To Improve Dismissal Jobs #’s Biden Will Send People Door-To-Door To Get People Vaccinated

The longer the unvaccinated remain so, the less safe are the vaccinees. The simple reason is that the virus will then direct its concentrated mutational force on the unvaccinated, with the Delta variant being the most likely flag-bearer for that epidemiology. The longer it can evolve in an unprotected host, the more experience its genome will accumulate.
The best analogy for the simple minded is to watch star trek, and think of the coronavirus like the Borg.

It evolves to become more dangerous, so even defenses that used to work, will no longer do so.

In short, resistance is futile.

Then why get the vaccines and still wear a mask?

Fuck that bullshit. I've been to hundreds of yards sales, garage sales, estates sales, auctions, gun shows, and flea markets over the last two years. I have hardly ever worn a mask, except where it was required.

I've been sneezed at, coughed on, had face-to- face-conversations with total strangers, and when I did catch what was diagnosed as Covid-19 last year, it was like a measly little three-day cold.

Whoop-de-fuckin' Doo.
I blew out my birthday cake and they all still ate it.
There are still 300 americans dying every day from COVID.
And? Did those people have the opportunity to get vaccinated? Yes. Did they choose not to? Yes. Is it anyone else's business at that point? No.
This is where you're wrong. There are cases of how the delta variant can breakthrough vaccination. The vaccine still prevents hospitalization or death, but the contagious nature of the variant means you don't need many unvaccinated people to act as tinder to start a virus fire.

Look, Sparky, I know that your talking points sound really good to you, but to anyone capable of actually THINKING about them, they're nonsensical. What you're basically saying is, "If EVERYONE is forced to be vaccinated, then the variants can't hurt us. But if some people aren't vaccinated, then our vaccines are useless!"

Please try to break through the giddiness of "Now we get to control everyone's lives the way we always should have!" and realize that 1) life is never safe, 2) no one gets out of it alive, 3) it's none of your damned business what medical decisions other people make, and 4) trying to make it your business will not change 1 and 2.
Nope. That ain’t it

For the most part if we’re vaccinated we are protected.

BUT where we could be vulnerable is if a variant is allowed to promulgate it could evolve into something that the current vaccination can’t cope with
Hey… the bulk of those now getting the virus and those dying are unvaccinated.

I have zero sympathy for you if you refuse the vaccine and get sick
And we will have zero to little sympathy for those who have willingly allowed themselves and sought to be lab rats of their own free will for the big pharma industrial complex.
The longer the unvaccinated remain so, the less safe are the vaccinees. The simple reason is that the virus will then direct its concentrated mutational force on the unvaccinated, with the Delta variant being the most likely flag-bearer for that epidemiology. The longer it can evolve in an unprotected host, the more experience its genome will accumulate.
The best analogy for the simple minded is to watch star trek, and think of the coronavirus like the Borg.

It evolves to become more dangerous, so even defenses that used to work, will no longer do so.

In short, resistance is futile.

Then why get the vaccines and still wear a mask?

Fuck that bullshit. I've been to hundreds of yards sales, garage sales, estates sales, auctions, gun shows, and flea markets over the last two years. I have hardly ever worn a mask, except where it was required.

I've been sneezed at, coughed on, had face-to- face-conversations with total strangers, and when I did catch what was diagnosed as Covid-19 last year, it was like a measly little three-day cold.

Whoop-de-fuckin' Doo.
I blew out my birthday cake and they all still ate it.
And no one cares that you had TB?
The CDC told the CIA that their puppet, POSPOTUS JoeXi has to start moving his lips about vaccinations. It has nothing to do with fear or cowardice. The longer the unvaccinated remain so, the less safe are the vaccinees. The simple reason is that the virus will then direct its concentrated mutational force on the unvaccinated, with the Delta variant being the most likely flag-bearer for that epidemiology. The longer it can evolve in an unprotected host, the more experience its genome will accumulate.
So this is what happened with SARS, MERS, swine flu, Asian flu, and the dozen other diseases out of CCP China in the past couple of decades ???
Where's that sarcasm emoji?
The wow face.
seems like a smart way to spend tax payers funds...go door to door to get people to take a vaccine you bashed for months in 2020
The OP never established that to be fact
:rolleyes: :mad:

* A major portion of this nation's raspberries and blueberries are grown locally here. Harvest season on raspberries started about a week ago and will run into August sometime. Blueberries will over lap soon. Thanks to COVID and related compensation debt run up by the guv'mints, having some challenges getting enough workers to do the harvest. Just another factor affecting rising food costs to consumers.

Government Pays Farmers to Destroy Crops and Create Food ...


Democrats insisted the Trump vaccination was dangerous, reap what you’ve sown. Like Obummer, Biden’s jobs are minimum wage.

What exactly are you complaining about now?!

What we need is more government! $3 Trillion deficit per month is too small!
In most sinkings where lifeboats or liferafts aren't available, people will cling to or crawl on any floating jetsam.
They will also cling or crawl on other people who know how to swim. Which leads to people who were able to tread water drowning.

Why Do People Often Drown Together?

All too often, upon seeing a drowning person in distress, people try to help and end up drowning themselves
In most sinkings where lifeboats or liferafts aren't available, people will cling to or crawl on any floating jetsam.
They will also cling or crawl on other people who know how to swim. Which leads to people who were able to tread water drowning.

Why Do People Often Drown Together?

All too often, upon seeing a drowning person in distress, people try to help and end up drowning themselves
Yes, as you bow to every demand Dear Leader commands we watch you drown.
Nope. That ain’t it

For the most part if we’re vaccinated we are protected.

BUT where we could be vulnerable is if a variant is allowed to promulgate it could evolve into something that the current vaccination can’t cope with
That has already happened. The pfizer vaccine is 96% effective against the original coronavirus. But only 64% effective against the delta variant.

It still works, but not nearly as well. And more variants may make the vaccines less and less effective.

The 70% herd immunity point is the product of the numbers vaccinated with the effectiveness of the vaccine.

A 100% effective vaccine only needs 70% of the people vaccinated.

But a 70% effective vaccine would need 100% of the people vaccinated.

A 50% effective vaccine would never reach herd immunity.

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