To remain credible, should our politicians remind us of the ‘black history’ that should not be celebrated?

Since we’ve moved into times where politicians have decided to steer the social construct…in the spirit of total unbiased transparency shouldn’t they point out the parts of Black History that are undeserving of celebration and acknowledgment?
(Think Robert E. Lee statues)

No research needed on this one, just watch local news in cities that have plantations and one will hear of the black on black violence. Here in Chicago, it's outright disgusting. Little 6 year old's and younger dying because of black gang violence. Mothers and preachers on the streets crying for help and not one demofk has ever helped them. zip. demofks still hate blacks. And then the blacks still vote them in again. I don't get it, sad shit. Jesse Jackson son has entered a campaign for a ward in Chicago, his first sentence was, black people have run this ward since 1920's, and we haven't seen improvement. hahahahahahahahahaha right out of the mouth of black man, stating since 1920, they haven't gotten better. hahahahaahahahahaha demofks.

BTW, that is the message every time a black person runs for office and then they get in and zip for blacks. Hilarious and sad at the same time.
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Because Democrats said people of color were not being treated fairly and to garner votes.
Because racism and discrimination was a myth, that stuff never happened. Too bad you can't burn the History Books.

BLM was created to steal money and are being investigated for it right now.

Right, had nothing to do with black folks being murdered by police. Smfh.
Because racism and discrimination was a myth, that stuff never happened. Too bad you can't burn the History Books.

Right, had nothing to do with black folks being murdered by police. Smfh.
What black folks, what police? It was once incident caught on camera. Black folks killing black folks doesn't bother you? Really? You racism is off the charts.
Lol, this coming from a Trump Humper who will spread his cheeks for Trump.
I don't do shit for anyone. I am a Jew, a bigger minority than you. Yet my people have thrived. Why? We don't want special treatment. We just want to be like everyone else. Meritocracy matters. 50 years black Americans have voted 90%+ for the Democratic Party and here we are. Are you happy? Doesn't sound like it. In the 60s single motherhood rate was 20% in the black community. Today it is 75%.

Keep blaming the police and the GOP....

Byron Donalds seems to disagree with you.
I don't do shit for anyone. I am a Jew, a bigger minority than you.
You came to that conclusion how?
[ quote]Yet my people have thrived. Why? We don't want special treatment. We just want to be like everyone else. Meritocracy matters. 50 years black Americans have voted 90%+ for the Democratic Party and here we are. Are you happy? Doesn't sound like it. In the 60s single motherhood rate was 20% in the black community. Today it is 75%.

Keep blaming the police and the GOP....

Byron Donalds seems to disagree with you.
Unbelievable at best.
Are you really that ignorant or just playing stupid.
Are you really that brainwashed or just being stupid. 10 million police interactions per year. We see one bad one and the country goes ape shit. Burning, Murdering, Looting....yeah that is one way to unify. The Jacob Blake shooting was 100% justified. You look at a handful of cases and you deem America to be racist. Pretty sad and pathetic, which you are.

Find one fucking racist post from me on this board. Just one. I can find dozens of yours. Asshole.

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