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To fix America we must first destroy it

That is the goal of the democratic party and it has been apparant for some time nowl

I think it demonstrates how arrogant they are.....always willing to put their agenda ahead of what is good for America.

They are just the tools of the world economic forum and nothing.

There is a lot more but from those 3 links you can see a lot of the things they want are happening right now. As soon as Biden took over we saw a major shift in the country almost immediately and the past year they have started to accelerate.

On multiple occasions Biden has talked about how America needs to be a part of the new world.

Democrats aren't destroying anything, they are following orders and destroying things because it's part of the plan. But they aren't destroying themselves, they will still have their money, power, jets, cars, big houses and control.
They are just the tools of the world economic forum and nothing.

There is a lot more but from those 3 links you can see a lot of the things they want are happening right now. As soon as Biden took over we saw a major shift in the country almost immediately and the past year they have started to accelerate.

On multiple occasions Biden has talked about how America needs to be a part of the new world.

Democrats aren't destroying anything, they are following orders and destroying things because it's part of the plan. But they aren't destroying themselves, they will still have their money, power, jets, cars, big houses and control.


The Democrats aren't trying to tear down our institutions... Like FBI, CIA, DOJ, EPA.....
Our Constitutional institutions are the three branches of our Government, the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary.

These: "FBI, CIA, DOJ, EPA...." have been infiltrated and taken over by the Woke Leftist whom have become the "enemies within" our nation and have turned these agencies into the modern USA version of the Stasi/Gestapo to further the transformation away from the intent of the Founding Fathers.

These Agencies (the Deep State) along with the Leftist insurrectionists; - See the Summer 2020 "Occupation/Autonomous 'Zones'" located in several of USA cities, with their secessionist and insurrectionist efforts in forms of riots, looting, arson, attacks upon government buildings, especially Federal and local police, murders, assaults on citizens, violation of firearms regulations and many other crimes, none of which have been prosecuted for. Note also these lasted for months, not a few hours of one day in one Federal building in one city and involved tens of thousands of real internal enemies of our Nation and Institutions, Constitution, etc.

These insurrectionists of AntiFa, BLM, and other cover groups had the tacit support and enabling of many Democrat Mayors and Governors, so YES The Democrats have, are and continue to tear down our Constitutional Institutions, from within and without in order to further their Leftist~Socialist~Communist & anti American agenda.
The "Right Wing Agenda" is about setting the conditions that allow Free Enterprise and Incentive for those whom want to Create/Make Wealth to do so. Which is why so many of those self-employed and owners of 'small business' are members and supporters.

The "Left Wing Agenda" is about encouraging and sustaining the non-producers, parasites, and deadwood of society by taking from the producers and giving ~Redistributing Wealth to those who can't or most often won't do for themselves.

Wealth Creation is based on a concept where the more you invest and do, with often resulting in more wealth made, then you should keep in proportion what you made.

Wealth Redistribution is that those whom can't or won't do enough for themselves, have a "right" to steal/take from those whom do make, and thereby get what isn't the 'fair share" they had a part in making~creating.

The Right Wing is about incentive and proportional reward in Life's activities.

The Left Wing is about coercion and theft from 'those who do' and giving such to 'those who don't'.

The Left is all about sustaining the lazy, incompetent, useless, do-nothing dregs of society. Your avatar fits.

The "Right Wing Agenda" is about setting the conditions that allow Free Enterprise and Incentive for those whom want to Create/Make Wealth to do so.

At the expense of the working class, the people who actually produce and create everything in this world. The right-wing agenda is to place all resources, our commonwealth as a nation, in the hands of a few privileged rich people, at the great expense of everyone else.

Which is why so many of those self-employed and owners of 'small business' are members and supporters.

There are plenty of self-employed leftists like myself, including small business owners who are democrats. Even if that weren't the case, it doesn't make the Republican neoliberal agenda correct or good for our country.

The "Left Wing Agenda" is about encouraging and sustaining the non-producers, parasites, and deadwood of society.....

60% of wealth in this country is born into it and 39% are born in upper-middle-class families, in households with incomes in the upper 20% (it's much easier to become rich, when you're born in a household with a yearly income in the upper five figures or over 100K). Working-class people work the hardest, often two fulltime jobs, for wealthy, self-entitled, non-producing, parasitical deadwood/the rich. Capitalists aren't needed, they're unnecessary middlemen.

by taking from the producers and giving ~Redistributing Wealth to those who can't or most often won't do for themselves.

It's the rich that depend most on the government, not the working class. In this country, we have socialism for the rich and "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" capitalism for the rest of us. The biggest parasites are the rich, not the workers, who wake up every morning and spend most of their waking hours laboring with their lives, in absolute dictatorships, i.e. private business enterprises. Exploited, overworked, commodified, objectified, undervalued, mistreated, disrespected, and outsourced or replaced with advanced technology. The big money capitalist fief lords are now talking about the government handing everyone a UBI i.e. Universal Basic Income/Universal Income, because they see the writing on the wall for capitalism.

They want a monthly government handout and bailout from Uncle Sam because they know that if advanced technology replaces an even modest % of waged labor, they're done. That's the end of capitalism. So they pretend the problem belongs to the workers, not the capitalists. That's their propaganda, pretending workers are in trouble. No, they're the ones who are up the creek without a paddle, not the working-class. The whole edifice of capitalism rests on waged labor, replacing just 25% of it with automated systems, robots, artificial intelligence, autonomous machines, self-driving vehicles, supercomputers, and atomic precision manufacturing/nanotech, makes socialism inevitable. Advanced 21st-century technology forces society to socialize and democratize production. The only alternative is to descend into a modern form of feudalism and slavery. Techno-feudalism, where the former capitalists remain the exclusive owners of the means of production (all of the technology) and the rest of us are consigned to serfdom or a heap of composed.

Wealth Creation is based on a concept where the more you invest and do, with often resulting in more wealth made, then you should keep in proportion what you made.

It's easy to make more money when you have it. For the capitalists, their wealth is often created on the backs of the working class. Human labor produces everything while they're playing golf at the country club or snorkeling at Club Med Columbus in the Bahamas.

Wealth Redistribution is that those whom can't or won't do enough for themselves, have a "right" to steal/take from those whom do make, and thereby get what isn't the 'fair share" they had a part in making~creating.

Sounds like most of the rich.

The Right Wing is about incentive and proportional reward in Life's activities.

If that were the case, the commonwealth and resources of the people would not be privatized and placed in the hands of the rich. Sold to the wealthy at the expense of the public good.

The Left Wing is about coercion and theft from 'those who do' and giving such to 'those who don't'.

That's what the right is all about. Handing everything to the rich at the expense of the rest of us who actually labor.

The Left is all about sustaining the lazy, incompetent, useless, do-nothing dregs of society. Your avatar fits.

The neoliberal right is actually the ones who sustain the privileged, self-entitled, often incompetent, useless, do-nothings a.k.a. the rich, at the great expense of everyone else who wakes up in the morning and goes to work, 8,10,12, and even 16 hours daily, When I was an employee a few years ago (I'm self-employed now), at least half of my co-workers were working two fulltime jobs. It's the working class that works and risks the most, not the rich.

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This “fiefdom” you speak of….is that the one that built the greatest nation on earth in a short 150 years?
How do you define "great"?

The USSR became a rival of the US by the 1930s, in about 20 years. It was then invaded by four million Nazi Germans and lost nine million of its soldiers and seventeen million of its civilian population. Less than 15 years after that catastrophic world war, the USSR was again a world industrial juggernaut and a nuclear superpower, launching satellites and cosmonauts into space. It became the second largest economy in the world, with arguably the most powerful military. The USSR didn't collapse until its fifth column or the right-wing socialists, in their desire to end the cold war, pandered to the US and adopted "market reforms" or so-called "Perestroika".

The USSR's gradual political descent began in the late 1950s, when the anti-Stalinists began their campaign to take power in the Soviet government, and by the 1980s, they achieved their objectives with plenty of assistance from the United States. The Soviet Union committed economic suicide when it adopted Perestroika. Shortly after it accepted markets, the price of petroleum plunged. That was engineered by the US and OPEC to hurt the USSR.

The USSR collapsed in 1991 and the new capitalist-run Russia fell into chaos. It was pillaged and raped by both Russian and foreign capitalists, with all of its heavy industries and vital national infrastructure, being sold to the rich for pennies on the dollar. It took Putin, implementing socialist principles back into the Russian economy to save it from utter ruin. Nationalizing the major centers of economic power, saved Russia and since then the Russian economy has grown tenfold. Look at the GDP stats for Russia between 2000 and 2022. Laissez-faire capitalism, or so-called "free market" neoliberal policies, destroy a nation's productive capacity and its working class. It decimates it.

There are a lot of myths propagated in right-wing circles here in America about the USSR and its supposed endemic "shortages" and "breadlines". It's BS, the USSR eliminated food shortages by the mid-1930s. It was war and capitalism that caused breadlines, not socialism. Before the Bolshevic revolution, when Russia was under the rule of the Tzars/kings, Russia had a deadly, mass famine practically every two or three years. Famines were common when Russia was an agrarian, feudal society under its kings and nobles. The Kulak system suffered from famines frequently. The same situation was present in China, Vietnam, Korea, and in every monarchal, capitalist-run country in the world, even in Western Europe. America was an exception due to its geographical location and expansion to the West, not to speak of its millions of African slaves. Unfortunately in the last 40 years, the capitalists with their supply-side, trickle-down Reaganomics, have gutted our manufacturing base and working class.





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The "Right Wing Agenda" is about setting the conditions that allow Free Enterprise and Incentive for those whom want to Create/Make Wealth to do so.

At the expense of the working class, the people who actually produce and create everything in this world. The right-wing agenda is to place all resources, our commonwealth as a nation, in the hands of a few privileged rich people, at the great expense of everyone else.

Which is why so many of those self-employed and owners of 'small business' are members and supporters.

There are plenty of self-employed leftists like myself, including small business owners who are democrats. Even if that weren't the case, it doesn't make the Republican neoliberal agenda correct or good for our country.

The "Left Wing Agenda" is about encouraging and sustaining the non-producers, parasites, and deadwood of society.....

60% of wealth in this country is born into it and 39% are born in upper-middle-class families, in households with incomes in the upper 20% (it's much easier to become rich, when you're born in a household with a yearly income in the upper five figures or over 100K). Working-class people work the hardest, often two fulltime jobs, for wealthy, self-entitled, non-producing, parasitical deadwood/the rich. Capitalists aren't needed, they're unnecessary middlemen.

by taking from the producers and giving ~Redistributing Wealth to those who can't or most often won't do for themselves.

It's the rich that depend most on the government, not the working class. In this country, we have socialism for the rich and "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" capitalism for the rest of us. The biggest parasites are the rich, not the workers, who wake up every morning and spend most of their waking hours laboring with their lives, in absolute dictatorships, i.e. private business enterprises. Exploited, overworked, commodified, objectified, undervalued, mistreated, disrespected, and outsourced or replaced with advanced technology. The big money capitalist fief lords are now talking about the government handing everyone a UBI i.e. Universal Basic Income/Universal Income, because they see the writing on the wall for capitalism.

They want a monthly government handout and bailout from Uncle Sam because they know that if advanced technology replaces an even modest % of waged labor, they're done. That's the end of capitalism. So they pretend the problem belongs to the workers, not the capitalists. That's their propaganda, pretending workers are in trouble. No, they're the ones who are up the creek without a paddle, not the working-class. The whole edifice of capitalism rests on waged labor, replacing just 25% of it with automated systems, robots, artificial intelligence, autonomous machines, self-driving vehicles, supercomputers, and atomic precision manufacturing/nanotech, makes socialism inevitable. Advanced 21st-century technology forces society to socialize and democratize production. The only alternative is to descend into a modern form of feudalism and slavery. Techno-feudalism, where the former capitalists remain the exclusive owners of the means of production (all of the technology) and the rest of us are consigned to serfdom or a heap of composed.

Wealth Creation is based on a concept where the more you invest and do, with often resulting in more wealth made, then you should keep in proportion what you made.

It's easy to make more money when you have it. For the capitalists, their wealth is often created on the backs of the working class. Human labor produces everything while they're playing golf at the country club or snorkeling at Club Med Columbus in the Bahamas.

Wealth Redistribution is that those whom can't or won't do enough for themselves, have a "right" to steal/take from those whom do make, and thereby get what isn't the 'fair share" they had a part in making~creating.

Sounds like most of the rich.

The Right Wing is about incentive and proportional reward in Life's activities.

If that were the case, the commonwealth and resources of the people would not be privatized and placed in the hands of the rich. Sold to the wealthy at the expense of the public good.

The Left Wing is about coercion and theft from 'those who do' and giving such to 'those who don't'.

That's what the right is all about. Handing everything to the rich at the expense of the rest of us who actually labor.

The Left is all about sustaining the lazy, incompetent, useless, do-nothing dregs of society. Your avatar fits.

The neoliberal right is actually the ones who sustain the privileged, self-entitled, often incompetent, useless, do-nothings a.k.a. the rich, at the great expense of everyone else who wakes up in the morning and goes to work, 8,10,12, and even 16 hours daily, When I was an employee a few years ago (I'm self-employed now), at least half of my co-workers were working two fulltime jobs. It's the working class that works and risks the most, not the rich.

I suggest you emigrate to a country that already has the socialism you desire, like Cuba say, and see how well that works for you.

The world already has numerous 'socialist' economies/governments and it's clear how well they work (not). The assumption is that humans are more altruistic than most will be. Even within your existing "socialism" systems, there are an elite whom "exploit the workers" and have their dachas, etc.

Capitalism offers one the chance to make wealth and redistribute it as they desire. I'd suggest you try doing better and more profitably so you can give, share your wealth as you desire and where/how you desire.

What you advocate is just another form of greed, on a smaller and personal scale admittedly, but still you assume your existence gives you a right to others' property.
I suggest you emigrate to a country that already has the socialism you desire, like Cuba say, and see how well that works for you.

The world already has numerous 'socialist' economies/governments and it's clear how well they work (not). The assumption is that humans are more altruistic than most will be. Even within your existing "socialism" systems, there are an elite whom "exploit the workers" and have their dachas, etc.

Capitalism offers one the chance to make wealth and redistribute it as they desire. I'd suggest you try doing better and more profitably so you can give, share your wealth as you desire and where/how you desire.

What you advocate is just another form of greed, on a smaller and personal scale admittedly, but still you assume your existence gives you a right to others' property.
I suggest you emigrate to a country that already has the socialism you desire....

Well, I suggest you move to Haiti, it's a capitalist-run hellhole like most countries in the third world, exploited by Western imperialism. I and other Americans want socialism or at least a mixed economy here in America. Some of us are political activists.

....like Cuba say, and see how well that works for you.

America my homeland, works perfectly for me, I don't need to move anywhere, so how about you move? As far as Cuba, lift the economic sanctions.

The world already has numerous 'socialist' economies/governments and it's clear how well they work (not).

They work quite well unless they're sanctioned and threatened with war by the most powerful empire in human history and its allies. In the mid-1990s, The US under the Clinton Whitehouse lifted the sanctions over Vietnam and it began to flourish economically. According to Marx a socialist economy can have a private sector, in the consumer goods market. There are many nations that don't identify openly as socialist or Marxist and yet apply socialist principles to their economies, and they're doing quite well. I want that here in America and I'm working to achieve that through informing others and serving my community. Isn't that wonderful?

The assumption is that humans are more altruistic than most will be. Even within your existing "socialism" systems, there are an elite whom "exploit the workers" and have their dachas, etc.

Both in theory and in practice socialism is less elitist than plutocracy, which is the system of governance we currently have here in the US. Communist party officials (members of the vanguard organization) might have some perks and power, but it doesn't compare to the benefits and control that the members of the US congress have over the American people. The inequality found here in the US is much greater than in socialist countries and it's just not from the government but from private employers as well. The workplace in America is rarely run democratically, unlike in Socialist countries where there are more both state and worker owned and led cooperatives and production teams. A socialist state under the authority of worker-councils is much better than the American plutocratic regime we're under now.

Capitalism offers one the chance to make wealth and redistribute it as they desire.

Socialism does the same without destroying the nation's infrastructure by mass privatization and exploiting the working-class as capitalism does. It lifts everyone up, especially in the 21st century, with all of the technology we have available today.

I'd suggest you try doing better and more profitably so you can give, share your wealth as you desire and where/how you desire. What you advocate is just another form of greed, on a smaller and personal scale admittedly, but still you assume your existence gives you a right to others' property.

That's exactly what the self-entitled rich believe. That everyone's labor and commonwealth belongs to them. They want to become millionaires at the expense of others, namely the working-class.
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Things were great under Trump for everyone the poor included. Now unfortunately it's gone to shit under Dem rule. Thanks Dems you assholes.
Trump didn't do anything. The Carrier factory he visited during his campaign in 2016, where he promised everyone that the factory wouldn't close and move to Mexico, closed and moved to Mexico. He didn't do a thing to stop it or punish Carrier for engaging in what amounts to economic cannibalism.
I suggest you emigrate to a country that already has the socialism you desire....

Well, I suggest you move to Haiti, it's a capitalist-run hellhole like most countries in the third world, exploited by Western imperialism. I and other Americans want socialism or at least a mixed economy here in America. Some of us are political activists.

....like Cuba say, and see how well that works for you.

America my homeland, works perfectly for me, I don't need to move anywhere, so how about you move? As far as Cuba, lift the economic sanctions.

The world already has numerous 'socialist' economies/governments and it's clear how well they work (not).

They work quite well unless they're sanctioned and threatened with war by the most powerful empire in human history and its allies. In the mid-1990s, The US under the Clinton Whitehouse lifted the sanctions over Vietnam and it began to flourish economically. According to Marx a socialist economy can have a private sector, in the consumer goods market. There are many nations that don't identify openly as socialist or Marxist and yet apply socialist principles to their economies, and they're doing quite well. I want that here in America and I'm working to achieve that through informing others and serving my community. Isn't that wonderful?

The assumption is that humans are more altruistic than most will be. Even within your existing "socialism" systems, there are an elite whom "exploit the workers" and have their dachas, etc.

Both in theory and in practice socialism is less elitist than plutocracy, which is the system of governance we currently have here in the US. Communist party officials (members of the vanguard organization) might have some perks and power, but it doesn't compare to the benefits and control that the members of the US congress have over the American people. The inequality found here in the US is much greater than in socialist countries and it's just not from the government but from private employers as well. The workplace in America is rarely run democratically, unlike in Socialist countries where there are more both state and worker owned and led cooperatives and production teams. A socialist state under the authority of worker-councils is much better than the American plutocratic regime we're under now.

Capitalism offers one the chance to make wealth and redistribute it as they desire.

Socialism does the same without destroying the nation's infrastructure by mass privatization and exploiting the working-class as capitalism does. It lifts everyone up, especially in the 21st century, with all of the technology we have available today.

I'd suggest you try doing better and more profitably so you can give, share your wealth as you desire and where/how you desire. What you advocate is just another form of greed, on a smaller and personal scale admittedly, but still you assume your existence gives you a right to others' property.

That's exactly what the self-entitled rich believe. That everyone's labor and commonwealth belongs to them. They want to become millionaires at the expense of others, namely the working-class.
Saddling the future generations with huge debt to provide the greed for current citizens is not a viable solution.
Many of your shining examples are on the verge of economic crash and collapse.

If Socialism/Communism is the foolproof economic solution it claims, it wouldn't depend upon the trade and co-operation of other nations. In theory it is supposed to be a self-contained system.

And I will oppose your efforts since the bottom line is you socialists think you have a right to take my property for your personal greed,
How do you define "great"?

The USSR became a rival of the US by the 1930s, in about 20 years. It was then invaded by four million Nazi Germans and lost nine million of its soldiers and seventeen million of its civilian population. Less than 15 years after that catastrophic world war, the USSR was again a world industrial juggernaut and a nuclear superpower, launching satellites and cosmonauts into space. It became the second largest economy in the world, with arguably the most powerful military. The USSR didn't collapse until its fifth column or the right-wing socialists, in their desire to end the cold war, pandered to the US and adopted "market reforms" or so-called "Perestroika".

The USSR's gradual political descent began in the late 1950s, when the anti-Stalinists began their campaign to take power in the Soviet government, and by the 1980s, they achieved their objectives with plenty of assistance from the United States. The Soviet Union committed economic suicide when it adopted Perestroika. Shortly after it accepted markets, the price of petroleum plunged. That was engineered by the US and OPEC to hurt the USSR.

The USSR collapsed in 1991 and the new capitalist-run Russia fell into chaos. It was pillaged and raped by both Russian and foreign capitalists, with all of its heavy industries and vital national infrastructure, being sold to the rich for pennies on the dollar. It took Putin, implementing socialist principles back into the Russian economy to save it from utter ruin. Nationalizing the major centers of economic power, saved Russia and since then the Russian economy has grown tenfold. Look at the GDP stats for Russia between 2000 and 2022. Laissez-faire capitalism, or so-called "free market" neoliberal policies, destroy a nation's productive capacity and its working class. It decimates it.

There are a lot of myths propagated in right-wing circles here in America about the USSR and its supposed endemic "shortages" and "breadlines". It's BS, the USSR eliminated food shortages by the mid-1930s. It was war and capitalism that caused breadlines, not socialism. Before the Bolshevic revolution, when Russia was under the rule of the Tzars/kings, Russia had a deadly, mass famine practically every two or three years. Famines were common when Russia was an agrarian, feudal society under its kings and nobles. The Kulak system suffered from famines frequently. The same situation was present in China, Vietnam, Korea, and in every monarchal, capitalist-run country in the world, even in Western Europe. America was an exception due to its geographical location and expansion to the West, not to speak of its millions of African slaves. Unfortunately in the last 40 years, the capitalists with their supply-side, trickle-down Reaganomics, have gutted our manufacturing base and working class.

Why do you suppose ALL dark people and free shit beggars migrate to the U.S. to ride the coattails of greedy capitalist whitey?
(watch this folks….this begging piece of dogshit can’t and won’t answer.)
Every last adult should open their own business. That way nobody can hire anybody else. I'd love to see the Uber wealthy cry.
Every last adult should open their own business. That way nobody can hire anybody else. I'd love to see the Uber wealthy cry.
“The uber wealthy”?
Are you referring to all those Democrats…..Zuckerberg, Dorsey. The Google faggots, Bezoz, Bill Gates and all of Hollywood filth?
Nope. I'm referring to both Uber wealthy democrats and Republicans. There I spelled it out for you. Hard to comprehend for you. I understand.
It's a great great sign when a business claims they can't find workers. I hope they continue to struggle big time in that regard.

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