Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

That is what the perpetrators would like people to think.

Since your behavior proves you as agents, al that is required is people read your posts and they know something is very wrong. I just spell it out for them.

You have not posted an image of this core on 9-11 yet. WHY?

Pathologically, if you were a real poster of the public, rather than an agent, you refuse to post WHY you have not produced an image of this core on 9-11.


Accordingly, you've shown that the reverse of what agents write is most often the truth.

This is a portion of the concrete core wall of WTC 1 toppling into the empty core behind it.


The perps would like people to believe that, but in fact my assassination only proves my information destructive to their conspiracy.

If I had nothing and the concrete core was a hoax, I would not have the words of Leslie E. Robertson, the engineer of record for the Twin Towers, published by Newsweek in the days after 9-11


“Beyond the reaction that any citizen has—the sadness that we all feel—you have to understand, I worked long hours, seven days a week on this project back when I was young and energetic,” says the 73-year-old, his voice breaking with emotion. “It was just terrible to watch, painful and horrible.”
Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.
“If they had fallen down immediately, the death counts would have been unimaginable,” he says. “The World Trade Center has performed admirably, and everyone involved in the project should be proud.”

And I would not have an image of the concrete core on 9-11.

The perps would like people to believe that, but in fact my assassination only proves my information destructive to their conspiracy.

If I had nothing and the concrete core was a hoax, I would not have the words of Leslie E. Robertson, the engineer of record for the Twin Towers, published by Newsweek in the days after 9-11
and you dont
you have the reporters words that are incorrect
There has never been a correction and IF the words are incorrect, in the case of 3,000 deaths, the engineer would demand a correction.

Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 identifies a concrete core.


Finniston, Monty; Williams, Trevor; Bissell, Christopher, eds (1992). "Skyscraper". Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology. Oxford University Press. p. 322. ISBN 0-19-869138-6

There are many images from 9-11 that show the core. Here is a video of WTC 2 on 9-11. At 9 seconds the double hallways of the south end of the concrete core can be seen as 2 dark slots.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhNd48qx684&feature=related]YouTube - WTC 2 collapse from the south, street level[/ame]
Coming from you that is a compliment.

And I'm glad you've finally admitted there was a concrete core. Now your perspective is completely consistent with all the evidence.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.

A porton of the east concrete core wall of WTC 1 toppling intot he empty core area.


FEMA deceived NIST. The cause of death is invalid on 3,000 death certificates.
Coming from you that is a compliment.

And I'm glad you've finally admitted there was a concrete core. Now your perspective is completely consistent with all the evidence.
you are a fucking delusional liar
i have done no such thing
because there WASN'T a concrete core
it was STEEL
I am seriously considering getting a ventriloquist dummy, naming him christofera and using dialoge taken from the archives of usmb creating a stand up comedy act.

Typical exchange;
Me: "how's it going today chris?"
christophera the dummy: "At least we see how the perpetrators interests are reflected in your behavior."
Me: "What?"
christophera the dummy; "Hmmmm, the perpetrators would think like that. Which would sure make it easier to kill 3,000 people in 20 seconds."
Me: "The bong is still hot isn't it chrissy?"
christophera the dummy; "Yes, agents in a domestic destabilization psyop sayng what they will say to support treason. I understand. The central agents are well documented."


  • $0120ventriloquist1_t300.jpg
    25.6 KB · Views: 17
I am seriously considering getting a ventriloquist dummy, naming him christofera and using dialoge taken from the archives of usmb creating a stand up comedy act.

Typical exchange;
Me: "how's it going today chris?"
christophera the dummy: "At least we see how the perpetrators interests are reflected in your behavior."
Me: "What?"
christophera the dummy; "Hmmmm, the perpetrators would think like that. Which would sure make it easier to kill 3,000 people in 20 seconds."
Me: "The bong is still hot isn't it chrissy?"
christophera the dummy; "Yes, agents in a domestic destabilization psyop sayng what they will say to support treason. I understand. The central agents are well documented."

Me: "You should really seek professional help."
christophera the dummy; "Another agent wasting space trying to protect the secrete methods of mass murder."
I am seriously considering getting a ventriloquist dummy, naming him christofera and using dialoge taken from the archives of usmb creating a stand up comedy act.

Typical exchange;
Me: "how's it going today chris?"
christophera the dummy: "At least we see how the perpetrators interests are reflected in your behavior."
Me: "What?"
christophera the dummy; "Hmmmm, the perpetrators would think like that. Which would sure make it easier to kill 3,000 people in 20 seconds."
Me: "The bong is still hot isn't it chrissy?"
christophera the dummy; "Yes, agents in a domestic destabilization psyop sayng what they will say to support treason. I understand. The central agents are well documented."

Me: "You should really seek professional help."
christophera the dummy; "Another agent wasting space trying to protect the secrete methods of mass murder."

Me; "really, get help!"
christophera the dummy; "Your best act is the moron act."
Okay, so you have no evidence agent. Typical.

MSNBC - ?Painful and Horrible?


“Beyond the reaction that any citizen has—the sadness that we all feel—you have to understand, I worked long hours, seven days a week on this project back when I was young and energetic,” says the 73-year-old, his voice breaking with emotion. “It was just terrible to watch, painful and horrible.”
Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.
“If they had fallen down immediately, the death counts would have been unimaginable,” he says. “The World Trade Center has performed admirably, and everyone involved in the project should be proud.”

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