Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

But you provide no images of your own to substantiate your claim.

Images of the elevator guide rail supports clinging to the inside of the concrete core DO NOT show the core FEMA said existed.

The fact you post no image of the FEMA core proves there was no steel core columns.

The fact you have no building plans and refuse to recognize violations of law that deprive the public of the building plans proves you have an agenda and it does not include law.

It includes treason.

Please explain something in the next photo?

1. Why is there a box column, the one with the red arrows pointing at it, INSIDE what you designate as the elevator support steel with a butt plate?

2. What is the number on the column to the left?


3. Also, please supply us with your information you are using to make the claim that butt plates are used for elevator guide rail support steel. I'n SURE you can point us to a link somewhere that proves your claim correct.

4. Provide a CLEAR picture of one of the butt plates so we can see if you are correct or not. Anyone can take a blurry, pixelated picture and claim something is there. Nobody here is going to take your word for it. Not after all the mistakes you've admitted to.

What's the matter coward? Don't want to answer the questions?

Where are all your examples of butt plates used to join vertical steel columns together? What are you basing your knowledge on?
Butt plates are in use inside the core. With "core columns" this is not possible. the butt plates discount all contention that there were steel core columns.

The elevator guide rail support steel was of varying sizes according to its structural role within the guide rail support system, so your point is non existent.

Make a point. Show this core on 9-11 in the core area.


You cannot . . . because it did not exist. Elevator guide rail support did exist and they WERE NOT of sufficient strength to stand through the demo. Therefore all photos of the towers on 9-11 show an empty core.

Some show concrete walls surrounding the core area.

yet you can not show even ONE photo of concrete in the core at ANY time, rebar, or even concrete forms during construction of one of the most photographed construction sites of its time
Butt plates are in use inside the core. With "core columns" this is not possible. the butt plates discount all contention that there were steel core columns.

This is the third time I will have asked you. Please provide us a link to your information that you are using to make the claim that butt plates are used to join vertical steel columns. I have not been able to find any such information.

Please show me one photo, other then your blurry WTC column photo, of a butt plate used to join vertical steel columns together.
Butt plates are in use inside the core. With "core columns" this is not possible. the butt plates discount all contention that there were steel core columns.

This is the third time I will have asked you. Please provide us a link to your information that you are using to make the claim that butt plates are used to join vertical steel columns. I have not been able to find any such information.

Please show me one photo, other then your blurry WTC column photo, of a butt plate used to join vertical steel columns together.
well, you see, clearer photos have been shown of those "butt plates" and it turns out they arent actually butt plates to begin with
they are LUGS on the sides
Both butt plates and lugs are seen. Butt plates are not strong enough to connect sections of "core column. We are looking at "elevator guide rails support steel."


Butt plates cannot be used even once in connecting "core columns". they were used often to align the "elevator guide rail support steel in the core. There were no core columns.
Both butt plates and lugs are seen. Butt plates are not strong enough to connect sections of "core column. We are looking at "elevator guide rails support steel."


Butt plates cannot be used even once in connecting "core columns". they were used often to align the "elevator guide rail support steel in the core. There were no core columns.

For the fourth time.

Show me your information that you are using to prove that those are butt plates. I want to see CLEAR photos of other steel columns that are joined by butt plates.

They are all lugs as I have other photos proving that. You have not provided ONE CLEAR photo of these butt plates, but use blurry distant photos to fool people into believing your crap.

If you cannot provide examples or more clear photos of these supposed butt plates, then your claims are nothing but bullshit.

I have already provided other photos clearly showing the lugs.
Butt plates cannot be used even once in connecting "core columns". they were used often to align the "elevator guide rail support steel in the core. There were no core columns.

Prove your claim. What is your proof that butt plates were "often used to align elevator guide rail support steel".

You claiming that does not make it true.

Let's see your proof.
That is not 9-11 and I see no diagonal braces.

Steel core columns did not exist. The concrete core was shear wall construction and here is one of them toppling into the empy core on 9-11.


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