To reduce income inequality, stop Obama's War on Coal


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
[ame=]Tell President Obama to Protect America's Energy Future - YouTube[/ame]

Liberals say the GOP doesn't have a plan to reduce income inequality. Yes we do. It's called get rid of the Obama War on Coal. The War on Coal eliminates good-paying miner jobs(often $70,000/year right out of high school) that form the backbone of a good middle class. It also raises electricity rates on working families. If liberals are serious about tackling income inequality, they've got to stop declaring war on American energy.
Coal needs to clean up it's act or die, simple as that. Two major coal related disasters in a month and at best all they have done is lawyer up.
Coal needs to clean up it's act or die, simple as that. Two major coal related disasters in a month and at best all they have done is lawyer up.

Look, coal has gotten cleaner and despite the accidents, it's still pretty safe overall. And the fact that you're typing this right now for a reasonable price is likely because of coal. Fossil fuels power our world and our standard of living.
Man, it's gonna be fun when you grow up and realize your parents have been feeding you a line of bullshit. I ask again Hoosier, when you go to college are you gonna stay on your parents insurance or are you gonna pay for it yourself like a true conservative?
America would have no need to produce electricity through the use of coal under one very simple condition:

Those campaigning against it just shut down their computers and pop the main breaker on their (or their parents) homes.

The saving from the computer shut-downs alone would almost do it - the rest is just to provide a little buffer in case some turn recidivist.
Hoosier are your parents gonna pay for your college or are you gonna get government loans?
Tell President Obama to Protect America's Energy Future - YouTube

Liberals say the GOP doesn't have a plan to reduce income inequality. Yes we do. It's called get rid of the Obama War on Coal. The War on Coal eliminates good-paying miner jobs(often $70,000/year right out of high school) that form the backbone of a good middle class. It also raises electricity rates on working families. If liberals are serious about tackling income inequality, they've got to stop declaring war on American energy.

Better idea -- coal miners learn how to repair windmills and solar panels.

They're live longer -- no black lung disease.
Coal needs to clean up it's act or die, simple as that. Two major coal related disasters in a month and at best all they have done is lawyer up.

You have no replacement.

It is completely asinine to ‘kill’ the ONLY viable source of consistent power that currently exists.
Hoosier are your parents gonna pay for your college or are you gonna get government loans?

I'm most likely going to take a full ride scholarship to a school like University of Central Florida as I am a National Merit Finalist. If I get the Wells Scholarship to Indiana University(as my sister did) or the Beering Scholarship to Purdue, I'd go there for sure. Unless I go to an Ivy League/private school(which is unlikely, University of Chicago/Stanford are the only ones I'm considering, and those are predicated on me getting in), then I wouldn't be taking out loans and my parents likely wouldn't have out-of-pocket costs(even if I go to IU/Purdue without a full-ride, the guaranteed merit scholarships would get me down to about $10,000/year). If I go to UChicago/Stanford, then I would have to take out loans and my parents would pay some. But most likely, that's not the case; and if my parents don't want to pay for Stanford/UChicago if I get in, that's fine. I know given my statistics(4.0 GPA with Honors/AP classes, good number of extracurriculars, 35 ACT[took it yesterday, but I think that's what I got based on practice tests), I'd have plenty of scholarship opportunities, especially with the Natinoal Merit automatic scholarhships.
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Coals problem is that natural gas is cheaper.

The thread name should be changed to: To reduce income inequality, stop THE MARKETS (rich peoples) War on Coal
Coals problem is that natural gas is cheaper.

The thread name should be changed to: To reduce income inequality, stop THE MARKETS (rich peoples) War on Coal

Then why are markets in Europe buying West Virginia/Kentucky coal? Europe's moving in a pro-coal direction.
Tell President Obama to Protect America's Energy Future - YouTube

Liberals say the GOP doesn't have a plan to reduce income inequality. Yes we do. It's called get rid of the Obama War on Coal. The War on Coal eliminates good-paying miner jobs(often $70,000/year right out of high school) that form the backbone of a good middle class. It also raises electricity rates on working families. If liberals are serious about tackling income inequality, they've got to stop declaring war on American energy.

Another so called "patriot" falling for class warfare.
Don't give in to the liberal propaganda! There is no such thing as "income inequality", as people get exactly as much as they work for. I would recommend no longer class-baiting.
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Then why are markets in Europe buying West Virginia/Kentucky coal? Europe's moving in a pro-coal direction.

They're buying American coal because European Miners priced themselves out of jobs. And then their greenies made sure their own mines can't be reopened. As to the expanding use of coal - it's because they're shutting down nuclear power and their windmills have proven not just inefficient but also unpopular with the limo liberals who despise having their "viewsheds" despoiled.
Coal needs to clean up it's act or die, simple as that. Two major coal related disasters in a month and at best all they have done is lawyer up.

Look, coal has gotten cleaner and despite the accidents, it's still pretty safe overall. And the fact that you're typing this right now for a reasonable price is likely because of coal. Fossil fuels power our world and our standard of living.

If it wasn't for coal, he probably wouldn't be typing at all.
Coals problem is that natural gas is cheaper.

The thread name should be changed to: To reduce income inequality, stop THE MARKETS (rich peoples) War on Coal

Then why are markets in Europe buying West Virginia/Kentucky coal? Europe's moving in a pro-coal direction.

Europe also had an anti-nuclear craze, which might have contributed to using more coal, but that is besides the point.
Coals problem is that natural gas is cheaper.

The thread name should be changed to: To reduce income inequality, stop THE MARKETS (rich peoples) War on Coal

Then why are markets in Europe buying West Virginia/Kentucky coal? Europe's moving in a pro-coal direction.

Yes Europe is increasing the usage of coal. But not because it's clean, it's because the price of gas in more expensive than coal which America is selling cheap.
Look for respiratory disease to rise sharply in Europe. People aren't happy but money talks.
Coals problem is that natural gas is cheaper.

The thread name should be changed to: To reduce income inequality, stop THE MARKETS (rich peoples) War on Coal

Then why are markets in Europe buying West Virginia/Kentucky coal? Europe's moving in a pro-coal direction.

Yes Europe is increasing the usage of coal. But not because it's clean, it's because the price of gas in more expensive than coal which America is selling cheap.
Look for respiratory disease to rise sharply in Europe. People aren't happy but money talks.

Do you know what also makes people sick? Unemployment. Study after study shows that people who are laid off have significantly worse health outcomes than those who aren't.

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