Tired of this nonsense

This shut down shit blows. I'm so fucking bored I'm going nuts.

I live in a metro of 2.3 million. We have around 70 people who have died. Not to be a cold hearted dick but out of those 70 how many were going to die FROM OLD AGE or EXTREME OBESITY to begin with? How many would have died in those same 30 days?

And before yall jump down my ass my ex had it. Was in the ICU for about a week and after getting the drug no liberal will admit exists she got better.

I get that new Yorks mayor acted a complete fool and his staff had to threaten to quit in order for him to CLOSE THE SCHOOLS but hey..... I get that you don't know that and your mind is blown right now. The leftist media treats yall like a bunch of dumbfuck toddlers who dont know any better and you're too dumb to recognize it.

All is forgiven...

Vote for Biden so we can get a good reason to sink money into alzheimer research.

Goodnight all!

Stay at home isn't for the mentally feeble.
I like how all you old fucks living off your guaranteed income judge those who rely on a functioning economy.


Pretty sure I'm younger than you. Who knows, maybe jail prematurely aged you.

Happy joy is another government paycheck recipient. A shut down economy advances communism and equalizes his little Che I with people who used to work.

They hate and despise people who don’t rely on a government check.

Nope. I'm still gainfully employed for now and I have savings to rely on if I lose my job.
LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
It’s a far greater threat than the flu because it spreads so much more easily, and there is no vaccine (yet), even though its not any more deadly.
Actually, I had read that it is deadlier than the flu because an influenza virus, has slower steps to its progression, that have treatable methods at each stage, before it turns in to pneumonia, to kill you.... like bronchitis... And known anti virals to treat these stages before pneumonia sets in, are known...

but this corona virus, when it decides you are the one it is going to attack hard.... it goes straight to pneumonia, in the lower area of the lung or the lower area of both lungs.... there are not the other steps in between that we can fight before turning in to pneumonia.... and then the fact that the corona virus is infectious even when A-symptomatic, making it sneakier than the flu, which you can only pass it along, when you have symptoms, and a fever....

though if we had all of those tools, including vaccines to fight COVID as we do with Influenza, you are likely right, the death rate, could become on par, with influenza... some day.
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The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.

Thinking they don’t lie, makes you a fool. Have you ever heard the ancient adage, “follow the money...dumbass?”

Of course. If you are a conspiracy nut you will accuse scientists of lying about a pandemic to line their own pockets.
Yes anyone who questions the authorities is a conspiracy nut. You have learned well comrade. You will excel in our Orwellian future.

You believe that I do not question authority?

For my part, not only do you not question it, you act like a Brownshirt for authority, parroting the daily talking points, screeching like a Puritan in menopause at anyone who does not Just Obey Orders
I’m trying to determine if LL more resembles a Stasi agent or a Nazi SS gopher.

I think his avatar is supposed to be Trump screeching at a nurse but this is how his posts always sound to me

like this, like all unhinged Leftists posts in the pandemic


.....how did I do
Things will not return to normal, pre COVID conditions, ever again.

We can wish all we want, but it will never happen.

And the next 3 years will not even come close to what we knew as normal...

Large gatherings and sports events, concerts etc, will not return in an old fashioned manner...

Hand shakes as greetings will be no more....or cheek kissing in Europe as a greeting....

Businesses have liability, for safety of employees and customers.... decisions to make, before they can open....

People will be wary of spending, as they once freely did.... the economy will not come back roaring....

The hyper spending debt will weigh us all down, with inflation...perhaps?

It just won't ever ever ever, be the same Sue....

I reject this wholly and utterly.

"She is clothed in strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."--Proverbs 31:25

May God honestly prevent me from cowering in the corner, pronouncing doom on all the "days to come"
I don't see it as cowering in the corner.... just reality and being protective and cautious with the Nation's General Welfare.

And I didn't say it was all gloom and doom....though inflation from the money spent will hurt us for a few generations....

Just that things will NOT go back to the way they were.....prior to COVID.... you can't twinkle your nose and make this all go away once you slowly begin to open up businesses.... there will be NO opening of businesses all at once....

you are not going to see an immediate rise in the stock market or in your retirement funds in 401k's to where they were before Wall Street panicked just because some businesses are reopening.....

this is going to be a slower process....
This shut down shit blows. I'm so fucking bored I'm going nuts.

I live in a metro of 2.3 million. We have around 70 people who have died. Not to be a cold hearted dick but out of those 70 how many were going to die FROM OLD AGE or EXTREME OBESITY to begin with? How many would have died in those same 30 days?

And before yall jump down my ass my ex had it. Was in the ICU for about a week and after getting the drug no liberal will admit exists she got better.

I get that new Yorks mayor acted a complete fool and his staff had to threaten to quit in order for him to CLOSE THE SCHOOLS but hey..... I get that you don't know that and your mind is blown right now. The leftist media treats yall like a bunch of dumbfuck toddlers who dont know any better and you're too dumb to recognize it.

All is forgiven...

Vote for Biden so we can get a good reason to sink money into alzheimer research.

Goodnight all!

Stay at home isn't for the mentally feeble.

My Father and my three older brothers joined the Forces and went to war to protect the nation. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body until the day he died. My youngest brother was 16 when he lied about his age and joined the army to serve. They did whatever was asked of them. They're referred to as "The Greatest Generation".

This generation is being asked to sit on their asses at home, watch TV and do nothing for a month or two, and they can't do it. It's too much of a sacrifice. Oh the humanity!!!
I doubt your father and brothers would sit idly by as their rights were stripped from them and they were put under house arrest.

My father and my brothers weren't stupid. They would know that social distancing would be the ONLY way to stop the spread. My dad owned the only restaurant - a small family diner, in a farming village of 800. He would have helped out the local churches in feeding the elderly, and doing porch deliveries of food to the sick and shut-ins.

I started social distancing in mid-January, when reports coming out of China became frightening. I did that voluntarily because I DON'T WANT TO GET SICK, and I'm high risk.


You're country has asked you to sit on your ass at home for a couple of months, for the good of your family, your neighbours and your country. You're not being asked to endanger your life every day by going to work, nor are you being asked to go to work and risk infection with no PPR's, like grocery workers, and transit workers, and delivery workers.

And you're whining like the snowflake you are.
I don't think Jefferson was referring to allowing a virus to run uncontrolled throughout the nation to kill the people when he said this.
Did I say he did? No. I didn't. He used no particular situation- as was his wont. He applied philosophic thought to situations which had arisen and he had witnessed, either first hand or by courier-

You can remain obtuse as you want. That is a Right. But, at what point will you draw the line at having your Liberty's restricted by someone who, with no evidence for support, believes they have the Right, or authority to tell you how, when or where you exercise your pursuit of Happiness? At what point will you believe a tyrant entity is doing the diametric opposite of it's job?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Do you see anything relating to the flu? Or heart attacks? Cancer? War?

I do not know whether it is to yourself or Mr. Adams I am to give my thanks for the copy of the new constitution. I beg leave through you to place them where due. It will be yet three weeks before I shall receive them from America. There are very good articles in it: and very bad. I do not know which preponderate. What we have lately read in the history of Holland, in the chapter on the Stadtholder, would have sufficed to set me against a Chief magistrate eligible for a long duration, if I had ever been disposed towards one: and what we have always read of the elections of Polish kings should have forever excluded the idea of one continuable for life. Wonderful is the effect of impudent and persevering lying. The British ministry have so long hired their gazetteers to repeat and model into every form lies about our being in anarchy, that the world has at length believed them, the English nation has believed them, the ministers themselves have come to believe them, and what is more wonderful, we have believed them ourselves. Yet where does this anarchy exist? Where did it ever exist, except in the single instance of Massachusets? And can history produce an instance of a rebellion so honourably conducted? I say nothing of it’s motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20. years without such a rebellion.1 The people can not be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13. states independant 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure. Our Convention has been too much impressed by the insurrection of Massachusets: and in the spur of the moment they are setting up a kite to keep the hen yard in order. I hope in god this article will be rectified before the new constitution is accepted.

I strongly suggest enlightening ones self before making public declarations.

There is NOTHING in this letter which is applicable to the current circumstances.
Leaked CDC and FEMA plan warns of ‘significant risk of resurgence of the virus’ with phased reopening

A draft national strategy to reopen the country in phases, developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, emphasizes that even a cautious and phased approach “will entail a significant risk of resurgence of the virus.”

The internal document, obtained by The Washington Post, warns of a “large rebound curve” of novel coronavirus cases if mitigation efforts are relaxed too quickly before vaccines are developed and distributed or broad community immunity is achieved.

About 26,000 people have now died from the coronavirus in the United States, and more than 608,000 cases have been reported.
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.

Thinking they don’t lie, makes you a fool. Have you ever heard the ancient adage, “follow the money...dumbass?”

Of course. If you are a conspiracy nut you will accuse scientists of lying about a pandemic to line their own pockets.
Yes anyone who questions the authorities is a conspiracy nut. You have learned well comrade. You will excel in our Orwellian future.

You believe that I do not question authority?

For my part, not only do you not question it, you act like a Brownshirt for authority, parroting the daily talking points, screeching like a Puritan in menopause at anyone who does not Just Obey Orders
I’m trying to determine if LL more resembles a Stasi agent or a Nazi SS gopher.

I think his avatar is supposed to be Trump screeching at a nurse but this is how his posts always sound to me

like this, like all unhinged Leftists posts in the pandemic


.....how did I do
Things will not return to normal, pre COVID conditions, ever again.

We can wish all we want, but it will never happen.

And the next 3 years will not even come close to what we knew as normal...

Large gatherings and sports events, concerts etc, will not return in an old fashioned manner...

Hand shakes as greetings will be no more....or cheek kissing in Europe as a greeting....

Businesses have liability, for safety of employees and customers.... decisions to make, before they can open....

People will be wary of spending, as they once freely did.... the economy will not come back roaring....

The hyper spending debt will weigh us all down, with inflation...perhaps?

It just won't ever ever ever, be the same Sue....

It will be the same, but not overnight. Americans have a short memory. We like to move forward, not live in the past.

The case loads will decrease, and that will give people some encouragement. More people getting tested, more people developing immunities, more people able to get tested to see if they have the natural antibodies to fight this thing off.

In the meantime, we get one step closer to a vaccine every day. More N-95 masks will make them available to everybody--not just medical personnel and first responders. If these blood transfusions work, that's another way to immune more people.

We are an anxious country. We want things to be overnight. The OP is a perfect example. We are not a people that can relax and take it easy, especially by force.
true, we are an anxious society....
and forgetful....

And things will be better once most of society is vaccinated or immune from having it.... but that's a few years away for society to accomplish the part of getting people vaccinated...

and yes, a stock of N-95 masks for everyone to wear daily in the mean time, will ease some fears....

but that alone Ray, supports my assessment, that things will not be the same as it was before COVID ever existed.

THEN we have all of this debt from bail outs and hospital costs, PPE costs, high unemployment costs, that will continue to grow the next 2 to 3 years too.... which likely breaks social security and Medicare's backs sooner than estimated....

nothing is going to be the same again.... too much has happened already....that changed the line of destiny...for too many people....

I think there are some positives that will come out of it.... we likely will not be caught with our pants down again, on our supplies of PPE at hospitals, state, and federal supply levels, and PPE at all essential businesses like grocery stores, and food processing plants etc., and bringing manufacturing home for medications that we need ingredients from China on, we will likely have a better and more efficient Pandemic teams in our gvts and at hospitals, with known early measures practiced and memorized....

we will likely manage and run nursing homes in a more safe manner....

live and learn...

Something like this hits our country once every hundred years or so. Yes, I am concerned about what we are spending, and I suggest when things get rolling again, for this debt to be paid back via a consumption tax, say ten cents on the dollar until it's repaid.

As for everything else, a vaccine is less than a year away most researchers are saying. We have the vaccine, in fact several of them, but they must undergo the stringent testing that takes place with any new medication. And once those who need the vaccine get it, full confidence will be restored.
The trials will be done in a year, and providing there are no issues with the four phases of trial testing, it will be ready, in a year....

but I do not have confidence or faith, that enough of the vaccine could be mass produced where enough of society could be inoculated, before the Fall of 2021.... with this virus, we need at least 50% of Americans inoculated, and that means 160 million or so, corona virus vaccine shots.....

just the way we handled the testing situation, murphy's law is bound to show its face.... we won't have enough reagents, or needles to inoculate, or refrigerators in the hospitals and clinics to store that amount of vaccinations, or alchohol pads to wipe the patient before getting the shot.....

We do not have very good planners, it seems......

hopefully someone is looking in to all of this NOW, but I bet they are not and another fumble is destined to come....

And most all of the above hopes in a vaccine is providing the virus does not mutate.
Of that 33000 less than 1700 are from corona virus. At least half of those would have died from other causes anyhow.
says who?

People with asthma live for decades, people with high blood pressure, live for decades and decades, people with diabetes live for decades and decades as well, people with heart troubles live a very long time too......

Your assumption that half of all of those people would have died during these months or even within a year anyway, is patently false....
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.

Thinking they don’t lie, makes you a fool. Have you ever heard the ancient adage, “follow the money...dumbass?”

Of course. If you are a conspiracy nut you will accuse scientists of lying about a pandemic to line their own pockets.
Yes anyone who questions the authorities is a conspiracy nut. You have learned well comrade. You will excel in our Orwellian future.

You believe that I do not question authority?

For my part, not only do you not question it, you act like a Brownshirt for authority, parroting the daily talking points, screeching like a Puritan in menopause at anyone who does not Just Obey Orders
I’m trying to determine if LL more resembles a Stasi agent or a Nazi SS gopher.

I think his avatar is supposed to be Trump screeching at a nurse but this is how his posts always sound to me

like this, like all unhinged Leftists posts in the pandemic


.....how did I do
Things will not return to normal, pre COVID conditions, ever again.

We can wish all we want, but it will never happen.

And the next 3 years will not even come close to what we knew as normal...

Large gatherings and sports events, concerts etc, will not return in an old fashioned manner...

Hand shakes as greetings will be no more....or cheek kissing in Europe as a greeting....

Businesses have liability, for safety of employees and customers.... decisions to make, before they can open....

People will be wary of spending, as they once freely did.... the economy will not come back roaring....

The hyper spending debt will weigh us all down, with inflation...perhaps?

It just won't ever ever ever, be the same Sue....

It will be the same, but not overnight. Americans have a short memory. We like to move forward, not live in the past.

The case loads will decrease, and that will give people some encouragement. More people getting tested, more people developing immunities, more people able to get tested to see if they have the natural antibodies to fight this thing off.

In the meantime, we get one step closer to a vaccine every day. More N-95 masks will make them available to everybody--not just medical personnel and first responders. If these blood transfusions work, that's another way to immune more people.

We are an anxious country. We want things to be overnight. The OP is a perfect example. We are not a people that can relax and take it easy, especially by force.
true, we are an anxious society....
and forgetful....

And things will be better once most of society is vaccinated or immune from having it.... but that's a few years away for society to accomplish the part of getting people vaccinated...

and yes, a stock of N-95 masks for everyone to wear daily in the mean time, will ease some fears....

but that alone Ray, supports my assessment, that things will not be the same as it was before COVID ever existed.

THEN we have all of this debt from bail outs and hospital costs, PPE costs, high unemployment costs, that will continue to grow the next 2 to 3 years too.... which likely breaks social security and Medicare's backs sooner than estimated....

nothing is going to be the same again.... too much has happened already....that changed the line of destiny...for too many people....

I think there are some positives that will come out of it.... we likely will not be caught with our pants down again, on our supplies of PPE at hospitals, state, and federal supply levels, and PPE at all essential businesses like grocery stores, and food processing plants etc., and bringing manufacturing home for medications that we need ingredients from China on, we will likely have a better and more efficient Pandemic teams in our gvts and at hospitals, with known early measures practiced and memorized....

we will likely manage and run nursing homes in a more safe manner....

live and learn...

Something like this hits our country once every hundred years or so. Yes, I am concerned about what we are spending, and I suggest when things get rolling again, for this debt to be paid back via a consumption tax, say ten cents on the dollar until it's repaid.

As for everything else, a vaccine is less than a year away most researchers are saying. We have the vaccine, in fact several of them, but they must undergo the stringent testing that takes place with any new medication. And once those who need the vaccine get it, full confidence will be restored.
The trials will be done in a year, and providing there are no issues with the four phases of trial testing, it will be ready, in a year....

but I do not have confidence or faith, that enough of the vaccine could be mass produced where enough of society could be inoculated, before the Fall of 2021.... with this virus, we need at least 50% of Americans inoculated, and that means 160 million or so, corona virus vaccine shots.....

just the way we handled the testing situation, murphy's law is bound to show its face.... we won't have enough reagents, or needles to inoculate, or refrigerators in the hospitals and clinics to store that amount of vaccinations, or alchohol pads to wipe the patient before getting the shot.....

We do not have very good planners, it seems......

hopefully someone is looking in to all of this NOW, but I bet they are not and another fumble is destined to come....

And most all of the above hopes in a vaccine is providing the virus does not mutate.

Given the fact there are several vaccinations out there now, even if a couple have trouble with the testing, one or more will be able to pass all tests and be immediately approved by the FDA. This time next year, we could all very well be vaccinated; at least those of us who actually need them.

In the meantime, as I stated, there are still a number of people who can't catch this virus, and that testing is going to be taking place very soon. They are also finding satisfactory results by taking blood from people who recovered from the virus, and infusing their blood into people not yet effected thus making them immune.

By the time this vaccine is tested and approved, it's likely a lot of people won't even need it. I think there will be ample supply, and syringes are not a problem. Hell, if they are, I'll just bring my own from home. Just the idea there is a vaccine out there when it finally happens, will restore a lot of confidence in people, even before they get it.
We need a solid plan, on how we will protect society, until there is a vaccination, and that involves enough testing to identify where the virus is prevalent and spreading, isolating those people infected and those in contact with the infected, for a few weeks..... and away from their uninfected families....

without a plan, we are doomed for a relapse, and the economy will be shut down again, causing even more harm to the economy.
We need a solid plan, on how we will protect society, until there is a vaccination, and that involves enough testing to identify where the virus is prevalent and spreading, isolating those people infected and those in contact with the infected, for a few weeks..... and away from their uninfected families....

without a plan, we are doomed for a relapse, and the economy will be shut down again, causing even more harm to the economy.

And......there is no plan.
I'm tired of it too, we all are, but if my wife gets it she will probably die. Can't even begin to explain the hardship I would endure for her. Then I think about everyone else's wives and husbands, moms and dads and wonder why some people just don't find them worth it.

people who are at risk should do whatever is necessary to protect themselves, not just now, but at all times. This may be a wake up call to do more of that.

Yeah fuck those old people for allowing themselves to age.

no one said that. those same people were at risk before the Chinese sent us their virus. stop lying about this
We need a solid plan, on how we will protect society, until there is a vaccination, and that involves enough testing to identify where the virus is prevalent and spreading, isolating those people infected and those in contact with the infected, for a few weeks..... and away from their uninfected families....

without a plan, we are doomed for a relapse, and the economy will be shut down again, causing even more harm to the economy.

One of the problems is is we just can’t assume they’ll be a vaccine. We waited forever for an AIDS vaccine that never came. This is a very tricky situation. I think we’re going to be very cautious in bringing businesses back to work. But the reality is we may not experience what we considered normal in a very long time.
To every situation there is more than one way to tackle it usually....don't understand our way or the highway mentality ....we know who we need to protect ..... .protect em and get on with life. If not I don't want to hear any whining from libs about the cost .......oh and be rdy to pay your fair share
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The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.

Thinking they don’t lie, makes you a fool. Have you ever heard the ancient adage, “follow the money...dumbass?”

Of course. If you are a conspiracy nut you will accuse scientists of lying about a pandemic to line their own pockets.
Yes anyone who questions the authorities is a conspiracy nut. You have learned well comrade. You will excel in our Orwellian future.

You believe that I do not question authority?

For my part, not only do you not question it, you act like a Brownshirt for authority, parroting the daily talking points, screeching like a Puritan in menopause at anyone who does not Just Obey Orders
I’m trying to determine if LL more resembles a Stasi agent or a Nazi SS gopher.

I think his avatar is supposed to be Trump screeching at a nurse but this is how his posts always sound to me

like this, like all unhinged Leftists posts in the pandemic


.....how did I do

I was going to let it go....but I had to tell you that I think it is great that you see Trump in my avatar. I think you may have something subliminal
going on in that empty head of yours.
which likely breaks social security and Medicare's backs sooner than estimated....
Those are permanent fixtures they will never, in our life time, be "broke" unless/until the fed reserve says they ain't lending anymore money or buying anymore assets that are leveraged beyond repair now.
The purchasing power will be diminished, considerably, with an influx of new fed reserve notes and as long as COLA for SS stays low old folks will suffer more than others.
agree on the permanent fixtures and BIG TIME Inflation to come, to pay for it.... a whole lotta hurt, for huge segments of society.... even if taxes are raised on the so called Oligarchs or the 1/10th of 1% at the top.... that may ease the pain slightly, but there will be remaining pain none the less, imo.

Why does the bloated government get a pass and not have to make cutbacks and reduce taxes? Huh?! :cuckoo:

You're comfortable with being a serf, is that the case?
It poses a bigger danger to old infirm and certain other conditions according to the science ....funny how the party of science ignores that. Most of us could go about our business. Chosen path is insane and as soon as this is over libs will sing out of the other side of their ass
Science is saying that in Italy and here, 40% of the people who have died from it, Are NOT Seniors.
You left off the other part of the science....other underlying conditions like asthma......ooooops
Yeah all the doctors and nurses and medical technicians, and EMTs, and fire fighters, and grocery store clerks and newborns, and nursing home assistants, and dollar store cashiers, were all non seniors that were going to die ANYWAY, right?

Is that what you are saying?

100+ Americans die every single day in car crashes. NOT with pre-existing conditions. Randomly. Young and old; rich and poor alike. On highways and byways.

You've stopped driving and flagellate yourself daily about that too. Right?
what a silly comparison Sue....

you can't catch a car accident from another highly contagious person.... :rolleyes-41:

no but you can catch the flu that kills more each year than this virus has killed. People die of all kinds of medical issues, tell us how many of the "virus deaths" would have died anyway of their underlying conditions? you can't can you?

So you want all of the hospitals overwhelmed and unable to treat anyone but virus victims, and running out of medications, PPE's, and people dying by the thousands, including health care workers. Do you plan on letting this rage until it kills all enough first responders and essential workers that the country can't function or until everyone in the nation has a vaccine? It's only about 18 months. Less if you can't bring the death rate down.

did that happen last year when 60 thousand died of the flu? There are hospitals laying off medical personnel because routine procedures are not being done and the beds dedicated to virus victims are empty.

so you want the country to stay shut down for 18 months? are you fricken crazy, the USA would cease to exist if that happened. There would be riots in the streets like in Venezuela when the food ran out, are you ready to raid the zoo for food? ready do eat your dog and cat?

its amazing how ignorant most of you libs really are.

corona aint the flu dumbass- you cant spell ignorant.

"Ignorant", I-G-N-O-R-A-N-T.

"Oblivious Asshat", S-I-E-T-E.
This shut down shit blows. I'm so fucking bored I'm going nuts.

I live in a metro of 2.3 million. We have around 70 people who have died. Not to be a cold hearted dick but out of those 70 how many were going to die FROM OLD AGE or EXTREME OBESITY to begin with? How many would have died in those same 30 days?

And before yall jump down my ass my ex had it. Was in the ICU for about a week and after getting the drug no liberal will admit exists she got better.

I get that new Yorks mayor acted a complete fool and his staff had to threaten to quit in order for him to CLOSE THE SCHOOLS but hey..... I get that you don't know that and your mind is blown right now. The leftist media treats yall like a bunch of dumbfuck toddlers who dont know any better and you're too dumb to recognize it.

All is forgiven...

Vote for Biden so we can get a good reason to sink money into alzheimer research.

Goodnight all!

Stay at home isn't for the mentally feeble.

My Father and my three older brothers joined the Forces and went to war to protect the nation. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body until the day he died. My youngest brother was 16 when he lied about his age and joined the army to serve. They did whatever was asked of them. They're referred to as "The Greatest Generation".

This generation is being asked to sit on their asses at home, watch TV and do nothing for a month or two, and they can't do it. It's too much of a sacrifice. Oh the humanity!!!
I doubt your father and brothers would sit idly by as their rights were stripped from them and they were put under house arrest.

My father and my brothers weren't stupid. They would know that social distancing would be the ONLY way to stop the spread. My dad owned the only restaurant - a small family diner, in a farming village of 800. He would have helped out the local churches in feeding the elderly, and doing porch deliveries of food to the sick and shut-ins.

I started social distancing in mid-January, when reports coming out of China became frightening. I did that voluntarily because I DON'T WANT TO GET SICK, and I'm high risk.


You're country has asked you to sit on your ass at home for a couple of months, for the good of your family, your neighbours and your country. You're not being asked to endanger your life every day by going to work, nor are you being asked to go to work and risk infection with no PPR's, like grocery workers, and transit workers, and delivery workers.

And you're whining like the snowflake you are.
This is not the pre 1960's. Non Progs are brow beaten down 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Say one wrong word and it destroys you. That is where we start it in the year 2020. And yes there are still issues in all areas.
It poses a bigger danger to old infirm and certain other conditions according to the science ....funny how the party of science ignores that. Most of us could go about our business. Chosen path is insane and as soon as this is over libs will sing out of the other side of their ass
Science is saying that in Italy and here, 40% of the people who have died from it, Are NOT Seniors.
You left off the other part of the science....other underlying conditions like asthma......ooooops
Yeah all the doctors and nurses and medical technicians, and EMTs, and fire fighters, and grocery store clerks and newborns, and nursing home assistants, and dollar store cashiers, were all non seniors that were going to die ANYWAY, right?

Is that what you are saying?

100+ Americans die every single day in car crashes. NOT with pre-existing conditions. Randomly. Young and old; rich and poor alike. On highways and byways.

You've stopped driving and flagellate yourself daily about that too. Right?
what a silly comparison Sue....

you can't catch a car accident from another highly contagious person.... :rolleyes-41:

no but you can catch the flu that kills more each year than this virus has killed. People die of all kinds of medical issues, tell us how many of the "virus deaths" would have died anyway of their underlying conditions? you can't can you?

So you want all of the hospitals overwhelmed and unable to treat anyone but virus victims, and running out of medications, PPE's, and people dying by the thousands, including health care workers. Do you plan on letting this rage until it kills all enough first responders and essential workers that the country can't function or until everyone in the nation has a vaccine? It's only about 18 months. Less if you can't bring the death rate down.

did that happen last year when 60 thousand died of the flu? There are hospitals laying off medical personnel because routine procedures are not being done and the beds dedicated to virus victims are empty.

so you want the country to stay shut down for 18 months? are you fricken crazy, the USA would cease to exist if that happened. There would be riots in the streets like in Venezuela when the food ran out, are you ready to raid the zoo for food? ready do eat your dog and cat?

its amazing how ignorant most of you libs really are.

How can you say this is just like a regular flu and should be treated no differently.?

60,000 people die over a period of 12 months from the flu. That's 5,000 people per month. Even if half of those deaths occur over the winter months, that would be at most, 10,000 deaths per month, spread all across the nation. 30,000 Americans have died in the past 30 days just from this one virus, and 600,000 people have become ill. More than 2000 Americans are dying every day, which means every 5 days, more people die of covid19 than die in one month of the regular flu.

Then there's the contagion factor. The normal flu has an RO of 1, meaning that everybody who gets the flu, infects one other person. Studies have shown that in crowded circumstances, each covid19 patient can infect up to 6 other people, but that the RO is 2.79. Anything higher than 1.5 can quickly lead to an epidemic.

So this why this flu is far different than H1N1, or any other flu since the Spanish Flu.

Wait until all the rich Snowbirds come back to your country from Florida, cupcake. :itsok:

Oh! The migration starts...NOW! :laugh2:

Here they come, baby! :yes_text12:

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