To Atheists and Christians


VIP Member
Jun 12, 2013
Why do atheists and Christians need proof for their beliefs.

Christians need words in a book, a man named Jesus, mother Mary, Joseph Smith, the JW's Watchtower, virgin births, bodily resurrections, communion, water baptisms, buildings, altars, choirs, pews, pastors, priests, governing entities ( Vatican and man's laws ), gold, silver, wood, homes, schools, and many other false idols to help them with their belief.

Atheists need Christian false gods to determine their belief that there is no Creator because atheists can see that these false gods are false and nothing else.

If man was never used by our Creator to build things with his hands, what would man worship today? Remember, there wouldn't be any Christianity today if it wasn't for all the buildings, Bibles, golden altars, statues of deity, choirs, and religious ideas handed down from the early religious men of Babylon, Persia-Medes, Greek and Roman Empires.

Man would be like the native Americans were before Christianity took control of their lands and stole all their gold, silver and other materials to build their false gods with.

Do you think there were any atheist native Americans who didn't believe in a Creator who gave them land, food and water to drink every day?
Odd post, bud.

First off, neither atheists nor Christians have proof for their beliefs or the verdict wouldn't still be out on the true nature of reality, so I would argue that neither group requires evidence. If they did, we wouldn't have Christians -or- atheists.

Second, concepts like the virgin birth and Jesus' supernatural powers, divine intervention stories unlike anything anyone's actually witnessed, people being brought back from the dead, angels playing messenger boy for upper management. . . these things aren't there to help people with their faith. Your understanding of faith is in complete reverse. These extraordinary stories are what -require- faith. Faith in religions, insofar as they are man made (and I'm not arguing that Christianity or atheism are fabrications. . . one of those explanations could very well be correct for all I know) is due to the human condition, and man's need to reconcile things over which he has no control. Primarily death. Nobody knows what happens after this life, and thus death is often regarded as mysterious and scary. The ability to find faith in the hard-to-believe stories offered in virtually any religious doctrine is often based in a desire to believe that one has found a path to security in death. The other big faith seed is simply trust in the people by whom you're raised. How many members of the world's major religions had the tenets and stories of their religion drilled into their heads as fact by the people who raised them, all the way back from their formative years?

Now, assuming that man was used by some creator to build things and that humans didn't just build shit via their own initiative also requires faith. It's just as likely that man wasn't used by a supernatural entity to do anything. There's at least a 50/50 chance that in the absence of a Christian God some major religion along the same lines would have sprung up since there's at least a 50/50 chance that that is exactly what happened.

What's funny is in the last couple paragraphs, when you attribute Christianity partially to the greeks and then say that, if not for them, man would be more like the native Americans. I would argue that the greek religion was more similar to the beliefs of most of the native American tribes than to Christianity, if for no other reason than by virtue of similarly polytheistic outlooks.

Also, when the early European settlers took the resources from the native americans, it wasn't to build false Gods. I'd have to say that building the most industrialized nation on the planet was considerably more impressive and less dogmatic than throwing together a bunch of churches. Not saying that they went about it in a particularly desireable manner, but shit. . . Find me the patch of dry land on this entire flying rock that isn't inhabited by people who took that patch of land by force from the people who'd settled it before them. That's some shit I'd like to see.
Not to B said:
Also, when the early European settlers took the resources from the native americans, it wasn't to build false Gods. I'd have to say that building the most industrialized nation on the planet was considerably more impressive and less dogmatic than throwing together a bunch of churches. Not saying that they went about it in a particularly desireable manner, but shit. . . Find me the patch of dry land on this entire flying rock that isn't inhabited by people who took that patch of land by force from the people who'd settled it before them. That's some shit I'd like to see.

Yet it is undeniable the idea of manifest destiny has distinct religious currents deeply imbedded.

The word said:
Remember, there wouldn't be any Christianity today if it wasn't for all the buildings, Bibles, golden altars, statues of deity, choirs, and religious ideas handed down from the early religious men of Babylon, Persia-Medes, Greek and Roman Empires.

Really? Why do you say that? I'm not following your line of thought - just the idea that people, with regularity throughout history, build themselves temples; keep religious books, etc is an indicator of a deep human need.
Second, concepts like the virgin birth and Jesus' supernatural powers, divine intervention stories unlike anything anyone's actually witnessed, people being brought back from the dead, angels playing messenger boy for upper management. . . these things aren't there to help people with their faith. Your understanding of faith is in complete reverse. These extraordinary stories are what -require- faith. Faith in religions, insofar as they are man made (and I'm not arguing that Christianity or atheism are fabrications. . . one of those explanations could very well be correct for all I know) is due to the human condition, and man's need to reconcile things over which he has no control. Primarily death. Nobody knows what happens after this life, and thus death is often regarded as mysterious and scary. The ability to find faith in the hard-to-believe stories offered in virtually any religious doctrine is often based in a desire to believe that one has found a path to security in death. The other big faith seed is simply trust in the people by whom you're raised. How many members of the world's major religions had the tenets and stories of their religion drilled into their heads as fact by the people who raised them, all the way back from their formative years?
Excellent point and so beautifully articulated. Thank you.
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Why do atheists and Christians need proof for their beliefs.

Christians need words in a book, a man named Jesus, mother Mary, Joseph Smith, the JW's Watchtower, virgin births, bodily resurrections, communion, water baptisms, buildings, altars, choirs, pews, pastors, priests, governing entities ( Vatican and man's laws ), gold, silver, wood, homes, schools, and many other false idols to help them with their belief.

Atheists need Christian false gods to determine their belief that there is no Creator because atheists can see that these false gods are false and nothing else.

If man was never used by our Creator to build things with his hands, what would man worship today? Remember, there wouldn't be any Christianity today if it wasn't for all the buildings, Bibles, golden altars, statues of deity, choirs, and religious ideas handed down from the early religious men of Babylon, Persia-Medes, Greek and Roman Empires.

Man would be like the native Americans were before Christianity took control of their lands and stole all their gold, silver and other materials to build their false gods with.

Do you think there were any atheist native Americans who didn't believe in a Creator who gave them land, food and water to drink every day?

List of Native American deities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Odd post, bud.

First off, neither atheists nor Christians have proof for their beliefs or the verdict wouldn't still be out on the true nature of reality, so I would argue that neither group requires evidence. If they did, we wouldn't have Christians -or- atheists.

Second, concepts like the virgin birth and Jesus' supernatural powers, divine intervention stories unlike anything anyone's actually witnessed, people being brought back from the dead, angels playing messenger boy for upper management. . . these things aren't there to help people with their faith. Your understanding of faith is in complete reverse. These extraordinary stories are what -require- faith. Faith in religions, insofar as they are man made (and I'm not arguing that Christianity or atheism are fabrications. . . one of those explanations could very well be correct for all I know) is due to the human condition, and man's need to reconcile things over which he has no control. Primarily death. Nobody knows what happens after this life, and thus death is often regarded as mysterious and scary. The ability to find faith in the hard-to-believe stories offered in virtually any religious doctrine is often based in a desire to believe that one has found a path to security in death. The other big faith seed is simply trust in the people by whom you're raised. How many members of the world's major religions had the tenets and stories of their religion drilled into their heads as fact by the people who raised them, all the way back from their formative years?

Now, assuming that man was used by some creator to build things and that humans didn't just build shit via their own initiative also requires faith. It's just as likely that man wasn't used by a supernatural entity to do anything. There's at least a 50/50 chance that in the absence of a Christian God some major religion along the same lines would have sprung up since there's at least a 50/50 chance that that is exactly what happened.

What's funny is in the last couple paragraphs, when you attribute Christianity partially to the greeks and then say that, if not for them, man would be more like the native Americans. I would argue that the greek religion was more similar to the beliefs of most of the native American tribes than to Christianity, if for no other reason than by virtue of similarly polytheistic outlooks.

Also, when the early European settlers took the resources from the native americans, it wasn't to build false Gods. I'd have to say that building the most industrialized nation on the planet was considerably more impressive and less dogmatic than throwing together a bunch of churches. Not saying that they went about it in a particularly desireable manner, but shit. . . Find me the patch of dry land on this entire flying rock that isn't inhabited by people who took that patch of land by force from the people who'd settled it before them. That's some shit I'd like to see.

This post did exactly what it was supposed to do. To get you in here and share your thoughts. However, like this post, it is about worldly thoughts that most people in here can relate to instead of the heavenly thoughts I've been using in this forum that no one understands.

This post is a mix of worldly things along with heavenly thoughts that places Christianity in this world as an entity used by our Creator to teach men how to build things. It was NOT used by our Creator to teach the truth to anyone because the truth is our invisible Creator, not a man named Jesus.

It was in the name of this false god, Jesus, that Christians coveted land and minerals to build their false gods ( first churches and altars, then homes, schools, government buildings, governments, etc. ) to form cities and states and finally a country named the United States.

All this building was needed by our Creator to teach men how to build the latest techology and help us understand our invisible existence. The early saints had the knowledge of God to understand we came from an "unseen" world but didn't have the latest scientific knowledge to know we were made of invisible wavelengths of energy that scientists can't even see with their microscopes and telescopes that God created for man to use.

Since I'm the last saint in this world, our Creator has been teaching me with this technology on how He created everything. He had to use trees, roots, vines, animals, beach sand, candlesticks, etc. to help the first century saints understand His invisible creation but those details didn't give a clear picture of exactly how God created us.

Today, there's enough information for God to clearly teach me how He created everything but I know there will be more details coming yet. I still have about one year and four months to exist in this world so there's plenty of time left for Him to teach me exactly how He created everything. So far, I know we are wavelengths of energy, which is the lowest form of information possible. This means we are information that needs to be processed in order to give us a visible world to experience us being in the flesh and things to look at besides smell, taste, hear and touch things. Our voice and verbal languages are given to us to express our experiences with these senses as well as the ability to use our hands to write, draw, type, paint, or express through boidily actions, these senses that are all made from processed information.

God's plan called the "beast" which you can find in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, was His plan to teach men how to build things starting with teaching certain leaders to look into the stars that were exposed after the flood and get building shapes for building plans. Everything built requires some sort of planning, just like God's creation. He had to plan everything before any worldly illusions could be processed from invisible energy.

Atomic elements are only illusions that don't really exist in the mind of our Creator. He designed them to give us dimensions as they appear on the retina's of our eyes, just like pixels do on a computer screen with programs like Photoshop. Everything we get out of computers has to be programmed first from invisible thoughts that come from our Creator. Then they are programmed into 0's and 1's called binary code that a computer processor ( brains ) reads before taking that information into defined ways for our senses to experience.

In the same way, God has to process these wavelengths of energy into ways to get us to see flesh and other things in this world, which is all in His mind. There's no such thing as time, mass or dimensions within His thoughts that are totally invisible. Energy is His thoughts that are spoken into energy wavelengths that gives us life and the illusions of this world.

Now i've been talking about heavenly things that have been hidden from men since man existed. You're believability of what I'm testifying to you has been pre-programmed for you in this first age so if you believe what I'm saying here, then you were chosen to believe it all. If you don't believe it, you were chosen by our Creator to be an unbeliever. That's because our Creator is the Master Programmer who planned and created everything.
Not to B said:
Also, when the early European settlers took the resources from the native americans, it wasn't to build false Gods. I'd have to say that building the most industrialized nation on the planet was considerably more impressive and less dogmatic than throwing together a bunch of churches. Not saying that they went about it in a particularly desireable manner, but shit. . . Find me the patch of dry land on this entire flying rock that isn't inhabited by people who took that patch of land by force from the people who'd settled it before them. That's some shit I'd like to see.

Yet it is undeniable the idea of manifest destiny has distinct religious currents deeply imbedded.

The word said:
Remember, there wouldn't be any Christianity today if it wasn't for all the buildings, Bibles, golden altars, statues of deity, choirs, and religious ideas handed down from the early religious men of Babylon, Persia-Medes, Greek and Roman Empires.

Really? Why do you say that? I'm not following your line of thought - just the idea that people, with regularity throughout history, build themselves temples; keep religious books, etc is an indicator of a deep human need.

Read my last post to Not to B. It may help satisfy your question of why.
Why do atheists and Christians need proof for their beliefs.

Christians need words in a book, a man named Jesus, mother Mary, Joseph Smith, the JW's Watchtower, virgin births, bodily resurrections, communion, water baptisms, buildings, altars, choirs, pews, pastors, priests, governing entities ( Vatican and man's laws ), gold, silver, wood, homes, schools, and many other false idols to help them with their belief.

Atheists need Christian false gods to determine their belief that there is no Creator because atheists can see that these false gods are false and nothing else.

If man was never used by our Creator to build things with his hands, what would man worship today? Remember, there wouldn't be any Christianity today if it wasn't for all the buildings, Bibles, golden altars, statues of deity, choirs, and religious ideas handed down from the early religious men of Babylon, Persia-Medes, Greek and Roman Empires.

Man would be like the native Americans were before Christianity took control of their lands and stole all their gold, silver and other materials to build their false gods with.

Do you think there were any atheist native Americans who didn't believe in a Creator who gave them land, food and water to drink every day?

List of Native American deities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All God's people worshiped false gods except for us prophets and saints who are contacted by God at one point in our earthly existence and given faith. Faith is a word that Christians and the rest of God's people other than the saints and prophets don't understand at all. They think faith has something to do with belief, which is totally inaccurate.

Faith is knowing our invisible Creator within our mind, which is actually our Creator's mind where we all exist. The prophets were given faith so that God could get them obedient enough to do things for Him and write prophecies but since they were still under the Old Covenant ( veil ) that clouded the minds of All God's people, they didn't learn who they were ( God's invisible creation ) called "Christ", or the Kingdom of God. There are many other names to describe this invisible energy of God that has no deceptive thoughts in it.

God also planned to deceive His people with contrasting thoughts called "lies" in order to call out His servant with thoughts from Christ known as the Truth, while it's using the flesh of prophets and saints. This contrast in thoughts is what connects us saints to our Creator who comes to us in our mind ( which happens to be the mind of our Creator ) and begins His work to get us obedient to Him. This means He gets us to obey His commands to us.

These commands that we have to obey leads us out of the delusion as God changes the information in our flesh to remove the Old Covenant ( veil ) and open our mind to His created knowledge without the contrasting thoughts ( Lucifer and the beast ). Once He removes the veil, He has us start writing words He puts in His mind for us to witness and then, write on paper, or type them as He had me put them in computer These words has to be in a language we can understand because God's hidden knowledge in Christ is invisible to our flesh. It's like an unpainted picture in the mind of a painter before he begins to paint brush strokes on a canvas for himself to see and whoever looks at it after he's done painting it.

These written testimonies from the invisible Christ is where we get taught the past, present and future within the mind of our Creator. Our spoken testimonies are also ways He helps paint the picture for us to understand His hidden knowledge. All these testimonies help clarify the knowledge of God within His mind ( our minds, too ) before the end of this age, which is called the 1,000 year reign of Christ. We are at the end of this reign now so the "Last Day" of this age will come very soon and destroy everything we sense in this world.

God already planned and created a New Heaven and Earth for us to experience but we won't begin to experience it until our flesh has perished in this age.
Why do atheists and Christians need proof for their beliefs.

Christians need words in a book, a man named Jesus, mother Mary, Joseph Smith, the JW's Watchtower, virgin births, bodily resurrections, communion, water baptisms, buildings, altars, choirs, pews, pastors, priests, governing entities ( Vatican and man's laws ), gold, silver, wood, homes, schools, and many other false idols to help them with their belief.

Atheists need Christian false gods to determine their belief that there is no Creator because atheists can see that these false gods are false and nothing else.

If man was never used by our Creator to build things with his hands, what would man worship today? Remember, there wouldn't be any Christianity today if it wasn't for all the buildings, Bibles, golden altars, statues of deity, choirs, and religious ideas handed down from the early religious men of Babylon, Persia-Medes, Greek and Roman Empires.

Man would be like the native Americans were before Christianity took control of their lands and stole all their gold, silver and other materials to build their false gods with.

Do you think there were any atheist native Americans who didn't believe in a Creator who gave them land, food and water to drink every day?

List of Native American deities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All God's people worshiped false gods except for us prophets and saints who are contacted by God at one point in our earthly existence and given faith. Faith is a word that Christians and the rest of God's people other than the saints and prophets don't understand at all. They think faith has something to do with belief, which is totally inaccurate.

Faith is knowing our invisible Creator within our mind, which is actually our Creator's mind where we all exist. The prophets were given faith so that God could get them obedient enough to do things for Him and write prophecies but since they were still under the Old Covenant ( veil ) that clouded the minds of All God's people, they didn't learn who they were ( God's invisible creation ) called "Christ", or the Kingdom of God. There are many other names to describe this invisible energy of God that has no deceptive thoughts in it.

God also planned to deceive His people with contrasting thoughts called "lies" in order to call out His servant with thoughts from Christ known as the Truth, while it's using the flesh of prophets and saints. This contrast in thoughts is what connects us saints to our Creator who comes to us in our mind ( which happens to be the mind of our Creator ) and begins His work to get us obedient to Him. This means He gets us to obey His commands to us.

These commands that we have to obey leads us out of the delusion as God changes the information in our flesh to remove the Old Covenant ( veil ) and open our mind to His created knowledge without the contrasting thoughts ( Lucifer and the beast ). Once He removes the veil, He has us start writing words He puts in His mind for us to witness and then, write on paper, or type them as He had me put them in computer These words has to be in a language we can understand because God's hidden knowledge in Christ is invisible to our flesh. It's like an unpainted picture in the mind of a painter before he begins to paint brush strokes on a canvas for himself to see and whoever looks at it after he's done painting it.

These written testimonies from the invisible Christ is where we get taught the past, present and future within the mind of our Creator. Our spoken testimonies are also ways He helps paint the picture for us to understand His hidden knowledge. All these testimonies help clarify the knowledge of God within His mind ( our minds, too ) before the end of this age, which is called the 1,000 year reign of Christ. We are at the end of this reign now so the "Last Day" of this age will come very soon and destroy everything we sense in this world.

God already planned and created a New Heaven and Earth for us to experience but we won't begin to experience it until our flesh has perished in this age.

Faith is the belief in something, anything, without objective proof.

All God's people worshiped false gods except for us prophets and saints who are contacted by God at one point in our earthly existence and given faith. Faith is a word that Christians and the rest of God's people other than the saints and prophets don't understand at all. They think faith has something to do with belief, which is totally inaccurate.

Faith is knowing our invisible Creator within our mind, which is actually our Creator's mind where we all exist. The prophets were given faith so that God could get them obedient enough to do things for Him and write prophecies but since they were still under the Old Covenant ( veil ) that clouded the minds of All God's people, they didn't learn who they were ( God's invisible creation ) called "Christ", or the Kingdom of God. There are many other names to describe this invisible energy of God that has no deceptive thoughts in it.

God also planned to deceive His people with contrasting thoughts called "lies" in order to call out His servant with thoughts from Christ known as the Truth, while it's using the flesh of prophets and saints. This contrast in thoughts is what connects us saints to our Creator who comes to us in our mind ( which happens to be the mind of our Creator ) and begins His work to get us obedient to Him. This means He gets us to obey His commands to us.

These commands that we have to obey leads us out of the delusion as God changes the information in our flesh to remove the Old Covenant ( veil ) and open our mind to His created knowledge without the contrasting thoughts ( Lucifer and the beast ). Once He removes the veil, He has us start writing words He puts in His mind for us to witness and then, write on paper, or type them as He had me put them in computer These words has to be in a language we can understand because God's hidden knowledge in Christ is invisible to our flesh. It's like an unpainted picture in the mind of a painter before he begins to paint brush strokes on a canvas for himself to see and whoever looks at it after he's done painting it.

These written testimonies from the invisible Christ is where we get taught the past, present and future within the mind of our Creator. Our spoken testimonies are also ways He helps paint the picture for us to understand His hidden knowledge. All these testimonies help clarify the knowledge of God within His mind ( our minds, too ) before the end of this age, which is called the 1,000 year reign of Christ. We are at the end of this reign now so the "Last Day" of this age will come very soon and destroy everything we sense in this world.

God already planned and created a New Heaven and Earth for us to experience but we won't begin to experience it until our flesh has perished in this age.

Faith is the belief in something, anything, without objective proof.

Faith is like a swear word today. No sinner has ever known what "faith" meant but it has nothing to do with "belief".

Faith is knowing something that's invisible like knowing that electricity is flowing through wires in an electrical circuit. A trained electrician has faith in his ability to hook up wires while the wires are hot, meaning the power is on. A believer would be like someone who never added a switch to an electrical circuit while it's hot and doesn't have the confidence to try do it. He can only listen to the trained electrician explain to him how he got the faith in order to perform such a dangerous thing.

Faith is something given to us saints and prophets by our Creator on His first visit in our invisible mind ( the mind of God ).

Belief is something given to a sinner who has no clue what faith is but can only believe what a faithful saint is speaking, writing and doing with his flesh.
Do you think there were any atheist native Americans who didn't believe in a Creator who gave them land, food and water to drink every day?
All cultures seem to have a few atheists in their midst. I'm sure the native Americans were no different.

Who cares about this world full of unbelievers, whether they are Christians or atheists. God plans on killing ALL flesh during this age that caused His people to believe in false gods instead of Him.
Do you think there were any atheist native Americans who didn't believe in a Creator who gave them land, food and water to drink every day?
All cultures seem to have a few atheists in their midst. I'm sure the native Americans were no different.

Who cares about this world full of unbelievers, whether they are Christians or atheists. God plans on killing ALL flesh during this age that caused His people to believe in false gods instead of Him.
In that case, his omnipotent ability exceeds his omniscience.
Faith is something given to us saints and prophets by our Creator on His first visit in our invisible mind ( the mind of God ).

... on His first visit (in) our invisible mind ( the mind of God ).

God is the OuterWorld of the Everlasting ... the one place not allowed for God to enter is inside an individual Spirit. It is the Spirit that is allowed the Everlasting, not the otherway around - word.

what you are describing is (sadly) a "broken" Spirit - perhaps talking to itself.

All cultures seem to have a few atheists in their midst. I'm sure the native Americans were no different.

Who cares about this world full of unbelievers, whether they are Christians or atheists. God plans on killing ALL flesh during this age that caused His people to believe in false gods instead of Him.
In that case, his omnipotent ability exceeds his omniscience.

God created EVERYTHING before any visible world appeared as an illusion from His invisible creation.

You can take those religious words such as omnipotent and omniscience and toss them out of the english language. They're worthless words that have no meaning. God created these words to confuse your Christian minds and keep you busy thinking delusional thoughts while trying to find the invisible Truth that you will never find.
Faith is something given to us saints and prophets by our Creator on His first visit in our invisible mind ( the mind of God ).

... on His first visit (in) our invisible mind ( the mind of God ).

God is the OuterWorld of the Everlasting ... the one place not allowed for God to enter is inside an individual Spirit. It is the Spirit that is allowed the Everlasting, not the otherway around - word.

what you are describing is (sadly) a "broken" Spirit - perhaps talking to itself.


Not only are you a sinner without any knowledge of God, you're so far from the Truth that you don't even know you exist within His mind.

There is no universe, earth, moon, sun, planets, time, space or dimensions. It's only illusions that come from processed wavelengths of energy that were spoken into existence within His mind. Energy doesn't need space to exist.
All God's people worshiped false gods except for us prophets and saints who are contacted by God at one point in our earthly existence and given faith. Faith is a word that Christians and the rest of God's people other than the saints and prophets don't understand at all. They think faith has something to do with belief, which is totally inaccurate.

Faith is knowing our invisible Creator within our mind, which is actually our Creator's mind where we all exist. The prophets were given faith so that God could get them obedient enough to do things for Him and write prophecies but since they were still under the Old Covenant ( veil ) that clouded the minds of All God's people, they didn't learn who they were ( God's invisible creation ) called "Christ", or the Kingdom of God. There are many other names to describe this invisible energy of God that has no deceptive thoughts in it.

God also planned to deceive His people with contrasting thoughts called "lies" in order to call out His servant with thoughts from Christ known as the Truth, while it's using the flesh of prophets and saints. This contrast in thoughts is what connects us saints to our Creator who comes to us in our mind ( which happens to be the mind of our Creator ) and begins His work to get us obedient to Him. This means He gets us to obey His commands to us.

These commands that we have to obey leads us out of the delusion as God changes the information in our flesh to remove the Old Covenant ( veil ) and open our mind to His created knowledge without the contrasting thoughts ( Lucifer and the beast ). Once He removes the veil, He has us start writing words He puts in His mind for us to witness and then, write on paper, or type them as He had me put them in computer These words has to be in a language we can understand because God's hidden knowledge in Christ is invisible to our flesh. It's like an unpainted picture in the mind of a painter before he begins to paint brush strokes on a canvas for himself to see and whoever looks at it after he's done painting it.

These written testimonies from the invisible Christ is where we get taught the past, present and future within the mind of our Creator. Our spoken testimonies are also ways He helps paint the picture for us to understand His hidden knowledge. All these testimonies help clarify the knowledge of God within His mind ( our minds, too ) before the end of this age, which is called the 1,000 year reign of Christ. We are at the end of this reign now so the "Last Day" of this age will come very soon and destroy everything we sense in this world.

God already planned and created a New Heaven and Earth for us to experience but we won't begin to experience it until our flesh has perished in this age.

Faith is the belief in something, anything, without objective proof.

Faith is like a swear word today. No sinner has ever known what "faith" meant but it has nothing to do with "belief".

Faith is knowing something that's invisible like knowing that electricity is flowing through wires in an electrical circuit. A trained electrician has faith in his ability to hook up wires while the wires are hot, meaning the power is on. A believer would be like someone who never added a switch to an electrical circuit while it's hot and doesn't have the confidence to try do it. He can only listen to the trained electrician explain to him how he got the faith in order to perform such a dangerous thing.

Faith is something given to us saints and prophets by our Creator on His first visit in our invisible mind ( the mind of God ).

Belief is something given to a sinner who has no clue what faith is but can only believe what a faithful saint is speaking, writing and doing with his flesh.

You'll have to forgive my skepticism. . .

I take it that you're telling us the definition of faith as according to your invisible creator.

I would argue that the word faith is a construct of the English language. As such, it's definition is decided not by your invisible creator, but by it's traditional English meaning. According to that traditional English meaning, faith means belief without proof.

Before I update the definition in my head to what you say it is, your invisible Creator's gonna have to contact me and offer up a pretty convincing argument.
Do you think there were any atheist native Americans who didn't believe in a Creator who gave them land, food and water to drink every day?
All cultures seem to have a few atheists in their midst. I'm sure the native Americans were no different.

Who cares about this world full of unbelievers, whether they are Christians or atheists. God plans on killing ALL flesh during this age that caused His people to believe in false gods instead of Him.

I thought you said that the belief in false Gods was what the invisible creator decided was necessary to get humans to build technology. Why is he mad at us for a system he set into place to motivate his people?

Your invisible creator's kind of a dick, no?
Who cares about this world full of unbelievers, whether they are Christians or atheists. God plans on killing ALL flesh during this age that caused His people to believe in false gods instead of Him.
In that case, his omnipotent ability exceeds his omniscience.

God created EVERYTHING before any visible world appeared as an illusion from His invisible creation.

You can take those religious words such as omnipotent and omniscience and toss them out of the english language. They're worthless words that have no meaning. God created these words to confuse your Christian minds and keep you busy thinking delusional thoughts while trying to find the invisible Truth that you will never find.

Here's another good example of your whacked out faith. So your invisible creator actually intentionally keeps people busy with delusions to hide the truth, which we sinners and non-prophets will never find.

And yet in this age he will burn all of humanity to punish us for our false Gods without offering any but his prophets anything but subterfuge?

Again I say, your invisible creator is a dick.
All cultures seem to have a few atheists in their midst. I'm sure the native Americans were no different.

Who cares about this world full of unbelievers, whether they are Christians or atheists. God plans on killing ALL flesh during this age that caused His people to believe in false gods instead of Him.

I thought you said that the belief in false Gods was what the invisible creator decided was necessary to get humans to build technology. Why is he mad at us for a system he set into place to motivate his people?

Your invisible creator's kind of a dick, no?

He didn't have His people build things to motivate them. He had them build things to help explain our invisible existence within His mind.

Whatever you see in this world is only an illusion that will be changed soon so we can began to live a much different life in Paradise. Never again will man be deceived from knowing His invisible created existence. We will all know that there's one Creator and that all our illusions we experience were created by Him.

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