Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Fucking Troofers don't have the slightest clue on how a scanner works. The optical readers gather up the image on a document and have to immediately translate it into something the computer can recognize. It's never a perfect one to one correspondence. It's more akin to an algorithm.

he basic principle of a scanner is to analyze an image and process it in some way. Image and text capture (optical character recognition or OCR) allow you to save information to a file on your computer. You can then alter or enhance the image, print it out or use it on your Web page.

In this article, we'll be focusing on flatbed scanners, but the basic principles apply to most other scanner technologies. You will learn about the different types of scanners, how the scanning mechanism works and what TWAIN means. You will also learn about resolution, interpolation and bit depth.

On the next page, you will learn about the various parts of a flatbed scanner.
Next Page
HowStuffWorks "How Scanners Work"

HowStuffWorks "How Scanners Work"

HowStuffWorks "How Scanners Work"

HowStuffWorks "How Scanners Work"

AND NOW we get to the real nub of it:

On your computer, you need software, called a driver, that knows how to communicate with the scanner. Most scanners speak a common language, TWAIN. The TWAIN driver acts as an interpreter between any application that supports the TWAIN standard and the scanner. This means that the application does not need to know the specific details of the scanner in order to access it directly. For example, you can choose to acquire an image from the scanner from within Adobe Photoshop because Photoshop supports the TWAIN standard.

In addition to the driver, most scanners come with other software. Typically, a scanning utility and some type of image editing application are included. A lot of scanners include OCR software. OCR allows you to scan in words from a document and convert them into computer-based text. It uses an averaging process to determine what the shape of a character is and match it to the correct letter or number.

The great thing about scanner technology today is that you can get exactly what you need. You can find a decent scanner with good software for less than $200, or get a fantastic scanner with incredible software for less than $1,000. It all depends on your needs and budget.
* * * *
HowStuffWorks "How Scanners Work"

Once we get into the realm of interpolation and OCR translation and averaging, it become immediately clear that a scanned image of something like an architectural plan will not end up looking (at the pixel level) exactly like the original.

And from this, fucking dishonest scumbag Troofers add yet more conspiracy to their already dishonest and absurd conspiracy bullshit.

I can't abide these fucking Troofers. They are all lying scum.
yup, but entirely too much work for a moron that will just ignore it or reject it in favor of his own delusional rantings

That is what the infiltrating perpetraors would want people to think.

Nothing like a junk link to trash your credibility.

Consistency. The WTC 2 concrete core.


Leslie Robertson, Architect Of The World Trade Center Towers

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.
* * * *
That is what the infiltrating perpetraors would want people to think.

Nothing like a junk link to trash your credibility.

Consistency. The WTC 2 concrete core.


Leslie Robertson, Architect Of The World Trade Center Towers

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

The links I offered (different pages of the same site) are not, of course "junk." Your dismissive commentary is devoid of honesty. This is only logical. You are, after all, just a Troofer -- and Troofers are lying scum.

Your consistency is just consistently retarded. :cuckoo: Quoting the already OFT-REFUTED and debunked ERRONEOUS claim by the reporter in Newsweak article does NOTHING to buttress your idiotic contention, you imbecile.

Robertson has never maintained that the core was acgtually made in whole or part of concrete -- at least above ground level. Other than the reporter's insertion of that mistakenly made claim, the reporter's own, you have never pointed to ANYTHING that shows the core was constructed in whole or in part of concrete. The image you keep showing shows dust, not concrete. In fact, the only thing CLEARLY visible in the core, in your much-shown image, is STEEL -- you fucking loon.

You are consistently pwnd by life itself.

Go get a job. Support your own kids, you fucking lowlife scumbag.
This does not lie, so I have not lied. Something is very wrong.




so where is your proof that this is not what was on the paper that was scanned?

The perps would not want you to observe what is technically correct, or that a pencil drawing at that scale cannot be scanned to create what is seen.

You cannot even create that with a pencil and scan it to create perfect pixel clean lines. That is why inked originals are required for some official records. Line density.

the bullshit "perp" babble again.... :cuckoo:

thats the best proof you can come up with? the "perps" babble?

you made outrageous claims and when asked to back it up with proof you have none.

how can you claim something is digitally altered when you cant produce the original it was supposedly altered from? how do you know that isnt on the original? thats the most stupid claim ever!! :lol:
Fucking Troofers don't have the slightest clue on how a scanner works. The optical readers gather up the image on a document and have to immediately translate it into something the computer can recognize. It's never a perfect one to one correspondence. It's more akin to an algorithm.

HowStuffWorks "How Scanners Work"

HowStuffWorks "How Scanners Work"

HowStuffWorks "How Scanners Work"

HowStuffWorks "How Scanners Work"

AND NOW we get to the real nub of it:

HowStuffWorks "How Scanners Work"

Once we get into the realm of interpolation and OCR translation and averaging, it become immediately clear that a scanned image of something like an architectural plan will not end up looking (at the pixel level) exactly like the original.

And from this, fucking dishonest scumbag Troofers add yet more conspiracy to their already dishonest and absurd conspiracy bullshit.

I can't abide these fucking Troofers. They are all lying scum.
yup, but entirely too much work for a moron that will just ignore it or reject it in favor of his own delusional rantings

That is what the infiltrating perpetraors would want people to think.

Nothing like a junk link to trash your credibility.

Consistency. The WTC 2 concrete core.

Leslie Robertson, Architect Of The World Trade Center Towers
you are a fucking moronic dipshit
here is indisputable proof that christophera digitally alters documents.

here is the original.


and when you blow it up you can see that he has digitally altered places where the writing and printing is. the background it is clearly not the same and is cut in perfect squares. that simply can not happen without a digital alteration. (well, according to him anyway).

More evidence of misprision of treason. Attmepting to distract and change the subject because you have no evidence of steel core columns.

Your assertions of my altering of scanned certified mailing receipts is nonsense. Have you presented a motive for me to do that? No. Are you presenting that I do such things for fun and pastime?

Or did you do it to distract from the obvious fact that someone at silverstein and associates altered Robertsons obsolete conceptual plan and leaked it to Steven Jones as if they were construction drawings?


You expose your true motive again agent.
More evidence of misprision of treason. Attmepting to distract and change the subject because you have no evidence of steel core columns.

Your assertions of my altering of scanned certified mailing receipts is nonsense. Have you presented a motive for me to do that? No. Are you presenting that I do such things for fun and pastime?

Or did you do it to distract from the obvious fact that someone at silverstein and associates altered Robertsons obsolete conceptual plan and leaked it to Steven Jones as if they were construction drawings?


You expose your true motive again agent.

no steel columns like the ones in these verifiable pictures from inside the WTC that show no concrete core?

fucking moron.


here is indisputable proof that christophera digitally alters documents.

here is the original.


and when you blow it up you can see that he has digitally altered places where the writing and printing is. the background it is clearly not the same and is cut in perfect squares. that simply can not happen without a digital alteration. (well, according to him anyway).

View attachment 9691

You still haven't said what my motive was supposed to have been for doing what you allege. This appears to be another outright lie and subterfuge by agent fiz.
More evidence of misprision of treason. Attmepting to distract and change the subject because you have no evidence of steel core columns.

Your assertions of my altering of scanned certified mailing receipts is nonsense. Have you presented a motive for me to do that? No. Are you presenting that I do such things for fun and pastime?

Or did you do it to distract from the obvious fact that someone at silverstein and associates altered Robertsons obsolete conceptual plan and leaked it to Steven Jones as if they were construction drawings?


You expose your true motive again agent.

no steel columns like the ones in these verifiable pictures from inside the WTC that show no concrete core?

fucking moron.



The upper one is definately NOT the the Twins as can be seen here by comparing the perimeter columns width to the space. Columns were 14x14" and the spacing was 22".


The lower one I have my doubts about. However, even if it is one of the Twins it shows nothing about the core.

fiz subterfuge.
More evidence of misprision of treason. Attmepting to distract and change the subject because you have no evidence of steel core columns.

Your assertions of my altering of scanned certified mailing receipts is nonsense. Have you presented a motive for me to do that? No. Are you presenting that I do such things for fun and pastime?

Or did you do it to distract from the obvious fact that someone at silverstein and associates altered Robertsons obsolete conceptual plan and leaked it to Steven Jones as if they were construction drawings?

You expose your true motive again agent.

no steel columns like the ones in these verifiable pictures from inside the WTC that show no concrete core?

fucking moron.

The upper one is definately NOT the the Twins as can be seen here by comparing the perimeter columns width to the space. Columns were 14x14" and the spacing was 22".

The lower one I have my doubts about. However, even if it is one of the Twins it shows nothing about the core.

fiz subterfuge.
seek out professional help
Rolling Stones' ode to christophera.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUJmReJfexU&feature=related]YouTube - star star[/ame]
So this makes it official, you have no independently verifiable evidence for steel core columns sauch as what exists for the concrete core.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
So this makes it official, you have no independently verifiable evidence for steel core columns sauch as what exists for the concrete core.

<removed the repeated LIES>.
you need serious psychiatric help
seek it out before you become a danger to yourself or others
So this makes it official, you have no independently verifiable evidence for steel core columns sauch as what exists for the concrete core.

<removed the repeated LIES>.
you need serious psychiatric help
seek it out before you become a danger to yourself or others

That is comical coming from you. You are a threat to the entire civilized world, or your masters are.
So this makes it official, you have no independently verifiable evidence for steel core columns sauch as what exists for the concrete core.

<removed the repeated LIES>.
you need serious psychiatric help
seek it out before you become a danger to yourself or others

That is comical coming from you. You are a threat to the entire civilized world, or your masters are.
^^^ just more proof you are a delusional fucktard
The lower one I have my doubts about. However, even if it is one of the Twins it shows nothing about the core.

fiz subterfuge.

they are both the twin towers. you can see the steel core columns on the left. you claim these were attached the the concrete core. there is no concrete core. your hoax has been exposed.

Last edited:
So this makes it official, you have no independently verifiable evidence for steel core columns sauch as what exists for the concrete core.

<removed the repeated LIES>.
you need serious psychiatric help
seek it out before you become a danger to yourself or others

That is comical coming from you. You are a threat to the entire civilized world, or your masters are.

yeah. dive is worse than hitler or stalin. probably is the antichrist. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
you need serious psychiatric help
seek it out before you become a danger to yourself or others

That is comical coming from you. You are a threat to the entire civilized world, or your masters are.

yeah. dive is worse than hitler or stalin. probably is the antichrist. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
the funniest part of this is if i REALLY were a part of this huge conspiracy he has woven, he would be dead
if i was part of something that had no qualms about killing nearly 3000 innocent American citizens, why would have any about putting the snuff order on a dipshit like HIM???

of course i'm NOT any part of ANY conspiracy, but he is too fucking delusional to get it

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