Tired of not-winning? ... Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter

The Liar in Chief knew who was benefiting from his tax cut shell game. He told them at his rich ass Florida golf course....and you cult members pay for it....JOKE IS ON YOU!

The joke is on Democrat governed overtaxed blue-staters whose city/state Fed deductions were capped at 10k.
I live in Nevada and am tired of federally subsidizing you Stalinist assholes.
Trump is da" man!
The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

All those evil rich folks who pay your way took a big hit on their mortgage interest deduction values...The bottom feeding degenerates should be happy...no?
Are you really stupid enough to believe that the rich actually pay the tax rate they are given? What they pay as the EFFECTIVE rate is NOT the OFFICIAL rate. 2/3 of corporations pay nothing in federal taxes because of the deductions and loopholes they take advantage of. Overall, the effective tax rate of corporations is at 11% - a far cry from the official 35% they deliberately go around.

God I am so sick of the rightwing being too stupid to know this very basic information.

Stay focused...are you wanting to discuss the effective tax rates of the rich or of corporations?
Corporations rarely pay income tax as profits are passed through to shareholders via schedule K1 form.
Considering how quick you stupid people are to call others stupid I’ll bet you already knew that right?
Yeah obviously there is a difference between the two, but top earners still pay a low effective tax rate. I don’t think your dumbass even knew what an effective tax rate was until I explained it.

Don’t flatter yourself BillyBoy...you aren’t smart enough or rational enough to teach third graders.
So now that you’re focused, let’s get back on topic.
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax
They pay your way now...how much more of your responsibility do you want them to cover? Beg away...this is fascinating.
Yes, they obviously pay more in taxes effectively because of the wealth they have relative to their tax rate. No shit. The point is that the tax advantages they have substantially lower that official rate to the effective rate they pay. The tax code is designed to benefit them - not the middle class and poor. If average Joe donated $1000 to charity, he would get $100 as a credit come tax time. If rich Joe gave $1000 to charity, he would get $350.
All those evil rich folks who pay your way took a big hit on their mortgage interest deduction values...The bottom feeding degenerates should be happy...no?
Are you really stupid enough to believe that the rich actually pay the tax rate they are given? What they pay as the EFFECTIVE rate is NOT the OFFICIAL rate. 2/3 of corporations pay nothing in federal taxes because of the deductions and loopholes they take advantage of. Overall, the effective tax rate of corporations is at 11% - a far cry from the official 35% they deliberately go around.

God I am so sick of the rightwing being too stupid to know this very basic information.

Stay focused...are you wanting to discuss the effective tax rates of the rich or of corporations?
Corporations rarely pay income tax as profits are passed through to shareholders via schedule K1 form.
Considering how quick you stupid people are to call others stupid I’ll bet you already knew that right?
Yeah obviously there is a difference between the two, but top earners still pay a low effective tax rate. I don’t think your dumbass even knew what an effective tax rate was until I explained it.

Don’t flatter yourself BillyBoy...you aren’t smart enough or rational enough to teach third graders.
So now that you’re focused, let’s get back on topic.
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax
They pay your way now...how much more of your responsibility do you want them to cover? Beg away...this is fascinating.
Yes, they obviously pay more in taxes effectively because of the wealth they have relative to their tax rate. No shit. The point is that the tax advantages they have substantially lower that official rate to the effective rate they pay. The tax code is designed to benefit them - not the middle class and poor. If average Joe donated $1000 to charity, he would get $100 as a credit come tax time. If rich Joe gave $1000 to charity, he would get $350.

You’re pulling numbers from your ass BillyBoy... since you sound so matter-of-fact I am certain you can link us to those tables… Right?
Are you really stupid enough to believe that the rich actually pay the tax rate they are given? What they pay as the EFFECTIVE rate is NOT the OFFICIAL rate. 2/3 of corporations pay nothing in federal taxes because of the deductions and loopholes they take advantage of. Overall, the effective tax rate of corporations is at 11% - a far cry from the official 35% they deliberately go around.

God I am so sick of the rightwing being too stupid to know this very basic information.

Stay focused...are you wanting to discuss the effective tax rates of the rich or of corporations?
Corporations rarely pay income tax as profits are passed through to shareholders via schedule K1 form.
Considering how quick you stupid people are to call others stupid I’ll bet you already knew that right?
Yeah obviously there is a difference between the two, but top earners still pay a low effective tax rate. I don’t think your dumbass even knew what an effective tax rate was until I explained it.

Don’t flatter yourself BillyBoy...you aren’t smart enough or rational enough to teach third graders.
So now that you’re focused, let’s get back on topic.
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax
They pay your way now...how much more of your responsibility do you want them to cover? Beg away...this is fascinating.
Yes, they obviously pay more in taxes effectively because of the wealth they have relative to their tax rate. No shit. The point is that the tax advantages they have substantially lower that official rate to the effective rate they pay. The tax code is designed to benefit them - not the middle class and poor. If average Joe donated $1000 to charity, he would get $100 as a credit come tax time. If rich Joe gave $1000 to charity, he would get $350.

You’re pulling numbers from your ass BillyBoy... since you sound so matter-of-fact I am certain you can link us to those tables… Right?
5 Tax Deductions That Favor The Rich

Ah see now you can educate yourself with some basic information. Be an adult and try reading the entire article.
Stay focused...are you wanting to discuss the effective tax rates of the rich or of corporations?
Corporations rarely pay income tax as profits are passed through to shareholders via schedule K1 form.
Considering how quick you stupid people are to call others stupid I’ll bet you already knew that right?
Yeah obviously there is a difference between the two, but top earners still pay a low effective tax rate. I don’t think your dumbass even knew what an effective tax rate was until I explained it.

Don’t flatter yourself BillyBoy...you aren’t smart enough or rational enough to teach third graders.
So now that you’re focused, let’s get back on topic.
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax
They pay your way now...how much more of your responsibility do you want them to cover? Beg away...this is fascinating.
Yes, they obviously pay more in taxes effectively because of the wealth they have relative to their tax rate. No shit. The point is that the tax advantages they have substantially lower that official rate to the effective rate they pay. The tax code is designed to benefit them - not the middle class and poor. If average Joe donated $1000 to charity, he would get $100 as a credit come tax time. If rich Joe gave $1000 to charity, he would get $350.

You’re pulling numbers from your ass BillyBoy... since you sound so matter-of-fact I am certain you can link us to those tables… Right?
5 Tax Deductions That Favor The Rich

Ah see now you can educate yourself with some basic information. Be an adult and try reading the entire article.

A 2011 article.
I bet you win alot of debates....NOT!
Stay focused...are you wanting to discuss the effective tax rates of the rich or of corporations?
Corporations rarely pay income tax as profits are passed through to shareholders via schedule K1 form.
Considering how quick you stupid people are to call others stupid I’ll bet you already knew that right?
Yeah obviously there is a difference between the two, but top earners still pay a low effective tax rate. I don’t think your dumbass even knew what an effective tax rate was until I explained it.

Don’t flatter yourself BillyBoy...you aren’t smart enough or rational enough to teach third graders.
So now that you’re focused, let’s get back on topic.
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax
They pay your way now...how much more of your responsibility do you want them to cover? Beg away...this is fascinating.
Yes, they obviously pay more in taxes effectively because of the wealth they have relative to their tax rate. No shit. The point is that the tax advantages they have substantially lower that official rate to the effective rate they pay. The tax code is designed to benefit them - not the middle class and poor. If average Joe donated $1000 to charity, he would get $100 as a credit come tax time. If rich Joe gave $1000 to charity, he would get $350.

You’re pulling numbers from your ass BillyBoy... since you sound so matter-of-fact I am certain you can link us to those tables… Right?
5 Tax Deductions That Favor The Rich

Ah see now you can educate yourself with some basic information. Be an adult and try reading the entire article.

Weird...Billy threw a LefTard spin on a editorial piece authored by a fellow LefTard...who would have thought?
From the editorial:
“The problem with the charitable deduction is similar to the mortgage income tax break: The value of the deduction increases with income.

“If I give $1,000 to charity and I’m in a 10 percent tax bracket, I get $100 back on my taxes,” says Wilkins. “But if I’m in a 35 percent tax bracket, I get $350 back from the federal government.”

BegginBilly and this poor editor both think a bottom feeder contributing only 10% of his earnings should be entitled to a 35% value on deductions....And that there folks is what we call LefTarded arithmetic.
You can only find this crazy shit in that backward fucked up twisted world of LibTardia.
To quote sad sack future felon Donald Trump, it's sad.

Taxes were supposed to go down such that even if the meager wages growth of 4%, diluted by inflation 2%, and skewed by the huge pay rises the wealthy received, the low and middle-class taxpayer should have paid less tax which means that refunds should not have gone down.

Donald Trump is the master of chaos skipping from one screw-up to the next while his gullible followers cheer on the orange clown and manufacture excuses for him.

In fact, the biggest manufacturing growth industry in the USA is the manufaturing of excuses by Trump dupes who would otherwise be unemployed.
Want a bigger refund, have you employer hold out more money, it's that damn simple. So stop you fucking whining, that's a printable form. Fill one out and turn it in to your HR dept.


Republicans tried to play politics with the withholding tables and are getting burned. The smarter thing to do would have been to leave the withholding tables alone and let people adjust their withholding after they saw the effects of the new tax laws. You have people now being forced to pay taxes because of the effects of the new tax law. Are you really suggesting people should have hired tax accountants?

Doesn’t everybody with any iQ seek advice from a tax professional when there are revolutionary revisions made within the tax code?

Middle class people do not. Usually that is reserved for upper middle class and higher people.

H&R Block = $45
Quicken = $45

By then it is too late. They do not give financial advice.

Most used preparers last year and they pretty much knew what was coming. Stop making excuses for stupid people.

shame on conservatives for making a deal with the devil and supporting trump just to pass a tax and fill the bench with right wing ideologues. Trump's true believers swallow his bullshit like it's chocolate desert

i feel sorry for them, because they will suffer the most from his heartless policies
dude are you jekyll and hyde? one day you're a conservative, the next a leftist. I will admit, I can't figure you out. So instead, I'll call you a mental case.

It's one of them ruskies, just trying to stir the pot.

To quote sad sack future felon Donald Trump, it's sad.

Taxes were supposed to go down such that even if the meager wages growth of 4%, diluted by inflation 2%, and skewed by the huge pay rises the wealthy received, the low and middle-class taxpayer should have paid less tax which means that refunds should not have gone down.

Donald Trump is the master of chaos skipping from one screw-up to the next while his gullible followers cheer on the orange clown and manufacture excuses for him.

In fact, the biggest manufacturing growth industry in the USA is the manufaturing of excuses by Trump dupes who would otherwise be unemployed.

Employer withholding went down, so even with lower taxes, the refunds would be smaller. The point was for people to get more in their pockets come payday.

Yeah obviously there is a difference between the two, but top earners still pay a low effective tax rate. I don’t think your dumbass even knew what an effective tax rate was until I explained it.

Don’t flatter yourself BillyBoy...you aren’t smart enough or rational enough to teach third graders.
So now that you’re focused, let’s get back on topic.
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax
They pay your way now...how much more of your responsibility do you want them to cover? Beg away...this is fascinating.
Yes, they obviously pay more in taxes effectively because of the wealth they have relative to their tax rate. No shit. The point is that the tax advantages they have substantially lower that official rate to the effective rate they pay. The tax code is designed to benefit them - not the middle class and poor. If average Joe donated $1000 to charity, he would get $100 as a credit come tax time. If rich Joe gave $1000 to charity, he would get $350.

You’re pulling numbers from your ass BillyBoy... since you sound so matter-of-fact I am certain you can link us to those tables… Right?
5 Tax Deductions That Favor The Rich

Ah see now you can educate yourself with some basic information. Be an adult and try reading the entire article.

Weird...Billy threw a LefTard spin on a editorial piece authored by a fellow LefTard...who would have thought?
From the editorial:
“The problem with the charitable deduction is similar to the mortgage income tax break: The value of the deduction increases with income.

“If I give $1,000 to charity and I’m in a 10 percent tax bracket, I get $100 back on my taxes,” says Wilkins. “But if I’m in a 35 percent tax bracket, I get $350 back from the federal government.”

BegginBilly and this poor editor both think a bottom feeder contributing only 10% of his earnings should be entitled to a 35% value on deductions....And that there folks is what we call LefTarded arithmetic.
You can only find this crazy shit in that backward fucked up twisted world of LibTardia.
You idiot, if corporations nationwide don’t pay people a wage they can live off of for 40 hours a week, then you can go fuck yourself on them paying more in taxes. You do know that 8 people own half of the country’s wealth right? As astronomical as it is, it’s true. God you are such a republican stooge.

The wealthy having the highest tax rate isn’t about what’s philosophically fair, it’s about what is realistic to the economy. If wealth is highly concentrated at the top of among income earners, that is vital capital to pay for our ridiculous defense budget. It also has to pay for welfare programs of course, but your selfish stupidity in thinking Medicare/medicaid is a “handout” is juvenile. Most Americans can’t afforf healthcare with the income they make. If corporations are just going to pocket all of the economic gains, they need to pony up the dough for basic human serivices. But I get it - you’re a selfish piece of shit so you think your tax dollars shouldn’t support these programs, but basic human decency dictates that people must provide aid for the collective. This isn’t about food stamps. Food stamps goes primarily to KIDS of poor single parents. As a leftie, I don’t want “free food”. I have no problem working full time to pay my way in life. That has just become a problem with wages for 80% of workers. Most workers working full time can’t afford an emergency fund and adequate healthcare.

I don’t know what your income is “broke loser”, but if you happen to be financially comfortable in life, you should know that could be stripped from you at no fault of your own because of our volitle economy. One day you could be begging for socialized medicine.
To quote sad sack future felon Donald Trump, it's sad.

Taxes were supposed to go down such that even if the meager wages growth of 4%, diluted by inflation 2%, and skewed by the huge pay rises the wealthy received, the low and middle-class taxpayer should have paid less tax which means that refunds should not have gone down.

Donald Trump is the master of chaos skipping from one screw-up to the next while his gullible followers cheer on the orange clown and manufacture excuses for him.

In fact, the biggest manufacturing growth industry in the USA is the manufaturing of excuses by Trump dupes who would otherwise be unemployed.
Good grief!!!!
That is not true. The economy was improving under Obama.. It had nothing to do with Obama or Trump. Manufacturing jobs started coming back under Obama because companies found advantages to manufacturing in the US such as cheap natural gas and maintaining netter control over their manufacturing. These areas with high local taxes are not just found in blue states. Some suburban areas in red states could see taxpayers paying higher taxes because of local taxes as well. Americans largely oppose what Trump has done in regards to taxes and deregulation.
What planet do you live on?

I guess you are on drugs because you cannot accept the truth. The economy is generally too dynamic for any politician to turn on a dime. Manufacturing started coming back to the US under Obama because the advantages started outweighing the disadvantages. When Trump took office, the unemployment rate was 4.7%. That is undeniable except to Trump supporters.
You keep making up these stupid lies because you have no idea why you are opposed to President Trump. Everyone with a functioning brain knows manufacturing jobs did not come back under Obama. In fact, that was a constant criticism of our anemic recovery from the recession. Throughout the 2016 campaign, Obama assured Americans manufacturing jobs were never coming back. The truth is, you seem to be opposed to everything that is making life better for Americans just because there is a Republican in the WH. It might be better if you were a loyal American rather than just a loyal Democrat.

You are the one making things up. The trend of manufacturing jobs coming back started under Obama whether you like it or not. The fact is that neither Obama nor Trump have had anything to do with it. I am opposed to bad policy whether it is Republican or Democrat. I oppose raising the top rate to 70% and I opposed the Republican tax reform. Ronald Reagan did a lot of good things and he did it by compromising. Something Trump is incapable of doing. You are not a loyal American as you put Trump ahead of the country.
You are lying about manufacturing jobs coming back under Obama, and you are either ignorant or lying about President Trump having nothing to do with manufacturing jobs coming back since he became president.

You are lying as usual. and being a Trump supporter makes you the ignorant one by default.
Republicans tried to play politics with the withholding tables and are getting burned. The smarter thing to do would have been to leave the withholding tables alone and let people adjust their withholding after they saw the effects of the new tax laws. You have people now being forced to pay taxes because of the effects of the new tax law. Are you really suggesting people should have hired tax accountants?

Doesn’t everybody with any iQ seek advice from a tax professional when there are revolutionary revisions made within the tax code?

Middle class people do not. Usually that is reserved for upper middle class and higher people.

H&R Block = $45
Quicken = $45

By then it is too late. They do not give financial advice.
that's correct, Edward Jones, Prudential, Fidelity , Merrill Lynch, they all give financial advice. dude you need to go to school. I'm just saying, we're done trying to educate you in here.

For a price. However the fact is that the IRS had to interpret what was passed by Congress. Again the Republicans got their hands caught in the cookie jar. You are too partisan to admit it. The same thing happened to Obama. He cut withholding and received little credit whereas George W Bush sent out checks and people noticed. The smart thing to do would have been to retain the withholding tables and let people decide whether to change their withholding after seeing what their taxes are after the tax changes.
To quote sad sack future felon Donald Trump, it's sad.

Taxes were supposed to go down such that even if the meager wages growth of 4%, diluted by inflation 2%, and skewed by the huge pay rises the wealthy received, the low and middle-class taxpayer should have paid less tax which means that refunds should not have gone down.

Donald Trump is the master of chaos skipping from one screw-up to the next while his gullible followers cheer on the orange clown and manufacture excuses for him.

In fact, the biggest manufacturing growth industry in the USA is the manufaturing of excuses by Trump dupes who would otherwise be unemployed.
Good grief!!!!

These are the type of liberals you see running around with ear buds in all the time. If you were to remove them, they would tun purple and drop dead because they have a continuous loop recording, saying "Breathe in, breathe out!"

Employer withholding went down, so even with lower taxes, the refunds would be smaller. The point was for people to get more in their pockets come payday.


So for these people with withholdings the same as 2017, and thousands less in refunds due to changes in the new tax law, you are saying they are getting more $ in their pockets? No, that's not how this math works.

Employer withholding went down, so even with lower taxes, the refunds would be smaller. The point was for people to get more in their pockets come payday.


So for these people with withholdings the same as 2017, and thousands less in refunds due to changes in the new tax law, you are saying they are getting more $ in their pockets? No, that's not how this math works.[/QUOTE]

Uh, yeah, it is how this works! Dumbass rookie!

See the red text above. The withholdings are NOT the same in 2018 as they were in 2018. They were lower in 2018, hence a lower refund.

Employer withholding went down, so even with lower taxes, the refunds would be smaller. The point was for people to get more in their pockets come payday.


So for these people with withholdings the same as 2017, and thousands less in refunds due to changes in the new tax law, you are saying they are getting more $ in their pockets? No, that's not how this math works.[/QUOTE]

Uh, yeah, it is how this works! Dumbass rookie!

See the red text above. The withholdings are NOT the same in 2018 as they were in 2018. They were lower in 2018, hence a lower refund.[/QUOTE]

Actually the people posting their W-2's are showing higher tax payments due to fewer deductions. Sorry kiddo. Paying MORE in taxes with LESS deductions does not help you get more money in your pocket. Maybe next time take basic basic math. Like the stuff you learn in 1st grade. Then return and tell me how the Gov't taking MORE equals more money in your pocket.

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