Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Cantonese Sweet & Sour Spam

2 tbsp cooking oil
3 tbsp sugar
1 lg. carrot, sliced diagonally
3 tbsp catsup
6 green onions, sliced 1/4"
3 tbsp vinegar
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tsp ginger
1 small cucumber, cut in chunks
1 tsp soy sauce
2/3 cups water
12-oz can SPAM, cubed 1/2"
1 tbsp cornstarch
8-oz can bamboo shoots, drained

In wok or large skillet, cook oil over medium heat. Add carrot, green onion, garlic and cucumber; cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until crisply tender (4 to 5 minutes). Add remaining ingredients except SPAM and bamboo shoots. Continue cooking, stirring constantly, until suce is thickened (5 to 6 minutes)...
Cantonese Sweet and Sour Spam Recipe | SpamRecipes.net
Spam Fritatta Recipe

3 tbsp butter
7-oz can SPAM, cubed 1/4"
1/2 cup chopped onion
10 pitted black olives, chopped
1/2 cup chopped green pepper
6 eggs
2 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed 1/4"
2 tbsp water
1/4 tsp pepper

In 10-inch omelet pan or skilet melt 2 tbsp butter over medium heat. Add onion, green pepper and potatoes; cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are crisply tender (5 to 7 minutes). Add SPAM and olives; continue cooking until SPAM is heated through. Loosen sauteed ingredients from bottom of pan; add remaining 1 tbsp butter. Tilt pan to cover bottom with butter. In small bowl mix eggs, water, and pepper; pour over SPAM mixture...

Spam Fritatta Breakfast Recipe | A SpamRecipes.net Favorite
Child-support evasion filed in lunchbox!


One commits a crime, but doesn't file a crime?

One files CHARGES alleging a crime in Court?

So, then, one could not possibly "file" misprision of treason in any Court.

Well, shit. That would mean that the idiot's OP headline is simply stupid and flatly wrong.

CriscoFEARa filed no crime in Court. He filed some incoherent gibberish -- more or less along the lines of "court papers" -- with the clerk of the Court out there in LA.

And his gibberish SEEMS to suggest that the retarded scumbag idiot Troofer thinks that some other people are actively hiding the evidence of treason allegedly committed when they had some unknown involvement in the 9/11/2001 attacks. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

CriscoFEARa has no better chance of getting some poor court clerk to take his gibberish seriously than CriscoFEARa's kids have of getting appropriate child support out of the deadbeat scumbag Troofer idiot father of theirs, CriscoFEARa.

At least the poor old Court Clerks get a good laugh out of the scumbag's incoherent gibberish. CriscoFEARa's own children get nothing at all.

CriscoFEARa: what a lowlife useless piece of shit.

this filing will go about as far as his last filing claiming that everyone is hypnotized and we are all manchurian candidates.:cuckoo:
The clerks have been very helpful and progress has been made by liberally spreading the 39 page disclosure of knowledge of treason amongst various judiciary. It is expected that an investigative agency will analyse it, and report back to the court that indeed the information is correct. FEMA deceived NIST and the cause of death is invalid in nearly 3,000 murders.

That will cause all kinds of issues.
The clerks have been very helpful and progress has been made by liberally spreading the 39 page disclosure of knowledge of treason amongst various judiciary....
..... That will cause all kinds of issues.

Such as ? ... what kinds ?? ... and who perchance might have caused these issues ??

.. you seem to sound like you are planning something illegal Chris !!

Almost like you could be liable for .. IT ... DO IT !!

stan said:
Such as ? ... what kinds ?? ... and who perchance might have caused these issues ??

The traitors, and their agents, then the courts reacting to the disclosure of knowlege of felony and treason. It is a heinous crime you are involved in concealing and the reaction will be proportionate.
stan said:
Such as ? ... what kinds ?? ... and who perchance might have caused these issues ??

The traitors, and their agents, then the courts reacting to the disclosure of knowlege of felony and treason. It is a heinous crime you are involved in concealing and the reaction will be proportionate.
you are the one in the crime. dipshit
failure to pay child support is a CRIME
Due to estoppel, it is not a crime, it is not even prosecutable. But as an agent working for the infiltrators, you would be directed to not mention violations of law by government or courts.

In fact, when the county failed to appear on subpoena, many lives were endangered and some lost.

and the cause of death is invalid in nearly 3,000 murders.[/url]

That will cause all kinds of issues.

the cause of death is HOMICIDE, you fucking moron.

it doesnt matter what the core was made out of. its still valid.:cuckoo:
Due to estoppel, it is not a crime, it is not even prosecutable. But as an agent working for the infiltrators, you would be directed to not mention violations of law by government or courts.

In fact, when the county failed to appear on subpoena, many lives were endangered and some lost. * * * *

In the first place, the lying fucktard coward CriscoFEARa doesn't even grasp the actual meaning of estoppel.

In the second place, the "subpoena" was bullshit anyway seeking, as it did, legally irrelevant historical crap from sometime in the midst of two centuries earlier. :cuckoo:

And last, but not least, not a single life was threatened, much less lost, when the County politely informed the scumbag lying Troofer child-support-evading pussy, CriscoFEARa, that it wouldn't be giving him some irrelevant historical records.
lilybily said:
In the second place, the "subpoena" was bullshit anyway seeking, as it did, legally irrelevant historical crap from sometime in the midst of two centuries earlier.

The records I subpoeaned were in the counties possession less than one year earlier.


Typically agents of the infiltrators refuse to recognize violations of law because they are working to destroy Constitutional government.
lilybily said:
In the second place, the "subpoena" was bullshit anyway seeking, as it did, legally irrelevant historical crap from sometime in the midst of two centuries earlier.

The records I subpoeaned were in the counties possession less than one year earlier.


Typically agents of the infiltrators refuse to recognize violations of law because they are working to destroy Constitutional government.

doesnt matter. evidence needs to be RELEVANT.

records from 1876 arent.
lilybily said:
In the second place, the "subpoena" was bullshit anyway seeking, as it did, legally irrelevant historical crap from sometime in the midst of two centuries earlier.

The records I subpoeaned were in the counties possession less than one year earlier.


Typically agents of the infiltrators refuse to recognize violations of law because they are working to destroy Constitutional government.

Agent CriscoFEARa:

The "records" you allegedly subpoenaed were still irrelevant.

And the "Skuse" affidavit is gibberish too since insanity is not a "crime" you fucking lying scumbag moron.

If insanity WERE a crime, you'd get the death penalty you lying fuckwad. Go get a job and support your own children you dickless twat drip.

I realize you are far too fucking retarded to grasp the obvious, but

Insanity is a DEFENSE to a criminal charge (like murder), you imbecile. It is not a crime itself.
I guess your history is not too good, or the perps would want you to pretend you are ignorant.

And of course the subpoena must be contested as irelevant. It was not. Your say so means nothing.

The failed to appear on subpoena was a serious violation of Constitutional right and in itself was misprision of felony because it was done to conceal the fact that over 1,000 court case files were absent from the public record.

The perps will not allow you to recognize violations of law by courts, so your denial is understood.
I guess your history is not too good, or the perps would want you to pretend you are ignorant.

And of course the subpoena must be contested as irelevant. It was not. Your say so means nothing.

The failed to appear on subpoena was a serious violation of Constitutional right and in itself was misprision of felony because it was done to conceal the fact that over 1,000 court case files were absent from the public record.

The perps will not allow you to recognize violations of law by courts, so your denial is understood.

You are a fucking lying scumbag idiot. You served the subpoena for your child support case -- scumbag -- not on the moronic "misprision of treason" filing.

There is nothing connected toy our unmanly refusal to provide for your own flesh and blood that has ANYTHING to do with misprision of treason. You pussy fucking piece of useless dickless shit.

And there was nothing proper about your asshole subpoena anyway.

You are a loathsome maggot.

There is no such "crime" as "insanity," pussy.

Records of court cases from the latter half of the fucking 1800's -- dealing with "insanity" -- have NOTHING on Earth to do with misprision of treason OR with your ball-less and cowardly indefensible unmanly refusal to provide child support for your own children. Every man and woman on Earth recognizes shit like you as the worthless dickless scum you are.
No, the subpoena was for the santa barbara state superior court case 220298. The family law case is 209449. The subpoena was in 1998.

READ agent.

Misprision of felony is what it is whenever it is. Do you cuss like Dick Cheney?
No, the subpoena was for the santa barbara state superior court case 220298. The family law case is 209449. The subpoena was in 1998.

READ agent.

Misprision of felony is what it is whenever it is. Do you cuss like Dick Cheney?

isnt that the lawsuit where you claim everything in your bizarre life isnt your fault. its some medicine man's fault because he hypnotized you and you couldnt control yourself or some stupid shit like that?

Plaintiff Christopher A. Brown complains as follows:


1. Defendant Medicine man, a.k.a. Gray Wolf, is and at all times herein mentioned was, a resident of the County of Santa Barbara, State of California.

2. Defendant County of Santa Barbara, is and at all times mentioned herein was, a political subdivision of the State of California.

3. Plaintiff is ignorant of the true names and capacities of Defendants sued herein as Does 1-50, inclusive, and therefore sues these Defendants by such fictitious names. Plaintiff will amend this complaint to allege their true names and capacities when ascertained. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that each of the fictitiously named Defendants is intentionally and/or negligently responsible in some manner for the occurrences herein alleged, and that Plaintiff's injuries as herein alleged were proximately caused by that intent and/or negligence.

4. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that at all times herein mentioned, each of the Defendants was the agent or employee of each of the remaining Defendants, and in doing the things herein alleged, was acting within the course and scope of such agency and/or employment.

5. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that all actions, events and occurrences that form the basis of the complaint herein occurred in the County of Santa Barbara, State of California.


6. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that at all times herein mentioned, Defendant Medicine man is, and was, a Medicine man of the coastal band of Chumash Native American Indians of Santa Barbara, and under the control of the 'antap' and directly responsible for the creation and maintenance of the oral histories of said Native Americans.

7. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that the 'antap' is an ancient society/organization comprised of spiritual leaders of native Medicine people who only communicate, through and during the extremely deep hypnotic trances of an unconsciously networked group of people, controlled by hypnosis, over longer than normal periods of time.

8. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that at all times herein mentioned on or about June 1, 1959 and continuing to the present, in an effort to establish officially an understanding of their hypnotic abilities, the Medicine man, at the direction of the 'antap', hypnotized, instructed, and manipulated Plaintiff, Plaintiffs family members and others, without their conscious knowledge, so as to psychologically control Plaintiff's actions, thoughts and emotions, and approximately cause the injuries and damages described below.

9. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that Defendant Medicine man removed Plaintiffs natural memory and prerogative of choice, based therein as a child, through the use of hypnosis by using desires in Plaintiffs subconscious mind created by the Native Medicine community. Plaintiff further alleges that Defendant Medicine man then exploited the desires in a conspiracy involving Plaintiff but kept secret from the Plaintiff by the use of hypnotic memory control and consumed Plaintiffs natural life and it's benefits or rewards, psychologically, emotionally, socially, culturally and economically for a minimum of 38 years for the purpose of forcing Plaintiff to take legal action to create again an official understanding; and to make the Native Medicine community conscious of their hypnotic skills; and to recover the truth of the Chumash peoples past.

10. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges in the exploitation of the conspiracy, Defendant Medicine man controlled Plaintiffs life dynamically without Plaintiffs conscious awareness and used hypnosis to control others to present opportunities for fulfillment of desires created artificially in Plaintiff at childhood, with hypnosis. Plaintiffs past is now comprised of bizarre events conceived by Defendant Medicine man and other Medicine people.

11. As a proximate result of the intentional acts of Defendant Medicine man, Plaintiff was hurt and injured in his health, strength, and activity, sustaining injury to his person, all of which injuries have caused, and continue to cause, Plaintiff great mental, physical, and nervous pain and suffering. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that the injuries will result in some permanent disability to him. As a result of such injuries, Plaintiff has suffered general damages in an amount according to proof.

12. As a further proximate result of the intentional acts of Defendant Medicine man, Plaintiff has incurred, and will continue to incur, medical and related expenses in an amount according to proof.

13. As a further proximate result of the intentional acts of Defendant Medicine man, Plaintiffs earning capacity has been greatly impaired, both in the past and present in an amount according to proof.


14. Plaintiff realleges paragraphs 1-5 of the general allegations and paragraphs 6-13 of the First Cause of Action, and incorporates them herein as if set out in full.

15. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that, at all times herein mentioned, Defendant Santa Barbara County had a duty to maintain preserve and make available public records, including local Courts and County Board of Supervisors meetings, as the legal custodian.

16. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges approximately 750 of the civil commitment case files of the local Court, from the period 1875 to 1885, were and are, either missing, lost or destroyed.

17. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that a letter in his possession from the Clerk of Court documenting the inconsistencies of the District Court case file Index and the Insanity records on microfilm indicate that an unusual event of enormity occurred in and around those years. The letter states that the Index shows 72 insanity actions in the years, 1876 to 1878. Plaintiff alleges that this number of civil commitment proceedings is abnormally high and that the letter also documents 65 more case files than are listed in the Index.

18. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors conducted secret meetings for the months of March and April of 1876. Plaintiff is further informed and believes and thereon alleges that the missing, lost or destroyed minutes of those meetings contain references to the massacres of Native people and references to the secreting of the public records.

19. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that the incompleteness of the Court cases for the years 1875 to 1876 combined with the lack of page numbers, lack of dates for listed cases, or a beginning or ending date for the Index, document an effort by Santa Barbara County to conceal or hide the actual size of a serious event(s) occurring in Santa Barbara County before and after 1876.

20. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that the County of Santa Barbara breached its duty as the legal custodian of such public records by the acts described in the paragraphs 16, 17,18 and 19 above.

21. Plaintiff further alleges that the neglect to make free to the public, public records consisting of approximately 750 District Court case files, caused the 'antap' to hypnotically, by the use of Defendant Medicine man and the Native Medicine community, over many decades, to exploit with impunity the ignorance of the public, the Plaintiffs parents and the Plaintiff and to conspire unconsciously in the community to control, dynamically, plaintiffs life.

22. Plaintiff is informed and believes that this loss of meaning or reconstitution of meaning of 38 years of memory by this diabolical method, as it is recently discovered by the Plaintiff, represents an irreversible condition of mental anguish for the remainder of the Plaintiffs life as the truth of the depth of the hypnotic manipulation endured impacts the Plaintiffs future emotionally, psychologically and physically.

23. As a proximate result of the negligence of Defendant, County of Santa Barbara, Plaintiff was hurt and injured in his health, strength and activity, sustaining injury to his person, all of which injuries have caused, and continue to cause, Plaintiff great mental, physical, and nervous pain and suffering. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that the injuries will result in some permanent disability to him. As a result of such injuries, Plaintiff has suffered general damages in an amount according to proof.

24. As a further proximate result of the negligence of Defendant, County of Santa Barbara, Plaintiff has incurred, and will continue to incur, medical and related expenses in an amount according to proof.

25. As a further proximate result of the negligence of Defendant, County of Santa Barbara, Plaintiffs earning capacity has been greatly impaired, both in the past and present in an amount according to proof.


26. Plaintiff realleges paragraphs 1-5 of the general allegations and paragraphs 6-13 of the First Cause of Action and paragraphs 14-24 of the second cause of action, and incorporates them herein as if set out in full.

27. At all times herein mentioned, Defendant County of Santa Barbara had a duty to maintain and preserve public records. At all times herein mentioned Defendant Medicine man had a duty to not hypnotically influence Plaintiff without Plaintiffs conscious awareness or knowledge

28. On or about June 1, 1959, the County of Santa Barbara neglected to maintain the public record and caused from that time, and continuing to the present, Defendant Medicine man, at the direction of the 'antap', to hypnotize, instruct and manipulate Plaintiff within the conspiracy kept secret from the Plaintiff, without Plaintiffs conscious knowledge or consent, so as to psychologically control Plaintiffs thoughts actions and emotions; or to inflict the removal of the Plaintiffs right to a natural destiny and deprivation of freedom to select and work with natural memory for the prerogative of choice throughout Plaintiffs life to the present.

29. Medicine man's conduct was intentional and malicious and done for the purpose of causing Plaintiff to suffer, humiliation, loss of reputation, mental anguish and emotional and physical distress for the purpose of forcing Plaintiff to take legal action. Defendant County of Santa Barbara's conduct was done with knowledge that Plaintiffs emotional and physical distress would thereby increase, and was done with a wanton and reckless disregard of the consequences to Plaintiff.

30. As a result of the aforementioned acts Plaintiff was hurt and injured in his health, strength and activity, sustaining injury to his person, all of which injuries have caused, and continue to cause, Plaintiff great mental, physical, and nervous pain and suffering. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that the injuries will result in some permanent disability to him. As a result of such injuries, Plaintiff has suffered general damages in an amount according to proof.

31. As a result of the aforementioned acts, Plaintiff has incurred, and will continue to incur, medical and related expenses in an amount according to proof.

32. As a result of the aforementioned acts, Plaintiffs earning capacity has been greatly impaired, both in the past and present in an amount according to proof.


WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment against Defendants and each of them as follows.


1. for general damages according to proof.

2. for medical and related expenses according to proof.

3. for loss of earnings according to proof.

4. for costs of suit incurred herein.

5 for such other and further relief as the Court deems proper.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment against Defendants and each of them as follows.


1. for general damages according to proof.

2. for medical and related expenses according to proof.

3. for loss of earnings according to proof.

4. for costs of suit incurred herein.

5 for such other and further relief as the Court deems proper.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment against Defendants and each of them as follows.


1. for general damages according to proof.

2. for medical and related expenses according to proof.

3. for loss of earnings according to proof.

4. for costs of suit incurred herein.

5 for such other and further relief as the Court deems proper.

Christopher A. Brown,
Very good!

Getting to exactly HOW the secrecy was created or enforced. Trance to the depth of somnambulism.



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Page 175, concerning dissociation or repression from childhood.

Conclusion, page 175

At the top of page 175. "The general tendency" of the subject to forget the events of the trance after emerging from it. (1) states that suggestion conducive to remembering is successful. If this is so it is reasonable to assume the reverse to be easier and more successful because of the "tendency to forget". The implications of; (2) reversed as well of (4) with regard to cognitive reinforcements creating severe distortions and the consideration of multiple subjects, given conditional, reciprocal suggestion motivated by disassociation's or repressed parental complex, fears or desires and phylogenically driven affectations; can be extreme in memory control as well as action.

Consistently post hypnotic controlled memory or action, elements of behavior, are shown as easily attainable when instinctual needs parallel to survival or evolution are invoked that are phylogenically correct. in addition the extreme becomes moreso in potential with consideration to memory and post hypnotic action over long periods of time enabling drastic repression's, dissociation's, cognitive distortions and reflex conditioning.


The implications of; (2) reversed as well of (4) with regard to cognitive reinforcements creating severe distortions and the consideration of multiple subjects, given conditional, reciprocal suggestion motivated by disassociation's or repressed parental complex, fears or desires and phylogenically driven affectations; can be extreme in memory control as well as action.

Consistently post hypnotic controlled memory or action, elements of behavior, are shown as easily attainable when instinctual needs parallel to survival or evolution are invoked that are phylogenically correct. in addition the extreme becomes moreso in potential with consideration to memory and post hypnotic action over long periods of time enabling drastic repression's, disassociation's, cognitive distortions and reflex conditioning.


Relating potentials for hypnotic performance to results of research, practice and experiments of hypnosis. Christopher A. Brown 8/17/01


The first sentance of page 175 of EMOTIONS and MEMORY, 1964, by David Rappaport,

"The general tendency" of the subject to forget the events of the trance after emerging from it."


(1) of the same paragraph states that, "The hypnotist can successfully suggest that no posthypnotic amnesia develop".

Basis 2 Restated; Suggestion conducive to remembering is successful or generally, suggestion effecting memory has effect against a general tendancy.


The first note page 175, EMOTIONS and MEMORY, Note #8 states (first note below main text) that the results of memory described "in general are valid only with subjects who are able to reach the somanmbulistic stages ofhypnosis."


Logical inference of BASIS 1 with BASIS 2, is that; suggestion to forget will have a greater effect on memory because of the general "tendency to forget". Research confirms with observations of behavior consistent with general hyperamnesia at the top of page 176, the end of a footnote that begins on page 175 stating;

"we find hypnotized people indignantly denying they have been hypnotized."


If the tendancy is to forget following hypnosis that induces a trance to the level of somanmbulism and suggection effecting memory is successful then suggestion to forget will be more effective than suggestion to remember.


Another general perspective.

What is the correct answer to this question?

Q.What is easier to do than forgetting?

A. I don't remember.​

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