To Atheists and Christians

In that case, his omnipotent ability exceeds his omniscience.

God created EVERYTHING before any visible world appeared as an illusion from His invisible creation.

You can take those religious words such as omnipotent and omniscience and toss them out of the english language. They're worthless words that have no meaning. God created these words to confuse your Christian minds and keep you busy thinking delusional thoughts while trying to find the invisible Truth that you will never find.

Here's another good example of your whacked out faith. So your invisible creator actually intentionally keeps people busy with delusions to hide the truth, which we sinners and non-prophets will never find.

And yet in this age he will burn all of humanity to punish us for our false Gods without offering any but his prophets anything but subterfuge?

Again I say, your invisible creator is a dick.

Your new bodies in Paradise won't be complaining about life like your body is today.
"Why do atheists and Christians need proof for their beliefs."

I can't speak for members of either group, but there is one thing that really ticks me off and that is to hear one group bash the other. MYOB!! And live and let live!!!

There is another thing that really distresses me and that is to hear one group of Christians bash another group of Christians. One faith bashing another faith. I won't listen to them. I told the schoolteacher the other day, who was defending her Christian faith and telling me all the reasons the other Christian faith was wrong, that I had just said something very positive about, and I just asked her if we could discontinue the conversation. I told her I don't like to say anything nice about a Christian faith, to a Christian of another faith, as they all seem to have to bash the others in favor of their own.

I don't get this.
"Why do atheists and Christians need proof for their beliefs."

I can't speak for members of either group, but there is one thing that really ticks me off and that is to hear one group bash the other. MYOB!! And live and let live!!!

There is another thing that really distresses me and that is to hear one group of Christians bash another group of Christians. One faith bashing another faith. I won't listen to them. I told the schoolteacher the other day, who was defending her Christian faith and telling me all the reasons the other Christian faith was wrong, that I had just said something very positive about, and I just asked her if we could discontinue the conversation. I told her I don't like to say anything nice about a Christian faith, to a Christian of another faith, as they all seem to have to bash the others in favor of their own.

I don't get this.

Lol, I'm not a man of faith but I agree wholeheartedly with that bit of sentiment. If you do have faith, and you understand that it's faith and what that implies, it seems silly to judge people for having found a different faith. When you can prove your religion's truth, then you can go right on ahead and rant about how everyone else is incorrect and I won't speak a word in protest.

That's why I like the Hindus. I disagree with a good deal of their dogma and philosophy, but I can't help but respect that they actually treat their religion as a thing of joy and acceptance. They even celebrate other major religions as being a part of the same polytheistic existence in which they believe. Not saying all Christians are dicks by any means, I've got some close friends of Christian faith who are amazing people. . . but holy shit, when it comes to love thy neighbor and judge not, I know a lot of Christians who could learn a great deal from those Hindu cats out east.
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God created EVERYTHING before any visible world appeared as an illusion from His invisible creation.

You can take those religious words such as omnipotent and omniscience and toss them out of the english language. They're worthless words that have no meaning. God created these words to confuse your Christian minds and keep you busy thinking delusional thoughts while trying to find the invisible Truth that you will never find.

Here's another good example of your whacked out faith. So your invisible creator actually intentionally keeps people busy with delusions to hide the truth, which we sinners and non-prophets will never find.

And yet in this age he will burn all of humanity to punish us for our false Gods without offering any but his prophets anything but subterfuge?

Again I say, your invisible creator is a dick.

Your new bodies in Paradise won't be complaining about life like your body is today.

Okay, I guess if your invisible dude's got a plan for everything to be awesome on the other end of the inferno, I can refrain from automatically assuming that you've decided to worship an insecure sociopath with no understanding of equity or responsibility.
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"Why do atheists and Christians need proof for their beliefs."

I can't speak for members of either group, but there is one thing that really ticks me off and that is to hear one group bash the other. MYOB!! And live and let live!!!

There is another thing that really distresses me and that is to hear one group of Christians bash another group of Christians. One faith bashing another faith. I won't listen to them. I told the schoolteacher the other day, who was defending her Christian faith and telling me all the reasons the other Christian faith was wrong, that I had just said something very positive about, and I just asked her if we could discontinue the conversation. I told her I don't like to say anything nice about a Christian faith, to a Christian of another faith, as they all seem to have to bash the others in favor of their own.

I don't get this.

i totally agree. your own faith has nothing to do with anyone elses faith. just as you understand your beleifs are personal, you have to realize, so are the others. and this extends beyond religion. it's any personal preference
Why do atheists and Christians need proof for their beliefs.

Christians need words in a book, a man named Jesus, mother Mary, Joseph Smith, the JW's Watchtower, virgin births, bodily resurrections, communion, water baptisms, buildings, altars, choirs, pews, pastors, priests, governing entities ( Vatican and man's laws ), gold, silver, wood, homes, schools, and many other false idols to help them with their belief.

Atheists need Christian false gods to determine their belief that there is no Creator because atheists can see that these false gods are false and nothing else.

If man was never used by our Creator to build things with his hands, what would man worship today? Remember, there wouldn't be any Christianity today if it wasn't for all the buildings, Bibles, golden altars, statues of deity, choirs, and religious ideas handed down from the early religious men of Babylon, Persia-Medes, Greek and Roman Empires.

Man would be like the native Americans were before Christianity took control of their lands and stole all their gold, silver and other materials to build their false gods with.

Do you think there were any atheist native Americans who didn't believe in a Creator who gave them land, food and water to drink every day?

so you mean we would be making sacrifices to our gods and fearing things like an eclipse?
"Why do atheists and Christians need proof for their beliefs."

I can't speak for members of either group, but there is one thing that really ticks me off and that is to hear one group bash the other. MYOB!! And live and let live!!!

There is another thing that really distresses me and that is to hear one group of Christians bash another group of Christians. One faith bashing another faith. I won't listen to them. I told the schoolteacher the other day, who was defending her Christian faith and telling me all the reasons the other Christian faith was wrong, that I had just said something very positive about, and I just asked her if we could discontinue the conversation. I told her I don't like to say anything nice about a Christian faith, to a Christian of another faith, as they all seem to have to bash the others in favor of their own.

I don't get this.

I'm not a Christian or an Atheist. I'm God's last true saint who testifies from the invisible knowledge that I was created as within God's mind.

Don't worry!!! God planned on killing all the flesh of His people to end this delusion we've believed in since the first people appeared in this world.
Here's another good example of your whacked out faith. So your invisible creator actually intentionally keeps people busy with delusions to hide the truth, which we sinners and non-prophets will never find.

And yet in this age he will burn all of humanity to punish us for our false Gods without offering any but his prophets anything but subterfuge?

Again I say, your invisible creator is a dick.

Your new bodies in Paradise won't be complaining about life like your body is today.

Okay, I guess if your invisible dude's got a plan for everything to be awesome on the other end of the inferno, I can refrain from automatically assuming that you've decided to worship an insecure sociopath with no understanding of equity or responsibility.

My body is being used by our Creator to testify to my created existence as the "Word of God". I am very responsible in what I do for our Creator.
Why do atheists and Christians need proof for their beliefs.

Christians need words in a book, a man named Jesus, mother Mary, Joseph Smith, the JW's Watchtower, virgin births, bodily resurrections, communion, water baptisms, buildings, altars, choirs, pews, pastors, priests, governing entities ( Vatican and man's laws ), gold, silver, wood, homes, schools, and many other false idols to help them with their belief.

Atheists need Christian false gods to determine their belief that there is no Creator because atheists can see that these false gods are false and nothing else.

If man was never used by our Creator to build things with his hands, what would man worship today? Remember, there wouldn't be any Christianity today if it wasn't for all the buildings, Bibles, golden altars, statues of deity, choirs, and religious ideas handed down from the early religious men of Babylon, Persia-Medes, Greek and Roman Empires.

Man would be like the native Americans were before Christianity took control of their lands and stole all their gold, silver and other materials to build their false gods with.

Do you think there were any atheist native Americans who didn't believe in a Creator who gave them land, food and water to drink every day?

You assume too much. I do not need any proof of my beliefs, they are ethereal and a state of being rather than anything of a temporal nature.
"Why do atheists and Christians need proof for their beliefs."

I can't speak for members of either group, but there is one thing that really ticks me off and that is to hear one group bash the other. MYOB!! And live and let live!!!

There is another thing that really distresses me and that is to hear one group of Christians bash another group of Christians. One faith bashing another faith. I won't listen to them. I told the schoolteacher the other day, who was defending her Christian faith and telling me all the reasons the other Christian faith was wrong, that I had just said something very positive about, and I just asked her if we could discontinue the conversation. I told her I don't like to say anything nice about a Christian faith, to a Christian of another faith, as they all seem to have to bash the others in favor of their own.

I don't get this.

I'm not a Christian or an Atheist. I'm God's last true saint who testifies from the invisible knowledge that I was created as within God's mind.

Don't worry!!! God planned on killing all the flesh of His people to end this delusion we've believed in since the first people appeared in this world.

Not that I'm one to criticize the almighty, but what's the point of subjecting humanity to this lie that we call life just to kill us all so that we can learn the truth? Wouldn't it be easier (and far more humane and just) to skip the middleman and just let us in on the truth from the beginning and save humanity all the pain and torment that this lie inflicts on us?
"Why do atheists and Christians need proof for their beliefs."

I can't speak for members of either group, but there is one thing that really ticks me off and that is to hear one group bash the other. MYOB!! And live and let live!!!

There is another thing that really distresses me and that is to hear one group of Christians bash another group of Christians. One faith bashing another faith. I won't listen to them. I told the schoolteacher the other day, who was defending her Christian faith and telling me all the reasons the other Christian faith was wrong, that I had just said something very positive about, and I just asked her if we could discontinue the conversation. I told her I don't like to say anything nice about a Christian faith, to a Christian of another faith, as they all seem to have to bash the others in favor of their own.

I don't get this.

I'm not a Christian or an Atheist. I'm God's last true saint who testifies from the invisible knowledge that I was created as within God's mind.

Don't worry!!! God planned on killing all the flesh of His people to end this delusion we've believed in since the first people appeared in this world.

Not that I'm one to criticize the almighty, but what's the point of subjecting humanity to this lie that we call life just to kill us all so that we can learn the truth? Wouldn't it be easier (and far more humane and just) to skip the middleman and just let us in on the truth from the beginning and save humanity all the pain and torment that this lie inflicts on us?

We live in the mind of God as His thoughts spoken into existence as wavelengths of energy. In order for us to experience our flesh and the world we live in, this energy has to be processed through each invisible created being's ( humans and animals ) processor ( brain ) to give us the illusions we see, hear, taste, smell, touch and emotionally feel. We call these illusions and experiences with them as "life".

God created His invisible servant first called "The Word of God" and through this Word, He spoke everything else from His planned thoughts into existence as invisible wavelegths of energy. So God and His thoughts are the only thing that's real. The world we see is only processed energy called visions and dreams ( illusions ) that seem to be real to us created "beings" but to our Creator, there only illusions.

In order to connect with this invisible servant of God ( The Word, or Christ ) He had to have a contrast of thoughts called Truth and Lies. By making a false world out of lies where all flesh was born into (Old Covenant ), He was able to connect with His invisible servant ( Christ ) within His mind where His invisible creation exists. He does this connection with thoughts directly from our created existence called The Word of God, or Christ. His first thoughts of Truth gives us saints and prophets "faith", which means we know who our invisible God is without having to see Him. From that point on, God begins His work in His mind to change the information that makes up our flesh to stop the lies of this world that caused us to focus on it rather than our true created existence in the mind of God. In other words, God takes us saints through the "born of God" experience to open up His mind for us to learn who we are in Him. He actually puts the words from our vocabularies in His mind for us to write or speak testimonies. Our faith remains forever, even after the deception called "death of the flesh".
Okay then.

It's impossible to argue with the Truth my friend. Don't worry, God has everything planned and created. All we have to do is experience what he created for us and that is life.

... what he created "for us" and that is life.

How about just created, without the "for us".

a fallacy of your book is in its beginning - "everything" created is in the image of God, certainly so if all in the end is simply energy ....
Okay then.

It's impossible to argue with the Truth my friend. Don't worry, God has everything planned and created. All we have to do is experience what he created for us and that is life.

... what he created "for us" and that is life.

How about just created, without the "for us".

a fallacy of your book is in its beginning - "everything" created is in the image of God, certainly so if all in the end is simply energy ....

If this is what you need to satisfy your flesh, then so be it.
It's impossible to argue with the Truth my friend. Don't worry, God has everything planned and created. All we have to do is experience what he created for us and that is life.

... what he created "for us" and that is life.

How about just created, without the "for us".

a fallacy of your book is in its beginning - "everything" created is in the image of God, certainly so if all in the end is simply energy ....

If this is what you need to satisfy your flesh, then so be it.

If this is what you need to satisfy your flesh, then so be it.

which is it ?

the contradiction as energy belongs to you and surly refutes the fallacy, mankind singularly is the image of God - the Eagle as energy is not the same as human ... their flesh is not the same ?

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Not to B said:
Also, when the early European settlers took the resources from the native americans, it wasn't to build false Gods. I'd have to say that building the most industrialized nation on the planet was considerably more impressive and less dogmatic than throwing together a bunch of churches. Not saying that they went about it in a particularly desireable manner, but shit. . . Find me the patch of dry land on this entire flying rock that isn't inhabited by people who took that patch of land by force from the people who'd settled it before them. That's some shit I'd like to see.

Yet it is undeniable the idea of manifest destiny has distinct religious currents deeply imbedded.

The word said:
Remember, there wouldn't be any Christianity today if it wasn't for all the buildings, Bibles, golden altars, statues of deity, choirs, and religious ideas handed down from the early religious men of Babylon, Persia-Medes, Greek and Roman Empires.

Really? Why do you say that? I'm not following your line of thought - just the idea that people, with regularity throughout history, build themselves temples; keep religious books, etc is an indicator of a deep human need.

No doubt, but given the savagery and profitability of manifest destiny and how it was implemented, I'm guessing the religious overtones were more about making sure everybody was behind it than they were about the people writing the laws actually believing their own bullshit.

But of course, this is only speculation.
I'm not a Christian or an Atheist. I'm God's last true saint who testifies from the invisible knowledge that I was created as within God's mind.

Don't worry!!! God planned on killing all the flesh of His people to end this delusion we've believed in since the first people appeared in this world.

Not that I'm one to criticize the almighty, but what's the point of subjecting humanity to this lie that we call life just to kill us all so that we can learn the truth? Wouldn't it be easier (and far more humane and just) to skip the middleman and just let us in on the truth from the beginning and save humanity all the pain and torment that this lie inflicts on us?

We live in the mind of God as His thoughts spoken into existence as wavelengths of energy. In order for us to experience our flesh and the world we live in, this energy has to be processed through each invisible created being's ( humans and animals ) processor ( brain ) to give us the illusions we see, hear, taste, smell, touch and emotionally feel. We call these illusions and experiences with them as "life".

God created His invisible servant first called "The Word of God" and through this Word, He spoke everything else from His planned thoughts into existence as invisible wavelegths of energy. So God and His thoughts are the only thing that's real. The world we see is only processed energy called visions and dreams ( illusions ) that seem to be real to us created "beings" but to our Creator, there only illusions.

In order to connect with this invisible servant of God ( The Word, or Christ ) He had to have a contrast of thoughts called Truth and Lies. By making a false world out of lies where all flesh was born into (Old Covenant ), He was able to connect with His invisible servant ( Christ ) within His mind where His invisible creation exists. He does this connection with thoughts directly from our created existence called The Word of God, or Christ. His first thoughts of Truth gives us saints and prophets "faith", which means we know who our invisible God is without having to see Him. From that point on, God begins His work in His mind to change the information that makes up our flesh to stop the lies of this world that caused us to focus on it rather than our true created existence in the mind of God. In other words, God takes us saints through the "born of God" experience to open up His mind for us to learn who we are in Him. He actually puts the words from our vocabularies in His mind for us to write or speak testimonies. Our faith remains forever, even after the deception called "death of the flesh".

If none of us are real then I have to wonder to whom are you writing?

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