Time's UP For Assad

Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
He doesn't HAVE to. Dropping a few canisters of gas on his people is that much worse than what the Myramar military did to the Rohingya? I don't see us wading in there all holy and shit. If it is a violation of international law, let the UN handle it. I have nothing against someone tiptoeing in there and smoking the guy; he's an evil dude. But this perpetual fight will never be over and we might as well get the hell out while the getting is good.

Withdrawal plans are now scrapped. Trump has no choice but to stay and escalate the war. The MIC cabal has forced his hand. They weren't gonna allow him to get us out of there. Taking out Assad and seizing Syria has been in the works for decades. They're not gonna allow anyone to interfere with the plan.

The way they see it, they'll do whatever they have to, to make sure we stay in Syria. It's so obvious Assad had nothing to gain by carrying out a Chemical Attack on his own people. It just doesn't make sense. The only ones who had much to gain, were the MIC Warmongers. They got more war. They usually do get what they want.
Nah, he's boxed in. The MIC cabal has set him up. He can't withdraw from Syria. He can only stay and escalate the war now. Every time there's serious talk about leaving these countries, some kind of False Flag happens that guarantees us staying. When are folks gonna wake up and stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda? They need to stop being played. When are they gonna tire of endless war?

Think you've spammed my thread with the same crap enough yet? There is no "false flag", there is no intention to stay, much less get deeper into Syria, and Assad is going to get his nose bloodied in the next 48 hours.....Trump would get impeached for outright killing him but there are ways around that too....so unless you have something new to add, feel free to move on.

'No intention to stay?' Boy, i'd like to believe that. But i don't. Oh well, another day another war. Business as usual for the most violent nation on earth. :(
Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.
Doesn't have to be proven. The wheels are already in motion. We're not only staying in Syria, we're gonna escalate the war. Trump got played by the MIC gang. It's very sad.

Bah. Although Trump hasn't any military experience, he knows New York City and saw the rackets wars over the years. He's not about to get suckered into staying in Syria whether McCain and Miss Lindsey like it or not. Just go after Assad and any relative who could replace him. You can't openly murder a foreign leader but you can get him "by mistake" which is what Trump should do...today.
If it's any of our business who runs Syria, everyone who knows anything about the Middle East has said there will never be peace in Syria with Assad in power because he's not liked by enough of his own people. I don't pretend to know anything about it, but he's apparently not Sunni or the other one, he's something else, and he is highly unpopular. Maybe that's why he has to gas them into submission.

We never had any right to declare 'Regime Change.' It's an unwise and unjust action. We never belonged in Syria.
Supporting the fight against ISIS with air power was okay, but there's no call for meddling in who runs the place. That is up to them to work out.
This is how I see it:
The Muslim Middle East is about where the West was during feudal times. How many years and how much blood did it take us to work our way out of it? 900 years or so? Democracy happens gradually for people ready for patience and persuasion instead of forcing their way with various explosives. Don't say it can't happen with Muslims because of their religion--the Catholic Church held up the evolution in the West, too, by squashing anyone with a better idea for centuries and centuries.
It ain't gonna happen in the Middle East 'til they're ready to accept it, and they ain't ready, yet. The tribal leaders all dream of power over the rest because the rest can't envision compromise and sharing power. That's how I see it; we don't need to be in there for a few hundred more years until the People win.
Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.
Who is going to verify it, and why aren't the doctors' reports good enough?
Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.

Since when does truth matter? The corrupt controlled Press has already declared Assad guilty. So what can Trump do now? Can he really move ahead with withdrawal plans? I doubt it. He'll likely escalate the war there.

He's being played like many past US Presidents have. The moment he spoke of withdrawal, was the moment the False Flag was ordered. It always goes down that way. It's actually predictable. Our foreign policy is such a sad nightmare.
This reminds me of the Nerve Agent attack on Russian Spy, Skirpal who was a close associate, friend, and collaborator of Steele's on The Fusion GPS Dossier.

By International Law, evidence of a Chemical attack is supposed to be shared.

Spy vs. Spy: Skirpal, Strozk & Steele

The UK refuses to let anyone look at The Evidence, and instead makes public statements about "irrefutable evidence" no one is allowed to examine.

Just like THE DNC server btw.
Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
He doesn't HAVE to. Dropping a few canisters of gas on his people is that much worse than what the Myramar military did to the Rohingya? I don't see us wading in there all holy and shit. If it is a violation of international law, let the UN handle it. I have nothing against someone tiptoeing in there and smoking the guy; he's an evil dude. But this perpetual fight will never be over and we might as well get the hell out while the getting is good.

Withdrawal plans are now scrapped. Trump has no choice but to stay and escalate the war. The MIC cabal has forced his hand. They weren't gonna allow him to get us out of there. Taking out Assad and seizing Syria has been in the works for decades. They're not gonna allow anyone to interfere with the plan.

The way they see it, they'll do whatever they have to, to make sure we stay in Syria. It's so obvious Assad had nothing to gain by carrying out a Chemical Attack on his own people. It just doesn't make sense. The only ones who had much to gain, were the MIC Warmongers. They got more war. They usually do get what they want.
Oh, he (his officers) probably did the attack. He was pissed that the negotiations with the rebels fell through and decided he'd show them what happens when they don't cooperate. He's an asshole. Of course he had a reason. Hundreds of people were sent to hospital with all the symptoms of a gas attack and smelling of chlorine. What more do you want?
Nah, he's boxed in. The MIC cabal has set him up. He can't withdraw from Syria. He can only stay and escalate the war now. Every time there's serious talk about leaving these countries, some kind of False Flag happens that guarantees us staying. When are folks gonna wake up and stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda? They need to stop being played. When are they gonna tire of endless war?

Think you've spammed my thread with the same crap enough yet? There is no "false flag", there is no intention to stay, much less get deeper into Syria, and Assad is going to get his nose bloodied in the next 48 hours.....Trump would get impeached for outright killing him but there are ways around that too....so unless you have something new to add, feel free to move on.

So, who's running against Trump in 2020?
The only name I have heard thrown around is Oprah and she sais no thank! It will be interesting to see who it is!
Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.

Since when does truth matter? The corrupt controlled Press has already declared Assad guilty. So what can Trump do now? Can he really move ahead with withdrawal plans? I doubt it. He'll likely escalate the war there.

He's being played like many past US Presidents have. The moment he spoke of withdrawal, was the moment the False Flag was ordered. It always goes down that way. It's actually predictable. Our foreign policy is such a sad nightmare.
Are you saying the US gassed those people?
Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.

Since when does truth matter? The corrupt controlled Press has already declared Assad guilty. So what can Trump do now? Can he really move ahead with withdrawal plans? I doubt it. He'll likely escalate the war there.

He's being played like many past US Presidents have. The moment he spoke of withdrawal, was the moment the False Flag was ordered. It always goes down that way. It's actually predictable. Our foreign policy is such a sad nightmare.
Are you saying the US gassed those people?

I think everyone is saying there was no reason for Russia or Syria to gas anyone in a war they were overwhelmingly winning.

Anyone who is buying that is very, very gullible.
Doesn't have to be proven. The wheels are already in motion. We're not only staying in Syria, we're gonna escalate the war. Trump got played by the MIC gang. It's very sad.

Bah. Although Trump hasn't any military experience, he knows New York City and saw the rackets wars over the years. He's not about to get suckered into staying in Syria whether McCain and Miss Lindsey like it or not. Just go after Assad and any relative who could replace him. You can't openly murder a foreign leader but you can get him "by mistake" which is what Trump should do...today.
If it's any of our business who runs Syria, everyone who knows anything about the Middle East has said there will never be peace in Syria with Assad in power because he's not liked by enough of his own people. I don't pretend to know anything about it, but he's apparently not Sunni or the other one, he's something else, and he is highly unpopular. Maybe that's why he has to gas them into submission.

We never had any right to declare 'Regime Change.' It's an unwise and unjust action. We never belonged in Syria.
Supporting the fight against ISIS with air power was okay, but there's no call for meddling in who runs the place. That is up to them to work out.
This is how I see it:
The Muslim Middle East is about where the West was during feudal times. How many years and how much blood did it take us to work our way out of it? 900 years or so? Democracy happens gradually for people ready for patience and persuasion instead of forcing their way with various explosives. Don't say it can't happen with Muslims because of their religion--the Catholic Church held up the evolution in the West, too, by squashing anyone with a better idea for centuries and centuries.
It ain't gonna happen in the Middle East 'til they're ready to accept it, and they ain't ready, yet. The tribal leaders all dream of power over the rest because the rest can't envision compromise and sharing power. That's how I see it; we don't need to be in there for a few hundred more years until the People win.

The US doesn't care about the peoples of the Middle East. It just wants control so it can plunder their resources. That's always been the plan for the West, especially for the US and Great Britain. They've been meddling and slaughtering over there for decades. They're not there because they really like those folks.

Just go back and look at Iran for an example. In the 50's the US took out the democratically-elected Mohammad Mosaddegh, and installed the brutal Shah as a Puppet. The US and Great Britain have been doing that for so many years over there. It's time for us to dramatically scale things back in the Middle East. Time for a disengagement policy. The wars need to end. It's time.
Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
He doesn't HAVE to. Dropping a few canisters of gas on his people is that much worse than what the Myramar military did to the Rohingya? I don't see us wading in there all holy and shit. If it is a violation of international law, let the UN handle it. I have nothing against someone tiptoeing in there and smoking the guy; he's an evil dude. But this perpetual fight will never be over and we might as well get the hell out while the getting is good.

Withdrawal plans are now scrapped. Trump has no choice but to stay and escalate the war. The MIC cabal has forced his hand. They weren't gonna allow him to get us out of there. Taking out Assad and seizing Syria has been in the works for decades. They're not gonna allow anyone to interfere with the plan.

The way they see it, they'll do whatever they have to, to make sure we stay in Syria. It's so obvious Assad had nothing to gain by carrying out a Chemical Attack on his own people. It just doesn't make sense. The only ones who had much to gain, were the MIC Warmongers. They got more war. They usually do get what they want.
Oh, he (his officers) probably did the attack. He was pissed that the negotiations with the rebels fell through and decided he'd show them what happens when they don't cooperate. He's an asshole. Of course he had a reason. Hundreds of people were sent to hospital with all the symptoms of a gas attack and smelling of chlorine. What more do you want?

False Flag written all over it. Who had the most to gain by carrying out such an attack? Certainly not Assad. Think on it some.
Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.

Since when does truth matter? The corrupt controlled Press has already declared Assad guilty. So what can Trump do now? Can he really move ahead with withdrawal plans? I doubt it. He'll likely escalate the war there.

He's being played like many past US Presidents have. The moment he spoke of withdrawal, was the moment the False Flag was ordered. It always goes down that way. It's actually predictable. Our foreign policy is such a sad nightmare.
Are you saying the US gassed those people?
It is possible that the war machine gassed those people! Big profit in selling arms!
Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.

Since when does truth matter? The corrupt controlled Press has already declared Assad guilty. So what can Trump do now? Can he really move ahead with withdrawal plans? I doubt it. He'll likely escalate the war there.

He's being played like many past US Presidents have. The moment he spoke of withdrawal, was the moment the False Flag was ordered. It always goes down that way. It's actually predictable. Our foreign policy is such a sad nightmare.
Are you saying the US gassed those people?

Not sure a 'gassing' actually happened at all. The Press is corrupt and completely controlled. Folks should definitely be very skeptical of its reporting. Who had the most to gain by this? Certainly not Assad. It doesn't make sense. Just ponder who had the most to gain by this. Once you figure that out, you'll know who pulled this off.
Doesn't have to be proven. The wheels are already in motion. We're not only staying in Syria, we're gonna escalate the war. Trump got played by the MIC gang. It's very sad.

Bah. Although Trump hasn't any military experience, he knows New York City and saw the rackets wars over the years. He's not about to get suckered into staying in Syria whether McCain and Miss Lindsey like it or not. Just go after Assad and any relative who could replace him. You can't openly murder a foreign leader but you can get him "by mistake" which is what Trump should do...today.
If it's any of our business who runs Syria, everyone who knows anything about the Middle East has said there will never be peace in Syria with Assad in power because he's not liked by enough of his own people. I don't pretend to know anything about it, but he's apparently not Sunni or the other one, he's something else, and he is highly unpopular. Maybe that's why he has to gas them into submission.

We never had any right to declare 'Regime Change.' It's an unwise and unjust action. We never belonged in Syria.
Supporting the fight against ISIS with air power was okay, but there's no call for meddling in who runs the place. That is up to them to work out.
This is how I see it:
The Muslim Middle East is about where the West was during feudal times. How many years and how much blood did it take us to work our way out of it? 900 years or so? Democracy happens gradually for people ready for patience and persuasion instead of forcing their way with various explosives. Don't say it can't happen with Muslims because of their religion--the Catholic Church held up the evolution in the West, too, by squashing anyone with a better idea for centuries and centuries.
It ain't gonna happen in the Middle East 'til they're ready to accept it, and they ain't ready, yet. The tribal leaders all dream of power over the rest because the rest can't envision compromise and sharing power. That's how I see it; we don't need to be in there for a few hundred more years until the People win.

The US doesn't care about the peoples of the Middle East. It just wants control so it can plunder their resources. That's always been the plan for the West, especially for the US and Great Britain. They've been meddling and slaughtering over there for decades. They're not there because they really like those folks.

Just go back and look at Iran for an example. In the 50's the US took out the democratically-elected Mohammad Mosaddegh, and installed the brutal Shah as a Puppet. The US and Great Britain have been doing that for so many years over there. It's time for us to dramatically scale things back in the Middle East. Time for a disengagement policy. The wars need to end. It's time.
They tell us that war is about ideology but it is about stuff. Oil,water,iron,rubbergold,etc. That is what war is about if ya belive any different you can can and join the cult,oops group of like minded people I am forming!!!! LOL!
Bah. Although Trump hasn't any military experience, he knows New York City and saw the rackets wars over the years. He's not about to get suckered into staying in Syria whether McCain and Miss Lindsey like it or not. Just go after Assad and any relative who could replace him. You can't openly murder a foreign leader but you can get him "by mistake" which is what Trump should do...today.
If it's any of our business who runs Syria, everyone who knows anything about the Middle East has said there will never be peace in Syria with Assad in power because he's not liked by enough of his own people. I don't pretend to know anything about it, but he's apparently not Sunni or the other one, he's something else, and he is highly unpopular. Maybe that's why he has to gas them into submission.

We never had any right to declare 'Regime Change.' It's an unwise and unjust action. We never belonged in Syria.
Supporting the fight against ISIS with air power was okay, but there's no call for meddling in who runs the place. That is up to them to work out.
This is how I see it:
The Muslim Middle East is about where the West was during feudal times. How many years and how much blood did it take us to work our way out of it? 900 years or so? Democracy happens gradually for people ready for patience and persuasion instead of forcing their way with various explosives. Don't say it can't happen with Muslims because of their religion--the Catholic Church held up the evolution in the West, too, by squashing anyone with a better idea for centuries and centuries.
It ain't gonna happen in the Middle East 'til they're ready to accept it, and they ain't ready, yet. The tribal leaders all dream of power over the rest because the rest can't envision compromise and sharing power. That's how I see it; we don't need to be in there for a few hundred more years until the People win.

The US doesn't care about the peoples of the Middle East. It just wants control so it can plunder their resources. That's always been the plan for the West, especially for the US and Great Britain. They've been meddling and slaughtering over there for decades. They're not there because they really like those folks.

Just go back and look at Iran for an example. In the 50's the US took out the democratically-elected Mohammad Mosaddegh, and installed the brutal Shah as a Puppet. The US and Great Britain have been doing that for so many years over there. It's time for us to dramatically scale things back in the Middle East. Time for a disengagement policy. The wars need to end. It's time.
They tell us that war is about ideology but it is about stuff. Oil,water,iron,rubbergold,etc. That is what war is about if ya belive any different you can can and join the cult,oops group of like minded people I am forming!!!! LOL!

Yeah, the US and Great Britain aren't in the Middle East because they really like those folks. It's about the plundering. Always has been. It goes back several decades. Americans just need to start asking themselves, have we done enough plundering at this point? Can we come home now?
Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.
Who is going to verify it, and why aren't the doctors' reports good enough?
What doctors' reports are you referring to?

I know that I won't just assume that reports from the jihadi terrorists who are trying to overthrow Syria's democratically elected government are true.
Last edited:
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.

Since when does truth matter? The corrupt controlled Press has already declared Assad guilty. So what can Trump do now? Can he really move ahead with withdrawal plans? I doubt it. He'll likely escalate the war there.

He's being played like many past US Presidents have. The moment he spoke of withdrawal, was the moment the False Flag was ordered. It always goes down that way. It's actually predictable. Our foreign policy is such a sad nightmare.
Are you saying the US gassed those people?

I think everyone is saying there was no reason for Russia or Syria to gas anyone in a war they were overwhelmingly winning.

Anyone who is buying that is very, very gullible.
So who did it?
Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.
Who is going to verify it, and why aren't the doctors' reports good enough?
What doctors' reports are you referring to?

I know that I won't just assume that reports from the jihadi terrorists who are trying to overthrow Syria's democratically elected government are true.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

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