Time's UP For Assad

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

The 'Rebels' are Jihadis for the most part. We should have never supported them. But regardless, those who seek Regime Change in Syria, had more to gain with a 'Chemical Attack', than Assad did. It justifies them staying in Syria and accomplishing their takeover. Assad didn't need to carry out such an attack. He's winning the war there.
That's reasonable, I guess. You'd think our intelligence agencies and military would be smart enough to figure that out, though, if you could.

Yup, our good ole Intelligence agencies. The same agencies that have been funding & arming Jihadis in Syria for years. And conducting False Flags is their specialty. They have operatives embedded in most Western Media as well. So reports like this, should be heavily scrutinized. We're talking about some very devious evil folks. They're capable of anything.
We are NOT funding and arming jihadis. Fuck you.

Maybe not anymore, but we were.
Who the fuck are you kidding? Never hear of Agent Orange?

Who the fuck are you kidding? Agent orange was a dioxin-based defoliant not a gas. I walked through plenty of it around Dak To and never even sneezed.
The implication was that the US has no qualms about dropping chemicals on people. Or killing innocents, Pinkville.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.

Since when does truth matter? The corrupt controlled Press has already declared Assad guilty. So what can Trump do now? Can he really move ahead with withdrawal plans? I doubt it. He'll likely escalate the war there.

He's being played like many past US Presidents have. The moment he spoke of withdrawal, was the moment the False Flag was ordered. It always goes down that way. It's actually predictable. Our foreign policy is such a sad nightmare.
Are you saying the US gassed those people?

Not sure a 'gassing' actually happened at all. The Press is corrupt and completely controlled. Folks should definitely be very skeptical of its reporting. Who had the most to gain by this? Certainly not Assad. It doesn't make sense. Just ponder who had the most to gain by this. Once you figure that out, you'll know who pulled this off.
Oh, bullshit the "Press is corrupt and completely controlled." Where do you think you are, communist China? North Korea? Wake up and smell the coffee, man.
I expect you and the other posters here casting aspersions and refusing to name the agent who would have done such a thing to come out and stop pussyfooting around.
The US didn't do this. Boeing didn't do this. Wall Street didn't do this. Soros didn't do this. The international Press is not "making it up;" Aljazeera, BBC, haaretz, NPR, Reuters. They are all in on it, huh? It was an obscene attack by an asshole against "rebels" who are still hoping to blow him up.
Maybe someone set up Assad, but we don't gas civilians or soldiers. YOU need to wake up!
Who the fuck are you kidding? Never hear of Agent Orange?
That was a defoliant. We learned of its side effects too late. Terrible thing. I hope we learned our lesson there.
The rebels probably launched some mortars when Israeli jets were flying overhead. They're beat anyways, why not stir the pot?

And OP, how is taking out the country's leader good for the citizens there? Oh! Some got killed by chemical weapons, so let's bomb the crap out of them and kill even more. :cuckoo:

Wouldn't that throw the whole place into Civil War with tribal factions struggling to rule?

Asked and answered. I haven't even implied I want to see a carpet bombing of Syria. I'm lobbying for a surgical strike to decapitate the Syrian government and an invasion by neighboring sunni states to clear out the Russians and establish a new government that doesn't murder it's women and children.

Erdogan? :uhh::uhoh3: You're weird dude, I'm inclined to think your first name is Mohammed.
Who the fuck are you kidding? Never hear of Agent Orange?

Who the fuck are you kidding? Agent orange was a dioxin-based defoliant not a gas. I walked through plenty of it around Dak To and never even sneezed.
The implication was that the US has no qualms about dropping chemicals on people. Or killing innocents, Pinkville.
It was WEED KILLER. A little different than poisonous GAS.
False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.
the Jews did it. (-:
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

The 'Rebels' are Jihadis for the most part. We should have never supported them. But regardless, those who seek Regime Change in Syria, had more to gain with a 'Chemical Attack', than Assad did. It justifies them staying in Syria and accomplishing their takeover. Assad didn't need to carry out such an attack. He's winning the war there.
That's reasonable, I guess. You'd think our intelligence agencies and military would be smart enough to figure that out, though, if you could.

Yup, our good ole Intelligence agencies. The same agencies that have been funding & arming Jihadis in Syria for years. And conducting False Flags is their specialty. They have operatives embedded in most Western Media as well. So reports like this, should be heavily scrutinized. We're talking about some very devious evil folks. They're capable of anything.
We are NOT funding and arming jihadis. Fuck you.

Maybe not anymore, but we were.
Do these folks switch sides and reform into different groups at the drop of a hat? This is what happens when we stick our nose where it's not wanted and when we supply any side with weapons.
Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

This rebel group is a subsidiary of AQ Syria and was headed by a Saudi and financed by the Saudis and they constantly were mortar shelling Damascus.
I don't understand what that has to do with the price of eggs.

Ok you have terrorists in Douma who are part of AQ loaded with foreign jihadists backed financially by the Saudis and others.

They are not rebels.
When we rebelled against Britain, we were backed financially and militarily by the French. Doesn't make us French, does it?

WTF? The terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr jihadists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels are from 80 different freaking countries.

In other words they aren't Syrian rebels. They are invaders.
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Who the fuck are you kidding? Never hear of Agent Orange?

Who the fuck are you kidding? Agent orange was a dioxin-based defoliant not a gas. I walked through plenty of it around Dak To and never even sneezed.
The implication was that the US has no qualms about dropping chemicals on people. Or killing innocents, Pinkville.
It was WEED KILLER. A little different than poisonous GAS.
Well dropping atom bombs on people is even more different. Don't you think?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

This rebel group is a subsidiary of AQ Syria and was headed by a Saudi and financed by the Saudis and they constantly were mortar shelling Damascus.
I don't understand what that has to do with the price of eggs.

Ok you have terrorists in Douma who are part of AQ loaded with foreign jihadists backed financially by the Saudis and others.

They are not rebels.
When we rebelled against Britain, we were backed financially and militarily by the French. Doesn't make us French, does it?

WTF? The terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr jihadists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels are from 80 different freaking countries.
You still on that? Isn't that from years ago? Don't you know that most of them have gone home?
I think the Middle East as a whole is totally messed up and they can sort it out themselves. Why must we be involved?
Who the fuck are you kidding? Never hear of Agent Orange?

Who the fuck are you kidding? Agent orange was a dioxin-based defoliant not a gas. I walked through plenty of it around Dak To and never even sneezed.
The implication was that the US has no qualms about dropping chemicals on people. Or killing innocents, Pinkville.
It was WEED KILLER. A little different than poisonous GAS.
Well dropping atom bombs on people is even more different. Don't you think?
You one of the jihadists, Tehon? If you don't like us, there are plenty of armies you can join that want to destroy the U.S.
One of my uncles wanted to use it to clear the back field. Said he knew where to get it too. LOL

If you want something dead just call Dow Chemical...they can have it to you next day by UPS. :lol:
Oh, this was years ago, when Agent Orange was still floating around "unofficially." I remember a very very unpleasant 24 hours after using Roundup in a sprayer -- thought my sinuses were doa.
Who the fuck are you kidding? Never hear of Agent Orange?

Who the fuck are you kidding? Agent orange was a dioxin-based defoliant not a gas. I walked through plenty of it around Dak To and never even sneezed.
The implication was that the US has no qualms about dropping chemicals on people. Or killing innocents, Pinkville.
It was WEED KILLER. A little different than poisonous GAS.
Well dropping atom bombs on people is even more different. Don't you think?
You one of the jihadists, Tehon? If you don't like us, there are plenty of armies you can join that want to destroy the U.S.

C'mon, take the Red Pill, it will change your life.
Read it.

Pgs. 287-293 (291) JW v DOD and State 14-812 - Judicial Watch
This rebel group is a subsidiary of AQ Syria and was headed by a Saudi and financed by the Saudis and they constantly were mortar shelling Damascus.
I don't understand what that has to do with the price of eggs.

Ok you have terrorists in Douma who are part of AQ loaded with foreign jihadists backed financially by the Saudis and others.

They are not rebels.
When we rebelled against Britain, we were backed financially and militarily by the French. Doesn't make us French, does it?

WTF? The terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr jihadists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels are from 80 different freaking countries.
You still on that? Isn't that from years ago? Don't you know that most of them have gone home?
I think the Middle East as a whole is totally messed up and they can sort it out themselves. Why must we be involved?

I'm with you on not getting involved but considering the CIA has been aiding the Saudis and Qatar in their efforts to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Muslim Brotherhood since 2011 we've been involved from the get go.

We've been part, a big part of the problem.
Oh, this was years ago, when Agent Orange was still floating around "unofficially." I remember a very very unpleasant 24 hours after using Roundup in a sprayer -- thought my sinuses were doa.

I'm in the pest control business and there's now a massive class-action suit against Roundup. Anything that will kill a cockroach or a termite, you don't want to be around until it's dry.
Who the fuck are you kidding? Never hear of Agent Orange?

Who the fuck are you kidding? Agent orange was a dioxin-based defoliant not a gas. I walked through plenty of it around Dak To and never even sneezed.
The implication was that the US has no qualms about dropping chemicals on people. Or killing innocents, Pinkville.
It was WEED KILLER. A little different than poisonous GAS.
Well dropping atom bombs on people is even more different. Don't you think?
You one of the jihadists, Tehon? If you don't like us, there are plenty of armies you can join that want to destroy the U.S.
I'm not the one advocating the violent overthrow of a sovereign government, the legal definition of terrorism. That would be you.
Oh, this was years ago, when Agent Orange was still floating around "unofficially." I remember a very very unpleasant 24 hours after using Roundup in a sprayer -- thought my sinuses were doa.

I'm in the pest control business and there's now a massive class-action suit against Roundup. Anything that will kill a cockroach or a termite, you don't want to be around until it's dry.

I managed one in the 90's. Demon TC and Demon WP were my favorites.
I'm not the one advocating the violent overthrow of a sovereign government, the legal definition of terrorism. That would be you.

Check out this yoyo's ^^^^^^ profile page.....BIG Putin supporter.

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