Time's UP For Assad

Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.

Since when does truth matter? The corrupt controlled Press has already declared Assad guilty. So what can Trump do now? Can he really move ahead with withdrawal plans? I doubt it. He'll likely escalate the war there.

He's being played like many past US Presidents have. The moment he spoke of withdrawal, was the moment the False Flag was ordered. It always goes down that way. It's actually predictable. Our foreign policy is such a sad nightmare.
Are you saying the US gassed those people?

Not sure a 'gassing' actually happened at all. The Press is corrupt and completely controlled. Folks should definitely be very skeptical of its reporting. Who had the most to gain by this? Certainly not Assad. It doesn't make sense. Just ponder who had the most to gain by this. Once you figure that out, you'll know who pulled this off.
Oh, bullshit the "Press is corrupt and completely controlled." Where do you think you are, communist China? North Korea? Wake up and smell the coffee, man.
I expect you and the other posters here casting aspersions and refusing to name the agent who would have done such a thing to come out and stop pussyfooting around.
The US didn't do this. Boeing didn't do this. Wall Street didn't do this. Soros didn't do this. The international Press is not "making it up;" Aljazeera, BBC, haaretz, NPR, Reuters. They are all in on it, huh? It was an obscene attack by an asshole against "rebels" who are still hoping to blow him up.
Maybe someone set up Assad, but we don't gas civilians or soldiers. YOU need to wake up!
Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.
Who is going to verify it, and why aren't the doctors' reports good enough?
What doctors' reports are you referring to?
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.
Who is going to verify it, and why aren't the doctors' reports good enough?
What doctors' reports are you referring to?

I know that I won't just assume that reports from the jihadi terrorists who are trying to overthrow Syria's democratically elected government are true.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?
Hell, no. They are fucking jihadis who seek to violently overthrow the democratically elected government in Syria.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.
Who is going to verify it, and why aren't the doctors' reports good enough?
What doctors' reports are you referring to?

I know that I won't just assume that reports from the jihadi terrorists who are trying to overthrow Syria's democratically elected government are true.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.

Since when does truth matter? The corrupt controlled Press has already declared Assad guilty. So what can Trump do now? Can he really move ahead with withdrawal plans? I doubt it. He'll likely escalate the war there.

He's being played like many past US Presidents have. The moment he spoke of withdrawal, was the moment the False Flag was ordered. It always goes down that way. It's actually predictable. Our foreign policy is such a sad nightmare.
Are you saying the US gassed those people?

Not sure a 'gassing' actually happened at all. The Press is corrupt and completely controlled. Folks should definitely be very skeptical of its reporting. Who had the most to gain by this? Certainly not Assad. It doesn't make sense. Just ponder who had the most to gain by this. Once you figure that out, you'll know who pulled this off.
Oh, bullshit the "Press is corrupt and completely controlled." Where do you think you are, communist China? North Korea? Wake up and smell the coffee, man.
I expect you and the other posters here casting aspersions and refusing to name the agent who would have done such a thing to come out and stop pussyfooting around.
The US didn't do this. Boeing didn't do this. Wall Street didn't do this. Soros didn't do this. The international Press is not "making it up;" Aljazeera, BBC, haaretz, NPR, Reuters. They are all in on it, huh? It was an obscene attack by an asshole against "rebels" who are still hoping to blow him up.
Maybe someone set up Assad, but we don't gas civilians or soldiers. YOU need to wake up!

No offense, but you sound very naive. All those you listed, are staunch supporters of the 'Regime Change' policy in Syria. They have much more to gain with a 'Chemical Attack', than Assad does. So yes, it would be very wise to question all of their claims.
False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.
Yup! - That's the same reason Bush's high school friend Tommy Franks issued the stand down orders when our forces had Osama Bin-Laden trapped in Tora Bora. Bush had to keep Bin-Laden alive to keep the war going! The Repubtards get upset if the USA is not pushing other countries around

So Bush / Cheney had to lie US into Iraq war to eliminate Sadam who kept Iran in check. That way the whole middle-east would erupt so we can be pulled into perpetual war! (PNAC)

Obama was smart to get the heck out & stay out. Trump is trying hard to get a war going somewhere. Trump looking for any reason he can to fight Iran, Iraq, Syria, North Korea, China, Afghanistan,or Russia.

What are you talking about????????????????????????

Obama gave the go ahead to the CIA to assist Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey in funnelling money and weapons to terrorists.................errrrrrrrrrr rebels to overthrow Assad.

That's pretty fucking hands on there sparky.
Who told you that Trump is "reversing his withdrawal stance", and why did you believe them?

He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.
Who is going to verify it, and why aren't the doctors' reports good enough?
What doctors' reports are you referring to?
He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.
Who is going to verify it, and why aren't the doctors' reports good enough?
What doctors' reports are you referring to?

I know that I won't just assume that reports from the jihadi terrorists who are trying to overthrow Syria's democratically elected government are true.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?
Hell, no. They are fucking jihadis who seek to violently overthrow the democratically elected government in Syria.

Spot On. The 'White Hats' especially, work for Western powers seeking Regime Change in Syria. They can't be trusted.
He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.
Who is going to verify it, and why aren't the doctors' reports good enough?
What doctors' reports are you referring to?

I know that I won't just assume that reports from the jihadi terrorists who are trying to overthrow Syria's democratically elected government are true.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.

Since when does truth matter? The corrupt controlled Press has already declared Assad guilty. So what can Trump do now? Can he really move ahead with withdrawal plans? I doubt it. He'll likely escalate the war there.

He's being played like many past US Presidents have. The moment he spoke of withdrawal, was the moment the False Flag was ordered. It always goes down that way. It's actually predictable. Our foreign policy is such a sad nightmare.
Are you saying the US gassed those people?

Not sure a 'gassing' actually happened at all. The Press is corrupt and completely controlled. Folks should definitely be very skeptical of its reporting. Who had the most to gain by this? Certainly not Assad. It doesn't make sense. Just ponder who had the most to gain by this. Once you figure that out, you'll know who pulled this off.
Oh, bullshit the "Press is corrupt and completely controlled." Where do you think you are, communist China? North Korea? Wake up and smell the coffee, man.
I expect you and the other posters here casting aspersions and refusing to name the agent who would have done such a thing to come out and stop pussyfooting around.
The US didn't do this. Boeing didn't do this. Wall Street didn't do this. Soros didn't do this. The international Press is not "making it up;" Aljazeera, BBC, haaretz, NPR, Reuters. They are all in on it, huh? It was an obscene attack by an asshole against "rebels" who are still hoping to blow him up.
Maybe someone set up Assad, but we don't gas civilians or soldiers. YOU need to wake up!

No offense, but you sound very naive. All those you listed, are staunch supporters of the 'Regime Change' policy in Syria. They have much more to gain with a 'Chemical Attack', than Assad does. So yes, it would be very wise to question all of their claims.

What most people don't know or understand is the simple fact that the Syrian Army had already taken back Douma. This is a city outside of Damascus that had been held by Jaysh al Islam which is a subsidiary of Jabhat al Nusra which is freaking the Syrian AQ FUNDED by the Saudis.

It gives you a brain cramp that there are those in the west who don't understand that Assad is trying to free his own citizens from these terrorists, who by the way have been shelling Damascus for a number of years.

This is nuts. No way after reclaiming Douma freeing his own citizens then turn around and gas them.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.

Since when does truth matter? The corrupt controlled Press has already declared Assad guilty. So what can Trump do now? Can he really move ahead with withdrawal plans? I doubt it. He'll likely escalate the war there.

He's being played like many past US Presidents have. The moment he spoke of withdrawal, was the moment the False Flag was ordered. It always goes down that way. It's actually predictable. Our foreign policy is such a sad nightmare.
Are you saying the US gassed those people?

Not sure a 'gassing' actually happened at all. The Press is corrupt and completely controlled. Folks should definitely be very skeptical of its reporting. Who had the most to gain by this? Certainly not Assad. It doesn't make sense. Just ponder who had the most to gain by this. Once you figure that out, you'll know who pulled this off.
Oh, bullshit the "Press is corrupt and completely controlled." Where do you think you are, communist China? North Korea? Wake up and smell the coffee, man.
I expect you and the other posters here casting aspersions and refusing to name the agent who would have done such a thing to come out and stop pussyfooting around.
The US didn't do this. Boeing didn't do this. Wall Street didn't do this. Soros didn't do this. The international Press is not "making it up;" Aljazeera, BBC, haaretz, NPR, Reuters. They are all in on it, huh? It was an obscene attack by an asshole against "rebels" who are still hoping to blow him up.
Maybe someone set up Assad, but we don't gas civilians or soldiers. YOU need to wake up!

No offense, but you sound very naive. All those you listed, are staunch supporters of the 'Regime Change' policy in Syria. They have much more to gain with a 'Chemical Attack', than Assad does. So yes, it would be very wise to question all of their claims.
No offense taken, I AM very naive. I looked up the White Hats and they do seem very anti-Assad. I'm not willing to believe all those news organizations I listed are, though. That's tinfoil hat territory, fella.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.
Who is going to verify it, and why aren't the doctors' reports good enough?
What doctors' reports are you referring to?

I know that I won't just assume that reports from the jihadi terrorists who are trying to overthrow Syria's democratically elected government are true.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

This rebel group is a subsidiary of AQ Syria and was headed by a Saudi and financed by the Saudis and they constantly were mortar shelling Damascus.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.
Who is going to verify it, and why aren't the doctors' reports good enough?
What doctors' reports are you referring to?

I know that I won't just assume that reports from the jihadi terrorists who are trying to overthrow Syria's democratically elected government are true.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

The 'Rebels' are Jihadis for the most part. We should have never supported them. But regardless, those who seek Regime Change in Syria, had more to gain with a 'Chemical Attack', than Assad did. It justifies them staying in Syria and accomplishing their takeover. Assad didn't need to carry out such an attack. He's winning the war there.

Bingo. When you have Sunni jihadists who have come from over 80 countries around the world to overthrow Assad and install the Muslim Brotherhood its not a civil war. It's a freaking invasion.
Who is going to verify it, and why aren't the doctors' reports good enough?
What doctors' reports are you referring to?

I know that I won't just assume that reports from the jihadi terrorists who are trying to overthrow Syria's democratically elected government are true.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

This rebel group is a subsidiary of AQ Syria and was headed by a Saudi and financed by the Saudis and they constantly were mortar shelling Damascus.
I don't understand what that has to do with the price of eggs.
Who is going to verify it, and why aren't the doctors' reports good enough?
What doctors' reports are you referring to?

I know that I won't just assume that reports from the jihadi terrorists who are trying to overthrow Syria's democratically elected government are true.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

This rebel group is a subsidiary of AQ Syria and was headed by a Saudi and financed by the Saudis and they constantly were mortar shelling Damascus.

To this day, the US and Saudi Arabia are still funding & arming Al-Nusra Front. The terror org recently changed its name a bit, but it's Al-Nusra Front. We've been supporting Jihadis in Syria for years. It's such a tragic mess.
The 'Rebels' are Jihadis for the most part. We should have never supported them. But regardless, those who seek Regime Change in Syria, had more to gain with a 'Chemical Attack', than Assad did. It justifies them staying in Syria and accomplishing their takeover. Assad didn't need to carry out such an attack. He's winning the war there.
Applying or trying to apply logic to Middle-Eastern politics and conflict is a fool's errand.
Who is going to verify it, and why aren't the doctors' reports good enough?
What doctors' reports are you referring to?

I know that I won't just assume that reports from the jihadi terrorists who are trying to overthrow Syria's democratically elected government are true.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

The 'Rebels' are Jihadis for the most part. We should have never supported them. But regardless, those who seek Regime Change in Syria, had more to gain with a 'Chemical Attack', than Assad did. It justifies them staying in Syria and accomplishing their takeover. Assad didn't need to carry out such an attack. He's winning the war there.
That's reasonable, I guess. You'd think our intelligence agencies and military would be smart enough to figure that out, though, if you could.
What doctors' reports are you referring to?

I know that I won't just assume that reports from the jihadi terrorists who are trying to overthrow Syria's democratically elected government are true.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

The 'Rebels' are Jihadis for the most part. We should have never supported them. But regardless, those who seek Regime Change in Syria, had more to gain with a 'Chemical Attack', than Assad did. It justifies them staying in Syria and accomplishing their takeover. Assad didn't need to carry out such an attack. He's winning the war there.
That's reasonable, I guess. You'd think our intelligence agencies and military would be smart enough to figure that out, though, if you could.

Yup, our good ole Intelligence agencies. The same agencies that have been funding & arming Jihadis in Syria for years. And conducting False Flags is their specialty. They have operatives embedded in most Western Media as well. So reports like this, should be heavily scrutinized. We're talking about some very devious evil folks. They're capable of anything.
What doctors' reports are you referring to?

I know that I won't just assume that reports from the jihadi terrorists who are trying to overthrow Syria's democratically elected government are true.
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

This rebel group is a subsidiary of AQ Syria and was headed by a Saudi and financed by the Saudis and they constantly were mortar shelling Damascus.
I don't understand what that has to do with the price of eggs.

Ok you have terrorists in Douma who are part of AQ loaded with foreign jihadists backed financially by the Saudis and others.

They are not rebels.
He's supposedly gonna announce new plans on Syria Monday or Tuesday. Those plans are likely to include staying in Syria, and escalating the war. I mean, how can we leave now? That Assad Boogeyman just gassed his own people. Ole Trump is getting played. The MIC cabal was not gonna allow him to get us out of Syria. He's boxed in now. He has to escalate the war. What a sad mess.
Actually Trump said he wants verification that the allegations are true. He is not "boxed in" in any way shape or form.
And he's likely going to find out that the allegations against Syria are baseless.

However, that doesn't mean that the US won't get some new bomb damage assessments on Syria's Russian air frames.

Since when does truth matter? The corrupt controlled Press has already declared Assad guilty. So what can Trump do now? Can he really move ahead with withdrawal plans? I doubt it. He'll likely escalate the war there.

He's being played like many past US Presidents have. The moment he spoke of withdrawal, was the moment the False Flag was ordered. It always goes down that way. It's actually predictable. Our foreign policy is such a sad nightmare.
Are you saying the US gassed those people?

Not sure a 'gassing' actually happened at all. The Press is corrupt and completely controlled. Folks should definitely be very skeptical of its reporting. Who had the most to gain by this? Certainly not Assad. It doesn't make sense. Just ponder who had the most to gain by this. Once you figure that out, you'll know who pulled this off.
Oh, bullshit the "Press is corrupt and completely controlled." Where do you think you are, communist China? North Korea? Wake up and smell the coffee, man.
I expect you and the other posters here casting aspersions and refusing to name the agent who would have done such a thing to come out and stop pussyfooting around.
The US didn't do this. Boeing didn't do this. Wall Street didn't do this. Soros didn't do this. The international Press is not "making it up;" Aljazeera, BBC, haaretz, NPR, Reuters. They are all in on it, huh? It was an obscene attack by an asshole against "rebels" who are still hoping to blow him up.
Maybe someone set up Assad, but we don't gas civilians or soldiers. YOU need to wake up!
Who the fuck are you kidding? Never hear of Agent Orange?
The doctors at the hospitals that took in the wounded are jihadi's? I did not know that. The White Hats are too? They are against killing generally, aren't they?

Yes, those who are making these claims for the most part, are those supporting overthrowing Assad. So of course their claims should be questioned. Personally, i'm very skeptical a 'Chemical Attack' happened at all. What did Assad have to gain?
The rebels finally caving? Which they seemingly have?

The 'Rebels' are Jihadis for the most part. We should have never supported them. But regardless, those who seek Regime Change in Syria, had more to gain with a 'Chemical Attack', than Assad did. It justifies them staying in Syria and accomplishing their takeover. Assad didn't need to carry out such an attack. He's winning the war there.
That's reasonable, I guess. You'd think our intelligence agencies and military would be smart enough to figure that out, though, if you could.

Our Intelligence agencies have been funding & arming Jihadis in Syria for years. And conducting False Flags is their specialty. They have operatives embedded in most Western Media as well. So reports like this, should be heavily scrutinized. We're talking about some very devious evil folks. They're capable of anything.

One of my faves that the media relies on is the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights. It's one guy in Britain who hasn't been in Syria for over a decade.

He's a tailor. But he's the one the media uses as a "go to guy". Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.


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