To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

We are calling BS on the Chinacrats for the seven year long GET TRUMP campaign. This is just the latest BS they are shoveling. Goldfish like you are mesmerized by Trump distractions and ignore what the Chinacrats are doing to this country.
For 4 years Trump hid behind being a sitting President. He feared losing 2020 because he knew this was all waiting.
You lost me at "so-called justice dept"

and you're misunderstanding decisons to not go foward with a prosecution, just as I suspect you misunderstood Mueller's report.
Yeah, Garland didn't indict Trump and I'm not understanding why, huh. Time for your nap.
Yeah, Garland didn't indict Trump and I'm not understanding why, huh. Time for your nap.
It was a decision, a choice. What did he say about it? What did Mueller say about Trump?

You're misunderstanding of things is astounding. I'm sorry for you.
It is not anywhere near American justice. You do not get tried to prove your innocence. If that is the way it worked the people who say there was no fraud would have to prove it. I do not recall them doing that. I recall them saying they had to prove nothing.

So, using your logic, Dominion should be forced to release their source codes to prove fraud never happened. When is that going to happen?
Huh? :cuckoo:

By my logic, a GJ is constitutionally required.
American Justice by any measure.
LMAO because former US attorney generals and countless legal scholars say it's BS. Hell Jeb Bush is out there defending Trump on this, wow just wow. Dems can shove their pathetic misdemeanor right up their ass.
really? Are there any that agree with Bragg?
The parade of lies and false accusations from the demented LEFT goes on and on and on and on and on......HOW is THIS any different?????
Doesn't matter to the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies, of course!
These neo-Bolshevik communist SCUM are out of control!

They loved the Soviet show trials, and want to emulate them.

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