Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

So wait.

You're telling us that you KNEW that bad/crappy video was released as part of a scheme to mislead people and you STILL posted it as evidence for your position?!?!?!?

Thanks for that admission fuckstick.

I'm glad everyone here sees what kind of person you really are.


Agents love to misinterpret in their efforts to confuse and mislead in service to the perpetrators of mass murder and their secret methods of murder. . . and I see you are trying to do it again.

When I first saw the video I realized it's audio was a good record of the detonations delay descending the tower.

When I saw the video with better video and altered audio I knew that there was a likelihood that someone working for the perps took the video. I had always wondered why they stood there so long. It's like they knew the extent of the blasts and that they could stand there for a second or two and tape.

I realized that the video would be a decent strategy for the perps, after the "no planes" "hologram", "fake video" scam the psyops ran on the truth movement. The strategy enables you sickos to pretend that because the second video has better images it is the real video INCLUDING the altered audio

You are busted again agent.
the video YOU posted is the one with the altered audio, moron

Wrong. It is absolutely illogical that better video would NOT be released first and instead be saved until a later date.

Your psyops ploy fails agent.
Agents love to misinterpret in their efforts to confuse and mislead in service to the perpetrators of mass murder and their secret methods of murder. . . and I see you are trying to do it again.

When I first saw the video I realized it's audio was a good record of the detonations delay descending the tower.

When I saw the video with better video and altered audio I knew that there was a likelihood that someone working for the perps took the video. I had always wondered why they stood there so long. It's like they knew the extent of the blasts and that they could stand there for a second or two and tape.

I realized that the video would be a decent strategy for the perps, after the "no planes" "hologram", "fake video" scam the psyops ran on the truth movement. The strategy enables you sickos to pretend that because the second video has better images it is the real video INCLUDING the altered audio

You are busted again agent.
the video YOU posted is the one with the altered audio, moron

Wrong. It is absolutely illogical that better video would NOT be released first and instead be saved until a later date.

Your psyops ploy fails agent.
the better video WAS released first you dumbfuck
That is what you agents would want people to believe, but I just saw the version with the altered video about 5 months ago.

I first saw this in perhaps 2007.

9/11 – Listen to the Demolition Wave that caused the collapse of the WTC South Tower

Why did the producers wait???????????? WHY?

They waited because they didn't want to release it unless they needed to use it in a ploy to confuse.

You are busted agent. Your whole sick group is busted.
damn you are stupid
just because YOU didnt see it before then doesnt mean it was available to be seen
Agents love to misinterpret in their efforts to confuse and mislead in service to the perpetrators of mass murder and their secret methods of murder. . . and I see you are trying to do it again.

When I first saw the video I realized it's audio was a good record of the detonations delay descending the tower.

When I saw the video with better video and altered audio I knew that there was a likelihood that someone working for the perps took the video. I had always wondered why they stood there so long. It's like they knew the extent of the blasts and that they could stand there for a second or two and tape.

I realized that the video would be a decent strategy for the perps, after the "no planes" "hologram", "fake video" scam the psyops ran on the truth movement. The strategy enables you sickos to pretend that because the second video has better images it is the real video INCLUDING the altered audio

You are busted again agent.
the video YOU posted is the one with the altered audio, moron

Wrong. It is absolutely illogical that better video would NOT be released first and instead be saved until a later date.

Your psyops ploy fails agent.

go to the source of the video, not some stupid youtube shit. the sound was altered in your video. the voice yelling "oh my god" is Michael Hezarkhani from one of his other videos shot that day.:cuckoo:
I say the source of the information is in the plans guliani too in violations of law that deprived NIST and all Americans of due process. The building plans for the Towers is an absolute requirement for NIST to conduct forensic analysis of collapse.

I never found mention of the plans in the NIST product. No one else can find mention. I did find the disclaimer, which would allow them to use the sunday funnies for plans.

That it was on their site means the letters went to bloomberg.


Our concern is based on the following facts, as we understand them. On or about December 24, 2001, Commissioner George Rios, on behalf of the City of New York and/or the Department of Records and Information Services of the City of New York, entered into a contract with the Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs Inc., signed by Saul Cohen, President, concerning the records of the mayoralty of Rudolph Giuliani. The records are said to include appointment books, cabinet meeting audiotapes, e-mails, telephone logs, advance and briefing memos, correspondence, transition materials, and private schedules, as well as Mr. Giuliani’s departmental, travel, event, subject, and Gracie Mansion files. Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

These provisions violate the Freedom of Information Law as interpreted by the New York Court of Appeals in Capital Newspapers, Div. of Hearst Corp. v. Whalen, 69 N.Y.2d 246 (1987).

The City also violated the Freedom of Information Law by transferring records to the custody of the Giuliani Center without first compiling a detailed list. Section 87(3)(c) of the Public Officer Law obligates an agency to maintain a “reasonably detailed list by subject matter” of all agency records, “whether or not [those records are] available under this article.” Such a list is necessary to prevent the inappropriate destruction of documents and to inform the public as to the content of the documentary collection. The list appended to the December 24th contract as Attachment A does not contain sufficiently detailed information to satisfy this requirement. And the documents appear, therefore, to have been transferred without complying with this requirement.

Finally, the City Charter vests DORIS with the responsibility to preserve and receive all city records of historical, research, cultural or other important value. City Charter, Chapter 72, § 3004(1)(c). The City Charter mandates that DORIS make all of the materials it maintains available for public inspection. §3004(2)(c). The City Charter also mandates that all records which are deemed to be of historical or research value be transferred by the city official or agency to DORIS’ municipal archives for “permanent custody.” City Charter, Chapter 49, §1133(b); RCNY §1-07. In transferring the documents to the Center, the City has violated this mandate and has made it less likely that the materials will be readily accessible for public inspection.

All civic center documents have all plans for all buildings and all utilities.

That is part of what makes a "civic center".

There are thousands of family members that KNOW their loved one died a wrongful death and that the truth of those deaths in 20 seconds . . . is not known.

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they thought the originals were permanently taken and they were not
thus it is no longer an issue to them
contact them and ask them you fucking moron

chrissypoo pretends the WTC building plans were taken by Guiliani. Bwhaaaaaaahhaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh:)


they thought the originals were permanently taken and they were not
thus it is no longer an issue to them
contact them and ask them you fucking moron

I know the perps cannot have the building plans accessable and that therefore all of your text is subterfuge.

If this is not true you will give a phone number or email address where inquiry for plans might be made.

Your last (lie) notion was a dud (subterfuge). LERA does not respond. Robertson NEVER had the core plans.

they thought the originals were permanently taken and they were not
thus it is no longer an issue to them
contact them and ask them you fucking moron

I know the perps cannot have the building plans accessable and that therefore all of your text is subterfuge.

If this is not true you will give a phone number or email address where inquiry for plans might be made.

Your last (lie) notion was a dud (subterfuge). LERA does not respond. Robertson NEVER had the core plans.
its not a lie and the contact info was already given to you by someone else
not sure if it was in this thread or one of your other delusional ranting threads

they thought the originals were permanently taken and they were not
thus it is no longer an issue to them
contact them and ask them you fucking moron

I know the perps cannot have the building plans accessable and that therefore all of your text is subterfuge.

If this is not true you will give a phone number or email address where inquiry for plans might be made.

Your last (lie) notion was a dud (subterfuge). LERA does not respond. Robertson NEVER had the core plans.

:cuckoo: thats just fucking retarded.

LERA responded to me. so your claim they dont respond is a lie. your claim that he NEVER had the core plans is a lie since he is the one that designed it!! you are a moron. perhaps thats the reason they dont respond to your delusional emails.

they thought the originals were permanently taken and they were not
thus it is no longer an issue to them
contact them and ask them you fucking moron

I know the perps cannot have the building plans accessable and that therefore all of your text is subterfuge.

If this is not true you will give a phone number or email address where inquiry for plans might be made.

Your last (lie) notion was a dud (subterfuge). LERA does not respond. Robertson NEVER had the core plans.

:cuckoo: thats just fucking retarded.

LERA responded to me. so your claim they dont respond is a lie. your claim that he NEVER had the core plans is a lie since he is the one that designed it!! you are a moron. perhaps thats the reason they dont respond to your delusional emails.

They replied to me too .. and it was from Leslie himself .. he also wished me a Happy Christmas and labelled you an imbecile. :lol:
I know the perps cannot have the building plans accessable and that therefore all of your text is subterfuge.

If this is not true you will give a phone number or email address where inquiry for plans might be made.

Your last (lie) notion was a dud (subterfuge). LERA does not respond. Robertson NEVER had the core plans.

:cuckoo: thats just fucking retarded.

LERA responded to me. so your claim they dont respond is a lie. your claim that he NEVER had the core plans is a lie since he is the one that designed it!! you are a moron. perhaps thats the reason they dont respond to your delusional emails.

They replied to me too .. and it was from Leslie himself .. he also wished me a Happy Christmas and labelled you an imbecile. :lol:

Leslie is the one that replied to me also which is a bit surprising since i originally emailed his wife (forgot her name but she works with him also).

he also said basically the same thing to me about chris.

i wonder why chris doesnt sue him for obstructing justice or some crazy crap. i guess he is too scared.
:cuckoo: thats just fucking retarded.

LERA responded to me. so your claim they dont respond is a lie. your claim that he NEVER had the core plans is a lie since he is the one that designed it!! you are a moron. perhaps thats the reason they dont respond to your delusional emails.

They replied to me too .. and it was from Leslie himself .. he also wished me a Happy Christmas and labelled you an imbecile. :lol:

Leslie is the one that replied to me also which is a bit surprising since i originally emailed his wife (forgot her name but she works with him also).

he also said basically the same thing to me about chris.

i wonder why chris doesnt sue him for obstructing justice or some crazy crap. i guess he is too scared.
i think he actually named him in one of his "filings"
ya know, the ones rejected by the judge

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