Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

But your behavior in the light of 3,000 murders is misprision of felony and in light of the misuse of the military that came from the invalid cause of death used for retaliation of war or the destruction of the economy, misprision of treason.

there was no invalid cause of death. it was listed as a homicide on the death certificates. are you disputing that it was a homicide?

Homicide is a crime not a cause of death. A cause of death is specific to something physical not a legal term for an act, and then deemed as happening within a homicide.

The cause of death is invalidated.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

no jackass. homicide is one of the 5 causes of death listed on ny state death certificates.

“All persons killed at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 and others who died later from complications of injuries or exposure directly caused by the collapse of the twin towers on that day are homicide victims,” Dr. Hirsch wrote.

"Homicide is given as the manner of death for the 2,750 names on the official victims’ list."


once again you have been proven to be lying and simply making shit up once again.

Okay, but that is not a death certificate homicide is an illegal act not the actual cause of death. Your agenda of misprision of treason is showing.
Okay, but that is not a death certificate homicide is an illegal act not the actual cause of death. Your agenda of misprision of treason is showing.

no moron. homicide is what is ACTUALLY LISTED ON THE DEATH CERTIFICATE.

once again you are talking out of your ass and making shit up.:cuckoo:

The manner of death for all those who died was listed as homicide on death certificates
USATODAY.com - Desperation forced a horrific decision

The NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) classified all reported deaths as homicides
Deaths in World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks --- New York City, 2001

I have complete faith that our military personel at any guard shack at any base in the country is more than well prepared for this kind of attack at this point.

The infiltrators of the US government and perpetraors of mass murder would want you to help people think that such was expected.

All in action of misprision of treason and keep the secret methods of mass murder secret.
thats what your alien masters want you to say
Okay, but that is not a death certificate homicide is an illegal act not the actual cause of death. Your agenda of misprision of treason is showing.

no moron. homicide is what is ACTUALLY LISTED ON THE DEATH CERTIFICATE.

once again you are talking out of your ass and making shit up.:cuckoo:

The manner of death for all those who died was listed as homicide on death certificates
USATODAY.com - Desperation forced a horrific decision

The NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) classified all reported deaths as homicides
Deaths in World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks --- New York City, 2001


No, you are the one lying here. The bolded below is from your link.

A "classification" is not a cause of death.

Death certificates listed the cause of death as "physical injuries (body not found)" for decedents whose remains were not found and were specific when remains were found

But this statement here defines "specific".

The WTC attacks created an unprecedented need to issue thousands of death certificates in the absence of human remains. NY state law (Estates, Powers and Trusts Law §2-1.7) provides for the presumption of death because of absence related to exposure to specific peril.

The specific peril was "building collapse", or "jetliner crash", or "fire", and in some cases they know. When remains were not found, it is almost certainly "building collapse".

That "specific peril" is almost certainly invalid because those analysing the building for collapse did not only NOT have the plans, they were deceived as to the actual structural design.
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Okay, but that is not a death certificate homicide is an illegal act not the actual cause of death. Your agenda of misprision of treason is showing.

no moron. homicide is what is ACTUALLY LISTED ON THE DEATH CERTIFICATE.

once again you are talking out of your ass and making shit up.:cuckoo:

The manner of death for all those who died was listed as homicide on death certificates
USATODAY.com - Desperation forced a horrific decision

The NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) classified all reported deaths as homicides
Deaths in World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks --- New York City, 2001


No, you are the one lying here.

A "classification" is not a cause of death.

Death certificates listed the cause of death as "physical injuries (body not found)" for decedents whose remains were not found and were specific when remains were found

But this statement here defines "specific".

The WTC attacks created an unprecedented need to issue thousands of death certificates in the absence of human remains. NY state law (Estates, Powers and Trusts Law §2-1.7) provides for the presumption of death because of absence related to exposure to specific peril.

The specific peril was "building collapse", or "jetliner crash", or "fire", and in some cases they know. When remains were not found, it is almost certainly "building collapse".

That "specific peril" is almost certainly invalid because those analysing the building for collapse did not only NOT have the plans, they were deceived as to the actual structural design.

dont just make shit up again. :cuckoo:

SHOW PROOF of what is listed as the cause of death on the death certificates. i did.

what part of this are you too stupid to understand?

The manner of death for all those who died was listed as homicide on death certificates
I explained your own link to you in critical detail, something you would rather LIE about by being selective and try to say that "cause of death" is a classification as is "homicide".
I explained your own link to you in critical detail, something you would rather LIE about by being selective and try to say that "cause of death" is a classification as is "homicide".

do you have to hold your breathe while you post? because obviously your brain would not be able to handle the task of moving a finger and inhaling at the same time. thats way beyond your capabilities.

right there in black and white the article says the cause of death is listed as homicide on the death certificates. you claim it didnt. you are just plain WRONG. :cuckoo:
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no moron. homicide is what is ACTUALLY LISTED ON THE DEATH CERTIFICATE.

once again you are talking out of your ass and making shit up.:cuckoo:

The manner of death for all those who died was listed as homicide on death certificates
USATODAY.com - Desperation forced a horrific decision

The NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) classified all reported deaths as homicides
Deaths in World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks --- New York City, 2001


No, you are the one lying here.

A "classification" is not a cause of death.

Death certificates listed the cause of death as "physical injuries (body not found)" for decedents whose remains were not found and were specific when remains were found

But this statement here defines "specific".

The WTC attacks created an unprecedented need to issue thousands of death certificates in the absence of human remains. NY state law (Estates, Powers and Trusts Law §2-1.7) provides for the presumption of death because of absence related to exposure to specific peril.

The specific peril was "building collapse", or "jetliner crash", or "fire", and in some cases they know. When remains were not found, it is almost certainly "building collapse".

That "specific peril" is almost certainly invalid because those analysing the building for collapse did not only NOT have the plans, they were deceived as to the actual structural design.

dont just make shit up again. :cuckoo:

SHOW PROOF of what is listed as the cause of death on the death certificates. i did.

what part of this are you too stupid to understand?

The manner of death for all those who died was listed as homicide on death certificates

  • It wasn't suicide for any of the crew and for most of the passengers.
  • It wasn't old age and natural causes.
  • It was, in all cases (except those of the al qaeda camelfuckers themselves), loss of life due to life being taken BY ANOTHER or OTHERS.
Yep. Homicide.

Of course, that's actually just an inadmissible hearsay opinion.

And homicide itself only means that a human being is the one taking the life of another human being. Homicide itself is not the same thing as "murder." Homicide isn't even always criminal.

There is also a difference between cause of death and manner of death. If person "A" karate chops your throat and you then find that you are unable to draw breath, you may very well end up dead because of A's act. The manner of death might be homicide. The cause of death might be asphyxia.
The infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder would want people to think that a "classification "of "homicide" is a "cause of death" or the "manner" of death is "cause of death". None of them are.

Your semantical games amount to misprision of felony and treason trying to assure that Constitutional due process in mass murder continues to be VIOLATED.
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The infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder would want people to think that a "classification "of "homicide" is a "cause of death" or the "manner" of death is "cause of death". None of them are.

Your semantical games amount to misprision of felony and treason trying to assure that Constitutional due process in mass murder continues to be VIOLATED.
your alien masters told you to say that
The infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder would want people to think that a "classification "of "homicide" is a "cause of death" or the "manner" of death is "cause of death". None of them are.

Your semantical games amount to misprision of felony and treason trying to assure that Constitutional due process in mass murder continues to be VIOLATED.
your alien masters told you to say that

Is Alex Jones an alien? or are these people even farther out there than he is?
Your words serve the interests of the perpetrators of mass murder. This is a portion of the east wall of WTC 1 toppling into the empty core area.

The infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder would want people to think that a "classification "of "homicide" is a "cause of death" or the "manner" of death is "cause of death". None of them are.

Your semantical games amount to misprision of felony and treason trying to assure that Constitutional due process in mass murder continues to be VIOLATED.
your alien masters told you to say that

Is Alex Jones an alien? or are these people even farther out there than he is?
christoFEARa sure is
not even Alex claims a concrete core
The infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder would want people to think that a "classification "of "homicide" is a "cause of death" or the "manner" of death is "cause of death". None of them are.

Your semantical games amount to misprision of felony and treason trying to assure that Constitutional due process in mass murder continues to be VIOLATED.

No no, maggot. Your mistake. A natural process for you.

What you stupidly, ignorantly and erroneously call "semantical [sic] games" was actually a straightforward and honest attempt to clarify the discussion.

The "honest" part no doubt threw you. You are always unfamiliar with truth or honesty.

You see, you lying Troofer maggot scumbag, words have actual meaning.
The infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder would want people to think that a "classification "of "homicide" is a "cause of death" or the "manner" of death is "cause of death". None of them are.

Your semantical games amount to misprision of felony and treason trying to assure that Constitutional due process in mass murder continues to be VIOLATED.
your alien masters told you to say that

Is Alex Jones an alien? or are these people even farther out there than he is?

agent chrissy is the furthest out of all of them, he has been banned from more truther forums that i knew existed.

David Ickes site however, lists him as a senior member and posts his self-serving self-interviews regularly.(!?!)

You know David Icke, he is the guy who spread the "theory" that president Bush was a "reptilian shape-shifting alien".
agent chrissy, you are supposed to report for reprogramming.
The same old tired methods are not working.

list of failed attempts at spreading your leader's propaganda;
Democratic Underground - A link to Christophera's discredited concrete-core theory isn't proof enough for you? n/t - Democratic Underground

World Trade Center Towers Core was Concrete 9/11

Mike Malloy :: View topic - FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core
(where he has been banned, and accused of posting from an IP outside the USA, interesting to say the least)

The 'WTC Had a Concrete Core' Hoax, page 1
(where he is debunked AND banned)

9-11 Disinformation and internet forums.
(where he has lied and tried to explain why he has been banned from forums)

Famous "diagonal Cut Column" - Pilots For 9/11 Truth Forum
(where is ridiculed and debunked)

Avatar forums presents the concrete core - Page 3 - David Icke's Official Forums
(where is accepted as an ‘expert’ and is a senior member, has a pic of him)

9/11 Mysteries Viewer's Guide
(where his theories are quoted, linked and ebunked)

"The "Official" Unofficial 9/11 Story v.2" | MySpace Forums
(where he is ridiculed, and debunked, as well as dismissed as a kook)

My Reaction to Judy Woods' "Exotic Weapons" theory - We are Change Tampa (Tampa, FL) - Meetup.com
(where is now listed as a former member, guess he was banned)

Nutty 9-11 Physics
(where he debunked and refered to as banned for spreading propaganda)

Some Reflections On Molten Steel - Pilots For 9/11 Truth Forum
(where he has presented his theory, it is repeatedly debunked by physics students and professers, and then he gets banned for calling the all ‘agents, what a surprise huh?)

agent chrissy, you are supposed to report for reprogramming.
The same old tired methods are not working.

list of failed attempts at spreading your leader's propaganda;
Democratic Underground - A link to Christophera's discredited concrete-core theory isn't proof enough for you? n/t - Democratic Underground

World Trade Center Towers Core was Concrete 9/11

Mike Malloy :: View topic - FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core
(where he has been banned, and accused of posting from an IP outside the USA, interesting to say the least)

The 'WTC Had a Concrete Core' Hoax, page 1
(where he is debunked AND banned)

9-11 Disinformation and internet forums.
(where he has lied and tried to explain why he has been banned from forums)

Famous "diagonal Cut Column" - Pilots For 9/11 Truth Forum
(where is ridiculed and debunked)

Avatar forums presents the concrete core - Page 3 - David Icke's Official Forums
(where is accepted as an ‘expert’ and is a senior member, has a pic of him)

9/11 Mysteries Viewer's Guide
(where his theories are quoted, linked and ebunked)

"The "Official" Unofficial 9/11 Story v.2" | MySpace Forums
(where he is ridiculed, and debunked, as well as dismissed as a kook)

My Reaction to Judy Woods' "Exotic Weapons" theory - We are Change Tampa (Tampa, FL) - Meetup.com
(where is now listed as a former member, guess he was banned)

Nutty 9-11 Physics
(where he debunked and refered to as banned for spreading propaganda)

Some Reflections On Molten Steel - Pilots For 9/11 Truth Forum
(where he has presented his theory, it is repeatedly debunked by physics students and professers, and then he gets banned for calling the all ‘agents, what a surprise huh?)


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