To kill Kaddafi is the fastest way to proliferate nuclear weapons!


Jun 19, 2011
  • Since 2004 Kaddafi has actually defected to the West, compensated all Lockerbie victims’ families and genuinely given up all his WMD; he also confessed his nuclear providers i.e. North Korea & China; that’s why China didn’t veto UN sanction.
  • When Kaddafi was young, he, like most youth in North Africa Middle East and China, hated the West. It was due to childhood brainwash; there’s no way for people to grow up in that environment and not to hate the West. Only when they become older and more mentally mature do they change their attitude from anti-west to pro-west. Kaddafi has just changed his mind and begun to take on Muslin extremists before foolish NATO suddenly turns on him.
  • From Bosnia to Libya, the West has been actually helping enemy kill friends. After Cold War, when people in other places began to appreciate western civilization, western people themselves began to despise it and give way to cheap “Muslin Cry Baby” sentiment.
  • Great Western Civilization had turned once worst enemy (e.g. Russian, Kaddafi, etc.) into our best friend, but foolish NATO + Bill Clinton + Obama turn them back to enemy again! Even North Korea leader Kim Jon ll tried to make his country ally with America during Clinton administration; that attempt was later thwarted by George W. Bush with an “axis of evil” speech.
  • Kaddafi has lost everything and soon will lose his life, not because of his bad behavior in his early life, but because he later trusted America too much!
  • Only Iran and China know that to be West’s enemy is much safer than to be its friend. China the most insidious never speak out directly against the West, only secretly brainwash their children to hate the West & U.S.; so nowadays Americans are happy buying Chinese products despite those 60000 Americans died in Vietnam and Korea were actually killed by Chinese. (By the way, because those American soldiers died in Korea had U.N. mandate, later U.S. granted China permanent membership of UN Security Council as a reward for its killing of so many U.N. & U.S. soldiers! How ridiculous!)
  • If bombing Libya is because it killed its own people, then how about China? Chinese governments have been killing their own people for thousands of years and the current one has killed tens of millions!
  • No one cares U.N. resolutions or countries’ sovereignties, those are left’s excuse; but people do care justice! If U.S. killed Kaddafi in 1980’s or 1990’s, people around the world would support it; but you kill him in 2011, it makes no sense! It only makes your real enemies laugh!
  • Western people and leaders lack of basic knowledge on human psychology, they have very high IQ and very low EQ; that’s why having contributed so much on human civilization which benefits every human being on earth yet they still get hated everywhere! When China’s Mao killed millions of ordinary people, survived ones thanked him for not killing them and became more loyal to him; when NATO’s going to kill Kaddafi, everyone is scared and angry because Kaddafi’s image has long been an international sensation! Of course there are people hate him, but by killing him you can’t get Kaddafi-haters love you; since Kaddafi-haters fear someday NATO might as well turn on them, because no one can really follow western ideal moral standards in eastern countries. Let alone Kaddafi-lovers will be guaranteed to hate you. While China’s Mao killed millions of previous government’s followers, he preserved the top leaders’ lives to show to public his “mercy” and glorified top defectors for propaganda purpose.
  • After September 11, Taliban leader Mullah Omar had good chance to save his government by handing over Osama Bin Laden to U.S.; many westerners couldn’t understand why he refused to do so. Only eastern people understand him, in eastern society people normally don’t help each other unless among friends; only their friend can help them when they’re in trouble; and because of this, betraying a friend is utterly despicable and immoral, regardless how bad a person the friend is. (And eastern people feel the same way when regarding freezing Libyan money in British and American banks.)
  • Comparing Mullah Omar with our friend-selling President Jimmy Carter and enemy-appeasing President Obama, you know why so many Taliban followers would like to die for Omar but no one in the world like to die for America. Also comparing defector-lover Mao with defector-declining western leaders, you know the world future belongs to China.
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  • The problem is not about whether we should involve; it’s about in what way we should involve. We have to completely understand the people with whom we’re going to engage before every military intervention. But it’s not so easy.
  • Because western people grow up and always live in an amicable and simple society, they can’t understand the hostility and complexity of other societies. In fact no one can survive in some other society if one really follows westerner’s ideal moral standard. People in most part of the world have to fight for their life and struggle with each other every day.
  • Different life experiences add up to different moral standards, for example, Western countries have frozen 50 billion dollars’ worth of Libya & Gadhafi’s assets, and many westerners feel it well justified. But from eastern people's viewpoint, people putting money in your bank is because they trust you. You have no right take advantage of their trust in you against them!
  • Also, NATO and western leaders seem to believe the reason why a country doesn’t have a democracy is because its current top leader prevents it. If we can kill the top dictators one by one, their countries will move to democracy one by one!
  • But I have a bad news for these naive leaders, believe or not, in eastern society, the group of people that favor autocracy most are gross root, lower class peasants; the group of people that favor democracy most are the intellectuals and upper class families who often send their children to western countries, among which is Gadhifi’s family.
  • In fact, throughout history, every revolution in these countries ends out up with a more brutal regime. Moreover, Iran, Lebanon and Gaza have proved that Islamic gross root rebellions are the enemy of democracy! Gadhifi is not!
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Isn't it odd that people who support oppression always claim the people want it?
Beware of what emerges. History often repeats. The free world may be opening the doors to the real danger.
Isn't it odd that people who support oppression always claim the people want it?
  • But “Dictator oppresses; people up rise” formula doesn’t apply to today's Libya!
  • Libyan crisis is not so much an oppression versus rebellion but mostly an internal power struggle between African and Arab tribes.
  • Regarding the issue of oppression, the truth of the matter is, under Gadhafi's rule Libya is a secular moderate state with a loosely controlled government and a weak army; that’s why those poorly armed rebels could take control many Libyan cities in a few days at the beginning of the uprising.
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Isn't it odd that people who support oppression always claim the people want it?
  • But “Dictator oppresses; people up rise” formula doesn’t apply to today's Libya!
  • Libyan crisis is not so much an oppression versus rebellion but mostly an internal power struggle between African and Arab tribes.
  • Regarding the issue of oppression, the truth of the matter is, under Gadhafi's rule Libya is a secular moderate state with a loosely controlled government and a weak army; that’s why those poorly armed rebels could take control many Libyan cities in a few days at the beginning of the uprising.
Look, it's really not my concern if you want to continue living under a dictator. But the nuclear weapons claim in the OP is utterly ridiculous.

Just thought you should know.
Isn't it odd that people who support oppression always claim the people want it?
  • But “Dictator oppresses; people up rise” formula doesn’t apply to today's Libya!
  • Libyan crisis is not so much an oppression versus rebellion but mostly an internal power struggle between African and Arab tribes.
  • Regarding the issue of oppression, the truth of the matter is, under Gadhafi's rule Libya is a secular moderate state with a loosely controlled government and a weak army; that’s why those poorly armed rebels could take control many Libyan cities in a few days at the beginning of the uprising.
Look, it's really not my concern if you want to continue living under a dictator. But the nuclear weapons claim in the OP is utterly ridiculous.

Just thought you should know.
  • Ok, let’s forget the nuclear issue for a while.
  • But why is it that you conservatives always like to think everything in the way that one side is evil and the other virginal?
  • The fact of the matter is, it's the rebel who first took guns against Gadhafi's people; the rebels have also killed “their own people” according to Western standard, since Gaddafi and his supporters are also Libyan people!
  • When facing an armed uprising, as a nation’s top leader it’s his duty to use every means at his disposal to enforce the law!
  • And when he loses most part of the country, Gadhafi himself also becomes a rebel! And former rebels will be guaranteed to kill him and his supporters if possible!
  • Civil war is indeed a tragedy. Neither side has any choice other than killing the other side. But NATO has not right to join the killing by helping one side kill the other!
  • If the West continues to enjoy the daily bombardment only because Gadhafi is both too week and too kind to cause any casualty to them; then this is the last war that the West can win. Since, in future, every defense ministry of the world regimes would make obtaining the ability to cause NATO casualty a top priority in their daily work!
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