Timothy McVeigh vs BLM and Antifa

McVeigh destroyed 1 federal bldg killing people and injuring many more
BLM and Antifa destroyed many federal bldgs properties statues and businesses killing many and injuring many more- including burning people alive.
McVeigh hoped to inspire a revolution against the federal government, as does BLM and Antifa.
McVeigh was without hesitation deemed a domestic terrorist, arrested with a Criminal penalty
Of Death by lethal injection.
To the contrary, BLM gets proped up by MSM instead, the Dems and Sports leagues prop up these terrorists, include their logo in the NBA bubble games court floor. BLM and Antifa are then called peaceful, and mere block party organizers a far cry from how we rationally saw McVeigh for what he was.
How long will it take to label a terrorist organization for what it is and arrest the terrorists for what they did and are doing?
Is it because terrorists refuse to arrest terrorists?
How is this justified in a sane stable civil society?
-food for thought!
How many have BLM killed?
Hundreds in the inner cities. Course you won't count those because you are dishonest.
the group, Black Lives Matter, killed all those people in inner cities? Really?
It's members did, what's your point? Organizations don't kill people, people kill people.
People want to label all of the group, Black Lives Matter, as a terrorist group... instead of labeling the people committing the crimes, criminals.
So Hamas is just a bunch of criminals inside a political party and yet you can't even call out your political party criminals nor call your party criminals let alone terrorists? Nice, and I guess Isis was just a theater group that constantly acted out the scenes from the headless horseman?
Cos its not true so its not reported.

The one murderer that stands out is the kid who traveled armed 30 miles to confront them.

Do you want to stop freedom of peaceful protest in the US?

The violence comes from the extreme right intent on causing mayhem by infiltrating then turning to violence in an attempt to get BLM blamed and other thugs intent on taking advantage and looting.
wrong--again...you don't know shit about the US
the 8 year old
and this one
Just looked at your first piece of evidence and what do I find-

"Authorities did not identify any suspects, and it was unclear whether the shooting was connected to protests that Bottoms said have become a feature of the neighborhood since Brooks was killed".

It could have been a drug gang shot her by accident. This is the reason you need a total ban on personal weapons!

When a Court in the US convicts a BLM member for murder, then and only then can you point the finger!

^^^^ BS you are clueless. Do you actually believe that
the BULLETS in the heads of people murdered in the "hoods"

during drug galvanized gun-play come from
LICENSED weapons? Do you actually IMAGINE
that the incessant gun play produces WITNESSES?
The only time that there is actual evidence is when SOMEHOW the action is caught by security
cameras. I have a few (security cameras)----not enough---and I have a bit of footage of PERSONS knocking them down. The evidence that there was gun play is the dead body. The evidence of
WHO DONE IT------almost always DOES NOT EXIST-----the witnesses are not STUPID enough
to testify
"drug galvanized gun-play"

Your just agreeing with me!
Black shootings come from criminal drug gangs - BLM/Antifa are innocent and have nothing to do with it!

Just try to be fair and give them a break!
..you don't know shit about the US
McVeigh destroyed 1 federal bldg killing people and injuring many more
BLM and Antifa destroyed many federal bldgs properties statues and businesses killing many and injuring many more- including burning people alive.
McVeigh hoped to inspire a revolution against the federal government, as does BLM and Antifa.
McVeigh was without hesitation deemed a domestic terrorist, arrested with a Criminal penalty
Of Death by lethal injection.
To the contrary, BLM gets proped up by MSM instead, the Dems and Sports leagues prop up these terrorists, include their logo in the NBA bubble games court floor. BLM and Antifa are then called peaceful, and mere block party organizers a far cry from how we rationally saw McVeigh for what he was.
How long will it take to label a terrorist organization for what it is and arrest the terrorists for what they did and are doing?
Is it because terrorists refuse to arrest terrorists?
How is this justified in a sane stable civil society?
-food for thought!
How many have BLM killed?
You know full well Google won't search that.
There are stats from June some from July but all stats will miss those who died indirectly by not having quick emergency response whether ambulence for their health or Emergency responders for other issues that arise but protests block from getting through or tie up or destroyed vehicles.
5 Dallas police officers killed, several injured in ambush at Black Lives Matter rally one example.
"June 8" an informal tally shows 17 people died in incidents stemming from BLM protests.
Officers injured- The New York Post reported on June 8, citing the U.S. Justice Department, that more than 700 law enforcement officers were injured on the job during nationwide protests over Floyd's death.
People killed: "In early June" alone, news accounts reported the number of people killed during the Floyd protests at roughly a dozen, or as many as 19. The victims include a 77-year-old man who was a retired St. Louis police captain and a 22-year-old woman from Davenport, Iowa.
Chris Beaty, an African American former offensive lineman for Indiana University, who was shot dead in an alley in Indianapolis after leaving a demonstration that had turned violent. Italia Marie Kelly, a 22-year-old black woman in Davenport, Iowa, who was shot in the back while getting into her car, trying to escape a BLM protest that had turned into a riot. Dave Patrick Underwood, a black officer in the Federal Protective Service who was shot while guarding an Oakland, Calif., federal courthouse during the unrest in his city.
Floyd protests could eclipse the 1992 Los Angeles riots to become the most expensive civil disturbance in U.S. history. The 1992 riots, which followed the acquittal of four police officers in the beating of Rodney King, cost $1.4 billion in 2020 dollars, according to the report, which did not give a specific damage estimate for the Floyd protests. A spokeswoman for the Insurance Information Institute told Scripps National News that "most likely" the Floyd protest "would lead to higher losses," but did not provide a full estimate.

Remember deaths, injuries and damages happened in July aug Sept too, so stats are on going-as long as people like you ask for numbers rather then call a domestic terrorist org a terrorist org.
You also fail to ask the question how many people's lives were threatened, their spouses and even their pets and children by BLM? How many were harassed? How many people are "terrorized" and can't even go outside for a walk or to the the store?=terrorism.
Thank You HaShev! Your effort to get to the number I asked for was Herculean! And yes, a lot of lives all over the place have been affected by the criminals lurking behind in the Black lives matter and other protests and it is devastating to those innocent people and innocent businesses being harmed.

What I have difficulty with, is discerning outright criminals and criminal activity vs an act of Domestic Terrorism, such as the Oklahoma city bombing...

and I don't think domestic thugs and gangs and criminals should be classified as Domestic terrorists so easily.... because to me, it diminishes the meaning of domestic terrorism and then just becomes an every day term for criminals....which imo, weakens our homeland security for true unexpected domestic terror threats, and also, one has to consider our civil rights as Americans, that even thugs should still get.....according to our constitution....
Rioting is terrorism in my estimation. Burning someone's business down, burning down a building with people in it, looting stores - it's all terrorism. Every bit of it. It is planned and executed.
No, I don't believe rioting is terrorism, it's rioting... which is criminal.... it may make one terrified, like a mass murderer in a mass shooting with an AR15 would be terrifying, but in most cases it is not an act of terrorism, it's a criminal act....
it fits the definition PERFECTLY--what you BELIEVE doesn't count
[ ter-uh-riz-uhm ]SHOW IPA
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

McVeigh destroyed 1 federal bldg killing people and injuring many more
BLM and Antifa destroyed many federal bldgs properties statues and businesses killing many and injuring many more- including burning people alive.
McVeigh hoped to inspire a revolution against the federal government, as does BLM and Antifa.
McVeigh was without hesitation deemed a domestic terrorist, arrested with a Criminal penalty
Of Death by lethal injection.
To the contrary, BLM gets proped up by MSM instead, the Dems and Sports leagues prop up these terrorists, include their logo in the NBA bubble games court floor. BLM and Antifa are then called peaceful, and mere block party organizers a far cry from how we rationally saw McVeigh for what he was.
How long will it take to label a terrorist organization for what it is and arrest the terrorists for what they did and are doing?
Is it because terrorists refuse to arrest terrorists?
How is this justified in a sane stable civil society?
-food for thought!

Somehow I'm not surprised that you'd try to make every BLM supporter into Timothy McSlayer of the Child Care Centers.

Pretty sure people are a lot smarter than that.

Lets hope so.
McVeigh destroyed 1 federal bldg killing people and injuring many more
BLM and Antifa destroyed many federal bldgs properties statues and businesses killing many and injuring many more- including burning people alive.
McVeigh hoped to inspire a revolution against the federal government, as does BLM and Antifa.
McVeigh was without hesitation deemed a domestic terrorist, arrested with a Criminal penalty
Of Death by lethal injection.
To the contrary, BLM gets proped up by MSM instead, the Dems and Sports leagues prop up these terrorists, include their logo in the NBA bubble games court floor. BLM and Antifa are then called peaceful, and mere block party organizers a far cry from how we rationally saw McVeigh for what he was.
How long will it take to label a terrorist organization for what it is and arrest the terrorists for what they did and are doing?
Is it because terrorists refuse to arrest terrorists?
How is this justified in a sane stable civil society?
-food for thought!

Somehow I'm not surprised that you'd try to make every BLM supporter into Timothy McSlayer of the Child Care Centers.

Pretty sure people are a lot smarter than that.

Lets hope so.
you're right = BLM is worse
McVeigh destroyed 1 federal bldg killing people and injuring many more
BLM and Antifa destroyed many federal bldgs properties statues and businesses killing many and injuring many more- including burning people alive.
McVeigh hoped to inspire a revolution against the federal government, as does BLM and Antifa.
McVeigh was without hesitation deemed a domestic terrorist, arrested with a Criminal penalty
Of Death by lethal injection.
To the contrary, BLM gets proped up by MSM instead, the Dems and Sports leagues prop up these terrorists, include their logo in the NBA bubble games court floor. BLM and Antifa are then called peaceful, and mere block party organizers a far cry from how we rationally saw McVeigh for what he was.
How long will it take to label a terrorist organization for what it is and arrest the terrorists for what they did and are doing?
Is it because terrorists refuse to arrest terrorists?
How is this justified in a sane stable civil society?
-food for thought!

Somehow I'm not surprised that you'd try to make every BLM supporter into Timothy McSlayer of the Child Care Centers.

Pretty sure people are a lot smarter than that.

Lets hope so.
..there are a lot more BLM people that are terrorists.TM was just one person
Except Antifa have been cleared of having been responsible for 0 deaths according to US statistics.
Haven't you been following the threads.

If you google 'murdering terrorist groups in US'. The first entry is the above Antifa 0 deaths.
Every other entry names the extreme right for 90% of terrorist murders.

You need to stay off 'stormfront' and start examining facts.

You can play the Bill Clinton 'Definition of IS' defense if you want, claiming domestic terrorist murderers NOT to be Antifa or NOT to be BLM, but the bottom line is ALL OF THEM have created the circumstances / the situation that has facilitated extreme violence, looting, arson, assault, and even murder. Their continuous law-disregarding/breaking 'mostly peaceful' protests have resulted in robberies, looting, arson, assaults, and murders, whether they committed the specific crimes themselves or not...and in many cases they have.

As a result of their senseless violent rage / rioting CHILDREN have been killed - we're talking under the age of 1yo!

You can incite riots, lay siege to community clocks, loot, break, burn, assault, fan the flames of racial division and violence and when someone murders someone you can try to claim 'you' / 'your group' is not responsible...but that is BS! You've still got blood on your hands! People are dead that would not have been if people did not join in, commit crimes, get wrapped up in the whole mob mentality...and join in.

Evidently you have not seen the self-proclaimed BLM 'leader' or the self-proclaimed Antifa leader' who killed someone and then bragged on TV how they wanted to kill whites....

There are no dead victims of BLM or Antifa violence?


Here's a few non-victims of these foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorists, thugs, and criminals..

No the bottom line is that if anyone is responsible for the escalating violence its the
Cop who killed Floyd. The protests are a result of that. The violence by criminals and the far right.

You Americans are always going on about your constitutional rights. The right to peaceful protest is a cornerstone of all democracies. If criminals etc latch on and take advantage of the situation by looting etc. Then it is up to the police to deal with them.
Except Antifa have been cleared of having been responsible for 0 deaths according to US statistics.
Haven't you been following the threads.

If you google 'murdering terrorist groups in US'. The first entry is the above Antifa 0 deaths.
Every other entry names the extreme right for 90% of terrorist murders.

You need to stay off 'stormfront' and start examining facts.

You can play the Bill Clinton 'Definition of IS' defense if you want, claiming domestic terrorist murderers NOT to be Antifa or NOT to be BLM, but the bottom line is ALL OF THEM have created the circumstances / the situation that has facilitated extreme violence, looting, arson, assault, and even murder. Their continuous law-disregarding/breaking 'mostly peaceful' protests have resulted in robberies, looting, arson, assaults, and murders, whether they committed the specific crimes themselves or not...and in many cases they have.

As a result of their senseless violent rage / rioting CHILDREN have been killed - we're talking under the age of 1yo!

You can incite riots, lay siege to community clocks, loot, break, burn, assault, fan the flames of racial division and violence and when someone murders someone you can try to claim 'you' / 'your group' is not responsible...but that is BS! You've still got blood on your hands! People are dead that would not have been if people did not join in, commit crimes, get wrapped up in the whole mob mentality...and join in.

Evidently you have not seen the self-proclaimed BLM 'leader' or the self-proclaimed Antifa leader' who killed someone and then bragged on TV how they wanted to kill whites....

There are no dead victims of BLM or Antifa violence?


Here's a few non-victims of these foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorists, thugs, and criminals..

No the bottom line is that if anyone is responsible for the escalating violence its the
Cop who killed Floyd. The protests are a result of that. The violence by criminals and the far right.

You Americans are always going on about your constitutional rights. The right to peaceful protest is a cornerstone of all democracies. If criminals etc latch on and take advantage of the situation by looting etc. Then it is up to the police to deal with them.
our US expert--------from England
..Floyd escalated it...it's his fault he is dead..he was a jackass criminal
Cos its not true so its not reported.

The one murderer that stands out is the kid who traveled armed 30 miles to confront them.

Do you want to stop freedom of peaceful protest in the US?

The violence comes from the extreme right intent on causing mayhem by infiltrating then turning to violence in an attempt to get BLM blamed and other thugs intent on taking advantage and looting.
wrong--again...you don't know shit about the US
the 8 year old
and this one
Just looked at your first piece of evidence and what do I find-

"Authorities did not identify any suspects, and it was unclear whether the shooting was connected to protests that Bottoms said have become a feature of the neighborhood since Brooks was killed".

It could have been a drug gang shot her by accident. This is the reason you need a total ban on personal weapons!

When a Court in the US convicts a BLM member for murder, then and only then can you point the finger!

^^^^ BS you are clueless. Do you actually believe that
the BULLETS in the heads of people murdered in the "hoods"

during drug galvanized gun-play come from
LICENSED weapons? Do you actually IMAGINE
that the incessant gun play produces WITNESSES?
The only time that there is actual evidence is when SOMEHOW the action is caught by security
cameras. I have a few (security cameras)----not enough---and I have a bit of footage of PERSONS knocking them down. The evidence that there was gun play is the dead body. The evidence of
WHO DONE IT------almost always DOES NOT EXIST-----the witnesses are not STUPID enough
to testify
"drug galvanized gun-play"

Your just agreeing with me!
Black shootings come from criminal drug gangs - BLM/Antifa are innocent and have nothing to do with it!

Just try to be fair and give them a break!
THEY HAVE THEMSELVES talked about their killing and violence and destruction and threats to do more.
You need to change your news source or get out of the terrorist org you are involved in and therefore protecting.
Then why have you not posted the vid evidence?
Reports of their prosecutions and sentences?

Why am I a member of BLM/Antifa did you sign me up?

I am 5000 miles away in the UK. I am simply the Neutral Observer.
Except Antifa have been cleared of having been responsible for 0 deaths according to US statistics.
Haven't you been following the threads.

If you google 'murdering terrorist groups in US'. The first entry is the above Antifa 0 deaths.
Every other entry names the extreme right for 90% of terrorist murders.

You need to stay off 'stormfront' and start examining facts.

You can play the Bill Clinton 'Definition of IS' defense if you want, claiming domestic terrorist murderers NOT to be Antifa or NOT to be BLM, but the bottom line is ALL OF THEM have created the circumstances / the situation that has facilitated extreme violence, looting, arson, assault, and even murder. Their continuous law-disregarding/breaking 'mostly peaceful' protests have resulted in robberies, looting, arson, assaults, and murders, whether they committed the specific crimes themselves or not...and in many cases they have.

As a result of their senseless violent rage / rioting CHILDREN have been killed - we're talking under the age of 1yo!

You can incite riots, lay siege to community clocks, loot, break, burn, assault, fan the flames of racial division and violence and when someone murders someone you can try to claim 'you' / 'your group' is not responsible...but that is BS! You've still got blood on your hands! People are dead that would not have been if people did not join in, commit crimes, get wrapped up in the whole mob mentality...and join in.

Evidently you have not seen the self-proclaimed BLM 'leader' or the self-proclaimed Antifa leader' who killed someone and then bragged on TV how they wanted to kill whites....

There are no dead victims of BLM or Antifa violence?


Here's a few non-victims of these foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorists, thugs, and criminals..

No the bottom line is that if anyone is responsible for the escalating violence its the
Cop who killed Floyd. The protests are a result of that. The violence by criminals and the far right.

You Americans are always going on about your constitutional rights. The right to peaceful protest is a cornerstone of all democracies. If criminals etc latch on and take advantage of the situation by looting etc. Then it is up to the police to deal with them.
our US expert--------from England
..Floyd escalated it...it's his fault he is dead..he was a jackass criminal
No he wasn't, have you seen the Autopsy report by the Coroner?

It states Floyd was murdered by law enforcement officers.

It concludes the cause of death - Homicide!
McVeigh destroyed 1 federal bldg killing people and injuring many more
BLM and Antifa destroyed many federal bldgs properties statues and businesses killing many and injuring many more- including burning people alive.
McVeigh hoped to inspire a revolution against the federal government, as does BLM and Antifa.
McVeigh was without hesitation deemed a domestic terrorist, arrested with a Criminal penalty
Of Death by lethal injection.
To the contrary, BLM gets proped up by MSM instead, the Dems and Sports leagues prop up these terrorists, include their logo in the NBA bubble games court floor. BLM and Antifa are then called peaceful, and mere block party organizers a far cry from how we rationally saw McVeigh for what he was.
How long will it take to label a terrorist organization for what it is and arrest the terrorists for what they did and are doing?
Is it because terrorists refuse to arrest terrorists?
How is this justified in a sane stable civil society?
-food for thought!
How many have BLM killed?

A few, like the cops they ambushed in Texas.

So that's all that matters? Burning down people's businesses, inner cities, terrifying people in restaurants, doesn't matter. Only how many people they killed. Sure, care4Democrats, sure

McVeigh was also supported by no one and BLM and antifa are terrorists supported by the Democrat party. That's what's really scarry.

McVeigh was right about his views too. The Federal government murdered Americans at Waco and Ruby Ridge, but again, even those who realize that oppose him because killing people isn't how you make that message, reject.

On the other hand you and the Democrat party embrace BLM and antifa terrorism
BLM/Antifa are not terrorists, cos if that were true, we would have to revise your history and-

Your Founding Fathers.
The Suffragettes
70's Hippy Vietnam Protesters
The ML King Movement

All would have to be reclassified 'Terrorists'!
Cos its not true so its not reported.

The one murderer that stands out is the kid who traveled armed 30 miles to confront them.

Do you want to stop freedom of peaceful protest in the US?

The violence comes from the extreme right intent on causing mayhem by infiltrating then turning to violence in an attempt to get BLM blamed and other thugs intent on taking advantage and looting.
wrong--again...you don't know shit about the US
the 8 year old
and this one
Just looked at your first piece of evidence and what do I find-

"Authorities did not identify any suspects, and it was unclear whether the shooting was connected to protests that Bottoms said have become a feature of the neighborhood since Brooks was killed".

It could have been a drug gang shot her by accident. This is the reason you need a total ban on personal weapons!

When a Court in the US convicts a BLM member for murder, then and only then can you point the finger!

^^^^ BS you are clueless. Do you actually believe that
the BULLETS in the heads of people murdered in the "hoods"

during drug galvanized gun-play come from
LICENSED weapons? Do you actually IMAGINE
that the incessant gun play produces WITNESSES?
The only time that there is actual evidence is when SOMEHOW the action is caught by security
cameras. I have a few (security cameras)----not enough---and I have a bit of footage of PERSONS knocking them down. The evidence that there was gun play is the dead body. The evidence of
WHO DONE IT------almost always DOES NOT EXIST-----the witnesses are not STUPID enough
to testify
"drug galvanized gun-play"

Your just agreeing with me!
Black shootings come from criminal drug gangs - BLM/Antifa are innocent and have nothing to do with it!

Just try to be fair and give them a break!
THEY HAVE THEMSELVES talked about their killing and violence and destruction and threats to do more.
You need to change your news source or get out of the terrorist org you are involved in and therefore protecting.
Then why have you not posted the vid evidence?
Reports of their prosecutions and sentences?

Why am I a member of BLM/Antifa did you sign me up?

I am 5000 miles away in the UK. I am simply the Neutral Observer.
Antifa is global, they protest summits around the world in every country that holds them.
McVeigh destroyed 1 federal bldg killing people and injuring many more
BLM and Antifa destroyed many federal bldgs properties statues and businesses killing many and injuring many more- including burning people alive.
McVeigh hoped to inspire a revolution against the federal government, as does BLM and Antifa.
McVeigh was without hesitation deemed a domestic terrorist, arrested with a Criminal penalty
Of Death by lethal injection.
To the contrary, BLM gets proped up by MSM instead, the Dems and Sports leagues prop up these terrorists, include their logo in the NBA bubble games court floor. BLM and Antifa are then called peaceful, and mere block party organizers a far cry from how we rationally saw McVeigh for what he was.
How long will it take to label a terrorist organization for what it is and arrest the terrorists for what they did and are doing?
Is it because terrorists refuse to arrest terrorists?
How is this justified in a sane stable civil society?
-food for thought!

Somehow I'm not surprised that you'd try to make every BLM supporter into Timothy McSlayer of the Child Care Centers.

Pretty sure people are a lot smarter than that.

Lets hope so.
Never said that, but I have warned people that when their group gets into ugly terroristic threats and acts that people associating and conspiring, and supporting and joining are responsible for their acts just as the internet outlets and social media providers that house their network become accomplices.
Bill Clinton's Feds used tanks and poison gas to kill about 80 men women and children in Waco when they could have picked up Koresch in the local 7-11.
McVeigh destroyed 1 federal bldg killing people and injuring many more
BLM and Antifa destroyed many federal bldgs properties statues and businesses killing many and injuring many more- including burning people alive.
McVeigh hoped to inspire a revolution against the federal government, as does BLM and Antifa.
McVeigh was without hesitation deemed a domestic terrorist, arrested with a Criminal penalty
Of Death by lethal injection.
To the contrary, BLM gets proped up by MSM instead, the Dems and Sports leagues prop up these terrorists, include their logo in the NBA bubble games court floor. BLM and Antifa are then called peaceful, and mere block party organizers a far cry from how we rationally saw McVeigh for what he was.
How long will it take to label a terrorist organization for what it is and arrest the terrorists for what they did and are doing?
Is it because terrorists refuse to arrest terrorists?
How is this justified in a sane stable civil society?
-food for thought!
What federal building have been destroyed?

And you don't wanna compare body counts.
The media's attitude is important and often it influences the public's attitude about atrocities. Unfortunately in the modern world it depends on who is in the White House. The media justified or made excuses for the slaughter of 80 men women and children by the Feds driving tanks at Waco when Clinton was in office. Today the Feds are the bad guys and the anarchists are protected, some would say encouraged, by the media while Trump is in office.
Except Antifa have been cleared of having been responsible for 0 deaths according to US statistics.
Haven't you been following the threads.

If you google 'murdering terrorist groups in US'. The first entry is the above Antifa 0 deaths.
Every other entry names the extreme right for 90% of terrorist murders.

You need to stay off 'stormfront' and start examining facts.

you are clueless. I am very curious as to WHY the huge number of BLM murders go UNREPORTED----
I live in the midst of their FILTH
are they being reported in your local news as blm murders?
McVeigh destroyed 1 federal bldg killing people and injuring many more
BLM and Antifa destroyed many federal bldgs properties statues and businesses killing many and injuring many more- including burning people alive.
McVeigh hoped to inspire a revolution against the federal government, as does BLM and Antifa.
McVeigh was without hesitation deemed a domestic terrorist, arrested with a Criminal penalty
Of Death by lethal injection.
To the contrary, BLM gets proped up by MSM instead, the Dems and Sports leagues prop up these terrorists, include their logo in the NBA bubble games court floor. BLM and Antifa are then called peaceful, and mere block party organizers a far cry from how we rationally saw McVeigh for what he was.
How long will it take to label a terrorist organization for what it is and arrest the terrorists for what they did and are doing?
Is it because terrorists refuse to arrest terrorists?
How is this justified in a sane stable civil society?
-food for thought!
How many have BLM killed?

A few, like the cops they ambushed in Texas.

So that's all that matters? Burning down people's businesses, inner cities, terrifying people in restaurants, doesn't matter. Only how many people they killed. Sure, care4Democrats, sure

McVeigh was also supported by no one and BLM and antifa are terrorists supported by the Democrat party. That's what's really scarry.

McVeigh was right about his views too. The Federal government murdered Americans at Waco and Ruby Ridge, but again, even those who realize that oppose him because killing people isn't how you make that message, reject.

On the other hand you and the Democrat party embrace BLM and antifa terrorism
BLM/Antifa are not terrorists, cos if that were true, we would have to revise your history and-

Your Founding Fathers.
The Suffragettes
70's Hippy Vietnam Protesters
The ML King Movement

All would have to be reclassified 'Terrorists'!

That made no sense. What you have is an inane list of mish mash.

The Founding Fathers and suffragettes didn't burn down inner cities. Neither did the MLK King movement.

The hippy Vietnam protesters did, as do leftists terrorists across the United States today.

This adds up to what in your bizarro world?

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