Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court


Christopharter said:
The suggestion this is gypsum fastened to "steel core columns" is ABSURD. That is concrete.

Steel columns can only be .. what we see .. there are no concrete walls.

Any suggestion that this is a tubular concrete core can easily be dismissed with logic and reason.

Clearly there are massive support columns in a state of collapse ..

..clearly there are no massive walls of a tubular concrete core as alleged..
..clearly the photo which Chris shows is simply a blurry image which has no detail.

..Clearly Chris is a lying turd burglar ..
Your image does not show the core, it shows the steel around the core.


When you ignore violations of law that enable your pretend confusion, other laws will be observed by those who stand to support and defend the constitution, and you will be silenced by law.


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

Section 4 states “Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States” such language is clear in that a citizen is allowed and required under law to disclose if such disclosure is “cognizable by a court of the United States”

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
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Your image does not show the core, it shows the steel around the core.

Steel that miraculously stays in place after the "concrete core" it surrounds is vaporized by the C-4 encasing the "high-tensile 6" stainless steel rebar" designed, manufactured, guarded and welded by the DoD and their security cleared welders.

Steel that can stay in place after that. I wonder who designed, manufactured, guarded and welded the steel columns??

Here is my list of possible candidates, fitting in with Goof-0-phera's theory;
The GLBT task force
Your image does not show the core, it shows the steel around the core.

Steel that miraculously stays in place after the "concrete core" it surrounds is vaporized

No, pulverized, just BEFORE the concrete wall is seen, concrete is detonating above it. In this case the steel has been dropped first.

Damn, could you be any more delusional?

First YOU post a picture of the spire, then you make this claim it was "pulverized".

Ask someone to help you make up your mind, retard.

HAHAhahahahaha!!! your such a moron to post that fake shit!! i would say you've been caught posting fake evidence but you've been posting fake evidence all long. :cuckoo:

here's the REAL video with the REAL audio track.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOGI33HsiCc]YouTube - WTC Collapse Best Angle - InfoDebug.com[/ame]

But but but

posting a faked video or soundtrack is like lying.

In fact, it is lying.

CriscoFEARa lies??????

O' the humanity!
Like I said, agents refuse to use evidence.

Here is the transcription.

"[T]here was just an explosion [in the south tower]. It seemed like on television [when] they blow up these buildings. It seemed like it was going all the way around like a belt, all these explosions."--Firefighter Richard Banaciski

"I saw a flash flash flash [at] the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish a building?"
--Assistant Fire Commissioner Stephen Gregory

"t was [like a] professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear 'Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop'."
--Paramedic Daniel Rivera

Like I said, agents refuse to use evidence.

Here is the transcription.

"[T]here was just an explosion [in the south tower]. It seemed like on television [when] they blow up these buildings. It seemed like it was going all the way around like a belt, all these explosions."--Firefighter Richard Banaciski

"I saw a flash flash flash [at] the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish a building?"
--Assistant Fire Commissioner Stephen Gregory

"t was [like a] professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear 'Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop'."
--Paramedic Daniel Rivera

see the word "LIKE"?

do you know what that means?

apparently not....

if somebody beats you like a red-headed step-child it doesnt mean you actually become a red headed step-child. it is a comparison. :cuckoo:

HAHAhahahahaha!!! your such a moron to post that fake shit!! i would say you've been caught posting fake evidence but you've been posting fake evidence all long. :cuckoo:

here's the REAL video with the REAL audio track.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOGI33HsiCc]YouTube - WTC Collapse Best Angle - InfoDebug.com[/ame]

Hey Chris!

You just got busted BIG time!!!! Yeah, you're seeking the truth all right.


HAHAhahahahaha!!! your such a moron to post that fake shit!! i would say you've been caught posting fake evidence but you've been posting fake evidence all long. :cuckoo:

here's the REAL video with the REAL audio track.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOGI33HsiCc]YouTube - WTC Collapse Best Angle - InfoDebug.com[/ame]

Hey Chris!

You just got busted BIG time!!!! Yeah, you're seeking the truth all right.


I've seen this ploy before. No way is bad video released first, then better video later that just happens to have different audio.

All this means is that the perpetrators had someone video taping the event. They did so to do exactly the scam you try to do now. That the camera was the closest and the camerman stood there while the detonations progressed down, shows they knew the extent of the event and that they could safely do so until the demo got lower.

HAHAhahahahaha!!! your such a moron to post that fake shit!! i would say you've been caught posting fake evidence but you've been posting fake evidence all long. :cuckoo:

here's the REAL video with the REAL audio track.

YouTube - WTC Collapse Best Angle - InfoDebug.com

Hey Chris!

You just got busted BIG time!!!! Yeah, you're seeking the truth all right.


I've seen this ploy before. No way is bad video released first, then better video later that just happens to have different audio

Hey dumbass. Look at the post date of your video and then look at the post date of the other video...

Why is your video dated August 28th, 2008 and the other video is dated June 39th, 2006. Two years earlier!

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