To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…


It's secret because the prosecutor has more control over it that way.

Why does a prosecutor need the opinion of people who know nothing of the laws of evidence to decide if charges can be filed?
It’s secret because that’s how grand juries operate, dope.
It’s called due process.
There is no need to protect evidence as it will all have to be turned over to the defense for the trial anyway.

The GJ basically guarantees an indictment because there are no rules of evidence for the prosecutor

And how is anyone going to "destroy evidence" if it is in the hands of the police under lock and key?

And tell me where you came up with the moronic conclusion that I want to destroy evidence
You’re attempting to diminish the validity of the GJ proceedings as we speak, dope. Imagine what you’d do with the actual evidence.
This neither a capital nor an infamous crime.

In an actual trial not a kangaroo court the defense has the opportunity to provide rebuttal evidence and the rules of evidence are much stricter. Why does a prosecutor get to present evidence that will never see the light of day to a GJ ?

Anyone can win a one sided argument
^Simply retarded.

What could they possibly have added to what I listed as the facts of the case?

The problem is you have to prove that Trump wouldn’t have made the payment outside him running for office.

Stormy Daniels has already done an interview in the past talking the affair.

And John Edwards had already been charged in the past for using campaign fund to do this type of thing.

It’s not illegal to pay someone to sign an NDA. It’s done all the time. It can’t be illegal to do so with campaign funds as well as with not campaign funds.
There’s 30 different criminal counts listed in the indictment.
Don’t forget that Weisselberg testified before the GJ recently and lost his legal representation provided by Trump because of it.
There is more to this than you care to admit.
grow up. That's all propagandist bs straight out of America's PRAVDA
The costs are real. DA offices have actual budgets, and wasting an extraordinary amount on a political case while there is a crime wave is utterly wasteful and dangerous for the community. Morons like you don't care, as long as you 'get Trump'. Pathetic.
A literal jury is vetting the evidence and testimony. What is cleaner and more comprehensive than that?

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