To Say Obama "Inherited" Bush's Mess is Disingenuous

8 YEARS OF DUBYA - 673,000+ PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS LOST and losing 700,000 a month (4.2+ million lost in 2009)

You'd think 8 years of 'job creator' policies would've worked right?

I guess the hole Dubya/GOP dug was wide AND deep huh?

Since the OBAMA RECOVERY nearly 10 million PRIVATE sector jobs have been created (March 2010)

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Such rousing successes!

Report: More Than 92 Million Americans Remain Out Of Labor Force « CBS DC

Total number of U.S. citizens receiving disability reaches record high with nearly 11 MILLION drawing benefits | Mail Online

Welfare Hits Record Levels After 50 Years of War on Poverty

Better than what your leader did. Fact.

Not to mention all the bad things you are talking about are Bush's fault. Or the GOP minority that obstructed Obama from undoing the mess Bush created. Fact.
Little hint for ya, Skippy:

When they say "record numbers", that means Bush's weren't worse.

It's okay; I know it's utterly impossible for you to criticize your little tin god.

You're hooked through the bag, dood.

Warbler and DeadAsCanBe sure have their right and left wing propaganda talking points down to a tee.
Come on. Obama CAMPAIGNED for the job/"inheritance."
Twice !!!
And the "buck stops with him" (so he says).


What Obama “Inherited”
AAA Credit Rating
7.8% unemployment
$1.81 Gas/Gallon
$10-Trillion Debt
2 Wars
26 weeks unemployment
Annual budget

What We Have Now
A Credit Rating
8.6% unemployment
$3.89 Gas/Gallon
$18+ Trillion Debt
3 Wars (4 or 5, depending on who you ask)
99 weeks unemployment
No annual budget

Wow, if only it was that simple. Of course, to a simpleton, it is.

Bush turned over a failing economy to Obama and by the end of Bush's last budget, the very day in fact, unemployment was over 10%. I've posted that until right wingers cried I wasn't coming up with anything new.

Only Republicans figured out a way to pay for TWO wars with tax cuts. It's called "deficit creation", three trillion wasted on Iraq. Three trillion lost in tax revenue. And know one knows how many trillions into the future paying for tens of thousands of young people in their prime physically maimed in Iraq and there has been no estimate on the number who have been mentally damaged because of what their country did to them and continues to do to them starting with the lie of how we got there. Then there is the lost revenue from the more than 40,000 factories that were closed and the millions of jobs that were moved to China from 2001 to 2008.

And it was John Beohner leading the Republicans who said he got 98% of everything he wanted the day before the downgrade.

Republicans used reconciliation three fucking times during the 6 years they controlled both houses, the presidency and the Supreme Court. What did they use it on?????? How many times have I asked that question and how many times have Right Wing Republicans refused to answer the question? Go ahead. Answer it and you will find out where a lot of that deficit came from. Learn fuckers Learn!

What the fuck is wrong with you idiots????????????? This is recent history. Facts with links have been posted thousands of times. And you're still repeating the same bullshit lies????

Who the fuck are you talking to???? If this was a generation ago, I could understand it. But just since 2001???? Spend an hour on the Internet looking at old newspaper stories and you can see EXACTLY what happened. And still these fuckers lie??? Why? Only the most insulated and ignorant believe any of this right wingnut tripe.


1. From the minute Obama stepped into office they were asking us to get over bush. Have they gotten over Carter yet?

2. The GOP trashed the economy on purpose. That is the truth. It's called Disaster Capitalism. Destroy the economy and then insist that you need to implement your radical policies claiming they will help. Great example is give tax breaks to the job creators. Only one problem. They also gave the job creators who were moving their operations overseas tax breaks. If that wasn't to hurt the middle class and unions, I don't know what other possible reason they would have for that decision.

3. Do you know why they lie? Because eventually the stupid masses will forget and if you repeat a lie enough times, eventually it becomes the truth.

Considering the fact that of 254 counties where food stamps doubled from 2007 to 2011, 213 of them voted for Romney. Seems he represented the 47% after all. And they are so damn dumb, they thought a "pioneer of outsourcing" would bring them jobs. I suspect many of them lost their jobs because of Romney's company "BANE" (spelling intentional). And you know he wanted to cut their food stamps. Prosperity through lower wages, no benefits and less food. Only Republicans can be so gullible they could believe such nonsense. It's like they are asking to be blindsided. Yea, blindsided while looking directly at the fist that's coming.

Takes only 10 seconds to blow up a house. It will take months to rebuild the same house. Did that really have to be explained?

Remember, Republicans blew up Iraq in only a few days. But wasted trillions trying to rebuild it over a decade.
Obama's not trying to rebuild it...he's trying to vaporize the rubble.

Only a progressive retard would say that 92 million people out of work and record numbers on public assistance are achievements to be lauded.

But then, if Obama kicked you in the tiny balls, you'd thank him for deigning to notice you.

At least you admit Obama was left with "rubble". It's a start.
Obama threatening to withhold social security checks got us the downgrade

A Standard & Poor’s director said for the first time Thursday that one reason the United States lost its triple-A credit rating was that several lawmakers expressed skepticism about the serious consequences of a credit default — a position put forth by some Republicans.

Without specifically mentioning Republicans, S&P senior director Joydeep Mukherji said the stability and effectiveness of American political institutions were undermined by the fact that “people in the political arena were even talking about a potential default,” Mukherji said.

“That a country even has such voices, albeit a minority, is something notable,” he added. “This kind of rhetoric is not common amongst AAA sovereigns.”

These statements have caused tea party Republicans to bleat, but, notably, it apparently hasn't caused any of them to reflect on their positions. What the S&P director is saying here makes perfect sense. If the government of a nation publicly questions whether its debts should be paid, then it stands to reason that investors should be more cautious about presuming those debts should be paid.

Republicans directly to blame for S&P credit downgrade

You mean like Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks and starving our seniors?
2 things.

1. The GOP have obstructed the President his entire time in office. They have held the majority party hostage. They broke filabuster records.

2. Obama is doing a pretty god damn good job considering. Bush was bleeding 700,000 jobs a month when he left office. Obama is adding jobs. Not enough for you? Go fuck yourself and vote for another republican stupid.
Yes, these are outstanding achievements for Obama:

Report: More Than 92 Million Americans Remain Out Of Labor Force « CBS DC

Total number of U.S. citizens receiving disability reaches record high with nearly 11 MILLION drawing benefits | Mail Online

Welfare Hits Record Levels After 50 Years of War on Poverty

Answer my question: Who did Obama inherit the mess he got in his second term from?

Takes only 10 seconds to blow up a house. It will take months to rebuild the same house. Did that really have to be explained?

Remember, Republicans blew up Iraq in only a few days. But wasted trillions trying to rebuild it over a decade.

I think they purposely created a quagmire in Iraq to bankrupt us so they could use the excuse "we don't have any money" to make cuts to all the social programs they made cuts too. Not to mention how much Haloburton made off us.

And they flat out lied. They said Iraq oil would pay for the war. So it is really funny they harp on Obama for "you'll be able to keep your insurance" but never once called out Chaney for his trillion dollar lie.

And just when I thought the Iraq was was the only way they were going to fuck us, they purposely brought down the banking industry and said they needed to bail out the banks because they were too big to fail. This was the biggest bank robbery in world history.

And they forgot all this stuff even happened? Hell, they never even admitted once the GOP/Bush had any responsibility in the collapse. It was Pelosi, Freddy and Fanny, Clinton, Carter, Reed and Obama. It was EVERYONE's fault except for the war criminals Bush and Chaney.

Poor and Middle class republicans are what is wrong with this country.
Come on. Obama CAMPAIGNED for the job/"inheritance."
Twice !!!
And the "buck stops with him" (so he says).


What Obama “Inherited”
AAA Credit Rating
7.8% unemployment
$1.81 Gas/Gallon
$10-Trillion Debt
2 Wars
26 weeks unemployment
Annual budget

What We Have Now
A Credit Rating
8.6% unemployment
$3.89 Gas/Gallon
$18+ Trillion Debt
3 Wars (4 or 5, depending on who you ask)
99 weeks unemployment
No annual budget

You forgot. Corporate America isn't hiring but making record profits. We now have a record amount of millionaires. Corporate America is sitting on $100 Trillion in cash.

So who's the problem?
Takes only 10 seconds to blow up a house. It will take months to rebuild the same house. Did that really have to be explained?

Remember, Republicans blew up Iraq in only a few days. But wasted trillions trying to rebuild it over a decade.
Obama's not trying to rebuild it...he's trying to vaporize the rubble.

Only a progressive retard would say that 92 million people out of work and record numbers on public assistance are achievements to be lauded.

But then, if Obama kicked you in the tiny balls, you'd thank him for deigning to notice you.

At least you admit Obama was left with "rubble". It's a start.
You'll NEVER admit Obama is a failure.
Obama's not trying to rebuild it...he's trying to vaporize the rubble.

Only a progressive retard would say that 92 million people out of work and record numbers on public assistance are achievements to be lauded.

But then, if Obama kicked you in the tiny balls, you'd thank him for deigning to notice you.

At least you admit Obama was left with "rubble". It's a start.
You'll NEVER admit Obama is a failure.

Because he is not, pussy.
Wonder what the RWs think Obama inherited if not an economy in collapse.

Two years after he took office, we were in London. Everyone there recognized that Bush trashed our economy, lost us millions of jobs, killed and maimed hundreds of thousands, left us in debt and, what they cared the most about, left the world economy on the brink of total collapse.

Be very thankful it was Obama who was elected. If the Repubs had gotten in, we'd be in depression now.
Come on. Obama CAMPAIGNED for the job/"inheritance."
Twice !!!
And the "buck stops with him" (so he says).


What Obama “Inherited”
AAA Credit Rating
7.8% unemployment
$1.81 Gas/Gallon
$10-Trillion Debt
2 Wars
26 weeks unemployment
Annual budget

What We Have Now
A Credit Rating
8.6% unemployment
$3.89 Gas/Gallon
$18+ Trillion Debt
3 Wars (4 or 5, depending on who you ask)
99 weeks unemployment
No annual budget

You forgot. Corporate America isn't hiring but making record profits. We now have a record amount of millionaires. Corporate America is sitting on $100 Trillion in cash.

So who's the problem?

This very same thing happened after the Great Depression. There is a famous Fireside Chat speech from FDR and it sounds like the exact same thing that's happening today happened back then.

The question shouldn't be "what's fair?" when it comes to taxes. The question should be, what works?

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes
Wonder what the RWs think Obama inherited if not an economy in collapse.

Two years after he took office, we were in London. Everyone there recognized that Bush trashed our economy, lost us millions of jobs, killed and maimed hundreds of thousands, left us in debt and, what they cared the most about, left the world economy on the brink of total collapse.

Be very thankful it was Obama who was elected. If the Repubs had gotten in, we'd be in depression now.

And they'd be pointing to the stock market and corporate profits and they'd be saying, "look, the fundamentals of our economy are strong", just like the fucking idiot McCain said in 2007.

Oh, and we use to tell Republicans that the real unemployment numbers were actually much higher than the actual numbers because of people who've fallin off the books and they didn't care so I find it real funny they use that same fact on us now that they want to pin blame on Bush.

All republicans are either rich and greedy or middle class/poor & stupid.

This wasn't the case in the 80's. The GOP weren't nearly as bad back then as they are now. The GOP have suckered poor stupid white racist Americans into voting against themselves over bullshit wedge issues like god gays and guns.
Come on. Obama CAMPAIGNED for the job/"inheritance."
Twice !!!
And the "buck stops with him" (so he says).


What Obama “Inherited”
AAA Credit Rating
7.8% unemployment
$1.81 Gas/Gallon
$10-Trillion Debt
2 Wars
26 weeks unemployment
Annual budget

What We Have Now
A Credit Rating
8.6% unemployment
$3.89 Gas/Gallon
$18+ Trillion Debt
3 Wars (4 or 5, depending on who you ask)
99 weeks unemployment
No annual budget

You forgot. Corporate America isn't hiring but making record profits. We now have a record amount of millionaires. Corporate America is sitting on $100 Trillion in cash.

So who's the problem?

This very same thing happened after the Great Depression. There is a famous Fireside Chat speech from FDR and it sounds like the exact same thing that's happening today happened back then.

The question shouldn't be "what's fair?" when it comes to taxes. The question should be, what works?

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Yes, well, taxing the shit out of everybody didn't WORK in Detroit did it. Won't you ever learn?
Obama did not "inherit" the Bush disasters, he ASKED for the job of cleaning up.

Takes only 10 seconds to blow up a house. It will take months to rebuild the same house. Did that really have to be explained?

Remember, Republicans blew up Iraq in only a few days. But wasted trillions trying to rebuild it over a decade.
Obama's not trying to rebuild it...he's trying to vaporize the rubble.

Only a progressive retard would say that 92 million people out of work and record numbers on public assistance are achievements to be lauded.

But then, if Obama kicked you in the tiny balls, you'd thank him for deigning to notice you.

"92 million people out of work "

Wow, Bush/GOP dug a BIG hole huh?
Obama's not trying to rebuild it...he's trying to vaporize the rubble.

Only a progressive retard would say that 92 million people out of work and record numbers on public assistance are achievements to be lauded.

But then, if Obama kicked you in the tiny balls, you'd thank him for deigning to notice you.

At least you admit Obama was left with "rubble". It's a start.
You'll NEVER admit Obama is a failure.

Sure, he should've stuck with increasing taxes on $200,000+ a tear individual and $250,000 families to Clinton's rates, that's nearly $80 billion a year more revenues

Then single payer instead of ACA, but at a min should've had PUBLIC OPTION in there

He should've called the GOP on their shutdown nonsense in 2010 and the conservative 'free trade' thing he wants is HORRIBLE..
Obama did not "inherit" the Bush disasters, he ASKED for the job of cleaning up.

Yes, and he is. 8 years of destroying a healthy economy will take work, TO FIX, as the GOP opposes EVERYTHING since day 1. But look at the trends :eusa_angel:
Last edited:
You'll NEVER admit Obama is a failure.

Because he is not, pussy.
Tell that to 92 million people out of work, bootlicker.

You going to stick with that meme huh? 92 million people want work? lol

According to the BLS website, there were 111,634,000 Americans employed in the private sector at the start of George W. Bush's first term, in January 2001. Eight years later, in January 2009, there were 110,961,000 Americans employed in the private sector. So the United States lost 673,000 private-sector jobs on Bush's watch.

Nancy Pelosi says more private sector jobs created in 2010 than in eight years under Bush | PolitiFact

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