Time's UP For Assad

What really sets me clean off is that we're going to punish Assad by killing more Syrians.

Pfffffffft. Special. And its a knee jerk response considering there's no evidence of this attack being carried out by Assad.
What doctors' reports are you referring to?

I know that I won't just assume that reports from the jihadi terrorists who are trying to overthrow Syria's democratically elected government are true.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

This rebel group is a subsidiary of AQ Syria and was headed by a Saudi and financed by the Saudis and they constantly were mortar shelling Damascus.
I don't understand what that has to do with the price of eggs.

AQ and ISIS were part of the group we were arming and protecting.
The rebels probably launched some mortars when Israeli jets were flying overhead. They're beat anyways, why not stir the pot?

And OP, how is taking out the country's leader good for the citizens there? Oh! Some got killed by chemical weapons, so let's bomb the crap out of them and kill even more. :cuckoo:

Wouldn't that throw the whole place into Civil War with tribal factions struggling to rule?
Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

The 'Rebels' are Jihadis for the most part. We should have never supported them. But regardless, those who seek Regime Change in Syria, had more to gain with a 'Chemical Attack', than Assad did. It justifies them staying in Syria and accomplishing their takeover. Assad didn't need to carry out such an attack. He's winning the war there.
That's reasonable, I guess. You'd think our intelligence agencies and military would be smart enough to figure that out, though, if you could.

Our Intelligence agencies have been funding & arming Jihadis in Syria for years. And conducting False Flags is their specialty. They have operatives embedded in most Western Media as well. So reports like this, should be heavily scrutinized. We're talking about some very devious evil folks. They're capable of anything.

One of my faves that the media relies on is the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights. It's one guy in Britain who hasn't been in Syria for over a decade.

He's a tailor. But he's the one the media uses as a "go to guy". Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.


Yeah, it's a British Intelligence-created sham. The British have been very instrumental in pushing for Regime Change in Syria. The 'Observatory' is paid to push Government propaganda shite. I don't understand why so many trust everything it reports.
The rebels probably launched some mortars when Israeli jets were flying overhead. They're beat anyways, why not stir the pot?

And OP, how is taking out the country's leader good for the citizens there? Oh! Some got killed by chemical weapons, so let's bomb the crap out of them and kill even more. :cuckoo:

Wouldn't that throw the whole place into Civil War with tribal factions struggling to rule?

Its getting closer every day. Last week Israel penetrated Iranian air space twice with Stealth Fighters.

And here's Syrian rebel intelligence collecting so called samples from a so called chemical attack in 2017. It's freaking priceless.

Please note the sandals. :lol:

What really sets me clean off is that we're going to punish Assad by killing more Syrians.

Pfffffffft. Special. And its a knee jerk response considering there's no evidence of this attack being carried out by Assad.

Assad didn't do it. There is nothing in it for him. My guess it was either the Israeli's or our Neo-Cons (maybe both).
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

This rebel group is a subsidiary of AQ Syria and was headed by a Saudi and financed by the Saudis and they constantly were mortar shelling Damascus.
I don't understand what that has to do with the price of eggs.

AQ and ISIS were part of the group we were arming and protecting.
That is bullshit.
The US doesn't care about the peoples of the Middle East. It just wants control so it can plunder their resources. That's always been the plan for the West, especially for the US and Great Britain. They've been meddling and slaughtering over there for decades. They're not there because they really like those folks.

Ah, now we hear you loud and clear and your FRANTIC effort to defend the baby-gasser Assad is now understood. What makes your claim even more absurd is if we were inclined to "plunder" in Iraq, how come almost all their oil goes to China and none to the US?
What really sets me clean off is that we're going to punish Assad by killing more Syrians.

Pfffffffft. Special. And its a knee jerk response considering there's no evidence of this attack being carried out by Assad.
Why? Because he said he didn't do it? Like Putin does? That convinces you, does it?
What really sets me clean off is that we're going to punish Assad by killing more Syrians.

Pfffffffft. Special. And its a knee jerk response considering there's no evidence of this attack being carried out by Assad.
Why? Because he said he didn't do it? Like Putin does? That convinces you, does it?

There should be an investigation. Well unless you just want to go bombing willy nilly and killing more civilians.

Assad had no reason at all to use chemical weapons. He had already been victorious in beating the terrorists and liberating Douma.
You anti Assad people do realize that Assad has an obligation to free certain cities that have been taken over by the terrorists right? And free his people?
Who the fuck are you kidding? Never hear of Agent Orange?

Who the fuck are you kidding? Agent orange was a dioxin-based defoliant not a gas. I walked through plenty of it around Dak To and never even sneezed.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

The 'Rebels' are Jihadis for the most part. We should have never supported them. But regardless, those who seek Regime Change in Syria, had more to gain with a 'Chemical Attack', than Assad did. It justifies them staying in Syria and accomplishing their takeover. Assad didn't need to carry out such an attack. He's winning the war there.
That's reasonable, I guess. You'd think our intelligence agencies and military would be smart enough to figure that out, though, if you could.

Yup, our good ole Intelligence agencies. The same agencies that have been funding & arming Jihadis in Syria for years. And conducting False Flags is their specialty. They have operatives embedded in most Western Media as well. So reports like this, should be heavily scrutinized. We're talking about some very devious evil folks. They're capable of anything.
We are NOT funding and arming jihadis. Fuck you.
Who the fuck are you kidding? Never hear of Agent Orange?

Who the fuck are you kidding? Agent orange was a dioxin-based defoliant not a gas. I walked through plenty of it around Dak To and never even sneezed.
One of my uncles wanted to use it to clear the back field. Said he knew where to get it too. LOL
Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

This rebel group is a subsidiary of AQ Syria and was headed by a Saudi and financed by the Saudis and they constantly were mortar shelling Damascus.
I don't understand what that has to do with the price of eggs.

AQ and ISIS were part of the group we were arming and protecting.
That is bullshit.

I'm afraid it's all true.

Pgs. 287-293 (291) JW v DOD and State 14-812 - Judicial Watch

DL the attachment, it's a copy of a DIA memo detailing who's who in Syria.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

This rebel group is a subsidiary of AQ Syria and was headed by a Saudi and financed by the Saudis and they constantly were mortar shelling Damascus.
I don't understand what that has to do with the price of eggs.

Ok you have terrorists in Douma who are part of AQ loaded with foreign jihadists backed financially by the Saudis and others.

They are not rebels.
When we rebelled against Britain, we were backed financially and militarily by the French. Doesn't make us French, does it?
The rebels probably launched some mortars when Israeli jets were flying overhead. They're beat anyways, why not stir the pot?

And OP, how is taking out the country's leader good for the citizens there? Oh! Some got killed by chemical weapons, so let's bomb the crap out of them and kill even more. :cuckoo:

Wouldn't that throw the whole place into Civil War with tribal factions struggling to rule?

Asked and answered. I haven't even implied I want to see a carpet bombing of Syria. I'm lobbying for a surgical strike to decapitate the Syrian government and an invasion by neighboring sunni states to clear out the Russians and establish a new government that doesn't murder it's women and children.

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