sort it out themselves. Why must we be involved?

I'm with you on not getting involved but considering the CIA has been aiding the Saudis and Qatar in their efforts to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Muslim Brotherhood since 2011 we've been involved from the get go.

We've been part, a big part of the problem.
Quite awhile ago I read up on this Saudi funding the Muslim Brotherhood business. Their government does by law give a certain percentage to that organization which is NOT a terrorist organization btw. I don't know why you think the Saudi's have any interest in Syria--they sure have not had anything to do with fighting the war or helping refugees or anything else. About as hands off as a country could be, it looks like.
Why are you so convinced of this?

Oh a NYTimes article a long time ago explained our involvement with the SA/Qatar/Turkey's attempt to overthrow Assad. Here you go. Oh and please note that they all trusted the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood to hand over the weapons and cash to "good rebels"

I mean what could possibly go wrong> :)

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

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WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria’s neighbors would do so.

More at link:

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels

ETA: The US haven't labeled the MB a terrorist organization but several ME countries have. Think of the damage they did in Egypt once they got control.
Thank you for the article from six years ago. It says "to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with AQ or other terrorist groups." "The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria's neighbors would do so."

Do you think we were supplying the Kurds? They are on the southern border of Turkey, yes? Strong allies.

I don't know much about MB; I know they're old school and not into democracy, if I've got that straight.

Maybe the most important International Law that could be passed is that it is ILLEGAL for any country to become involved in ANY other country's civil war. For all the other countries involved in Syria's war, there's hardly room for Syria itself. Iran Russia US now you say Saudi Arabia. Anyone else you want to throw in there? WHY is it so friggin desirable?

Great post. It should be illegal for any nation to become involved in any other country's civil war. For example Quebec has been wishing to secede from Canada for as long as I can remember. BUT because there has been no outside interference, Quebec remains and their issues have been solved politically without violence.

These proxy wars only cause immense suffering by civilians as we have witnessed in Syria. What I don't understand at all is why we in the west would want to overthrow Assad who for the most part has kept his government and legal system secular. Womens rights in Syria are ahead of most ME countries.

Seriously why would we want to allow the MB to take over and impose sharia on the nation? By August 2017 over half a million Syrians have returned home. They weren't running from Assad but from ISIS and AQ.

Douma the city we have been discussing has been under the thumb of Jaysh al Islam and when the people rose up protesting for peace, these terrorists opened fire on them last year.

Now Assad isn't perfect. But in the very crazy universe known as the ME he's been able to keep his people free from a theocracy which in this day and age has been no small feat.

So if its Assad vs the MB most Syrians prefer Assad. Including Sunnis, Shias and Christians. Kurds as well.
Okay. I'll take your word for it. Then the fight now is ONLY between Assad and ....that rebel faction he just gassed? The war should be over then, shouldn't it? I hope for the people of Syria that it is. I don't care who leads them, as long as it is their choice and that we get out.
You've been helpful tiny. Thanks again.
False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.
Yup! - That's the same reason Bush's high school friend Tommy Franks issued the stand down orders when our forces had Osama Bin-Laden trapped in Tora Bora. Bush had to keep Bin-Laden alive to keep the war going! The Repubtards get upset if the USA is not pushing other countries around

So Bush / Cheney had to lie US into Iraq war to eliminate Sadam who kept Iran in check. That way the whole middle-east would erupt so we can be pulled into perpetual war! (PNAC)

Obama was smart to get the heck out & stay out. Trump is trying hard to get a war going somewhere. Trump looking for any reason he can to fight Iran, Iraq, Syria, North Korea, China, Afghanistan,or Russia.

What are you talking about????????????????????????

Obama gave the go ahead to the CIA to assist Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey in funnelling money and weapons to terrorists.................errrrrrrrrrr rebels to overthrow Assad.

That's pretty fucking hands on there sparky.
Obama's was Chump Change without US soldiers being slaughtered by the thousands. Bush caused disasters, lost thousands of US soldiers & contractors costing $4.4 TRILLION!!!!!!!!
,I'm with you on not getting involved but considering the CIA has been aiding the Saudis and Qatar in their efforts to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Muslim Brotherhood since 2011 we've been involved from the get go.

We've been part, a big part of the problem.
Quite awhile ago I read up on this Saudi funding the Muslim Brotherhood business. Their government does by law give a certain percentage to that organization which is NOT a terrorist organization btw. I don't know why you think the Saudi's have any interest in Syria--they sure have not had anything to do with fighting the war or helping refugees or anything else. About as hands off as a country could be, it looks like.
Why are you so convinced of this?

Oh a NYTimes article a long time ago explained our involvement with the SA/Qatar/Turkey's attempt to overthrow Assad. Here you go. Oh and please note that they all trusted the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood to hand over the weapons and cash to "good rebels"

I mean what could possibly go wrong> :)

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

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WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria’s neighbors would do so.

More at link:

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels

ETA: The US haven't labeled the MB a terrorist organization but several ME countries have. Think of the damage they did in Egypt once they got control.
Thank you for the article from six years ago. It says "to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with AQ or other terrorist groups." "The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria's neighbors would do so."

Do you think we were supplying the Kurds? They are on the southern border of Turkey, yes? Strong allies.

I don't know much about MB; I know they're old school and not into democracy, if I've got that straight.

Maybe the most important International Law that could be passed is that it is ILLEGAL for any country to become involved in ANY other country's civil war. For all the other countries involved in Syria's war, there's hardly room for Syria itself. Iran Russia US now you say Saudi Arabia. Anyone else you want to throw in there? WHY is it so friggin desirable?

Great post. It should be illegal for any nation to become involved in any other country's civil war. For example Quebec has been wishing to secede from Canada for as long as I can remember. BUT because there has been no outside interference, Quebec remains and their issues have been solved politically without violence.

These proxy wars only cause immense suffering by civilians as we have witnessed in Syria. What I don't understand at all is why we in the west would want to overthrow Assad who for the most part has kept his government and legal system secular. Womens rights in Syria are ahead of most ME countries.

Seriously why would we want to allow the MB to take over and impose sharia on the nation? By August 2017 over half a million Syrians have returned home. They weren't running from Assad but from ISIS and AQ.

Douma the city we have been discussing has been under the thumb of Jaysh al Islam and when the people rose up protesting for peace, these terrorists opened fire on them last year.

Now Assad isn't perfect. But in the very crazy universe known as the ME he's been able to keep his people free from a theocracy which in this day and age has been no small feat.

So if its Assad vs the MB most Syrians prefer Assad. Including Sunnis, Shias and Christians. Kurds as well.
Okay. I'll take your word for it. Then the fight now is ONLY between Assad and ....that rebel faction he just gassed? The war should be over then, shouldn't it? I hope for the people of Syria that it is. I don't care who leads them, as long as it is their choice and that we get out.
You've been helpful tiny. Thanks again.

You're welcome and my pleasure. From what I've read today there has been no independent verification of this "gas attack" but I really hope that the UN will be hands on and launch an investigation.

Here's a map from December of last year showing exactly how beaten back ISIS is now. And boy oh boy, I'm with you. I want this nightmare to end for Syrians.

Who knows who's behind this latest chemical gas attack? It could be most anybody from those who don't want the President to extricate us from that slaughterhouse to those who do, thinking we'll run like Barry the Fairy did in Iraq. One thing is certain, Syria is lost; the Russians got it and when they decide the Iranians are no longer useful, they'll throw them out too. So what should Trump do? Kill that son of a bitch Assad and boogie. We can locate him, isolate him, and drop a package on his ass that will leave pieces too small to bother burying. That leaves total chaos for Syria's neighbors to deal with....not our problem anymore thanks to Barry's dithering when he had the chance to stop it. Trump warned the world what would happen if another gas attack on women and children went down and now it should.

How is this any of our business?

the smart people in the USA are VERY concerned about
use of GASES in warfare-------in the USA the smart people

Nothing going on in Syria affects American national security.

yeah it does-------Saddam passed his gases ---------and chemicals to fellow Baathist dog -----ASSAD. DA IRANIANS
constructed a whole bunch of steel walled bunkers in the hills
between Lebanon and Syria------that sort of stuff is a PILLAR
OF HEZBOLLAH. The purpose of Hezbollah (army of 'god')
the WORLD TERRORISM. Discuss the situation with some
friendly HOMELAND SECURITY person. In case of disaster---
turn on your radio---stay in your house---carefully follow ALL
GOVERNMENT INSTRUCTIONS-----there are protocols in
place for your protection --------no need to thank me for this
important information

There wouldn't be middle eastern terrorism if the western world weren't constantly interfering in the affairs of the middle east
History would say different if we look at the Caliphates throughout History.................Some would say terrorism..........some would say Wars.........

Since 700 there has been one after another................That has not changed................
16 years...................and no end in sight...............ISIS on the ropes....................

Can get the hell out with some kind of Stability...........and now we got to make sure it goes on........................


Welcome to the Hotel California................We are fools............
You still on that? Isn't that from years ago? Don't you know that most of them have gone home?
I think the Middle East as a whole is totally messed up and they can sort it out themselves. Why must we be involved?

I'm with you on not getting involved but considering the CIA has been aiding the Saudis and Qatar in their efforts to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Muslim Brotherhood since 2011 we've been involved from the get go.

We've been part, a big part of the problem.
Quite awhile ago I read up on this Saudi funding the Muslim Brotherhood business. Their government does by law give a certain percentage to that organization which is NOT a terrorist organization btw. I don't know why you think the Saudi's have any interest in Syria--they sure have not had anything to do with fighting the war or helping refugees or anything else. About as hands off as a country could be, it looks like.
Why are you so convinced of this?

Oh a NYTimes article a long time ago explained our involvement with the SA/Qatar/Turkey's attempt to overthrow Assad. Here you go. Oh and please note that they all trusted the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood to hand over the weapons and cash to "good rebels"

I mean what could possibly go wrong> :)

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

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WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria’s neighbors would do so.

More at link:

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels

ETA: The US haven't labeled the MB a terrorist organization but several ME countries have. Think of the damage they did in Egypt once they got control.
Thank you for the article from six years ago. It says "to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with AQ or other terrorist groups." "The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria's neighbors would do so."

Do you think we were supplying the Kurds? They are on the southern border of Turkey, yes? Strong allies.

I don't know much about MB; I know they're old school and not into democracy, if I've got that straight.

Maybe the most important International Law that could be passed is that it is ILLEGAL for any country to become involved in ANY other country's civil war. For all the other countries involved in Syria's war, there's hardly room for Syria itself. Iran Russia US now you say Saudi Arabia. Anyone else you want to throw in there? WHY is it so friggin desirable?

Great post. It should be illegal for any nation to become involved in any other country's civil war. For example Quebec has been wishing to secede from Canada for as long as I can remember. BUT because there has been no outside interference, Quebec remains and their issues have been solved politically without violence.

These proxy wars only cause immense suffering by civilians as we have witnessed in Syria. What I don't understand at all is why we in the west would want to overthrow Assad who for the most part has kept his government and legal system secular. Womens rights in Syria are ahead of most ME countries.

Seriously why would we want to allow the MB to take over and impose sharia on the nation? By August 2017 over half a million Syrians have returned home. They weren't running from Assad but from ISIS and AQ.

Douma the city we have been discussing has been under the thumb of Jaysh al Islam and when the people rose up protesting for peace, these terrorists opened fire on them last year.

Now Assad isn't perfect. But in the very crazy universe known as the ME he's been able to keep his people free from a theocracy which in this day and age has been no small feat.

So if its Assad vs the MB most Syrians prefer Assad. Including Sunnis, Shias and Christians. Kurds as well.

There were LOTS of Syrian Christians in the area of the UNITED STATES in which I grew up. So many Syrian
Christians -----and I so naïve and RESISTENT to the study of
history and geography that I thought Syria was a Christian country. ---------I learned VERY VERY slowly that they were
escapees from <gasp> Islamic and ASSADIC oppression.
Tiny----why are you not objecting to the RUSSIAN AND IRANIAN presence in Syria?. I know who you are because
I read the propaganda supporting isolationism that was dropped
on the town of my childhood. I was born way after World War II ------but the town, during that time was kinda provincial.
The Nazi propaganda just never got thrown away-------it even lay in the form of sleazy pamphlets in little piles in the town library-----way in the back. All sorts of articles on why it is the BANKER WAR MONGERS WHO DISLIKE YOUR PAL ADOLF. People like you allowed the Armenian genocide
of 1915, the Biafran genocide and POL POT------unganda,
saddam on the Shiites and kurds. etc etc etc etc etc.
The assads were murderers way back -----all the way to circa
1970 and they are in the pocket of world terrorism supporting
imperialist Ayatoilets of Iran------and part of the BAATHIST SHIT------supported by Imperialist Russia since the 1950s. Baathists are the only people to have USED nitrogen mustard
gas since world war I-----on CIVILIAN POPULATIONS---no less
Someone might construe it as such.
You ought to know me well enough to know I don't advocate that; would I cry if it happened? Nope.
So what is your stance, Tehon, besides saying America sucks and everyone who doesn't defend child gassing Assad is an enemy:?
Well, I learned from you recently that you are a hawk, so there's that as well.

My position is that we shouldn't be in Syria. That we helped create the situation there and our presence has prevented it from coming to a swift conclusion.

And there is no evidence to suggest that Assad was responsible for this or any other alleged gas attack.

Confirmed by the US Defense Secretary.

US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says
Who's talking about Sarin? The most recent attack was chlorine, as was the one last year. That's bad enough, in my book.
Who can't get chlorine? If what you say is true, it could have been anyone.
Yup. Including Assad, who is the one fighting those rebels at the moment.

the issue is the construction of chlorine bombs and WHO uses them------they do not appear in dollar stores nor do the machines that launch them. The M.O. is very baathist
,I'm with you on not getting involved but considering the CIA has been aiding the Saudis and Qatar in their efforts to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Muslim Brotherhood since 2011 we've been involved from the get go.

We've been part, a big part of the problem.
Quite awhile ago I read up on this Saudi funding the Muslim Brotherhood business. Their government does by law give a certain percentage to that organization which is NOT a terrorist organization btw. I don't know why you think the Saudi's have any interest in Syria--they sure have not had anything to do with fighting the war or helping refugees or anything else. About as hands off as a country could be, it looks like.
Why are you so convinced of this?

Oh a NYTimes article a long time ago explained our involvement with the SA/Qatar/Turkey's attempt to overthrow Assad. Here you go. Oh and please note that they all trusted the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood to hand over the weapons and cash to "good rebels"

I mean what could possibly go wrong> :)

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

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WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria’s neighbors would do so.

More at link:

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels

ETA: The US haven't labeled the MB a terrorist organization but several ME countries have. Think of the damage they did in Egypt once they got control.
Thank you for the article from six years ago. It says "to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with AQ or other terrorist groups." "The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria's neighbors would do so."

Do you think we were supplying the Kurds? They are on the southern border of Turkey, yes? Strong allies.

I don't know much about MB; I know they're old school and not into democracy, if I've got that straight.

Maybe the most important International Law that could be passed is that it is ILLEGAL for any country to become involved in ANY other country's civil war. For all the other countries involved in Syria's war, there's hardly room for Syria itself. Iran Russia US now you say Saudi Arabia. Anyone else you want to throw in there? WHY is it so friggin desirable?

Great post. It should be illegal for any nation to become involved in any other country's civil war. For example Quebec has been wishing to secede from Canada for as long as I can remember. BUT because there has been no outside interference, Quebec remains and their issues have been solved politically without violence.

These proxy wars only cause immense suffering by civilians as we have witnessed in Syria. What I don't understand at all is why we in the west would want to overthrow Assad who for the most part has kept his government and legal system secular. Womens rights in Syria are ahead of most ME countries.

Seriously why would we want to allow the MB to take over and impose sharia on the nation? By August 2017 over half a million Syrians have returned home. They weren't running from Assad but from ISIS and AQ.

Douma the city we have been discussing has been under the thumb of Jaysh al Islam and when the people rose up protesting for peace, these terrorists opened fire on them last year.

Now Assad isn't perfect. But in the very crazy universe known as the ME he's been able to keep his people free from a theocracy which in this day and age has been no small feat.

So if its Assad vs the MB most Syrians prefer Assad. Including Sunnis, Shias and Christians. Kurds as well.
Okay. I'll take your word for it. Then the fight now is ONLY between Assad and ....that rebel faction he just gassed? The war should be over then, shouldn't it? I hope for the people of Syria that it is. I don't care who leads them, as long as it is their choice and that we get out.
You've been helpful tiny. Thanks again.

helpful for whom? the hundreds of thousands murdered
by the Assads for the glory of BOTH national arab socialism AND Shiite imperialism?
Interesting stuff, TD. But there are likely dozens of Syrians who might step in to lead a new government. Look at what General al Sisi did in Egypt when the MB started showing their true colors. Assad is dead meat.
PS the "civil war" in Syria INCLUDES interested parties such as IRANIAN SHIITE IMPERIALIST HEZBOLLAH (purveyors of
world wide terrorism) Russian military for the purposes of Russian imperialism including control of all the sturgeon in the
sea and oil transport-------and the CALIPHATE CAUSE close to
the hearts of all who hold the Koran divine
PS the "civil war" in Syria INCLUDES interested parties such as IRANIAN SHIITE IMPERIALIST HEZBOLLAH (purveyors of
world wide terrorism) Russian military for the purposes of Russian imperialism including control of all the sturgeon in the
sea and oil transport-------and the CALIPHATE CAUSE close to
the hearts of all who hold the Koran divine

Great Lakes folks like myself consider sturgeon trash fish like carp....they fight hard but eat em? nope.
The US doesn't care about the peoples of the Middle East. It just wants control so it can plunder their resources. That's always been the plan for the West, especially for the US and Great Britain. They've been meddling and slaughtering over there for decades. They're not there because they really like those folks.

Ah, now we hear you loud and clear and your FRANTIC effort to defend the baby-gasser Assad is now understood. What makes your claim even more absurd is if we were inclined to "plunder" in Iraq, how come almost all their oil goes to China and none to the US?

It's always about the plundering. The US and Great Britain have been meddling and plundering in the Middle East for several decades. Me stating that, doesn't = 'Defending Assad.' It's just stating fact.
The implication was that the US has no qualms about dropping chemicals on people. Or killing innocents, Pinkville.

"innocents"? FUCK Pinkville...they took several lives and limbs around there before they got answered. Anybody who loads, feeds, fucks or stitches up an enemy combatant is fair game. Everybody knew what had to be done....Americal just got there first is all. You leftists never mention the NLF atrocities against their own people....I wonder why that is?
Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

The 'Rebels' are Jihadis for the most part. We should have never supported them. But regardless, those who seek Regime Change in Syria, had more to gain with a 'Chemical Attack', than Assad did. It justifies them staying in Syria and accomplishing their takeover. Assad didn't need to carry out such an attack. He's winning the war there.
That's reasonable, I guess. You'd think our intelligence agencies and military would be smart enough to figure that out, though, if you could.

Yup, our good ole Intelligence agencies. The same agencies that have been funding & arming Jihadis in Syria for years. And conducting False Flags is their specialty. They have operatives embedded in most Western Media as well. So reports like this, should be heavily scrutinized. We're talking about some very devious evil folks. They're capable of anything.
We are NOT funding and arming jihadis. Fuck you.

Yes we are. The US has been funding and arming Jihadis for decades. In fact, we're still supporting Al-Nusra Front in Syria. It's an Al Qaeda-linked terror org. It recently changed its name, and is still receiving funding. In Syria especially, Jihadi groups like ISIS got their money, weapons, and training form somewhere. I'll let you think about where they got the support from. Just follow the money.
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

The 'Rebels' are Jihadis for the most part. We should have never supported them. But regardless, those who seek Regime Change in Syria, had more to gain with a 'Chemical Attack', than Assad did. It justifies them staying in Syria and accomplishing their takeover. Assad didn't need to carry out such an attack. He's winning the war there.
That's reasonable, I guess. You'd think our intelligence agencies and military would be smart enough to figure that out, though, if you could.

Yup, our good ole Intelligence agencies. The same agencies that have been funding & arming Jihadis in Syria for years. And conducting False Flags is their specialty. They have operatives embedded in most Western Media as well. So reports like this, should be heavily scrutinized. We're talking about some very devious evil folks. They're capable of anything.
We are NOT funding and arming jihadis. Fuck you.

Maybe not anymore, but we were.

Sadly, we're still supporting Al Nusra Front in Syria. It's an Al Qaeda-linked terror org. It recently changed its name, but it's Al Nusra Front. The US is still funding and arming Jihadi orgs. All while supposedly fighting a 'War on Terror.' What a foreign policy. Insanity.
False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.
the Jews did it. (-:

Israel has been bombing Syria all throughout its Civil War. In fact, it just bombed it again a few days ago. Why has Israel been allowed to attack Syria with impunity? Its Civil War was none of Israel's business. So i know you were being sarcastic, but Israel does stir up a lot of bloody chaos in the Middle East. That's just fact.

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