To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

The Feds saw the same evidence and declined to indict. This isn't going anywhere.
That means what exactly? Different prosecuters and their teams would have different judgements on going forward on an individual case. Your argument hear makes absolutely no sense.
That means what exactly? Different prosecuters and their teams would have different judgements on going forward on an individual case. Your argument hear makes absolutely no sense.
You must be a Democrat. Not much in reality makes sense to you.
The costs are real. DA offices have actual budgets, and wasting an extraordinary amount on a political case while there is a crime wave is utterly wasteful and dangerous for the community. Morons like you don't care, as long as you 'get Trump'. Pathetic.
You claim it's a political case. That's what impeachment in the House is. This is a criminal case. I believe in an extraordinary case like this , extraordinary amounts of time and money should be spent. Make sure it's rock solid.
That's the exact point I've been trying to make, but the dense numskulls of the world seem oblivious. The "rule of law" should only apply to Trump and no Democrat ... ever.
Nothing actionable against democratic presidents has ever been presented or acted upon.
Many other politicians and office holders of both parties have been indicted and convicted in the past.
No, reaching 35 years into the past is a liberal tactic. I’m thinking more along the lines of the treason, and influence peddling the Biden’s have done…At this point I think it’d be fitting watching Joe waste away in Federal prison…Same for Obama.
Find some evidence and present it to the proper jurisdictional authority then.
Can you go back and form a cogent reply? Or are you going to stay with troll replies?
This is simple. Biden's so called justice department has had two years and didn't find anything worthy of an indictment. Period. Is that cogent enough for you?
It’s exactly American Justice, dope. :cuckoo:
It is not anywhere near American justice. You do not get tried to prove your innocence. If that is the way it worked the people who say there was no fraud would have to prove it. I do not recall them doing that. I recall them saying they had to prove nothing.

So, using your logic, Dominion should be forced to release their source codes to prove fraud never happened. When is that going to happen?
This is simple. Biden's so called justice department has had two years and didn't find anything worthy of an indictment. Period. Is that cogent enough for you?
You lost me at "so-called justice dept"

and you're misunderstanding decisons to not go foward with a prosecution, just as I suspect you misunderstood Mueller's report.
The Trump cult have their panties in a wad over their dear leaders indictment.


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We are calling BS on the Chinacrats for the seven year long GET TRUMP campaign. This is just the latest BS they are shoveling. Goldfish like you are mesmerized by Trump distractions and ignore what the Chinacrats are doing to this country.

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