Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Curried Spam and Rice


* 1 (12-ounce) can SPAM® Classic, diced
* 2 cups cooked rice
* 1 cup frozen peas
* 1 cup sliced celery
* 1/3 cup chopped red onion
* 1 mayonnaise
* 1 cup chopped Major Grey mango chutney
* 2 tablespoons sugar
* 2 tablespoons lemon juice
* 1 1/2 teaspoons curry powder


1. In large mixing bowl, combine SPAM® Classic, rice, peas, celery and onion.
2. In small bowl, combine mayonnaise, chutney, sugar, lemon juice and curry powder until well blended.
3. Add dressing to SPAM® mixture. Toss gently to coat.
4. Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour.

SPAM > Recipe Details
Singapore Spam Salad


* 1 cup sugar
* 1/3 cup rice vinegar
* 1/4 cup Carapelli Extra Virgin Olive Oil
* 2 tablespoons sesame oil
* 1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
* 1 (12-ounce) can SPAM® Classic, cubed
* 3 carrots, grated
* 1 cup chopped green onions
* 1 cup chopped celery
* 1 green bell pepper, chopped
* 1 cup thinly sliced radishes
* 1 (6.5-ounce) package sliced almonds, toasted


1. In saucepan, stir together sugar, vinegar, sesame oil, olive oil and garlic salt until sugar is dissolved.
2. In large bowl, toss together remaining ingredients.
3. Serve warm dressing with salad.

SPAM > Recipe Details
Spam and Cheese Calazone


* 1 can SPAM® With Bacon, diced
* 1/2 cup chopped yellow onion
* 1 jalapeño pepper, seeded, finely chopped
* 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
* 2 teaspoons stoneground mustard
* 2 cups shredded Co-Jack cheese, divided
* 1 tablespoon olive oil, divided
* 2 (13.8-ounce) cans refrigerated pizza crust dough, divided
* 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese


1. Heat oven to 425°F.
2. In large bowl, combine SPAM® with Bacon, onion, jalapeño, mayonnaise, mustard and 1 cup shredded cheese; mix well.
3. Brush 15x10x1-inch jelly-roll pan with 1 teaspoon oil. Unroll 1 can dough onto bottom of pan, gently stretching and pressing dough to cover bottom. Sprinkle with remaining 1 cup shredded cheese to within 1 inch of edge. Spoon SPAM® mixture over cheese.
4. Unroll remaining can dough directly over filling, matching edges of dough and shaping to fit as dough is unrolled. Press edges of dough to seal. Brush with remaining 2 teaspoons oil.
5. Bake calzone 14 to 16 minutes or until golden brown. Remove calzone from oven; sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake 2 to 3 minutes longer or until cheese is melted and crust is golden brown. Cut into squares to serve.
SPAM > Recipe Details
Mousse Salad (yes, with spam)


* 1 (14.5-ounce) can chicken broth, divided
* 1 package unflavored gelatin
* 1 tablespoon minced onion
* 1 (12-ounce) can SPAM® Classic, finely chopped
* 1/2 cup finely chopped celery
* 1 cup sour cream


1. In small saucepan, stir together 1 cup broth, gelatin, and onion; cook over low heat, stirring until gelatin disolves. Cook 2 to 3 minutes longer or until onion is softened.
2. In large bowl, stir together SPAM®, gelatin mixture, remaining broth, the celery and sour cream. Pour into 4- or 5-cup ring mold. Refrigerate at least 4 hours.
3. Invert salad onto serving plate just before serving; fill center of mold as desired.

SPAM > Recipe Details
Maui Spam Muffins


* 4 English muffins, split
* 0 butter
* 0 mustard
* 1 can SPAM® Classic, thinly sliced
* 1 (15.25-ounce) can pineapple slices, drained
* 1 small green bell pepper, cut into 8 rings
* 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
* 2 teaspoons water


1. Heat oven to 375°F.
2. Spread muffin halves with butter and mustard. Layer SPAM® Classic, 1 pineapple slice and 1 bell pepper ring on each muffin half.
3. In small bowl, mix brown sugar and water; spoon over sandwiches.
4. Place muffins on baking sheet. Bake 10 minutes.

SPAM > Recipe Details
Spam recipes is not EVIDENCE.

This is, showing a part of the WTC 2 concrete core falling onto WTC 3. The brownish object inside of and on top of pieces of perimeter walls.

Gami Gami Spam Shitake


* 2 cans consommé
* 2 cups minute rice
* 1 bell pepper, diced
* 4 large shiitake mushrooms
* 1 small onion, diced
* 1 tablespoon butter
* 1 (12-ounce) can SPAM® Classic, diced


1. In saucepan, bring consommé to a boil; add rice. Cover; let stand 15 minutes.
2. In skillet, sauté bell pepper, mushrooms and onion in butter. Stir in SPAM® Classic; sauté 2 to 3 minutes longer.
3. Add rice to SPAM® mixture; mix well. Sauté 2 to 3 minutes.

SPAM > Recipe Details
Kimchi Junghol (yes, it has spam in it)


* 10 ounces thinly sliced pork
* 1 tablespoon red chili pepper bean paste
* 6 tablespoons soy sauce, divided
* 1/2 teaspoon red ground pepper
* 1/2 teaspoon minced ginger
* 1 pinch sesame seeds
* 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar, divided
* 8 hitake mushrooms, stems removed and thinly sliced
* 2 teaspoons sesame oil
* 2 cloves garlic, minced
* 1 pinch ground black pepper
* 2 yellow onions, cut into thin wedges
* 1 (12-ounce) can SPAM® Classic, cut into slices
* 1 cup fresh red hot pepper, bias-sliced
* 1 cup green onion or leak, bias-sliced
* 2 1/2 cups kimchi, cut into 1/2 inch pieces
* 1 quart clear chicken broth
* 0 Hot cooked rice


1. In large bowl, combine sliced pork with chili pepper paste, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, red ground pepper, ginger, sesame seeds and 1/2 teaspoon sugar.
2. In other bowl, combine mushrooms with remaining soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, remaining sugar and black pepper.
3. In large saucepot, place marinated pork and onions. Going in circular fashion, alternately lay sliced SPAM®, mushroom mixture, red peppers and green onions.
4. In the center of the circle, place the kimchi. Pour in broth so that ingredients in pot are covered.
5. Cook mixture over high heat until it reaches a boil. Cover, reduce heat and simmer until mixture is cooked through (pork reaches an internal temperature of 160ºF), about 1 1/2-2 hours.

SPAM > Recipe Details
Lunchbox Turkey Spam Sushi


* 4 spinach flour tortilla wraps
* 1 cup ranch salad dressing
* 1 (12-ounce) can SPAM® Oven Roasted Turkey, thinly sliced
* 2 1/2 cups minute rice , prepared per package
* 4 ( ) ounces bean sprouts
* 1 red bell pepper, cut into 1/4 inch strips
* 4 ounces Monterey Jack cheese, thinly sliced


1. Heat tortilla for 15-20 seconds on high in microwave.
2. Coat tortilla with 2 to 3 tablespoons of ranch salad dressing. Cover 1/2 of tortilla with 5 slices SPAM® Oven Roasted Turkey. Pile 1/2 cup rice in strip down center of turkey. Layer handful bean sprouts, 2 pepper strips and 3 slices cheese on top of rice.

3. Starting with side of tortilla with layers, tightly roll up jellyroll-style, ending with side that has only dressing.
4. Repeat with remaining tortillas.
5. Slice each rolled tortilla into 1-inch slices to resemble sushi rolls

SPAM > Recipe Details
Marinated Bean Salad (with spam)


* 1 (16-ounce) can chili or pinto beans, drained, rinsed
* 1 can SPAM® Classic, diced
* 1/2 cup chopped celery
* 1/4 cup chopped green bell pepper
* 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion
* 1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
* 1 pinch pepper
* 1 medium tomato, coarsely chopped
* 1/4 cup Italian salad dressing
* 4 leaves lettuce


1. In bowl, combine beans, SPAM® Classic, celery, bell pepper, onion, garlic salt and black pepper. Cover; refrigerate until chilled.
2. Gently stir in tomato just before serving. Pour dressing over salad; mix gently but well. Serve salad on lettuce-lined serving plates.

SPAM > Recipe Details
Macaroni salad (with spam)


* 8 ounces elbow macaroni
* 1 (12-ounce) can SPAM® Classic, chopped
* 2/3 cup sliced celery
* 1/2 cup sliced green onions
* 1/4 cup sweet pickle relish, drained
* 1/2 cup sour cream
* 1/2 cup plain yogurt
* 2 teaspoons mustard


1. Cook elbow macaroni according to package directions. Drain; rinse with cold water.
2. In large bowl, combine macaroni, SPAM® Classic, celery, onions and pickle relish; mix well.
3. In separate bowl, stir together sour cream, yogurt and mustard until well blended. Gently mix into macaroni mixture. Season with salt and pepper. Cover; refrigerate at least 3 hours to blend flavors.

SPAM > Recipe Details
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utter bullshit isn't defined yet, but these are close:
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1. Billy Bullshit 32 up, 5 down love it hate it

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An individual who finds it impossible not to lie or fabricate a false story or experience at almost every opportunity they have to open their mouth. A person lacking something so substantial in their lives that they feel the compulsion to invent excitement and enrichment to fill their days in the form of total and utter bullshit.
"Have you seen Billy Bullshit recently?"
"Yeah, yesterday, the wanker told me he just bought a top of the range lexus for £75k but it had a fault so it had to go back to the manufacturers."
"How did he afford that on a Call centre wage?"
"He didn't, it's total bollocks, the bullshitting ****."
bollocks bullshitter liar lying bullshit
by Ken Evans Jun 7, 2006 share this
2. peddlism 2 up, 3 down love it hate it

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A following of absolout political innafluency and ignorannce.

To be a "Peddlist" is to speak complete and utter bullshit and to fit the words facist and communist and BNP into every sentence possible.

Also, when loosing arguments, a Peddlist may refer to Mr Griffiths as a family friend.
Peddle the Peddlist was talking utter bullshit... again ¬_¬

chaaaaiiin jaaaaneee to the traaaaain
by Jane Wilson Feb 23, 2005 share this
3. bullshit's ass 7 thumbs up love it hate it

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1. An expression used to denote complete and utter disbelief or shock.
2. A way to emphasize a staunch unwillingness to perform an act or express severe disagreeance.
Ex. 1: Lori: Today is my 35th birthday.
Kris: Bullshit's ass!
Lori: It's true.
Kris: You look like you're no older than your early twenties!
Ex. 2: Girl 1: So, you're going to call him back, even though he was a lying, cheating loser?
Girl 2: Bullshit's ass I will!
bullshit bullshits ass baloney horseshit negative
by Leah Holt Nov 30, 2006 share this
4. Stupid bullshit talker/walker 4 up, 2 down love it hate it

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Some one who talks complete and utter shit all the time and wear shit. (e.g trackies and a dinner jacket). They often come out with stupid remarks that shows that they are clearly a prick.
Stupid bullshit talker/walker: I hate it when people say there going to shag your mum and don't

Person A: Fuck off you stupid prick bitch.
danny b is a strange downer child bullshit
by mong boy Jun 22, 2007 share this
5. waffles love it hate it

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Dundonian adjective - describes when someone is talking complete and utter bullshit
she's ectoed oot her box and is full o waffles.....

or can be used in response to a bullshit sentence by simply teaming it with the action of waving ur hand under your armpit and screaming WAFFLES in a high pitched voice!!!!

The intensity can be increased for a response to a huge bullshit by adding the word tattie before waffles eg that was a load of big tattie waffles
birdseye bullshit ecto drug talk bleather
by sammylee1983 Mar 31, 2010 share this
6. scientology 500 up, 66 down love it hate it

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The science of making money that answers the eternal unanswered questions such as "I wonder just how gullible and stoooopid i am". It has been crapped onto the world since the early 1950s by one of the world's greatest con-artists/dipshits, L Ron Hubbard.

Unfortunately the gullible Earth natives to whom this was presented to, they turned out to be so desperate to get a life and to believe this trash which may appear to be handed to them on a silver platter, where infact it was a permanent $100/week subscription to utter bullshit.

The wisdom (ironically, stupidity is much more suitable) of the scientology subject will probably be realized by the current primitives who would be stupid enough to belive they are the hosts of alien souls as a result of an alien warlord who went bonkers with nukes, instead of being pawns in a money making scheme.

Hopefully in a few generations, humankind, if it survives the bullshit of scientology, will evolve from its brainwashed and cash-strapped stage and the generations living then will realize how fucked in the head were people to believe in a cult started out by a small-time s...
by truthteller tells no truth Aug 12, 2005 share this
7. bullshit 22 up, 26 down love it hate it

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Bullshit is what one would call something that isn't true or he doesn't agree with. Bullshit and Shit do not mean the same thing.

Shit is what one would say when an event does not work out for him/her. For example , "The illegal bubbling concoction exploded, causing Dr. Granstein to rip off his tie and scream, 'SHIT!! I DID IT AGAIN!'"
Galileo: The Earth travels around the sun!

Church: Bullshit! The Earth is at the center of everything, and everything else revolves around it!

Galileo: Watch as centuries later, my fact becomes utter truth.

Church: You have the devil in you because you spoke ill of the earth! Go fuck yourself in jail!
nonsense rubbish crap lies shit
by Courage the cowardly dog Apr 7, 2006 share this
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* Dishifuck
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* dishin' out the ownage
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* Dishwasher
* dishwasher chess

dishonest troll isn't defined yet, but these are close:
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1. IB4TL 94 up, 2 down love it hate it

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IB4TL is an acronym meaning "In Before The Lock." It's a 'game', of sorts, that people play in Internet discussion groups.

You will see this acronym used on web boards, blogs, forums, et cetera. Using it sparingly is a good strategy for boosting your post count. When you KNOW a discussion is about to be locked, you can throw a quick 'IB4TL' reply in there, and get credited as if it were a normal post, even though it is basically a useless, one-word observation.

While this is a dishonest tactic, it is generally acceptable to most moderators and admins, and the message is left to stand, as-is, towards your overall post count. High post counts are a status symbol on many sites.

The gamble is, if the thread isn't locked, it makes YOU look like a fool - a poor judge of character. Sometimes a moderator or admin will leave a discussion open, that would otherwise be locked, just to make YOU look silly. As I said, it's a 'game'...
Troll: hi just wanna to tell everone hear u suck

Member: Then why are you here?

Troll: cuz yall sux

Member#2: Can we knock it off, please?

Troll: i like to knock u off

Member: IB4TL!

Member#2: LoL! IB4TL

Troll: waz tha mean u gay or sumpin

Moderator: That does it! I'm locking this thread. Troll, clean up your act or you'll be banned!
by VinDSL Nov 26, 2004 share this

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Urban Dictionary: dishonest troll
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* delumptard
* Delumptious
* delun
* delunchious
* Delungra
* delure
* Delurf
* delurk
* delurking
* delushious
* Delusia
* delusion
* Delusion of Awesomeness
* delusionable
* delusional
* Delusional Aficionado Syndrome
* delusional cockbag
* Delusional Dave
* Delusional Lunatic
* delusional sizing
* delusional twat
* Delusionalist
* delusionary
* delusionofagirl
* delusions
* delusions of adequacy
* Delusions of Grand Jury
* delusions of grandeur
* Delusions of Virginity
* delux
* delux 247
* Deluxe
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* Deluxe Blumpkin
* Deluxe Carpet Cleaning
* Deluxe Fungtashi
* Deluxe Reverb
* deluxe wash
* Deluxuous
* Deluxury

delusional crazy stupid insane loser idiot delusion fat mental asshole retarded ugly paranoid arrogant pathetic fake drunk psychotic idiotic immature liberal lame clueless ignorant annoying moron sex false reality deluded snob wrong fugly ridiculous obsession redneck paranoia psycho lunatic delusions of grandeur vain nuts wannabe alcohol rectum retard wasted douchebag hallucination unrealistic roll tide
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1. delusional

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Someone who is not thinking clearly, or thinks something will happen that, in all likelyhood, will not.
guy1: So I'm thinking of asking Leah out. I think she might say yes.
guy2: Ummm, are you delusional or something?
by bandcampgirl183 Sep 12, 2005 share this
2. Delusional

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Used to describe someone attached to an idea which is either false, or has changed. An alternative to "living in the past."
1. James still thinks we live in a democracy. He's delusional.

2. Paul listens to the Bee Gees and drives a Trans Am. He's delusional on the 70s, man.
insanity mental deluded coherent bright
by Col. Dr. Apr 24, 2006 share this
3. delusional

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An insult/label often flung at those who have beliefs that are not commonly accepted.
Person 1: I believe aliens are visiting Earth.


Person 1: No I am not, I've thought about the issue thoroughly

crazy different random mental norm comfort zone
by Shadow Creator Mar 21, 2008 share this
4. delusional

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1. the state of having a false opinion or belief

2. H/Hr shippers
Idiot: Harry and Hermione are like sooooo meant to be together...

Me: You're incredibly delusional... If you could read you would realise Ron and Hermione have amazing amounts of sexual tension...
h/hr shippers harry potter wrong stupid
by msweasley Jun 5, 2007 share this
5. delusional

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1. Someone who believes only their way, and everyone else is wrong.

2. Someone who is obsessed or stuck on one false belief and ignorantly denies logic and reasoning, like chrisophera on internet message boards.

3. A derogatory term that Atheists use to describe Christians and other religious people.

4. paranoid
The Preacher shunned the homosexual because he was delusional.
religion delusion delusional paranoid false
by J.Wil888 Feb 3, 2009 share this
6. delusional

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A person who is a Harry/Hermione shipper. They are easily upset, have a limited sense of humour, and do not read particularly well. In their spare time, they like to look for overly used symbolism where none exists. This term was coined by a most wonderful webmaster.
TeenyBopper1892!!: i ship Harry/Hermione. There so kaute and SO canon!!!!1!!!
HeronShipper: A delusional has entered the room, folks.
delusionals snowy wall of shame illiterate humourless
by Tiffi Oct 16, 2005 share this
7. delusional

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Eddy Senior from Hecky Grammar

hes one out of context son of a bitch
Even though all the Leeds Fest tickets were sold out, Eddy still thought he could buy one

Eddy: Don't be so sparse
Gav + Luke: Do you even know what that word means ya daft ****?
by Gav - Your friendly neighbourhood spiderman Apr 13, 2005 share this
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Urban Dictionary: delusional
Cabbage Apple Spam Supper

1/4 cup butter
1/3 cup honey
2 cooking apples, sliced 1/4"
1/2 tsp nutmeg
3 cups shredded cabbage 1/4 tsp clove
12-oz can SPAM, cubed 1/2"

In skillet melt butter over medium heat. Add remaining ingredients; toss to combine. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until apples and cabbage are tender and SPAM is heated through (10 to 12 minutes).

Cabbage Apple Spam Supper | SpamRecipes.net
Child-support evasion filed in lunchbox!


One commits a crime, but doesn't file a crime?

One files CHARGES alleging a crime in Court?

So, then, one could not possibly "file" misprision of treason in any Court.

Well, shit. That would mean that the idiot's OP headline is simply stupid and flatly wrong.

CriscoFEARa filed no crime in Court. He filed some incoherent gibberish -- more or less along the lines of "court papers" -- with the clerk of the Court out there in LA.

And his gibberish SEEMS to suggest that the retarded scumbag idiot Troofer thinks that some other people are actively hiding the evidence of treason allegedly committed when they had some unknown involvement in the 9/11/2001 attacks. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

CriscoFEARa has no better chance of getting some poor court clerk to take his gibberish seriously than CriscoFEARa's kids have of getting appropriate child support out of the deadbeat scumbag Troofer idiot father of theirs, CriscoFEARa.

At least the poor old Court Clerks get a good laugh out of the scumbag's incoherent gibberish. CriscoFEARa's own children get nothing at all.

CriscoFEARa: what a lowlife useless piece of shit.
find any pictures of a concrete core yet?
find any documentation to your claim of "elevator guide rail support" that you pulled out of your ass?
find any documentation to support your claim that the cores were radically different?
find any pictures of the concrete core getting constructed?
find any building plans for a concrete core?











[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB6xdCS9NJU]YouTube - 9/11: Why They Fell pt 2[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqDTEZIdg7g&feature=PlayList&p=A6382FD1025BACE9&index=62]YouTube - WTC 1&2 UNIQUE DESIGN.[/ame]

"For a combination of historical, cultural and economic reasons, tall, concrete-core buildings dedicated to office use are unusual in New York, where builders prefer the wallboard-enclosed cores with steel frames that Mr. Robertson pioneered in the trade center."
New York Timeshere

"Engineers are still debating whether the Twin Towers' unique structure should be credited for surviving the initial crashes, or blamed for collapsing in the subsequent fires, or both. But the point is that it was unique, utilizing closely spaced columns connected to a steel core by relatively lightweight floor trusses. "
Newsweek. Newsweek.com

"Each of the towers, more than 200 ft. wide on each side, contained a central steel core surrounded by open office space. Eighteen-inch steel tubes ran vertically along the outside, providing much of the support for the building"
Time Magazine.TIME.com

"The twin towers were the first supertall buildings designed without any masonry. Worried that the intense air pressure created by the building's high speed elevators might buckle conventional shafts, engineers designed a solution using a drywall system fixed to the reinforced steel core. "

"Like many high-rises built in the 1960s, the Twin Towers were constructed with their weight distributed between a hollow steel core (containing services like elevators) and steel columns around the perimeter, maximizing open floor space. Many believe the older high-rise design, in which steel columns are often encased in concrete, is more fire resistant.

“A lot of people have told me, ‘You should have used more concrete in the structure,’” said Robertson. However, his chart plotting the strength of steel vs. concrete at various temperatures showed that at the incendiary levels that raged in the towers, the two materials become similarly weak."
Berkeley 04.17.2002 - World Trade Center remembered

"Yamasaki has switched from concrete, his favorite medium, to steel because of the sheer height of the towers, and instead of having the weight of the structure carried by the frame and the elevator core, the great steel columns of the exterior walls will support it."
Time Magazine article from 1964!! Art: Onward & Upward - TIME




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