Tired of not-winning? ... Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter

You are dumber than you seem.

People are calculating their taxes. They made about the same as the previous year under the old tax code, they took the same withholding, and they expected a LARGER refund because that's what Trump promised. When many people didn't see any increase in their paycheck when the cuts took effect. Trump said they'd get a big refund from the cuts, but they are now finding that they're paying MORE than they did last year.

People are mad at Trump because HE LIED.
Only a fucking moron depends on their tax return

You're missing the point. People aren't counting on their tax returns.

People are upset because Trump promised them middle class tax cuts, and delivered increases instead.
If you dont like the tax cuts, do what the hollyweird elite promised to do, and move to Canada. See how much of YOUR money, if you actually work, goes to the government and you get nothing in return...Stupid liberals, the most redundant statement of all.

As a Canadian, you haven't the vagues clue what you're talking about. Canadians pay far less in taxes American pay for health care and taxes, and we get to keep more of what we make.

Our taxes provide us with one of the best education systems in the world, higher quality health care than the US, infrastructure, and programs for our people. We don't pay for a bloated military, or give massive tax breaks to corporations. Our country is run efficiently, at a much lower cost that the prolifigate waste and abuses of American public policies.

Translation: We rely on America's military might and drug research that the American taxpayer pays for to run more efficiently.

All of these socialist countries in Europe and Canada don’t have to have a military… They sponge off America’s
You are dumber than you seem.

People are calculating their taxes. They made about the same as the previous year under the old tax code, they took the same withholding, and they expected a LARGER refund because that's what Trump promised. When many people didn't see any increase in their paycheck when the cuts took effect. Trump said they'd get a big refund from the cuts, but they are now finding that they're paying MORE than they did last year.

People are mad at Trump because HE LIED.
Only a fucking moron depends on their tax return

You're missing the point. People aren't counting on their tax returns.

People are upset because Trump promised them middle class tax cuts, and delivered increases instead.
If you dont like the tax cuts, do what the hollyweird elite promised to do, and move to Canada. See how much of YOUR money, if you actually work, goes to the government and you get nothing in return...Stupid liberals, the most redundant statement of all.

As a Canadian, you haven't the vagues clue what you're talking about. Canadians pay far less in taxes American pay for health care and taxes, and we get to keep more of what we make.

Our taxes provide us with one of the best education systems in the world, higher quality health care than the US, infrastructure, and programs for our people. We don't pay for a bloated military, or give massive tax breaks to corporations. Our country is run efficiently, at a much lower cost that the prolifigate waste and abuses of American public policies.

Translation: We rely on America's military might and drug research that the American taxpayer pays for to run more efficiently.


Canada is one of the leading medical research centres in the world. The USA isn't the only nation making medical breakthroughs, but the patents for these treatments are issued in the USA, because your patent protections are the best in the world. Drug patents have a much longer exclusive period, and the drug companies can make far more money if they patent their findings in the USA. So discoveries from France, Germany, Scandanavia and Canada, are patented in the US.

We have never relied on your military because nobody has ever invaded Canada except the USA. We mind our own business internationally, don't get involved in regime change, and we had your back in Afghanistan.
Only a fucking moron depends on their tax return

You're missing the point. People aren't counting on their tax returns.

People are upset because Trump promised them middle class tax cuts, and delivered increases instead.
If you dont like the tax cuts, do what the hollyweird elite promised to do, and move to Canada. See how much of YOUR money, if you actually work, goes to the government and you get nothing in return...Stupid liberals, the most redundant statement of all.

As a Canadian, you haven't the vagues clue what you're talking about. Canadians pay far less in taxes American pay for health care and taxes, and we get to keep more of what we make.

Our taxes provide us with one of the best education systems in the world, higher quality health care than the US, infrastructure, and programs for our people. We don't pay for a bloated military, or give massive tax breaks to corporations. Our country is run efficiently, at a much lower cost that the prolifigate waste and abuses of American public policies.

Translation: We rely on America's military might and drug research that the American taxpayer pays for to run more efficiently.


Canada is one of the leading medical research centres in the world. The USA isn't the only nation making medical breakthroughs, but the patents for these treatments are issued in the USA, because your patent protections are the best in the world. Drug patents have a much longer exclusive period, and the drug companies can make far more money if they patent their findings in the USA. So discoveries from France, Germany, Scandanavia and Canada, are patented in the US.

We have never relied on your military because nobody has ever invaded Canada except the USA. We mind our own business internationally, don't get involved in regime change, and we had your back in Afghanistan.
Muslims are the most intolerant people on the planet… They especially hate liberalism.

But you keep on thinking what you’re thinking
The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Many workers who had always gotten a refund find out they now owe the IRS.
By Mary Papenfuss

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead. ...

What does this have to do with Trump?

The amount of your refund, is determined by how much you over pay. If you WANT a refund, you just jack up your with-holdings. How dumb is that? I want to be poorer all year long... so I can get a check back from the government?

Hey idiot.... put your money in a savings account, and at the end of the year, you'll have the same amount of money in that account, that you would have had in a refund... except with interest.

And if you have an emergency during the year, you could use it.

Trump has nothing to do with how stupid you are in giving too much money to the government. Dumbest thing in the world....

"I'm mad at Trump because I didn't over pay all year long! It's all his fault I wasn't poorer the entire year!"

Are you a moron? Oh... right... your worse than a moron... you are a Democrap.

It has a lot to do with trump. He took away middle class deductions in order to be able to give tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy....USE YOUR BRAIN

My taxes went down. What tax cut can I no longer use?
I dont pay much in taxes in the first place, since I learned all the liberal tax loopholes(legal) that the liberal politicians have given me. So a tax break, just adds a few more thousands a year. You know, like Nancy Pelosi said "crumbs".

No, Nancy Pelosi, A Thousand Dollars More In My Pocket Isn't 'Crumbs'

Nancy Pelosi BUSTED Trying to Dodge Taxes!
Just days after President Trump signed the sweeping tax bill into law late last month, Pelosi and her husband tried to preserve $64,000 in property tax breaks, known as the state and local taxes (SALT) deductions, for her two California homes. The new tax law limits the deduction to $10,000 and went into effect Jan. 1.
Hypocrites , thy name is Liberal/Prog.
Only a fucking moron depends on their tax return

You're missing the point. People aren't counting on their tax returns.

People are upset because Trump promised them middle class tax cuts, and delivered increases instead.
If you dont like the tax cuts, do what the hollyweird elite promised to do, and move to Canada. See how much of YOUR money, if you actually work, goes to the government and you get nothing in return...Stupid liberals, the most redundant statement of all.

As a Canadian, you haven't the vagues clue what you're talking about. Canadians pay far less in taxes American pay for health care and taxes, and we get to keep more of what we make.

Our taxes provide us with one of the best education systems in the world, higher quality health care than the US, infrastructure, and programs for our people. We don't pay for a bloated military, or give massive tax breaks to corporations. Our country is run efficiently, at a much lower cost that the prolifigate waste and abuses of American public policies.

Translation: We rely on America's military might and drug research that the American taxpayer pays for to run more efficiently.


Canada is one of the leading medical research centres in the world. The USA isn't the only nation making medical breakthroughs, but the patents for these treatments are issued in the USA, because your patent protections are the best in the world. Drug patents have a much longer exclusive period, and the drug companies can make far more money if they patent their findings in the USA. So discoveries from France, Germany, Scandanavia and Canada, are patented in the US.

We have never relied on your military because nobody has ever invaded Canada except the USA. We mind our own business internationally, don't get involved in regime change, and we had your back in Afghanistan.
Leading medical research, when they come across into the US, buy some pills, then go back across the border, and then break down those pills, and miraculously come up with generic pills that cost a lot less. We the People do the research and development, the fucking socialists steal the tech, and get the rewards. Canada and China have similarities that not only do their names start with C and end in A, but both are crooks...
The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Many workers who had always gotten a refund find out they now owe the IRS.
By Mary Papenfuss

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead. ...

What does this have to do with Trump?

The amount of your refund, is determined by how much you over pay. If you WANT a refund, you just jack up your with-holdings. How dumb is that? I want to be poorer all year long... so I can get a check back from the government?

Hey idiot.... put your money in a savings account, and at the end of the year, you'll have the same amount of money in that account, that you would have had in a refund... except with interest.

And if you have an emergency during the year, you could use it.

Trump has nothing to do with how stupid you are in giving too much money to the government. Dumbest thing in the world....

"I'm mad at Trump because I didn't over pay all year long! It's all his fault I wasn't poorer the entire year!"

Are you a moron? Oh... right... your worse than a moron... you are a Democrap.

You are dumber than you seem.

People are calculating their taxes. They made about the same as the previous year under the old tax code, they took the same withholding, and they expected a LARGER refund because that's what Trump promised. When many people didn't see any increase in their paycheck when the cuts took effect. Trump said they'd get a big refund from the cuts, but they are now finding that they're paying MORE than they did last year.

People are mad at Trump because HE LIED.

You're making it up. Back this up with proof. PROVE that people that made the same in 2017 and 2018 had the same withholding and got back less. You can't, you make shit up to fill in the blanks to try to make this point that you're trying to prove.

You're not even from fucking America? You're from fucking Canada? How the fuck do you know what our taxes are you doing? Mind your own god damned business you damn frozen ape. You rely on our military to protect you. Canada has always reminded me of that whiney little neighborhood kid who has a huge big brother. The kid goes around pissing everyone off and talking shit knowing his big brother would kick anyones ass who tried anything.
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Only a fucking moron depends on their tax return

You're missing the point. People aren't counting on their tax returns.

People are upset because Trump promised them middle class tax cuts, and delivered increases instead.
If you dont like the tax cuts, do what the hollyweird elite promised to do, and move to Canada. See how much of YOUR money, if you actually work, goes to the government and you get nothing in return...Stupid liberals, the most redundant statement of all.

As a Canadian, you haven't the vagues clue what you're talking about. Canadians pay far less in taxes American pay for health care and taxes, and we get to keep more of what we make.

Our taxes provide us with one of the best education systems in the world, higher quality health care than the US, infrastructure, and programs for our people. We don't pay for a bloated military, or give massive tax breaks to corporations. Our country is run efficiently, at a much lower cost that the prolifigate waste and abuses of American public policies.

Translation: We rely on America's military might and drug research that the American taxpayer pays for to run more efficiently.


Canada is one of the leading medical research centres in the world. The USA isn't the only nation making medical breakthroughs, but the patents for these treatments are issued in the USA, because your patent protections are the best in the world. Drug patents have a much longer exclusive period, and the drug companies can make far more money if they patent their findings in the USA. So discoveries from France, Germany, Scandanavia and Canada, are patented in the US.

We have never relied on your military because nobody has ever invaded Canada except the USA.
We mind our own business internationally, don't get involved in regime change, and we had your back in Afghanistan.

There is a reason that has never happened. And you and most of the rest of the planet can be thankful for our protection.

My personal preference is raising the personal deduction up to what a full time minimum wage job would pay; that would be around $36,088 on the very conservative end, and around $56,160 if using the gold standard, which is probably the best measure of real inflation. Defense spending should financed via a Federal tax on land, and not out of payroll tax revenues or income taxes.

So you don't want liberals paying anything towards the DoD?
The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Many workers who had always gotten a refund find out they now owe the IRS.
By Mary Papenfuss

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead. ...

What does this have to do with Trump?

The amount of your refund, is determined by how much you over pay. If you WANT a refund, you just jack up your with-holdings. How dumb is that? I want to be poorer all year long... so I can get a check back from the government?

Hey idiot.... put your money in a savings account, and at the end of the year, you'll have the same amount of money in that account, that you would have had in a refund... except with interest.

And if you have an emergency during the year, you could use it.

Trump has nothing to do with how stupid you are in giving too much money to the government. Dumbest thing in the world....

"I'm mad at Trump because I didn't over pay all year long! It's all his fault I wasn't poorer the entire year!"

Are you a moron? Oh... right... your worse than a moron... you are a Democrap.

You are dumber than you seem.

People are calculating their taxes. They made about the same as the previous year under the old tax code, they took the same withholding, and they expected a LARGER refund because that's what Trump promised. When many people didn't see any increase in their paycheck when the cuts took effect. Trump said they'd get a big refund from the cuts, but they are now finding that they're paying MORE than they did last year.

People are mad at Trump because HE LIED.

No, people are mad because they are stupid!
The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Many workers who had always gotten a refund find out they now owe the IRS.
By Mary Papenfuss

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead. ...

What does this have to do with Trump?

The amount of your refund, is determined by how much you over pay. If you WANT a refund, you just jack up your with-holdings. How dumb is that? I want to be poorer all year long... so I can get a check back from the government?

Hey idiot.... put your money in a savings account, and at the end of the year, you'll have the same amount of money in that account, that you would have had in a refund... except with interest.

And if you have an emergency during the year, you could use it.

Trump has nothing to do with how stupid you are in giving too much money to the government. Dumbest thing in the world....

"I'm mad at Trump because I didn't over pay all year long! It's all his fault I wasn't poorer the entire year!"

Are you a moron? Oh... right... your worse than a moron... you are a Democrap.

You are dumber than you seem.

People are calculating their taxes. They made about the same as the previous year under the old tax code, they took the same withholding, and they expected a LARGER refund because that's what Trump promised. When many people didn't see any increase in their paycheck when the cuts took effect. Trump said they'd get a big refund from the cuts, but they are now finding that they're paying MORE than they did last year.

People are mad at Trump because HE LIED.
Only a fucking moron depends on their tax return

You're missing the point. People aren't counting on their tax returns.

People are upset because Trump promised them middle class tax cuts, and delivered increases instead.

Can you explain how their taxes went up with a reduction in the tax rates?

My taxes went from a 15% tax bracket to a 12% tax bracket. According to you, my taxes went up. How is that mathematically possible?

It isn't possible because you are a dumbass who cannot do simple math.
What does this have to do with Trump?

The amount of your refund, is determined by how much you over pay. If you WANT a refund, you just jack up your with-holdings. How dumb is that? I want to be poorer all year long... so I can get a check back from the government?

Hey idiot.... put your money in a savings account, and at the end of the year, you'll have the same amount of money in that account, that you would have had in a refund... except with interest.

And if you have an emergency during the year, you could use it.

Trump has nothing to do with how stupid you are in giving too much money to the government. Dumbest thing in the world....

"I'm mad at Trump because I didn't over pay all year long! It's all his fault I wasn't poorer the entire year!"

Are you a moron? Oh... right... your worse than a moron... you are a Democrap.

You are dumber than you seem.

People are calculating their taxes. They made about the same as the previous year under the old tax code, they took the same withholding, and they expected a LARGER refund because that's what Trump promised. When many people didn't see any increase in their paycheck when the cuts took effect. Trump said they'd get a big refund from the cuts, but they are now finding that they're paying MORE than they did last year.

People are mad at Trump because HE LIED.
Only a fucking moron depends on their tax return

You're missing the point. People aren't counting on their tax returns.

People are upset because Trump promised them middle class tax cuts, and delivered increases instead.
If you dont like the tax cuts, do what the hollyweird elite promised to do, and move to Canada. See how much of YOUR money, if you actually work, goes to the government and you get nothing in return...Stupid liberals, the most redundant statement of all.
No we don't have to move any place asshole so go fuck yerself. We will stay here and demand change...

You already demanded change. They raised taxes on the rich who live in states with high state and local taxes. Why are you now pissed off at yourself?
What does this have to do with Trump?

The amount of your refund, is determined by how much you over pay. If you WANT a refund, you just jack up your with-holdings. How dumb is that? I want to be poorer all year long... so I can get a check back from the government?

Hey idiot.... put your money in a savings account, and at the end of the year, you'll have the same amount of money in that account, that you would have had in a refund... except with interest.

And if you have an emergency during the year, you could use it.

Trump has nothing to do with how stupid you are in giving too much money to the government. Dumbest thing in the world....

"I'm mad at Trump because I didn't over pay all year long! It's all his fault I wasn't poorer the entire year!"

Are you a moron? Oh... right... your worse than a moron... you are a Democrap.

You are dumber than you seem.

People are calculating their taxes. They made about the same as the previous year under the old tax code, they took the same withholding, and they expected a LARGER refund because that's what Trump promised. When many people didn't see any increase in their paycheck when the cuts took effect. Trump said they'd get a big refund from the cuts, but they are now finding that they're paying MORE than they did last year.

People are mad at Trump because HE LIED.
Only a fucking moron depends on their tax return

You're missing the point. People aren't counting on their tax returns.

People are upset because Trump promised them middle class tax cuts, and delivered increases instead.
If you dont like the tax cuts, do what the hollyweird elite promised to do, and move to Canada. See how much of YOUR money, if you actually work, goes to the government and you get nothing in return...Stupid liberals, the most redundant statement of all.

As a Canadian, you haven't the vagues clue what you're talking about. Canadians pay far less in taxes American pay for health care and taxes, and we get to keep more of what we make.

Our taxes provide us with one of the best education systems in the world, higher quality health care than the US, infrastructure, and programs for our people. We don't pay for a bloated military, or give massive tax breaks to corporations. Our country is run efficiently, at a much lower cost that the prolifigate waste and abuses of American public policies.

No, we pay for your criminally small military.
Only a fucking moron depends on their tax return

You're missing the point. People aren't counting on their tax returns.

People are upset because Trump promised them middle class tax cuts, and delivered increases instead.
If you dont like the tax cuts, do what the hollyweird elite promised to do, and move to Canada. See how much of YOUR money, if you actually work, goes to the government and you get nothing in return...Stupid liberals, the most redundant statement of all.

As a Canadian, you haven't the vagues clue what you're talking about. Canadians pay far less in taxes American pay for health care and taxes, and we get to keep more of what we make.

Our taxes provide us with one of the best education systems in the world, higher quality health care than the US, infrastructure, and programs for our people. We don't pay for a bloated military, or give massive tax breaks to corporations. Our country is run efficiently, at a much lower cost that the prolifigate waste and abuses of American public policies.

Translation: We rely on America's military might and drug research that the American taxpayer pays for to run more efficiently.


Canada is one of the leading medical research centres in the world. The USA isn't the only nation making medical breakthroughs, but the patents for these treatments are issued in the USA, because your patent protections are the best in the world. Drug patents have a much longer exclusive period, and the drug companies can make far more money if they patent their findings in the USA. So discoveries from France, Germany, Scandanavia and Canada, are patented in the US.

We have never relied on your military because nobody has ever invaded Canada except the USA. We mind our own business internationally, don't get involved in regime change, and we had your back in Afghanistan.

Really? Canada was not threatened by our adversaries in WWII? Do you just pop off these stupid comments, or do you have a writer?
The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Many workers who had always gotten a refund find out they now owe the IRS.
By Mary Papenfuss

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead. ...
more evidence that these leftists have no idea how taxes work. They don't get it that for eleven months you received 400 a month more from the tax cut received for use throughout the year, that your end of year refund would be minus the 400 times eleven months of received money you could use to invest and actually make more money. Only on the left. wow, the stupid is so powerful with these leftists.
You're missing the point. People aren't counting on their tax returns.

People are upset because Trump promised them middle class tax cuts, and delivered increases instead.
If you dont like the tax cuts, do what the hollyweird elite promised to do, and move to Canada. See how much of YOUR money, if you actually work, goes to the government and you get nothing in return...Stupid liberals, the most redundant statement of all.

As a Canadian, you haven't the vagues clue what you're talking about. Canadians pay far less in taxes American pay for health care and taxes, and we get to keep more of what we make.

Our taxes provide us with one of the best education systems in the world, higher quality health care than the US, infrastructure, and programs for our people. We don't pay for a bloated military, or give massive tax breaks to corporations. Our country is run efficiently, at a much lower cost that the prolifigate waste and abuses of American public policies.

Translation: We rely on America's military might and drug research that the American taxpayer pays for to run more efficiently.


Canada is one of the leading medical research centres in the world. The USA isn't the only nation making medical breakthroughs, but the patents for these treatments are issued in the USA, because your patent protections are the best in the world. Drug patents have a much longer exclusive period, and the drug companies can make far more money if they patent their findings in the USA. So discoveries from France, Germany, Scandanavia and Canada, are patented in the US.

We have never relied on your military because nobody has ever invaded Canada except the USA. We mind our own business internationally, don't get involved in regime change, and we had your back in Afghanistan.
Leading medical research, when they come across into the US, buy some pills, then go back across the border, and then break down those pills, and miraculously come up with generic pills that cost a lot less. We the People do the research and development, the fucking socialists steal the tech, and get the rewards. Canada and China have similarities that not only do their names start with C and end in A, but both are crooks...
We the people have a giant money-sucking FDA that drives the prices for meds sky high.... We've met the enemy....
Tried to warn you fuckers.

You wouldn't listen
warn us about what? I invested 4k more over 2018 I didn't give to the IRS. Why would I expect to get more back at the end of the year? are you on drugs? I always knew the left didn't understand taxes.
The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Many workers who had always gotten a refund find out they now owe the IRS.
By Mary Papenfuss

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead. ...

What does this have to do with Trump?

The amount of your refund, is determined by how much you over pay. If you WANT a refund, you just jack up your with-holdings. How dumb is that? I want to be poorer all year long... so I can get a check back from the government?

Hey idiot.... put your money in a savings account, and at the end of the year, you'll have the same amount of money in that account, that you would have had in a refund... except with interest.

And if you have an emergency during the year, you could use it.

Trump has nothing to do with how stupid you are in giving too much money to the government. Dumbest thing in the world....

"I'm mad at Trump because I didn't over pay all year long! It's all his fault I wasn't poorer the entire year!"

Are you a moron? Oh... right... your worse than a moron... you are a Democrap.

You are dumber than you seem.

People are calculating their taxes. They made about the same as the previous year under the old tax code, they took the same withholding, and they expected a LARGER refund because that's what Trump promised. When many people didn't see any increase in their paycheck when the cuts took effect. Trump said they'd get a big refund from the cuts, but they are now finding that they're paying MORE than they did last year.

People are mad at Trump because HE LIED.

You're making it up. Back this up with proof. PROVE that people that made the same in 2017 and 2018 had the same withholding and got back less. You can't, you make shit up to fill in the blanks to try to make this point that you're trying to prove.

You're not even from fucking America? You're from fucking Canada? How the fuck do you know what our taxes are you doing? Mind your own god damned business you damn frozen ape. You rely on our military to protect you. Canada has always reminded me of that whiney little neighborhood kid who has a huge big brother. The kid goes around pissing everyone off and talking shit knowing his big brother would kick anyones ass who tried anything.
I had a neighbor like that, when the big brother came over after I bitch slapped his little brother, I kicked the big brother in the rocky mtn oysters and from then on, both kids were pretty nice...You have to do that with bullies, or they get out of hand. Soon the Democrat party(bullies) are going to get theirs, and they arent going to like it.
The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Many workers who had always gotten a refund find out they now owe the IRS.
By Mary Papenfuss

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead. ...
My tax return was better. Your stupid.
"Your stupid"......:auiqs.jpg:
The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Many workers who had always gotten a refund find out they now owe the IRS.
By Mary Papenfuss

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead. ...

What does this have to do with Trump?

The amount of your refund, is determined by how much you over pay. If you WANT a refund, you just jack up your with-holdings. How dumb is that? I want to be poorer all year long... so I can get a check back from the government?

Hey idiot.... put your money in a savings account, and at the end of the year, you'll have the same amount of money in that account, that you would have had in a refund... except with interest.

And if you have an emergency during the year, you could use it.

Trump has nothing to do with how stupid you are in giving too much money to the government. Dumbest thing in the world....

"I'm mad at Trump because I didn't over pay all year long! It's all his fault I wasn't poorer the entire year!"

Are you a moron? Oh... right... your worse than a moron... you are a Democrap.

You are dumber than you seem.

People are calculating their taxes. They made about the same as the previous year under the old tax code, they took the same withholding, and they expected a LARGER refund because that's what Trump promised. When many people didn't see any increase in their paycheck when the cuts took effect. Trump said they'd get a big refund from the cuts, but they are now finding that they're paying MORE than they did last year.

People are mad at Trump because HE LIED.

You're making it up. Back this up with proof. PROVE that people that made the same in 2017 and 2018 had the same withholding and got back less. You can't, you make shit up to fill in the blanks to try to make this point that you're trying to prove.

You're not even from fucking America? You're from fucking Canada? How the fuck do you know what our taxes are you doing? Mind your own god damned business you damn frozen ape. You rely on our military to protect you. Canada has always reminded me of that whiney little neighborhood kid who has a huge big brother. The kid goes around pissing everyone off and talking shit knowing his big brother would kick anyones ass who tried anything.
I had a neighbor like that, when the big brother came over after I bitch slapped his little brother, I kicked the big brother in the rocky mtn oysters and from then on, both kids were pretty nice...You have to do that with bullies, or they get out of hand. Soon the Democrat party(bullies) are going to get theirs, and they arent going to like it.
Threats now?
The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Many workers who had always gotten a refund find out they now owe the IRS.
By Mary Papenfuss

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead. ...

What does this have to do with Trump?

The amount of your refund, is determined by how much you over pay. If you WANT a refund, you just jack up your with-holdings. How dumb is that? I want to be poorer all year long... so I can get a check back from the government?

Hey idiot.... put your money in a savings account, and at the end of the year, you'll have the same amount of money in that account, that you would have had in a refund... except with interest.

And if you have an emergency during the year, you could use it.

Trump has nothing to do with how stupid you are in giving too much money to the government. Dumbest thing in the world....

"I'm mad at Trump because I didn't over pay all year long! It's all his fault I wasn't poorer the entire year!"

Are you a moron? Oh... right... your worse than a moron... you are a Democrap.

You are dumber than you seem.

People are calculating their taxes. They made about the same as the previous year under the old tax code, they took the same withholding, and they expected a LARGER refund because that's what Trump promised. When many people didn't see any increase in their paycheck when the cuts took effect. Trump said they'd get a big refund from the cuts, but they are now finding that they're paying MORE than they did last year.

People are mad at Trump because HE LIED.

You're making it up. Back this up with proof. PROVE that people that made the same in 2017 and 2018 had the same withholding and got back less. You can't, you make shit up to fill in the blanks to try to make this point that you're trying to prove.

You're not even from fucking America? You're from fucking Canada? How the fuck do you know what our taxes are you doing? Mind your own god damned business you damn frozen ape. You rely on our military to protect you. Canada has always reminded me of that whiney little neighborhood kid who has a huge big brother. The kid goes around pissing everyone off and talking shit knowing his big brother would kick anyones ass who tried anything.
Whenever they fought.....Canada 2- USA 0

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