To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

You are hopeless. :cuckoo:

Pelosi has nothing to do with it.
I say she does. She is justifying this mockery of justice and you idiots believe this is American justice. That means you have forgotten everything you knew about America because you are cowards. No other way to look at this.
Where in the Constitution does it say a grand jury is required?

Amendment V​

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Have you ever considered the fact that sleazy lying Democrats are corrupt to the bone?
Stalinism is the foundation of the Democrat party.

Only idiots and MAGA nutcases argue this way!

Of course “sleazy lying Democrats” are likely to be “corrupt to the bone”!

… and that is equally true of “sleazy lying Republicans”!

It is also true for “sleazy lying Trumpsters” — of which you are a particularly obnoxious example.

As for “Stalinism” being the foundation of the Democratic Party, this is just nuts. The Democratic Party is fundamentally a party of finance capitalism — the other one being the Republican Party.

Both parties are ultimately controlled by powerful cynical elites who enrich themselves (and their egos) at the expense of ordinary Americans, dividing our nation and weakening its moral character.


“Stalinism” was and is the political system associated with collectivist, Communist economic dictatorships … classically run by a “personality cult” leader. So China under XiJinping can also be considered “Stalinist.” The main “cult figure” in U.S. politics today is Donald Trump — but he cannot in any way be called a “Stalinist” either!

Sick little minds choose avatars like yours. So go ahead now and do your childish best to “insult” me.

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There’s 30 different criminal counts listed in the indictment.
Don’t forget that Weisselberg testified before the GJ recently and lost his legal representation provided by Trump because of it.
There is more to this than you care to admit.
I don’t care one way or another whether Trump spends zero days or the rest of his life in jail. What we shouldn’t doing and what it seems is happening and people like you are fine with is we are bending the law to get someone. You’re ok with that because of who we are getting. I’m not.
I say she does. She is justifying this mockery of justice and you idiots believe this is American justice. That means you have forgotten everything you knew about America because you are cowards. No other way to look at this.
Apparently, “the libs” have enough courage to walk the walk.
Keep yapping though. :blahblah:
Your team may eventually find enough courage to jettison Trump one day and gain some much needed respect back.
I don’t care one way or another whether Trump spends zero days or the rest of his life in jail. What we shouldn’t doing and what it seems is happening and people like you are fine with is we are bending the law to get someone. You’re ok with that because of who we are getting. I’m not.
Which laws are being “bent”?
Of course it can
No it really can’t. Paying someone to sign an NDA is legal. So if a candidate does so it has to be with campaign funds or personal funds. We have now indicted 2 separate candidates for violating campaign finance law one who used campaign funds the other personal funds. Both those actions can’t be in violation of the same law at the same time.
YOU believed the Steele Dossier.
YOU believed the Russia Russia Russia FAIRY TALE.
YOU believed it ALL....all LIES!!!!

"This guy".....yeah, YOU!!!!
First of all your entire premise is founded on a complete falsehood....
That The Steele Dossier and The Mueller investigation were "lies."
They weren't...and aren't.
You have been told that by a guy who is a proven pathological liar.
Think about it.

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