Time's UP For Assad

The terror group in Douma was not only financed by Saudi Arabia but their leader was Saudi. How would you like it if Canadians took over Flint and started bombing Detroit.

You'd expect as a Flint civilian that your government would fight the Canadians and free them would you not? No doubt Detroit would appreciate not getting shelled constantly.

Or has every anti Assad person lost their fucking minds and believe that Assad should just let foreign fighters take over Syria's cities? These aren't rebels and its never been a civil war.

Not when you have Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries pouring into Syria to overthrow Assad.

Its not a civil war. It's a fucking INVASION.
Just an FYI. The terror group who held Douma is financed by Saudi Arabia.

so? who financed the assads? who finances the world wide terror

World wide terror group Hezbollah? Give me a break. They are a terror group just as Hamas is but world wide?

On the other hand we in the west along with the Gulf States created ISIS and al Nusra (AQ) to overthrow Assad. Now we're talking world wide. Special.

yup -----world wide------hamas is a grain of millet compared to
The terror group in Douma was not only financed by Saudi Arabia but their leader was Saudi. How would you like it if Canadians took over Flint and started bombing Detroit.

You'd expect as a Flint civilian that your government would fight the Canadians and free them would you not?

Or has every anti Assad person lost their fucking minds and believe that Assad should just let foreign fighters take over Syria's cities? These aren't rebels and its never been a civil war.

Not when you have Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries pouring into Syria to overthrow Assad.

Its not a civil war. It's a fucking INVASION.

how many foreign sunni bastards have INVADED SYRIA---
got a citation?
A survivor describes a "yellow cannister" crashing through the roof of the building and spaying gas. So who's got artillery and/or air power in the area? The Syrians, the Russians, the Iranians, and us....what's the latest conspiracy theory...that we gassed those children? And BTW, if those pics of little babies laying on blankets in the dirt don't INFURIATE you, you're way past gone.

Jaysh al Islam has the capability. They've been shelling and killing Syrian civilians in Damascus for the past few years.

"Six civilians were killed on Saturday in mortar shelling of residential neighbourhoods of the capital Damascus, and 38 others were injured, Syrian state media reported, accusing Jaish al-Islam of the attacks."

'Dozens of civilians killed in chemical weapons attack' in Syria
A survivor describes a "yellow cannister" crashing through the roof of the building and spaying gas. So who's got artillery and/or air power in the area? The Syrians, the Russians, the Iranians, and us....what's the latest conspiracy theory...that we gassed those children? And BTW, if those pics of little babies laying on blankets in the dirt don't INFURIATE you, you're way past gone.

Jaysh al Islam has the capability. They've been shelling and killing Syrian civilians in Damascus for the past few years.

"Six civilians were killed on Saturday in mortar shelling of residential neighbourhoods of the capital Damascus, and 38 others were injured, Syrian state media reported, accusing Jaish al-Islam of the attacks."

'Dozens of civilians killed in chemical weapons attack' in Syria

the assads have been murdering for more than 40 years
The terror group in Douma was not only financed by Saudi Arabia but their leader was Saudi. How would you like it if Canadians took over Flint and started bombing Detroit.

You'd expect as a Flint civilian that your government would fight the Canadians and free them would you not?

Or has every anti Assad person lost their fucking minds and believe that Assad should just let foreign fighters take over Syria's cities? These aren't rebels and its never been a civil war.

Not when you have Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries pouring into Syria to overthrow Assad.

Its not a civil war. It's a fucking INVASION.

how many foreign sunni bastards have INVADED SYRIA---
got a citation?

Of course I do. :) I'm informed.

The United Nations has warned that foreign jihadists are swarming into the twin conflicts in Iraq and Syria on “an unprecedented scale” and from countries that had not previously contributed combatants to global terrorism.

A report by the UN security council, obtained by the Guardian, finds that 15,000 people have travelled to Syria and Iraq to fight alongside the Islamic State (Isis) and similar extremist groups. They come from more than 80 countries, the report states, “including a tail of countries that have not previously faced challenges relating to al-Qaida”.

The UN said it was uncertain whether al-Qaida would benefit from the surge. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaida who booted Isis out of his organisation, “appears to be maneuvering for relevance”, the report says.

The UN’s numbers bolster recent estimates from US intelligence about the scope of the foreign fighter problem, which the UN report finds to have spread despite the Obama administration’s aggressive counter-terrorism strikes and global surveillance dragnets.

“Numbers since 2010 are now many times the size of the cumulative numbers of foreign terrorist fighters between 1990 and 2010 – and are growing,” says the report, produced by a security council committee that monitors al-Qaida.

The UN report did not list the 80-plus countries that it said were the source of fighters flowing fighters into Iraq and Syria. But in recent months, Isis supporters have appeared in places as unlikely as the Maldives, and its videos proudly display jihadists with Chilean-Norwegian and other diverse backgrounds.

“There are instances of foreign terrorist fighters from France, the Russian Federation and and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland operating together,” it states. More than 500 British citizens are believed to have travelled to the region since 2011.

More at link:

Foreign jihadists flocking to Iraq and Syria on 'unprecedented scale' – UN
Syria is an Un-Constitutional War instigated by the Nobel PEACE Prize-winning President Obama without the authorization of Congress.

It is / was an attempt by Obama to regain 'face', to make up for the humiliating, ill-advised 'RED LINE' BLUFF he made to Al-Assad, a bluff Assad CALLED, forcing Obama to BACK DOWN...in front to the ENTIRE WORLD. Doing so showed our enemies that he did not mean what he said, that if you stood up to the US under Obama they would back down.

So, for his EGO / IMAGE, he dragged the US into war and invaded Syria...but not before kissing Putin's ass and turning a blind eye to his invading Crimea and his crimes, manipulation, PsyOps programs, and interference in the US.
- Evidence the Obama administration hid Russian Crimes and even assisted in helping them acquire Uranium One and 20% of US uranium.

- Evidence shows the Obama administration did nothing, made no effort did not even issue a 'Red Line' to Putin in an attempt to honor the US Promise to the Ukraine that the US would help defend its sovereign borders, not as Putin lined his troops up on the Ukraine's border or after the invasion happened.

- Evidence shows the Obama administration became well aware of before the 2016 election of Russia's increased and spreading operation within the United States to undermine the US govt, to manipulate its citizens, and spread racial division and violence within the country. Russia purchased ads through Facebook to spread propaganda, manipulated liberal voters into organizing and marching for them, and PAID Liberal groups like Antifa, BLM, and the Black Fist to spread racial division and violence.

- Evidence shows he KNEW the Russians were attempting to hack into high ranking Political Party / Govt members' e-mails and files (while Democrats were running their own Foreign Espionage Ring, ie Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her terrorist-connected Pakistani Spies) AND CHOSE TO SAY NOTHING AND DO NOTHING. He did not warn the US targets, and he did nothing to stop it.


Obama BETRAYED his own nation - OUR nation - so he could stay buddy-buddy with Vlad, in hopes that he if he 'kissed the ring' (and/or Putin's ass) enough Vlad would give him to execute the intended face-saving invasion of Syria designed to accomplish nothing - that was all for SHOW.

We have no business in Syria.

We never had any business being in Syria.

The use of chemical weapons in Syria was none of our business, except through the U.N. as a MEMBER of the U.N., who should have been the one to step in act.

Vlad stepped in and declared HE / RUSSIA WOULD TAKE ALL OF ASSAD'S CHEMICAL WEAPONS to ensure such an attack never happened again.
- And now Al-Assad launches another chemical attack...


Now some are calling for airstrikes on Syria, on the military base and units that perpetrated this latest chemical attack. Others recommend ASKING OUR COALITION to join us in this attack to provide 'World Condemnation' of the use of chemical attacks by Al-Assad.

SCREW THAT! Again, we do not speak for the world, and we are not the world's policeman. If 'THE WORLD' wants to condemn Syria then 'THE WORLD' should make that decision and carry it out through the U.N. (which is a USELESS organization).

One politician said on the radio this morning that we NEED to be IN Syria right now in order to ensure we are not attacked from within Syria.
- NO WE DON'T! All we NEED is to tell Assad and Putin that if the United States is attacked and it can be traced back to coming from within or because of Syria we will kicked the hell out of Syria.

(Are we really supposed to invade and maintain a presence within countries to 'ensure we are not attacked from those countries / potential enemies from within those nations? SERIOUSLY?!)

Make that statement clear to Al-Assad and Putin then pull our troops out ASAP.
for the record, fellow CYBIES------the "returning home" refers to Syrians DISPLACED WITHIN SYRIA-------not the ones lucky enough to get to Sweden
Just an FYI. The terror group who held Douma is financed by Saudi Arabia.

Makes sense since the Iranians arrived that the Saudis would get involved. The problem with these scenarios is they don't add up......the rebels shell themselves to surrender their stronghold and flee? My gut tells me one of Assad's commanders got a wild hair up his ass and lobbed some chemical rounds in to solve his dilemma. Assad is responsible for his commander's actions, ie, he's gassed women and children again....so he has to die the same kind of death he's visited on tens of thousands Syrians.
Grasping at straws. It's been nearly a year and the US can't say conclusively who perpetrated the previous CW attack. Clueless fucks.

US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says
Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?
Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
What is trump policy that he's asking our troops to die for in Syria?? Trump is no leader He's an AH with like followers

Your black man and the Hildabitch put them there you dumbass.
what is your know it all ,smarter than everybody ah going to do??

I'm not a Trump guy, so kiss off kid. Your problem is that unlike you I'm not a partisan hack. You still think that everything you've been taught is real. It isn't, it's all a lie. They ALL work for the same people. They ALL work for the same bankers.

I think it’s a false flag too.

Why would Russia and Syria who were making advances feel the need to use Chemical weapons? They were doing fine without them.

This was either done by ISIS or anti Assad forces who want to Draw Maerica deeper in to this.

False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.

Yeah, it doesn't make sense for Assad to do it. And the timing was just so convenient. Sadly, i've been seeing this stuff for years. Anytime there's talk of withdrawing from these countries, we get well-timed False Flag operations like this.

Now Trump is forced to not only stay in Syria, but to escalate the war. I don't blame Trump though, he's being played just like we are. Many US Presidents have been played this way. The MIC gets its wars, one way or another.
I think it’s a false flag too.

Why would Russia and Syria who were making advances feel the need to use Chemical weapons? They were doing fine without them.

This was either done by ISIS or anti Assad forces who want to Draw Maerica deeper in to this.

False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.

Yeah, it doesn't make sense for Assad to do it. And the timing was just so convenient. Sadly, i've been seeing this stuff for years. Anytime there's talk of withdrawing from these countries, we get well-timed False Flag operations like this.

Now Trump is forced to not only stay in Syria, but to escalate the war. I don't blame Trump though, he's being played just like we are. Many US Presidents have been played this way. The MIC gets its wars, one way or another.


FINALLY, someone who understands that Presidents are powerless. The CIA and deep state call the shots . If the Prez refuses to accept reality his brain will be splattered over Dealey Plaza.

And so it goes as long as Americans remain narcotized.

False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.

Right as rain..........succinctly stated.

I'm stroking out here that any freaking conservative could believe this false flag bullshit.

Just look at the timing. Trump speaks of withdrawal, and suddenly there's a supposed Chemical Attack that will now keep our troops there and escalate the war. It makes no sense for Assad to have done it. It is a False Flag operation. The MIC gang got nervous that Trump might get us out of there. Trump's being played. We all are. It's very sad.
False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.
the video of the attack has been verified...

and what happened to Trump's self proclaimed policy of not letting the enemy know what you are doing, while he decides to broadcast via tweet to the world we are leaving...?

False Flag. Assad had no reason to use chemical weapons. Makes no sense. I mean Trump was talking withdrawal. Assad had nothing to gain. Once again the MIC gang got nervous. Trump might have delivered on getting us out of there. But now that's over. Trump got played. We all did.
False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.
the video of the attack has been verified...

and what happened to Trump's self proclaimed policy of not letting the enemy know what you are doing, while he decides to broadcast via tweet to the world we are leaving...?

Prove Assad did it.

Doesn't have to be proven. The wheels are already in motion. We're not only staying in Syria, we're gonna escalate the war. Trump got played by the MIC gang. It's very sad.
False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.
the video of the attack has been verified...

and what happened to Trump's self proclaimed policy of not letting the enemy know what you are doing, while he decides to broadcast via tweet to the world we are leaving...?

Prove Assad did it.
Do you really think the CIA is running around using chemical weapons to frame people and not being caught by anyone and most other nations are in on the conspiracy?

Yes. To say the least, i'm very skeptical of this report. Too convenient and predictable. Assad had nothing to gain. Trump was talking withdrawal. We're being played again. More war.

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