Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Not only does the documentary exist, I've talked to numerous people who saw it or clips from it as other documentaries.

Dr. Ron Larsen, Ph.D found signs of it through contacts. Here is an excerpt from his web radio show I cohosted where he details the search for the missing doc.


That's only hearsay evidence. You state yourself you have NO first-hand knowledge in the previous post. You do realize you can be prosecuted for abusing the court system for filing any kind of claim based in hearsay evidence, right?
I saw Bluto try to sell secrets to the Germans in a Popeye cartoon, I am going to report him for treason.
What a loon1 Thanks for the entertainment this thread has given me, I have been laughing my ass off all the way through this thread.
Tell you what, since the round up of the treasonous truthers is underway, based on the official news reports here:
i offer the legal opinion that once you are detained and shipped off to that death camp in Wyoming, it won't matter because you won't be there to represent your case.
Oh, I offer another more realistic opinion, you never had any intention of showing up in a courtroom to represent your "filing with the court" anyway because you have always known it would result in a big fine or imprisonment for contempt of court or abusing the court system with a frivolous lawsuit.
>in my best bugs bunny voice I say<
"What a maroon!"

There is no reason to appear in court without the courts request, and that may happen. I will be there.

I will identify usename "slackjawed" at usmessageboard.com as being complicit in misprision of treason, along with a number of others in a formal memorandum in addendum and request for judicial notice.
Not only does the documentary exist, I've talked to numerous people who saw it or clips from it as other documentaries.

Dr. Ron Larsen, Ph.D found signs of it through contacts. Here is an excerpt from his web radio show I cohosted where he details the search for the missing doc.


That's only hearsay evidence. You state yourself you have NO first-hand knowledge in the previous post. You do realize you can be prosecuted for abusing the court system for filing any kind of claim based in hearsay evidence, right?
I saw Bluto try to sell secrets to the Germans in a Popeye cartoon, I am going to report him for treason.
What a loon1 Thanks for the entertainment this thread has given me, I have been laughing my ass off all the way through this thread.
Tell you what, since the round up of the treasonous truthers is underway, based on the official news reports here:
i offer the legal opinion that once you are detained and shipped off to that death camp in Wyoming, it won't matter because you won't be there to represent your case.
Oh, I offer another more realistic opinion, you never had any intention of showing up in a courtroom to represent your "filing with the court" anyway because you have always known it would result in a big fine or imprisonment for contempt of court or abusing the court system with a frivolous lawsuit.
>in my best bugs bunny voice I say<
"What a maroon!"

There is no reason to appear in court without the courts request, and that may happen. I will be there.

I will identify usename "slackjawed" at usmessageboard.com as being complicit in misprision of treason, along with a number of others in a formal memorandum in addendum and request for judicial notice.

Not only does the documentary exist, I've talked to numerous people who saw it or clips from it as other documentaries.

Dr. Ron Larsen, Ph.D found signs of it through contacts. Here is an excerpt from his web radio show I cohosted where he details the search for the missing doc.


and you can prove that it says what you claim?

didnt think so...... :cuckoo:

By being able to make the independently verifiable statements describing the concrete core, construction images and 9-11 images completely consistent I prove it. The perpetrators would not want you to admit that but that is why I made a web site integrating all the information.

The truth of the Twin Towers structure and 9-11 demolition

you are changing the subject. where is the proof that the documentary says what you claim it says. so far all you have is a statement saying a documentary exists.
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and you can prove that it says what you claim?

didnt think so...... :cuckoo:

By being able to make the independently verifiable statements describing the concrete core, construction images and 9-11 images completely consistent I prove it. The perpetrators would not want you to admit that but that is why I made a web site integrating all the information.

The truth of the Twin Towers structure and 9-11 demolition

you are changing the subject. where is the proof that the documentary says what you claim it says. so far all you have is a statement saying a documentary exists.

You've seen it, you have no independently verified evidence for any other core, the recall of the 1990 documentary works perfectly with all of the independently verified evidence.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

Post an image of steel core columns clearly standing in the core area, as this is clearly not, but also is REBAR. Way too small for structural steel.

You refuse to deduce, to use inference and logic while refusing to recognize the violation of laws by officials.

Misprision of treason type act is what you are doing.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
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9/11, nutjobs, selective blog editing and Clarence - Atheist Nexus

"This has reached a point of ludicrousness that is on par with the worst nutjobs I have ever encountered. However, it is not something I feel can be ignored nor dismissed as a troll, because it is disseminating bad, even harmful, information; dressing it up with fraudulent academic credibility; and now slandering individuals that could be identified.

I am all for the right of lunatics to speak freely. I will even fight for that right, even if it is not in my best interests. But I am not for the right of lunatics to freely spout bullshit, and then silence any kind of dissent to their lunacy. And where lunatics stop being amusing is when they start accusing identifiable individuals of being accessories to conspiracy to murder, as in the case of accusing former employees of the Ace Elevator company of smuggling a 100 tonnes of "nano-thermite" into the WTC and painting the buildings core load bearing structure with it prior to the buildings being brought down by hijacked planes [*]."

Anyone following the link will see that there is no independently verified evidence provided to oppose the concrete core structure that can be proven from independent sources.

Which is why slacker posts no evidence and only empty inacurate, text of misrepresented events.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
nope, aside from the colon clenaser link (that is just funny I don't care who you are) the links i posted are to show that you got beat down on every other message board you trolled around on, so you come here, where people are nicer to you.
We love nutjobs on USMB, personally I find you twoofers the best entertainment on the interwebs.

Anyone following the link will see that there is no independently verified evidence provided to oppose the concrete core structure that can be proven from independent sources.

Which is why slacker posts no evidence and only empty inacurate, text of misrepresented events.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

you claim to have independently verified information but you dont. apparently you dont know the meaning of "independently verified".

you have the name of a documentary and thats it. you have no other info on it. <-- NOT EVIDENCE.

you have a reporter that says there was a concrete core. the story was later pulled. the reporter was wrong. you claim it was the structural engineer that made the claim. you jsut plain LIE about it. newsweek later identifies a steel core. you completely ignore this. <--- NOT EVIDENCE

you have a book that uses the WTC as what an example of a skyscraper is. it says skyscrapers have steel and have concrete cores (thats true) but doesnt say the WTC has a concrete core. <--- NOT EVIDENCE

you have pictures of smoke and falling debris and you mistakenly claim its concrete. its one of the mot idiotic claims i have ever seen. <---- NOT EVIDENCE

YOU GOT NOTHING!!! :cuckoo:
How about you let us know when your infamous court filing come before the court, so we can be there in person.

If it's in LA it's only a 9 hour drive for me and i would love to be there to see it in person.
How about you let us know when your infamous court filing come before the court, so we can be there in person.

If it's in LA it's only a 9 hour drive for me and i would love to be there to see it in person.

i'm in vegas now. if i'm still here when the court case comes up i would make the drive too.....

i'm sure it would be quite entertaining. :lol:
How about you let us know when your infamous court filing come before the court, so we can be there in person.

If it's in LA it's only a 9 hour drive for me and i would love to be there to see it in person.

Use the case number and file an "Amicus curiae", in support of defendants or request to join into the case as a defendant, since you are "defending" and request a hearing.

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How about you let us know when your infamous court filing come before the court, so we can be there in person.

If it's in LA it's only a 9 hour drive for me and i would love to be there to see it in person.

Use the case number and file an "Amicus curiae", in support of defendants or request to join into the case as a defendant, since you are "defending" and request a hearing.
dude, seriously, the only way that gets a hearing is if the judge wants to publicly slap your ass into the ground for wasting the courts time
How about you let us know when your infamous court filing come before the court, so we can be there in person.

If it's in LA it's only a 9 hour drive for me and i would love to be there to see it in person.

Use the case number and file an "Amicus curiae", in support of defendants or request to join into the case as a defendant, since you are "defending" and request a hearing.
dude, seriously, the only way that gets a hearing is if the judge wants to publicly slap your ass into the ground for wasting the courts time

Yeah, that's why i want to go, i want see it in person.

Christophera, let me know when, I promise to be there as an observer. Courts are open to observers. I could also bring my press credentials from Wp and attend as a reporter- your choice!

Just let me know, I would love to watch this in person......
Use the case number and file an "Amicus curiae", in support of defendants or request to join into the case as a defendant, since you are "defending" and request a hearing.
dude, seriously, the only way that gets a hearing is if the judge wants to publicly slap your ass into the ground for wasting the courts time

Yeah, that's why i want to go, i want see it in person.

Christophera, let me know when, I promise to be there as an observer. Courts are open to observers. I could also bring my press credentials from Wp and attend as a reporter- your choice!

Just let me know, I would love to watch this in person......
i would too
but no way in hell would i fly out there JUST for that

if you go, take a digital video cam
it should be priceless
If cameras are allowed, which they usually are not, I will dive. i will take detailed notes and take a sketchbook, but I know that is simply not the same........
I am going out a n very sturdy limb here and predicting this brief will languish in the system and be allowed to dies the death it deserves.

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