To all you haters of Israel here, you know who you are....

How many more must die?
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So Israel is not allowed to fight a war to defend themslves, when Hamas vowed to do it again. RIght.
They must be the only nation not allowed to fight a war when attacked. is that it?
Did the United States and Britain commit genocide against Germany? or did we fight a war?
Secondly, i would not trust any body count coming from HAMAS. Why take their word for the numbers when they put their own people in the line of fire.

And then you post this, but give ZERO blame to Hamas and Iran.
Seems like the newest word being used is ‘haters.’ Israel haters, trump haters, America haters. I recently saw a post by someone here saying it is perfectly acceptable for Palestinian children to be killed because they would grow up to be terrorists had they been allowed to live. That is real hate. I can’t think of anything more hateful than that.

Deaths of any children should be avoided , and I do not agree to say the least, with anyone who would welcome the death of Palestinian children. Israel, said they were going to go into Gaza after Hamas and gave advanced warning to evacuate certain areas. Hamas had days to load up the women and children they cherish into trucks and drive them to safety. But they didn't did they?
Gaza is a strip around 25x6 miles
Outside of Gaza City , where exactly were people supposed to go ?
No food , no water , no electricity , no medical aid .

You lot and your patronising armchair solutions !!!!!

Israeli forces are only striking 10 miles deep or so. Palestinian Civilians only need to clear the first ten miles. Israel, did turn the water back on, and yes Israel had been supplying Gaza with electricity for free,
and now they have rightfully cut it off. Unfortunatly, thats what you do in war.

Theres a Billion Muslims in the world, Israel and Gaza are surrounded by Muslim countries, Egypt to the south and Jordan to the East. What is stopping ANY of them from sending massive amounts of food and extra water? Medical aid? is it indifference?

GAZA and Hamas have only themslves to blame for not having electricity all these years. Hamas sunk all their money into building elaborate tunnels from which to kill Jews. They did not spend it on making generator systems for their hospitals.
Yeah all you who call them an apartheid state and find moral equivalency between the inhuman murders committed by Hamas and civilians killed in war, here above is an example of the type of persons Hamas executed and tortured.
The Conflict between Israel and Hamas, is really the battle between civilization and the the ones who hate life, hate love and humanity itself.
I'm an American. I don't a shit about the Middle East countries duking it out like they have been doing for thousands of years. It is their war, not mine.

As far as giving to charity. Whenever I see an ad on TV for contributions to the Alliance of Chirstians and Jews all I ever hear is begging money for the Jews. Israel is a rich nation. They don't need my charity.
Of course you are absolutely right . There is no moral equivalency .
The now Pariah state of Israel is an abomination .
And it has forced Palestine to something approaching the same label .
But your sentimental and attempted virtue signalling is comical and totally counter productive .

Is there a moral limit to the depravity Islamists
will encourage only to blame the "infidel"...?


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