To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

Not all do! Many Democrats are not happy the NY D.A.’s office is going forward with it. Many are not sure the evidence is sufficient to convict in this case, and many fear Trump will emerge stronger if that occurs.

Of course only the prosecutors have all the evidence at this point. Apparently — after much delay — the trial will go ahead.

Perhaps more evidence will be uncovered after the trial begins. This trial will likely not even begin for many months and will likely be appealed by Trump’s lawyers. If the trial proceedings do not go favorably for them, or “embarrassing” new evidence emerges that indicates it is not winnable, the whole case may be dropped by the court or the prosecutors.
You do know Paine had more in common with today's anarchists than he did people like you?
Nothing actionable against democratic presidents has ever been presented or acted upon.
Many other politicians and office holders of both parties have been indicted and convicted in the past.
Do you believe that candidate Hillary Clinton committed a crime by conducting top secret correspondence on a personal computer in her basement? Do you believe she committed a crime when she destroyed evidence by busting up her cellphone and "bleaching" her computer's hard drive?

Do you believe that Joe Biden was in the wrong for coercing Ukraine to drop charges against Hunter by using his position as Vice President?

If nothing else ... should Hillary and Creepy Joe been as thoroughly investigated as Trump has been for almost 8 years now?

How about Clinton weaponizing the FBI against Trump during an election season, or creating a false narrative about "Russian collusion?" Is all of this fine with you?
LMAO because former US attorney generals and countless legal scholars say it's BS. Hell Jeb Bush is out there defending Trump on this, wow just wow. Dems can shove their pathetic misdemeanor right up their ass.
How does Jeb Bush know the details of the case and why do you believe Jeb Bush?!
Only idiots and MAGA nutcases argue this way!

Of course “sleazy lying Democrats” are likely to be “corrupt to the bone”!

… and that is equally true of “sleazy lying Republicans”!

It is also true for “sleazy lying Trumpsters” — of which you are a particularly obnoxious example.
All Democrats are sleazy liars who are corrupt to the bone.

As for “Stalinism” being the foundation of the Democratic Party, this is just nuts. The Democratic Party is fundamentally a party of finance capitalism — the other one being the Republican Party.

Both parties are ultimately controlled by powerful cynical elites who enrich themselves (and their egos) at the expense of ordinary Americans, dividing our nation and weakening its moral character.


“Stalinism” was and is the political system associated with collectivist, Communist economic dictatorships … classically run by a “personality cult” leader. So China under XiJinping can also be considered “Stalinist.” The main “cult figure” in U.S. politics today is Donald Trump — but he cannot in any way be called a “Stalinist” either!

Sick little minds choose avatars like yours. So go ahead now and do your childish best to “insult” me.

Yad, yada, yada.
Do you believe that candidate Hillary Clinton committed a crime by conducting top secret correspondence on a personal computer in her basement? Do you believe she committed a crime when she destroyed evidence by busting up her cellphone and "bleaching" her computer's hard drive?

Do you believe that Joe Biden was in the wrong for coercing Ukraine to drop charges against Hunter by using his position as Vice President?

If nothing else ... should Hillary and Creepy Joe been as thoroughly investigated as Trump has been for almost 8 years now?

How about Clinton weaponizing the FBI against Trump during an election season, or creating a false narrative about "Russian collusion?" Is all of this fine with you?
Hillary did not conduct "top secret correspondence on a personal computer in her basement." can you link to that?

"I had that belief initially after reviewing, you know, a large binder of her emails that had classified information in them,” he said. “And I discussed it internally with a number of different folks, and eventually became persuaded that charging her was not appropriate because we could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt that — we, the government, could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt that — she had the intent necessary to violate (the law).” -- Baker


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