Tired of this nonsense

Nurses, doctors, firefighters, cops, grocery store clerks, nursing home attendants etc are all dying Gramps, not just old fat guys like Trump.....

How many of them had either a underlying condition or were one foot on a banana peel and one foot in the grave?

That's funny when no one says anything like that about the flu.

In the meantime people can live completely normal and long lives with asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes and COPD but I guess they are now deemed expendable if they get COVID-19.

Not sure of your point.

Seems you are trying to bridge something that isn't there.

My point is COVID-19 kills people that many have decades left on their lives otherwise.

we have no way of knowing that, because all deaths are now being coded as caused by corona, do you really believe that there were no US flu deaths in the month of March? Thats what the stats say, do you believe it?
When the country opens back up there will be more cases of corona virus, that is simply a fact. Those with underlying conditions should protect themselves, the rest of us should go on with our lives understanding that there is always a risk of catching some kind of disease. The government does not exist to remove all risk from our lives, and it is not capable of doing that even if it were to try.
The government does not exist to remove all risk from our lives,
Amen! The preamble to the constitution describes what the us gov't role is. It is in simple English, not difficult to comprehend, but, the body of the constitution (enumerated powers and Bill of Rights) is egregiously, intentionally misinterpreted and puts voters into precarious, if not dangerous, situations and is used by corrupt people, in the District of Criminals, to serve the agenda of keeping voters didvided into two groups; enemies or tools, in their conquest to divide and conquer to feed either their own fears or their lust for power.
It poses a bigger danger to old infirm and certain other conditions according to the science ....funny how the party of science ignores that. Most of us could go about our business. Chosen path is insane and as soon as this is over libs will sing out of the other side of their ass
Science is saying that in Italy and here, 40% of the people who have died from it, Are NOT Seniors.
You left off the other part of the science....other underlying conditions like asthma......ooooops
Yeah all the doctors and nurses and medical technicians, and EMTs, and fire fighters, and grocery store clerks and newborns, and nursing home assistants, and dollar store cashiers, were all non seniors that were going to die ANYWAY, right?

Is that what you are saying?

100+ Americans die every single day in car crashes. NOT with pre-existing conditions. Randomly. Young and old; rich and poor alike. On highways and byways.

You've stopped driving and flagellate yourself daily about that too. Right?
what a silly comparison Sue....

you can't catch a car accident from another highly contagious person.... :rolleyes-41:

no but you can catch the flu that kills more each year than this virus has killed. People die of all kinds of medical issues, tell us how many of the "virus deaths" would have died anyway of their underlying conditions? you can't can you?

So you want all of the hospitals overwhelmed and unable to treat anyone but virus victims, and running out of medications, PPE's, and people dying by the thousands, including health care workers. Do you plan on letting this rage until it kills all enough first responders and essential workers that the country can't function or until everyone in the nation has a vaccine? It's only about 18 months. Less if you can't bring the death rate down.

did that happen last year when 60 thousand died of the flu? There are hospitals laying off medical personnel because routine procedures are not being done and the beds dedicated to virus victims are empty.

so you want the country to stay shut down for 18 months? are you fricken crazy, the USA would cease to exist if that happened. There would be riots in the streets like in Venezuela when the food ran out, are you ready to raid the zoo for food? ready do eat your dog and cat?

its amazing how ignorant most of you libs really are.

How can you say this is just like a regular flu and should be treated no differently.?

60,000 people die over a period of 12 months from the flu. That's 5,000 people per month. Even if half of those deaths occur over the winter months, that would be at most, 10,000 deaths per month, spread all across the nation. 30,000 Americans have died in the past 30 days just from this one virus, and 600,000 people have become ill. More than 2000 Americans are dying every day, which means every 5 days, more people die of covid19 than die in one month of the regular flu.

Then there's the contagion factor. The normal flu has an RO of 1, meaning that everybody who gets the flu, infects one other person. Studies have shown that in crowded circumstances, each covid19 patient can infect up to 6 other people, but that the RO is 2.79. Anything higher than 1.5 can quickly lead to an epidemic.

So this why this flu is far different than H1N1, or any other flu since the Spanish Flu.

the media is lying to you, sadly our health professionals are lying to you. Why were there no reported flu deaths in March? Why was every death coded as due to corona? Why are hospital beds dedicated to the virus sitting empty? Why are the hospital ships empty? Why do we not hear that 12% of americans contracted the flu this year and less than 1% corona?

We are not being told the truth about this thing. The chinese and WHO lied about it from day one and sadly our government kept up the lies.
Hospitals get money for every carona patient. Follow Benjamin
It poses a bigger danger to old infirm and certain other conditions according to the science ....funny how the party of science ignores that. Most of us could go about our business. Chosen path is insane and as soon as this is over libs will sing out of the other side of their ass
Science is saying that in Italy and here, 40% of the people who have died from it, Are NOT Seniors.
You left off the other part of the science....other underlying conditions like asthma......ooooops
Yeah all the doctors and nurses and medical technicians, and EMTs, and fire fighters, and grocery store clerks and newborns, and nursing home assistants, and dollar store cashiers, were all non seniors that were going to die ANYWAY, right?

Is that what you are saying?

100+ Americans die every single day in car crashes. NOT with pre-existing conditions. Randomly. Young and old; rich and poor alike. On highways and byways.

You've stopped driving and flagellate yourself daily about that too. Right?
what a silly comparison Sue....

you can't catch a car accident from another highly contagious person.... :rolleyes-41:

no but you can catch the flu that kills more each year than this virus has killed. People die of all kinds of medical issues, tell us how many of the "virus deaths" would have died anyway of their underlying conditions? you can't can you?

So you want all of the hospitals overwhelmed and unable to treat anyone but virus victims, and running out of medications, PPE's, and people dying by the thousands, including health care workers. Do you plan on letting this rage until it kills all enough first responders and essential workers that the country can't function or until everyone in the nation has a vaccine? It's only about 18 months. Less if you can't bring the death rate down.

did that happen last year when 60 thousand died of the flu? There are hospitals laying off medical personnel because routine procedures are not being done and the beds dedicated to virus victims are empty.

so you want the country to stay shut down for 18 months? are you fricken crazy, the USA would cease to exist if that happened. There would be riots in the streets like in Venezuela when the food ran out, are you ready to raid the zoo for food? ready do eat your dog and cat?

its amazing how ignorant most of you libs really are.

How can you say this is just like a regular flu and should be treated no differently.?

60,000 people die over a period of 12 months from the flu. That's 5,000 people per month. Even if half of those deaths occur over the winter months, that would be at most, 10,000 deaths per month, spread all across the nation. 30,000 Americans have died in the past 30 days just from this one virus, and 600,000 people have become ill. More than 2000 Americans are dying every day, which means every 5 days, more people die of covid19 than die in one month of the regular flu.

Then there's the contagion factor. The normal flu has an RO of 1, meaning that everybody who gets the flu, infects one other person. Studies have shown that in crowded circumstances, each covid19 patient can infect up to 6 other people, but that the RO is 2.79. Anything higher than 1.5 can quickly lead to an epidemic.

So this why this flu is far different than H1N1, or any other flu since the Spanish Flu.

the media is lying to you, sadly our health professionals are lying to you. Why were there no reported flu deaths in March? Why was every death coded as due to corona? Why are hospital beds dedicated to the virus sitting empty? Why are the hospital ships empty? Why do we not hear that 12% of americans contracted the flu this year and less than 1% corona?

We are not being told the truth about this thing. The chinese and WHO lied about it from day one and sadly our government kept up the lies.
Hospitals get money for every carona patient. Follow Benjamin

Nurses, doctors, firefighters, cops, grocery store clerks, nursing home attendants etc are all dying Gramps, not just old fat guys like Trump.....

How many of them had either a underlying condition or were one foot on a banana peel and one foot in the grave?

That's funny when no one says anything like that about the flu.

In the meantime people can live completely normal and long lives with asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes and COPD but I guess they are now deemed expendable if they get COVID-19.

Not sure of your point.

Seems you are trying to bridge something that isn't there.

My point is COVID-19 kills people that many have decades left on their lives otherwise.
Nothing is for certain except death and taxes. How do you not know this?
A sailor on the roosevelt died Grampa Murked U

Do you think he would have died anyway?
What kind of nonsensical question is that.
number one the aircraft carrier is in Guam.
number two, neither you nor I know anything about the person that died.
number three, has no one died on an aircraft carrier ever before.
lastly, there are 5000 people on an aircraft carrier that docked in Vietnam during the infancy of the crisis in China.
So on a thread about getting back to work in this country you bring up an issue halfway across the world.
Desperation feeds desperation for you Dems.
Nurses, doctors, firefighters, cops, grocery store clerks, nursing home attendants etc are all dying Gramps, not just old fat guys like Trump.....

How many of them had either a underlying condition or were one foot on a banana peel and one foot in the grave?

That's funny when no one says anything like that about the flu.

In the meantime people can live completely normal and long lives with asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes and COPD but I guess they are now deemed expendable if they get COVID-19.

Not sure of your point.

Seems you are trying to bridge something that isn't there.

My point is COVID-19 kills people that many have decades left on their lives otherwise.

So do cars and a lot of other things.

We live with that too.

Right now, it isn't taking young people out in droves (which is not to say it isn't serious).

As usual, what has happened is that we are battling extremes on both tends and nobody is listening.
A sailor on the roosevelt died Grampa Murked U

Do you think he would have died anyway?
A sailor on the roosevelt died Grampa Murked U

Do you think he would have died anyway?
What kind of nonsensical question is that.
number one the aircraft carrier is in Guam.
number two, neither you nor I know anything about the person that died.
number three, has no one died on an aircraft carrier ever before.
lastly, there are 5000 people on an aircraft carrier that docked in Vietnam during the infancy of the crisis in China.
So on a thread about getting back to work in this country you bring up an issue halfway across the world.
Desperation feeds desperation for you Dems.

The left is desperate to keep the panic going.

It's their only hope in so many things.
Nurses, doctors, firefighters, cops, grocery store clerks, nursing home attendants etc are all dying Gramps, not just old fat guys like Trump.....

How many of them had either a underlying condition or were one foot on a banana peel and one foot in the grave?

That's funny when no one says anything like that about the flu.

In the meantime people can live completely normal and long lives with asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes and COPD but I guess they are now deemed expendable if they get COVID-19.

Not sure of your point.

Seems you are trying to bridge something that isn't there.

My point is COVID-19 kills people that many have decades left on their lives otherwise.

So do cars and a lot of other things.

We live with that too.

Right now, it isn't taking young people out in droves (which is not to say it isn't serious).

As usual, what has happened is that we are battling extremes on both tends and nobody is listening.

As usual, Americans pretend to care about American lives, and every life being preceious, and suddenly the elderly aren't that precious. Nor are those with underlying conditions. Why should the rest of you sacfrifice so your old and your sick don't die?

Americans always say "Why should my tax dollars go to ensure someone who isn't working. THIS is why.

Failing to protect your fellow citizens is your most important civic duty. If you're not prepared to sacrifice for your fellow countrymen and women, you don't deserve to be a country.
Nurses, doctors, firefighters, cops, grocery store clerks, nursing home attendants etc are all dying Gramps, not just old fat guys like Trump.....

How many of them had either a underlying condition or were one foot on a banana peel and one foot in the grave?

That's funny when no one says anything like that about the flu.

In the meantime people can live completely normal and long lives with asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes and COPD but I guess they are now deemed expendable if they get COVID-19.

Not sure of your point.

Seems you are trying to bridge something that isn't there.

My point is COVID-19 kills people that many have decades left on their lives otherwise.

So do cars and a lot of other things.

We live with that too.

Right now, it isn't taking young people out in droves (which is not to say it isn't serious).

As usual, what has happened is that we are battling extremes on both tends and nobody is listening.

As usual, Americans pretend to care about American lives, and every life being preceious, and suddenly the elderly aren't that precious. Nor are those with underlying conditions. Why should the rest of you sacfrifice so your old and your sick don't die?

Americans always say "Why should my tax dollars go to ensure someone who isn't working. THIS is why.

Failing to protect your fellow citizens is your most important civic duty. If you're not prepared to sacrifice for your fellow countrymen and women, you don't deserve to be a country.

And you can't help being self-righteous lefty. I get that.

We kill 150,000 people every year due to lung cancer connected to cigarretes (but we still sell them).

We kill 19,000 people a year (and maim even more) with drunk drivers, but we still open bars and sell alcohol.

So fuck you and your civic duty argument. It's bullshit.
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying; our food supply now being endanger because so many are sick. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.
Everything you said is demochina propaganda.
Now that I have paid attention to your claptrap you can repeat it.
Nurses, doctors, firefighters, cops, grocery store clerks, nursing home attendants etc are all dying Gramps, not just old fat guys like Trump.....

How many of them had either a underlying condition or were one foot on a banana peel and one foot in the grave?

That's funny when no one says anything like that about the flu.

In the meantime people can live completely normal and long lives with asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes and COPD but I guess they are now deemed expendable if they get COVID-19.

Not sure of your point.

Seems you are trying to bridge something that isn't there.

My point is COVID-19 kills people that many have decades left on their lives otherwise.

So do cars and a lot of other things.

We live with that too.

Right now, it isn't taking young people out in droves (which is not to say it isn't serious).

As usual, what has happened is that we are battling extremes on both tends and nobody is listening.

As usual, Americans pretend to care about American lives, and every life being preceious, and suddenly the elderly aren't that precious. Nor are those with underlying conditions. Why should the rest of you sacfrifice so your old and your sick don't die?

Americans always say "Why should my tax dollars go to ensure someone who isn't working. THIS is why.

Failing to protect your fellow citizens is your most important civic duty. If you're not prepared to sacrifice for your fellow countrymen and women, you don't deserve to be a country.

And you can't help being self-righteous lefty. I get that.

We kill 150,000 people every year due to lung cancer connected to cigarretes (but we still sell them).

We kill 19,000 people a year (and maim even more) with drunk drivers, but we still open bars and sell alcohol.

So fuck you and your civic duty argument. It's bullshit.
Usual lib false dicotomy, if you don't do this then nothing is being done. Govt hasn't protected my Mother in law. She has protected herself by staying home and since we are both out in it have stayed away the entire time. It's called personal responsibility. Work at can home can still work at home. Distancing ...fine.....govt mass transit has probably been one of the biggest reasons for it's spread.
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They locked down construction, schools, restaurants, bars ,nightclubs , major manufacturers,small mom & pop shops. About the only thing open are food markets and the post office.

That very Gub'Mit that imparts this doctrine (no, it is NOT voluntary) has instituted a CARES package that's as full of sh*t as my pig pens

These very same people (pick one on any local,state or federal level) that are repeatedly telling me "We're all in this together" are still getting their tax paid check, while asking small biz to go without.

The projections for 'end of '20 into '21 bankruptcies make the '08 crash look like a minor bump in the capitalist road , and if one is paying ANY attention to the FED & Stock Market should be stuffin' a mattress

Congress is literally nationalizing fortune 500's (their true constituency, not YOU!) towards an overall objectively arguable feudal system

I'm a sm hand/mouth biz ,no work,no eat, who now has to sneak in/out of jobs , along with local authority on my tail redefining 'essential' every other day

So , all political stripe aside, how in the blue f*ck does anyone here see Government as helping you, your community, your country, your kids future, or anything else?

We may be witnessing the biggest transfer of wealth, into the hands of a select few who are already enormously wealthy, in the history of mankind.

With the demise of small businesses all over the country, who will benefit? I think I know.
As expected. With small businesses dying nationwide, the psychopath Dr Evil will gain even more wealth and power.
Amazon Is Poised to Emerge From the Pandemic Stronger Than Ever

Amazon Is Poised to Emerge From the Pandemic Stronger Than Ever
This shut down shit blows. I'm so fucking bored I'm going nuts.

I live in a metro of 2.3 million. We have around 70 people who have died. Not to be a cold hearted dick but out of those 70 how many were going to die FROM OLD AGE or EXTREME OBESITY to begin with? How many would have died in those same 30 days?

And before yall jump down my ass my ex had it. Was in the ICU for about a week and after getting the drug no liberal will admit exists she got better.

I get that new Yorks mayor acted a complete fool and his staff had to threaten to quit in order for him to CLOSE THE SCHOOLS but hey..... I get that you don't know that and your mind is blown right now. The leftist media treats yall like a bunch of dumbfuck toddlers who dont know any better and you're too dumb to recognize it.

All is forgiven...

Vote for Biden so we can get a good reason to sink money into alzheimer research.

Goodnight all!
Its a hoax. It is nothing but battle testing things Big GOV Globalists plan on doing in the future. Read all about Agenda 20, which The UN had to re title Agenda 2030 because of President Trump's Election.

Oh? Agenda 20 is back on now?
It was never off, just delayed. The UN repackaged it as Agenda 2030.

People are nothing but cattle to THE UN.


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