To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

To screen out weak cases and protect defendants from facing trial based on unfounded charges, the criminal justice system generally requires the prosecutor to establish that probable cause exists to support their charges. The prosecutor must convince an independent decision-maker—either a judge or grand jury—that the case has merit and should go to trial. In some states, all felony charges must go before a grand jury. But in others, the prosecutor might have a choice between presenting the case to a grand jury or going before a judge in a preliminary hearing.

Uh oh. This might be telling.

“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury… .”
~ United States Constitution, 5th Amendment

“No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime…unless on indictment of a grand jury… .”
~ New York State Constitution, Article 1, Section 6
David Cay Johnston has been following Trump's career since the 1980s; he's spotlighting Trump's profiteering during his first term which may be an even bigger threat to his 2024 chances:

Pulitzer-winning reporter on the criminal Trump regime: 'This was thievery — plain and simple'

"Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston is not giving up on exposing how Donald Trump and his family fleeced America while he was in the White House.

"To that end, the bestselling author is back with a meticulously researched new book, 'The Big Cheat: How Donald Trump Fleeced America and Enriched Himself and His Family.'"
The Democrats support this political persecution.
Not all do! Many Democrats are not happy the NY D.A.’s office is going forward with it. Many are not sure the evidence is sufficient to convict in this case, and many fear Trump will emerge stronger if that occurs.

Of course only the prosecutors have all the evidence at this point. Apparently — after much delay — the trial will go ahead.

Perhaps more evidence will be uncovered after the trial begins. This trial will likely not even begin for many months and will likely be appealed by Trump’s lawyers. If the trial proceedings do not go favorably for them, or “embarrassing” new evidence emerges that indicates it is not winnable, the whole case may be dropped by the court or the prosecutors.
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Not all do! Many Democrats are not happy that the NY D.A.’s office is going forward with it. Many are not sure the evidence is sufficient to convict in this case, and many fear that Trump may emerge stronger if that occurs.

Of course only the prosecutors have all the evidence at this point. Apparently — after much delay — the trial will go ahead. Perhaps more evidence will be uncovered and presented after the trial begins. This trial will likely not even begin for many months and will likely be appealed in any case. The case may even be dropped by the court or the prosecutors if the trial proceedings do not go favorably for them, or “embarrassing” evidence emerges that indicates it is not winnable.
Many democrats understand that this will most likely not be the only indictment of DJT.
Your link is actually right on the mark. The Constitutionally specified rights to “a jury trial” and the proviso that indictments must first go before a Grand Jury … have been ruled to not apply automatically to every individual state and municipality. There are both positive and negative aspects to Grand Juries, which the link you provide addresses. Much more can be said on this subject.

The actual trials Trump is likely to face include several that will almost certainly raise issues far more important than this one.

The state and Federal prosecutors involved will have to produce evidence and arguments and prove to juries Trump’s guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt” … or Trump will likely emerge innocent and even politically strengthened. Whatever charges he is found guilty of committing — if there are any — will almost certainly be appealed.

I recall Trump used to brag he could murder somebody out on 5th Ave. and his supporters would continue to defend him.

Well, I’m happy to report he didn’t go that far!

But most of Trump’s hardcore supporters defend him even after he tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected President, even after he suggested Americans should consider “terminating” our laws and Constitution so he could remain in power. Trump’s actions were treasonable and could have led to civil war and the death of our remaining, very weakened democracy.

Trump was impeached — but NOT convicted — for political crimes. He escaped conviction after his 2nd Impeachment mainly because most Republican leaders were gutless and terrified of losing support from Trump’s large voting base.

Trump may well escape conviction again, or be “convicted” of crimes yet still win re-election. The final rendering of the decision will be … in hands of the nation and its voters in 2024.

The point is it's not a constitutional requirement to use a grand jury. A prosecutor uses grand juries when they know they'll likely not get anything from a fair judge. Get people ignorant enough of the laws and circumstance to make that decision instead.

Neither impeachments had any impeachable offenses. Impeachment is for high crimes, misdemeanors or treason. Asking a leader of another country for a "favor" fits none of those categories and neither does holding a rally which actually is supported by the US Constitution. That's why the Senate voted against charges. It's your lying MSM that tried to say Trump was responsible for the riot that took place. A complete and utter lie. Only the Republicans in the Senate voted properly.

If all these phony charges are related to the Stormy case, of course it will be thrown out unless it goes in front of another commie judge. Why?

Federal election violations are under the jurisdiction of the federal government, not a local city government.
Even if charges are warranted, the statute of limitations expired years ago.
Fat asses star witness isn't credible. He has lied on a number of occasions including a Congressional hearing. He's been found guilty of perjury.
His own former lawyer testified that Cohen told him Trump had no idea he paid Stormy anything, and he would do anything possible to stay out of jail; even considered suicide.
Even if Trump reimbursed him, there is no law against paying hush money.
Stormy admitted she didn't actually have any physical relationship with President Trump.
Cohen stated he was never reimbursed by Trump for the Stormy payment.

There is just way too much here for any fair judge to allow this to go to trial. Unless Fat Alvin has some other charge we are not aware of, this case should be thrown out the minute it goes into session.
How do you know it’s bs?!
For many? Whether it is "B.S." or not? Is NOT the point. I am continually amused that so much of the nation fails to miss this. I don't even like Trump, be even I understand the difference of applying the law, both using investigative powers, and powers of indictment, fairly.

Do you want an open society, or a closed authoritarian state? :dunno:


But who am I? I'm no one.

Trump would have been better off robbing Stormy with a gun — Bragg would have thrown that case out​

Comey’s “Good Day”: How Political Prosecutions Became “Ethical Leadership” in the Pursuit of Trump

Comey’s “Good Day”: How Political Prosecutions Became “Ethical Leadership” in the Pursuit of Trump
It’s secret because that’s how grand juries operate, dope.
It’s called due process.
Due process doesn't need to be secret
Due process isn;t giving a prosecutor free reign to use illegal evidence to dupe a bunch of people who know nothing of the law into agreeing with him.

Due process requires the accused to be present and have legal counsel in ALL matter that concern his freedom
You’re attempting to diminish the validity of the GJ proceedings as we speak, dope. Imagine what you’d do with the actual evidence.
Yes the GJ system is rigged and corrupt

I don't care who is the target.

And as I said the majority of that evidence is probably inadmissible in court but the prosecutor can still use it to dupe people and get his indictments anyway

And what can I or anyone else actually do to any evidence that is in the custody of the prosecutor and protected by the cops?
Due process doesn't need to be secret
Due process isn;t giving a prosecutor free reign to use illegal evidence to dupe a bunch of people who know nothing of the law into agreeing with him.

Due process requires the accused to be present and have legal counsel in ALL matter that concern his freedom
GJs are actually required for felony indictments under the NY constitution. That’s telling.
Even if they weren’t it would be prudent given the magnitude of who the defendant is and historical implications of such a case.
GJs are actually required for felony indictments under the NY constitution. That’s telling.
Even if they weren’t it would be prudent given the magnitude of who the defendant is and historical implications of such a case.

Yeah government never does anything that isn't upright and moral

Why do a bunch of morons who know nothing about the law and or the laws of evidence need to tell a fucking lawyer who supposedly knows these laws if he has enough evidence to indict?

There is absolutely no good reason

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