To Liberal Russian Posters on This Board: Here is Putin’s Fate. Such be to Tyrants.

Two of the biggest Putin sycophants here are Baron and Stratford. Neither of whom are liberals.
And Easy 65, and Basque Bromance, and Original Tree, and Mind Wars....and I suppose, Tiny Dancer.... etc etc etc.....

All Putin supporters and sympathizers ARE RIGHT WING.
Nothing is going to happen to Putin as long as he is being protected by Donald Trump.
Are you fucking suffering from a mental disorder?
Actually, that was my question to you!

Putin's bromance with Trump is legendary..,now all of a sudden..we're to believe that Putin is a lib? The man who would be Czar..a lib? As disinformation..this is lame.

As comedy..thank you for the laugh!~BTW..did you intend to echo Booth's words after he shot Lincoln? That made it even funnier!
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Vlad will suffer same fate. So liberals can forget about Trump being impeached and worry about the man who is closer to them ideologically.

Here is the fate you ARE suffering:


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