Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Dates can be faked, intentions are obvious. The audio of the more recent video you link to has obvious filtering at certain frequencies.

The detonations match the audio pulses anyway.
Dates can be faked, intentions are obvious. The audio of the more recent video you link to has obvious filtering at certain frequencies.

The detonations match the audio pulses anyway.

Really? Then why did you bring dates up when it supported your claim, but when it goes against you, it gets brushed off?

You're nothing but a typical truther.

What an idiot.
Hey Chris!

You just got busted BIG time!!!! Yeah, you're seeking the truth all right.


I've seen this ploy before. No way is bad video released first, then better video later that just happens to have different audio

Hey dumbass. Look at the post date of your video and then look at the post date of the other video...

Why is your video dated August 28th, 2008 and the other video is dated June 39th, 2006. Two years earlier!
BUSTED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahahahaha!!! he is standing by his faked video even after being caught!!! :lol:

what a fucking moron!!! :cuckoo:

let's seeeeeee.....

he posts pictures of the steel core and claims nobody can show the steel core.

he posts a picture of the towers overlayed onto the spire taken from two different angles and putting the tower in the wrong place.

he posts pictures of dust and claims its concrete.

he posts a reporter saying "concrete core" and claims robertson said it. then newsweek even gets a quote from robertson to clarify and he still denies facts!!


(you got me convinced finally, chris. i'm will you 100% on this concrete core stuff!!)
Hahahahaha!!! he is standing by his faked video even after being caught!!! :lol:

what a fucking moron!!! :cuckoo:

let's seeeeeee.....

he posts pictures of the steel core and claims nobody can show the steel core.

he posts a picture of the towers overlayed onto the spire taken from two different angles and putting the tower in the wrong place.

he posts pictures of dust and claims its concrete.

he posts a reporter saying "concrete core" and claims robertson said it. then newsweek even gets a quote from robertson to clarify and he still denies facts!!


(you got me convinced finally, chris. i'm will you 100% on this concrete core stuff!!)

Nice summary.

I stand by the logic that no one releases crappy video first, and if they do, and the higher quality video is accompnaied with altered audio, the fist bad video was for the purpose of trying to make fake audio more credible.
I stand by the logic that no one releases crappy video first, and if they do, and the higher quality video is accompnaied with altered audio, the fist bad video was for the purpose of trying to make fake audio more credible.

A mental case like you doesn't stand by any logic. You cannot find logic. Logic and you cannot co-exist in the same realm at the same time.

What you 'stand by" is the fact that you are exposed as an agent of disinformation, you treasonous piece of shit.
I've filed my proof of treason,

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

Why haven't you filed yours?

Here are your crimes.


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

Section 4 states “Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States” such language is clear in that a citizen is allowed and required under law to disclose if such disclosure is “cognizable by a court of the United States”

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
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An agent would pretend the evidence is not proof, because agents do not use evidence.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

The filing with the criminal court clerk of the US district court has links to all of the evidence proving a concrete core and a conspiracy to decieve America.

Nope. The only "agent" here is you, scumbag piss-boi. You pretend that your fantasy allegations are evidence or proof.

They aren't.

You won't even admit it when you have been repeatedly refuted by actual and verified facts.

You have no integrity and no allegiance to the truth.

You give aid and comfort to the actual enemy.

You suck donkey dick.

You seriously are a low life bitch.
Since there seems to be no reasonable or lawful elements of government involved with what you refer to, a "court case", courts are no more than theatres for oppression. Meaning in the end, I will have one each and every case because I worked with truth for justice while no one else did and if courts are not about that they don't exist.
I stand by the logic that no one releases crappy video first, and if they do, and the higher quality video is accompnaied with altered audio, the fist bad video was for the purpose of trying to make fake audio more credible.

You're more retarded than I thought, Pat.
An agent would pretend the evidence is not proof, because agents do not use evidence.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

The filing with the criminal court clerk of the US district court has links to all of the evidence proving a concrete core and a conspiracy to decieve America.

Hey Chris.

Have you spoken with William Rodriguez yet? HAs he told you that the lobbies were exactly the same? Has he told you that there was elevator access from the lobby to the express elevators from OUTSIDE the core in WTC1?

I bet you won't even attempt to talk to him because you know what it'll mean to you and your theory. You don't want to hear the truth.
I stand by the logic that no one releases crappy video first, and if they do, and the higher quality video is accompnaied with altered audio, the fist bad video was for the purpose of trying to make fake audio more credible.

So wait.

You're telling us that you KNEW that bad/crappy video was released as part of a scheme to mislead people and you STILL posted it as evidence for your position?!?!?!?

Thanks for that admission fuckstick.

I'm glad everyone here sees what kind of person you really are.

I stand by the logic that no one releases crappy video first, and if they do, and the higher quality video is accompnaied with altered audio, the fist bad video was for the purpose of trying to make fake audio more credible.

So wait.

You're telling us that you KNEW that bad/crappy video was released as part of a scheme to mislead people and you STILL posted it as evidence for your position?!?!?!?

Thanks for that admission fuckstick.

I'm glad everyone here sees what kind of person you really are.


Agents love to misinterpret in their efforts to confuse and mislead in service to the perpetrators of mass murder and their secret methods of murder. . . and I see you are trying to do it again.

When I first saw the video I realized it's audio was a good record of the detonations delay descending the tower.

When I saw the video with better video and altered audio I knew that there was a likelihood that someone working for the perps took the video. I had always wondered why they stood there so long. It's like they knew the extent of the blasts and that they could stand there for a second or two and tape.

I realized that the video would be a decent strategy for the perps, after the "no planes" "hologram", "fake video" scam the psyops ran on the truth movement. The strategy enables you sickos to pretend that because the second video has better images it is the real video INCLUDING the altered audio

You are busted again agent.
I stand by the logic that no one releases crappy video first, and if they do, and the higher quality video is accompnaied with altered audio, the fist bad video was for the purpose of trying to make fake audio more credible.

So wait.

You're telling us that you KNEW that bad/crappy video was released as part of a scheme to mislead people and you STILL posted it as evidence for your position?!?!?!?

Thanks for that admission fuckstick.

I'm glad everyone here sees what kind of person you really are.


Agents love to misinterpret in their efforts to confuse and mislead in service to the perpetrators of mass murder and their secret methods of murder. . . and I see you are trying to do it again.

When I first saw the video I realized it's audio was a good record of the detonations delay descending the tower.

When I saw the video with better video and altered audio I knew that there was a likelihood that someone working for the perps took the video. I had always wondered why they stood there so long. It's like they knew the extent of the blasts and that they could stand there for a second or two and tape.

I realized that the video would be a decent strategy for the perps, after the "no planes" "hologram", "fake video" scam the psyops ran on the truth movement. The strategy enables you sickos to pretend that because the second video has better images it is the real video INCLUDING the altered audio

You are busted again agent.
the video YOU posted is the one with the altered audio, moron

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