Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

The court evaded their duty and reassigned it to us in defense of the Constitution.

Panel 5 proves the steel in the core cannot be core columns because of the butt plates used to join elevator guide rail support steel.


Elevator guide rail support steel is weak and cannot stand on its own. The empty core are seen in all 9-11 images that reveal the core, prove there were no steel core columns.


That is rebar of the west concrete core wall, about 40 pieces.
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Sorry Chris, but you lose again.

I have proven that your core could not have existed.

You won't even try to prove my evidence wrong. This is a sure sign that you KNOW I am right.

Come on chickenshit. Prove me wrong. I'm begging you to try. You'll get your ass handed to you.

because you have no evidence for steel core columns.

Sorry weasel, but your reverse tactics won't work here. We're discussing your core and it's impossibility to have existed physically, not the columns.

Nice try though.

The core is the only thing to discuss, because it existed and there is evidence of it. The end view of the concrete core on the left and spire, structural steel outside the core, on the right.


the court did exactly as they should have... looked at the evidence you provided, which was nothing more than absurd interpretations of photos and misquotes, and decided there is no basis for your claim. :lol:

The difference between a claim and "information regarding" in a criminal miscelaneous filinh is vast.

As an agent you woudn't acknowledge any of it.

The evidence is substancial, but the judges recognition of their oath is not.

The butt plates prove the steel in the core was not connected strongly enough to be core columns.

I also filed the IN RE to be given to a judge by filing it in both criminal and civil court. This is not a complaint as the current procedures for filing a misprision of treason. The US Court had no procedures under which a judge could receive information or evidence relating to a treasonous act. Their computer system did not allow for a simple letter to be received by any US District Judge directly. Isn't that odd? The law compels any citizen with knowledge of a misprision of treason to give that information to the US President, A governor of any state or a state or federal judge. You should have seen the stonewalling done by Presiding Judge Audrey Collins' aide, refusing to let her get the information, refusing to give his name, and threatening US Marshall. We would have welcomed the Marshall and asked him to give her the information.

A filing at a U.S. District court was completed on February 18, 2010 disclosing misprision of treason.

Local court rules had no accommodation to present any letter to a judge. Such is specifically against the rules. U.S. code requirements did not matter. After a few trips to the court house a criminal filing was made pursuant to evidenced violations of law and actions constituting evasion or concealment of acts embodying treason. This page has links to all exhibits and photographic panels.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

As can be seen on the below conformed face page, this made possible an "ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE" relating to Title 18 authority and duty of a judge within federal criminal procedure.


Accordingly, assertions of "steel core columns" in the core of the Twin towers is misprision of treason IF the violation of law enabling the deception by FEMA of NIST and the public is not observed AND evidence from 9-11 showing the supposed steel core columns in the core area is not provided to substantiate they existed.

All reference to steel core columns without such respective action is misprision of treason.

What do you believe will come of your filing?
I wonder if being under admiralty law allows the judges to shirk responsibility in the matter of evidence of the cause of death. At least the filing IN RE is a permanent record, and can be used later to establish a foundation to the actual criminal act in the murder of 3,000 people, if we are ever able to get out of the treaty laws long enough to try someone in a US Court.
Christopher Brown is by personal admission an idiot ..

He has proven this repeatedly .. please read his postings ..
The butt plates prove the steel in the core was not connected strongly enough to be core columns.


Why is it that the last and furthest column "has the butt plate" yet the first two clearly have lugs?

The first two are the same column types as the third? What proof do you have that you aren't misrepresenting "lugs" as "a butt plate" because the last column is blurry and you can make it up?

As I have said, I have other CLEAR photos of lugs. I can't find ONE CLEAR photo of a butt plate. Yet you can discern the difference between a butt plate and lugs in a distant, blurry photo?

I've asked you for clear photos or proof of butt plates being used to join steel columns in other structures to help your claim. You've provided none. It stands to reason that since all clear photos show lugs, what we see in your photos are clearly lugs also.

As I said before, you use blurry, distant photos ONLY in an attempt to mislead people.

You're a weasel.
Not every section needs realignment. Only those that need alignment get butt plates. Lifting lugs have to be cut off to weld the butt plate to the support steel.

I've asked you to recognize violations of law that deprive the public of the building plans AND 6,000 photo files and you've refused.

You have negative credibility.
Not every section needs realignment. Only those that need alignment get butt plates. Lifting lugs have to be cut off to weld the butt plate to the support steel.

I've asked you to recognize violations of law that deprive the public of the building plans AND 6,000 photo files and you've refused.

You have negative credibility.

Show me proof idiot!

All I see are blurry photos of lugs that you try and pass off as butt plates. Show me examples of other butt plates used to join steel columns. Or find just one other CLEAR photo of a butt plate used in the WTC towers.

The fact that you can't provide either of these means you're making shit up yet again.
Not every section needs realignment. Only those that need alignment get butt plates. Lifting lugs have to be cut off to weld the butt plate to the support steel.

I've asked you to recognize violations of law that deprive the public of the building plans AND 6,000 photo files and you've refused.

You have negative credibility.

Show me proof idiot!

Your posting is proof you have an agenda promoting unlawful government. Exactly what the infiltration is doing with government. You are heere to protect them.

The suggestion this is gypsum fastened to "steel core columns" is ABSURD. That is concrete.


Show me reason idiot!
Not every section needs realignment. Only those that need alignment get butt plates. Lifting lugs have to be cut off to weld the butt plate to the support steel.

I've asked you to recognize violations of law that deprive the public of the building plans AND 6,000 photo files and you've refused.

You have negative credibility.

Show me proof idiot!

Your posting is proof you have an agenda promoting unlawful government. Exactly what the infiltration is doing with government. You are heere to protect them.

The suggestion this is gypsum fastened to "steel core columns" is ABSURD. That is concrete.

Show me reason idiot!

As delusional as you are Pat, you wouldn't know what to do if you were exposed to reason.

You would probably be found curled up on the floor in the fetal position, blithering and drooling, because you couldn't remember if you were supposed to be Chris or Pat at that moment.
Not every section needs realignment. Only those that need alignment get butt plates. Lifting lugs have to be cut off to weld the butt plate to the support steel.

I've asked you to recognize violations of law that deprive the public of the building plans AND 6,000 photo files and you've refused.

You have negative credibility.

Show me proof idiot!

Your posting is proof you have an agenda promoting unlawful government. Exactly what the infiltration is doing with government. You are heere to protect them.

The suggestion this is gypsum fastened to "steel core columns" is ABSURD. That is concrete.


Show me reason idiot!

hey look!! its the same thing chris keeps showing but in this pic we can see its steel. gee, i wonder why chris only shows the picture with the silhouette and not the pic that shows what its actually made out of......

oh thats right. its because chris is a lying sack of shit, a delusional moron and a criminal.

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